Ain't That Just Like California?

Beginning in 2018 the multi billion dollar cash crop, Marijuana, will add to our states GDP, and reduce costs to local government in terms of law enforcement (police, probation, courts). Bad for the Pharmaceutical and Adult Beverage Industries, but ending of the black market will increase tax revenue and continue California as an economic behemoth.
Maybe not. Pot is water intensive.
It's not anymore than many other crops.

"Statewide, what is the water footprint for cannabis versus other crops? Cal NORML estimates that in-state annual consumption for California is about 2 million pounds, or one billion grams. That figure could be multiplied by a factor of four to account for marijuana that is diverted out of state. At the high-end estimate of one gallon per gram, that means the cannabis crop in California, licit and illicit, uses around 12,000 acre-feet of water yearly if grown indoors; one third of that if grown outdoors. That compares favorably to grapes, which use 2.2 million acre-feet, rice at 2.8 million-acre feet, and almonds, which soak up 3.7 million acre-feet of water yearly. Overall 35-45 million acre-feet of water is used for agriculture in California, some 80% of the state's developed water supply. (Sources: and

This chart compares total water consumption by crop in California to cannabis’s consumption (in millions of acre-feet):

The biggest users alfalfa, which requires over 5 million acre-feet of water yearly, 70% of which goes to feed dairy cows. According to an estimate by professor Robert Glennon from Arizona College of Law, California is exporting 100 billion gallons of water a year to China in the form of alfalfa hay."

On Water and Weed: Is Marijuana Responsible for California's Drought? | California NORML
Dufus thinks Cannabis has been legally grown as a crop.
OMG, you are one stupid son of a bitch. First off, it is currently and has been grown legally for medical purposes. Second, I didn't say one way or another whether it is grown legally you stupid son of a bitch
One pot plant requires 6 gallons of water PER DAY, dufus.
Yeah. Well a vine of grapes requires 8 gallons. What's your point?
Good. The more people trying to stop Trump the better.
The idiots in California are only going to make Trump look good. There is not topic where they come out on top except in the eyes of far left moonbats, who everyone ignores anyway.

You really think this, don't you?

You realize Trump LOST the popular vote, right?

Do you truly believe that matters?

Ask any president with zero mandate. Like GW Bush before he soaked up 9/11 for approval.

Seeing as Trump has already assumed the role of acting President prior to the oath, your comments are ludicrous.
Beginning in 2018 the multi billion dollar cash crop, Marijuana, will add to our states GDP, and reduce costs to local government in terms of law enforcement (police, probation, courts). Bad for the Pharmaceutical and Adult Beverage Industries, but ending of the black market will increase tax revenue and continue California as an economic behemoth.
Maybe not. Pot is water intensive.
It's not anymore than many other crops.

"Statewide, what is the water footprint for cannabis versus other crops? Cal NORML estimates that in-state annual consumption for California is about 2 million pounds, or one billion grams. That figure could be multiplied by a factor of four to account for marijuana that is diverted out of state. At the high-end estimate of one gallon per gram, that means the cannabis crop in California, licit and illicit, uses around 12,000 acre-feet of water yearly if grown indoors; one third of that if grown outdoors. That compares favorably to grapes, which use 2.2 million acre-feet, rice at 2.8 million-acre feet, and almonds, which soak up 3.7 million acre-feet of water yearly. Overall 35-45 million acre-feet of water is used for agriculture in California, some 80% of the state's developed water supply. (Sources: and

This chart compares total water consumption by crop in California to cannabis’s consumption (in millions of acre-feet):

The biggest users alfalfa, which requires over 5 million acre-feet of water yearly, 70% of which goes to feed dairy cows. According to an estimate by professor Robert Glennon from Arizona College of Law, California is exporting 100 billion gallons of water a year to China in the form of alfalfa hay."

On Water and Weed: Is Marijuana Responsible for California's Drought? | California NORML
Dufus thinks Cannabis has been legally grown as a crop.
OMG, you are one stupid son of a bitch. First off, it is currently and has been grown legally for medical purposes. Second, I didn't say one way or another whether it is grown legally you stupid son of a bitch
One pot plant requires 6 gallons of water PER DAY, dufus.


