Ain't That Just Like California?

Should we ask Kentucky Colonels for leadership advice?

In my opinion, we should have State and federal Standards to establish. For example, every State capitol should connect with the federal capitol via high speed rail. In that same manner, county seats could be connected to State capitols.

Stations could connect the private sector at convenient locations.

That's going to be a hell of a bridge from Alaska and Hawaii... (Or do we not count as states in California?)
it may take a while longer for them; how about an underwater tunnel?

Ah... you're one of those ideological idiots who has no clue what they're talking about.

Here's a Google map,,-121.4603363,3.87z

You have a look see at Honolulu, Hawaii and Juneau, Alaska and consider what you're saying. For the record, it is not even technologically possible to do /either/ of your requested things in Hawaii or Alaska.

Even if it /were/ possible that we could build an underwater tunnel to hold up against the atmospheric pressures of the Pacific Ocean (for 2,430 miles mind you,) and that we could get Canada to sign off on us building a high speed train through their nation, and that we could /afford/ the monumental hundreds of billions of dollar project, and that's not even getting into the costs, economic impacts, and technological hurdles of "connecting all counties to the state capitals", what exactly is the purpose of your idealistic mental adventure of high speed trains? You believe that connecting these things will some how improve jack?

You son are a perfect example of why the Electoral College is far, far more beneficial to this nation than Popular Vote.
Yes, I do.


Norway to create world’s first floating underwater tunnel (VIDEO)

That's nice. Aren't you smug dear, it's adorable...

Let's see; "The first-of-its kind structure will be made up of two 1,200 meter (4,000ft) curved concrete tubes, floating up to 30 meters (100ft) below the surface. The tubes will be supported by pontoons on the surface and kept stable with connecting trusses. For extra stability, the construction might be bolted to the bedrock as well."

So, their just under a mile (0.7575+inf) long tunnel system is estimated to cost $25 billion dollars, though that is for two tracks, so we'll be generous and say it's $12billion dollars per mile.

Hawaii is about 2,200 miles from the CA coast; so it would cost roughly $26.4 trillion. And that's /just/ to do the section from Hawaii to the coast, doesn't include the strips between all the island counties, nor does it address Alaska (which doesn't even have roads to most of the state and in fact /most/ transportation is by bush planes,) not to mention getting Canada to let us build a railway through their nation. Not to mention laying out pontoons across busy shipping lanes of the Pacific (can you say everything comes from China?) and the cost to repair not only damages from accidents, but also likely storms.

I also notice that you failed to answer my question here: What exactly is the purpose of your idealistic mental adventure of high speed trains? You believe that connecting these things will some how improve jack? Or is this just a typical California spend spend spend everyone else's money thing?
Pot is one of the highest water usage crops in the world.
That's bullshit. We already went through this. And your comment about millions of acres is bullshit.
I own a ranch. I know a tad about farming.

And yes, the central valley is like a dust bowl.
oh so now you have a ranch in Connecticut now? hope its not like that phony avocado ranch in califorrnia

just go with the flo
Go to Bible class last night?
Pot is one of the highest water usage crops in the world.
That's bullshit. We already went through this. And your comment about millions of acres is bullshit.
I own a ranch. I know a tad about farming.

And yes, the central valley is like a dust bowl.
Please don't make shit up. I was in Modesto a couple weeks ago and the Central Valley is no dust bowl. I drove up 99 through Bakersfield to Stockton and the crops are doing fine. We're going to be growing a lot of pot which will generate a huge tax revenue

"Since the beginning of the water year on October 1, 2016, cumulative precipitation in California's three key hydrologic regions are now average or above average."

Donald Trump Says There Is No Drought In California, Will "Open Up The Water"
Pot is one of the highest water usage crops in the world.
That's bullshit. We already went through this. And your comment about millions of acres is bullshit.
I own a ranch. I know a tad about farming.

And yes, the central valley is like a dust bowl.
Please don't make shit up. I was in Modesto a couple weeks ago and the Central Valley is no dust bowl. I drove up 99 through Bakersfield to Stockton and the crops are doing fine. We're going to be growing a lot of pot which will generate a huge tax revenue

"Since the beginning of the water year on October 1, 2016, cumulative precipitation in California's three key hydrologic regions are now average or above average."

Donald Trump Says There Is No Drought In California, Will "Open Up The Water"
Should we ask Kentucky Colonels for leadership advice?

In my opinion, we should have State and federal Standards to establish. For example, every State capitol should connect with the federal capitol via high speed rail. In that same manner, county seats could be connected to State capitols.

