"Ain't Gonna Be No Homos in Heaven"

Are these parents raising a child to hate

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Raising a child to hate IS abuse.

While I disagree with the views the child is being raised with, I consider someone like you more dangerous than his parents.

Parents have a right to raise their kids with their "morals and values." Just because you don't agree with them doesn't make it hateful or abusive and accusing people of such puts us on a very slippery slope.
God gave all the talent to the gays because he was preparing them for heaven. Who would you rather spend eternity with? A songwriter like Elton John and a man with a beautiful voice like Johnny Mathis or those that make that crappy Christian music. Listening to that stuff is hell. Obviously, God gave them the ability to torture because he knew they would be right at home in the depths of hell. Boy, are they gonna be surprised when they wake up. They will say, "God, why have you forsaken me?" Then God will say, "You tortured my chosen people. Did you think there would be no price to pay?" Come on, if it's obvious that God "designed" the world, then he gave talent to the gays for a reason. Did that have to be explained?

This brings up a good question;

There won't be any homos in heaven

Do we still get to have sex in the afterlife?

think about that. you are living in eternal bliss. I'm thinking sex isn't needed.

therefore, no sex = no homos or straights.
Raising a child to hate IS abuse.

Sorry, cupcake, but it is not. No parent has a right to abuse their children. in every state child abuse is illegal. But parents do have the right to raise them with beliefs that you find objectionable. Including beliefs that God has limiting criteria for entrance to Heaven.

Yo............Pho King Idiot.................(sorry.....meant to say Fucking Idiot)...........you're right, parents do have the right to raise their children as they see fit.

But if they raise racists like you, they ought to be shot, as you're not really fit to exist in polite society.

Go ahead fuckwit...............try me.................

BTW asshole, Jesus doesn't hate, and neither does God.

Go fuck yourself piss ant.

what kind of petty fuck wants to force parents to raise their kids the way they want?

and just how vile is a person that thinks racist should be executed then goes about supporting abortions.

God said homo sex is a sin.
Feel bad for the kid.

Hopefully she never wants to be an actress, she'll never be able to get her make up or hair done.
Raising a child to hate IS abuse.

While I disagree with the views the child is being raised with, I consider someone like you more dangerous than his parents.

Parents have a right to raise their kids with their "morals and values." Just because you don't agree with them doesn't make it hateful or abusive and accusing people of such puts us on a very slippery slope.

Really? Because I raised my daughter as a loving Christian woman, who is a good mother and wife, who works hard. She's never been arrested, I was never called to school to deal with her.

You were saying.
Raising a child to hate IS abuse.

Sorry, cupcake, but it is not. No parent has a right to abuse their children. in every state child abuse is illegal. But parents do have the right to raise them with beliefs that you find objectionable. Including beliefs that God has limiting criteria for entrance to Heaven.

Yo............Pho King Idiot.................(sorry.....meant to say Fucking Idiot)...........you're right, parents do have the right to raise their children as they see fit.

But if they raise racists like you, they ought to be shot, as you're not really fit to exist in polite society.

Go ahead fuckwit...............try me.................

BTW asshole, Jesus doesn't hate, and neither does God.

Ahhh....the tolerance of the left again exposed.....along with the "you're a racist" whine....beautiful.

Interesting that you believe a parent should be shot for instilling their values- which just happen to not be shared by you-in their kids. Thats some "polite society" you belong to.
raising a child to hate is abuse.

while i disagree with the views the child is being raised with, i consider someone like you more dangerous than his parents.

Parents have a right to raise their kids with their "morals and values." just because you don't agree with them doesn't make it hateful or abusive and accusing people of such puts us on a very slippery slope.

Raising a child to hate IS abuse.

While I disagree with the views the child is being raised with, I consider someone like you more dangerous than his parents.

Parents have a right to raise their kids with their "morals and values." Just because you don't agree with them doesn't make it hateful or abusive and accusing people of such puts us on a very slippery slope.

Really? Because I raised my daughter as a loving Christian woman, who is a good mother and wife, who works hard. She's never been arrested, I was never called to school to deal with her.

You were saying.

He was saying that your belief that instiliing values in one's own children that run counter to values you may wish them to instill is a very dangerous belief. far more dangerous than parents that would like you to butt the hell out of their parenting decisions.

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