LMAO, what a stupid comment.
Trump has to love it. He can battle the idiots in Sacramento while pointing out to the nation what idiots Democrats are. No Republican needs California, they have a zero bargaining position.
Don't fuck with California

California has "the sixth largest economy on planet Earth." This comparison rests on California's $2.4 trillion GDP, which moved slightly above that of France and Brazil in 2015 to sixth in the world.

Calexit could make California the worlds sixthlargest economy Will it happen - MarketWatch

"Calexit" would not be permitted, period.
California has the largest buildup of military equipment in the country and we have a very defensible border that we also share with our allies, the Mexicans and the Mexican army.
Should we start getting more cozy with Oregon?
Good. The more people trying to stop Trump the better.
The idiots in California are only going to make Trump look good. There is not topic where they come out on top except in the eyes of far left moonbats, who everyone ignores anyway.

You really think this, don't you?

You realize Trump LOST the popular vote, right?

Do you truly believe that matters?

Ask any president with zero mandate. Like GW Bush before he soaked up 9/11 for approval.

Seeing as Trump has already assumed the role of acting President prior to the oath, your comments are ludicrous.

And that doesn't concern you? We have ALWAYS had one president at a time. You believe we should descend into african dictatorship status. Wow.
The idiots in California are only going to make Trump look good. There is not topic where they come out on top except in the eyes of far left moonbats, who everyone ignores anyway.

You really think this, don't you?

You realize Trump LOST the popular vote, right?

Do you truly believe that matters?

Ask any president with zero mandate. Like GW Bush before he soaked up 9/11 for approval.

Seeing as Trump has already assumed the role of acting President prior to the oath, your comments are ludicrous.

And that doesn't concern you? We have ALWAYS had one president at a time. You believe we should descend into african dictatorship status. Wow.

It would, but we haven't had a president for nearly eight years. Ergo ...
I don't see anything Holder can do. California is clearly in violation of the law. All Jeff Sessions has to do is enforce the law.
Trump has to love it. He can battle the idiots in Sacramento while pointing out to the nation what idiots Democrats are. No Republican needs California, they have a zero bargaining position.
Don't fuck with California

California has "the sixth largest economy on planet Earth." This comparison rests on California's $2.4 trillion GDP, which moved slightly above that of France and Brazil in 2015 to sixth in the world.

Calexit could make California the worlds sixthlargest economy Will it happen - MarketWatch

Beginning in 2018 the multi billion dollar cash crop, Marijuana, will add to our states GDP, and reduce costs to local government in terms of law enforcement (police, probation, courts). Bad for the Pharmaceutical and Adult Beverage Industries, but ending of the black market will increase tax revenue and continue California as an economic behemoth.
Maybe not. Pot is water intensive.
It's not anymore than many other crops.

"Statewide, what is the water footprint for cannabis versus other crops? Cal NORML estimates that in-state annual consumption for California is about 2 million pounds, or one billion grams. That figure could be multiplied by a factor of four to account for marijuana that is diverted out of state. At the high-end estimate of one gallon per gram, that means the cannabis crop in California, licit and illicit, uses around 12,000 acre-feet of water yearly if grown indoors; one third of that if grown outdoors. That compares favorably to grapes, which use 2.2 million acre-feet, rice at 2.8 million-acre feet, and almonds, which soak up 3.7 million acre-feet of water yearly. Overall 35-45 million acre-feet of water is used for agriculture in California, some 80% of the state's developed water supply. (Sources: and

This chart compares total water consumption by crop in California to cannabis’s consumption (in millions of acre-feet):

The biggest users alfalfa, which requires over 5 million acre-feet of water yearly, 70% of which goes to feed dairy cows. According to an estimate by professor Robert Glennon from Arizona College of Law, California is exporting 100 billion gallons of water a year to China in the form of alfalfa hay."

On Water and Weed: Is Marijuana Responsible for California's Drought? | California NORML
Dufus thinks Cannabis has been legally grown as a crop.

Idiot-Gram ^^^

In Del Norte, Humboldt and Mendocino Counties it is tacitly legal to grow MJ.


Good. The more people trying to stop Trump the better.
The idiots in California are only going to make Trump look good. There is not topic where they come out on top except in the eyes of far left moonbats, who everyone ignores anyway.
They don't have to do a thing and Trump will still look like a buffoon
Only in the eyes of you moonbats.