Stations could connect the private sector at convenient locations.

That's going to be a hell of a bridge from Alaska and Hawaii... (Or do we not count as states in California?)
it may take a while longer for them; how about an underwater tunnel?

Ah... you're one of those ideological idiots who has no clue what they're talking about.

Here's a Google map,,-121.4603363,3.87z

You have a look see at Honolulu, Hawaii and Juneau, Alaska and consider what you're saying. For the record, it is not even technologically possible to do /either/ of your requested things in Hawaii or Alaska.

Even if it /were/ possible that we could build an underwater tunnel to hold up against the atmospheric pressures of the Pacific Ocean (for 2,430 miles mind you,) and that we could get Canada to sign off on us building a high speed train through their nation, and that we could /afford/ the monumental hundreds of billions of dollar project, and that's not even getting into the costs, economic impacts, and technological hurdles of "connecting all counties to the state capitals", what exactly is the purpose of your idealistic mental adventure of high speed trains? You believe that connecting these things will some how improve jack?

You son are a perfect example of why the Electoral College is far, far more beneficial to this nation than Popular Vote.
Yes, I do.


Norway to create world’s first floating underwater tunnel (VIDEO)

That's nice. Aren't you smug dear, it's adorable...

Let's see; "The first-of-its kind structure will be made up of two 1,200 meter (4,000ft) curved concrete tubes, floating up to 30 meters (100ft) below the surface. The tubes will be supported by pontoons on the surface and kept stable with connecting trusses. For extra stability, the construction might be bolted to the bedrock as well."

So, their just under a mile (0.7575+inf) long tunnel system is estimated to cost $25 billion dollars, though that is for two tracks, so we'll be generous and say it's $12billion dollars per mile.

Hawaii is about 2,200 miles from the CA coast; so it would cost roughly $26.4 trillion. And that's /just/ to do the section from Hawaii to the coast, doesn't include the strips between all the island counties, nor does it address Alaska (which doesn't even have roads to most of the state and in fact /most/ transportation is by bush planes,) not to mention getting Canada to let us build a railway through their nation. Not to mention laying out pontoons across busy shipping lanes of the Pacific (can you say everything comes from China?) and the cost to repair not only damages from accidents, but also likely storms.

I also notice that you failed to answer my question here: What exactly is the purpose of your idealistic mental adventure of high speed trains? You believe that connecting these things will some how improve jack? Or is this just a typical California spend spend spend everyone else's money thing?
like i said, it could take a while. but, it beats sinking costs on artificial, command economic, wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror.
Pot is one of the highest water usage crops in the world.
That's bullshit. We already went through this. And your comment about millions of acres is bullshit.
I own a ranch. I know a tad about farming.

And yes, the central valley is like a dust bowl.
Please don't make shit up. I was in Modesto a couple weeks ago and the Central Valley is no dust bowl. I drove up 99 through Bakersfield to Stockton and the crops are doing fine. We're going to be growing a lot of pot which will generate a huge tax revenue

"Since the beginning of the water year on October 1, 2016, cumulative precipitation in California's three key hydrologic regions are now average or above average."

Donald Trump Says There Is No Drought In California, Will "Open Up The Water"
Sir. That article is four years old. There has been rain and snow and in fact, it is raining very hard in California as I write this.
California Makes America's Economy Great

California last year created the most jobs of any state, 483,000, more than the second- and third-most-populous states Florida and Texas combined (they added 257,900 and 175,700) and at a faster rate than any of the world's developed economies. The pace of employment growth was almost triple the rate of job creation for the 19 countries that make up the euro zone and more than 3.5 times that of Japan, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
Good. The more people trying to stop Trump the better.
The idiots in California are only going to make Trump look good. There is not topic where they come out on top except in the eyes of far left moonbats, who everyone ignores anyway.

When their Sanctuary cities lose their federal funding, they will turn to Sacramento to make up the difference, and that will be funny.
what specific federal funding are you referring to?
Trump will save billions.
Sanctuary cities risk billions in federal funding in defiance of Trump
Trump will waste billions hunting down illegals
Good. The more people trying to stop Trump the better.
The idiots in California are only going to make Trump look good. There is not topic where they come out on top except in the eyes of far left moonbats, who everyone ignores anyway.

When their Sanctuary cities lose their federal funding, they will turn to Sacramento to make up the difference, and that will be funny.
what specific federal funding are you referring to?
Trump will save billions.
Sanctuary cities risk billions in federal funding in defiance of Trump
Trump will waste billions hunting down illegals
Better get 4 drums at Costco.

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