Republicans control the purse strings and the leftards of Sacramento are addicted to spending like a hardcore heroin addict. They'll be kissing Trumps fat ass by summer.

Your arrogance is only exceeded by you ignorance. You know nothing about the situation in California or how Gov. Brown's fiscally responsible leadership ended the don't tax and spend Republican obstructionists.

Brown didn't make anyone happy, but he has set the ship of state on an even keel and restored fiscal responsibility without causing harm to the poor, needy, infirm or children, in a state which votes for and believes in the Social Contract.

BTW you don't have the balls to state where you live, West Coast Classified means nothing, but if I have to guess you reside in SoCal, Orange or SD County or in the Central Valley and points east of there.
Fiscal Grades for Governors
"Other notable tax-hikers are the three “left coast” Democrats, Jerry Brown of California, Kate Brown of Oregon, and Jay Inslee of Washington. All received “F” grades for supporting large tax hikes and presiding over rapid budget growth. Over the past three years, California’s general-fund budget has soared 22 percent. These governors may be enjoying inflated budgets now, but when the next recession hits they will face a budget squeeze as the new spending becomes unaffordable. California’s budget is particularly susceptible to recessions because state revenues are highly dependent on the volatile incomes of the wealthy — the top 1 percent of earners pays almost half of the state’s income taxes. If that money dries up, Jerry’s Brown $68 billion high-speed-rail scheme will look like an even bigger boondoggle than it already is."

Fiscal Grades for the Governors

And Calpers is imploding. Think Trump will bail them out?

Once again your ignorance far outpaces anything you post on this and many other issues. I'm one of those whose pension is excessive, but for the past decade of so the retirement rules have changed for all new hires. So CalPers and other retirement systems (county, city) will no longer pay excessive amounts to these employees.+-
Trump has to love it. He can battle the idiots in Sacramento while pointing out to the nation what idiots Democrats are. No Republican needs California, they have a zero bargaining position.
Don't fuck with California

California has "the sixth largest economy on planet Earth." This comparison rests on California's $2.4 trillion GDP, which moved slightly above that of France and Brazil in 2015 to sixth in the world.

Calexit could make California the worlds sixthlargest economy Will it happen - MarketWatch

Beginning in 2018 the multi billion dollar cash crop, Marijuana, will add to our states GDP, and reduce costs to local government in terms of law enforcement (police, probation, courts). Bad for the Pharmaceutical and Adult Beverage Industries, but ending of the black market will increase tax revenue and continue California as an economic behemoth.
Maybe not. Pot is water intensive.
Trump has to love it. He can battle the idiots in Sacramento while pointing out to the nation what idiots Democrats are. No Republican needs California, they have a zero bargaining position.
Don't fuck with California

California has "the sixth largest economy on planet Earth." This comparison rests on California's $2.4 trillion GDP, which moved slightly above that of France and Brazil in 2015 to sixth in the world.

Calexit could make California the worlds sixthlargest economy Will it happen - MarketWatch

Beginning in 2018 the multi billion dollar cash crop, Marijuana, will add to our states GDP, and reduce costs to local government in terms of law enforcement (police, probation, courts). Bad for the Pharmaceutical and Adult Beverage Industries, but ending of the black market will increase tax revenue and continue California as an economic behemoth.
Maybe not. Pot is water intensive.
They don't have to do a thing and Trump will still look like a buffoon
Only in the eyes of you moonbats.

Republicans control they purse strings and the leftards of Sacramento are addicted to spending like a hardcore heroin addict. They'll be kissing Trumps fat ass by summer.
Yes republicans have controlled the purse strings for most of the century. There's nothing you clowns love more than spending like a heroin addict. It'll be fun to watch you bastards try to pay for Trump's tax cuts and wars.
How'd spending go under Obama? Your self mockery is very entertaining.

What's California going to do? Moonbeam Brown going to stage a hunger strike?
California has the largest economy in the Union, and is a blue State, not a welfare-queen, red State.
Again, what is California going to do?
Stop producing eco friendly kale and seaweed bread?
Thanks for revealing your ignorance of California.
Beginning in 2018 the multi billion dollar cash crop, Marijuana, will add to our states GDP, and reduce costs to local government in terms of law enforcement (police, probation, courts). Bad for the Pharmaceutical and Adult Beverage Industries, but ending of the black market will increase tax revenue and continue California as an economic behemoth.
Maybe not. Pot is water intensive.
It's not anymore than many other crops.

"Statewide, what is the water footprint for cannabis versus other crops? Cal NORML estimates that in-state annual consumption for California is about 2 million pounds, or one billion grams. That figure could be multiplied by a factor of four to account for marijuana that is diverted out of state. At the high-end estimate of one gallon per gram, that means the cannabis crop in California, licit and illicit, uses around 12,000 acre-feet of water yearly if grown indoors; one third of that if grown outdoors. That compares favorably to grapes, which use 2.2 million acre-feet, rice at 2.8 million-acre feet, and almonds, which soak up 3.7 million acre-feet of water yearly. Overall 35-45 million acre-feet of water is used for agriculture in California, some 80% of the state's developed water supply. (Sources: and

This chart compares total water consumption by crop in California to cannabis’s consumption (in millions of acre-feet):

The biggest users alfalfa, which requires over 5 million acre-feet of water yearly, 70% of which goes to feed dairy cows. According to an estimate by professor Robert Glennon from Arizona College of Law, California is exporting 100 billion gallons of water a year to China in the form of alfalfa hay."

On Water and Weed: Is Marijuana Responsible for California's Drought? | California NORML
Dufus thinks Cannabis has been legally grown as a crop.
OMG, you are one stupid son of a bitch. First off, it is currently and has been grown legally for medical purposes. Second, I didn't say one way or another whether it is grown legally you stupid son of a bitch
One pot plant requires 6 gallons of water PER DAY, dufus.

Should we outlaw the Redwood Tree?

Q. How many gallons of water does a Sequoia tree transport up its 300 foot trunk each day?

A. Believe it or not, 500 gallons! With this much water being transported in a grove of Sequoia trees, you'd think it would sound more like a bathroom than a tranquil forest.

Source (something ignorant fools never seem to have at hand):

PBS - Weekend Explorer - California - Sequoia Quiz
Maybe not. Pot is water intensive.
It's not anymore than many other crops.

"Statewide, what is the water footprint for cannabis versus other crops? Cal NORML estimates that in-state annual consumption for California is about 2 million pounds, or one billion grams. That figure could be multiplied by a factor of four to account for marijuana that is diverted out of state. At the high-end estimate of one gallon per gram, that means the cannabis crop in California, licit and illicit, uses around 12,000 acre-feet of water yearly if grown indoors; one third of that if grown outdoors. That compares favorably to grapes, which use 2.2 million acre-feet, rice at 2.8 million-acre feet, and almonds, which soak up 3.7 million acre-feet of water yearly. Overall 35-45 million acre-feet of water is used for agriculture in California, some 80% of the state's developed water supply. (Sources: and

This chart compares total water consumption by crop in California to cannabis’s consumption (in millions of acre-feet):

The biggest users alfalfa, which requires over 5 million acre-feet of water yearly, 70% of which goes to feed dairy cows. According to an estimate by professor Robert Glennon from Arizona College of Law, California is exporting 100 billion gallons of water a year to China in the form of alfalfa hay."

On Water and Weed: Is Marijuana Responsible for California's Drought? | California NORML
Dufus thinks Cannabis has been legally grown as a crop.
OMG, you are one stupid son of a bitch. First off, it is currently and has been grown legally for medical purposes. Second, I didn't say one way or another whether it is grown legally you stupid son of a bitch
One pot plant requires 6 gallons of water PER DAY, dufus.

Should we outlaw the Redwood Tree?

Q. How many gallons of water does a Sequoia tree transport up its 300 foot trunk each day?

A. Believe it or not, 500 gallons! With this much water being transported in a grove of Sequoia trees, you'd think it would sound more like a bathroom than a tranquil forest.

Source (something ignorant fools never seem to have at hand):

PBS - Weekend Explorer - California - Sequoia Quiz
Dufus thinks redwoods are nonnative trees planted by farmers.
Only in the eyes of you moonbats.

Republicans control they purse strings and the leftards of Sacramento are addicted to spending like a hardcore heroin addict. They'll be kissing Trumps fat ass by summer.
Yes republicans have controlled the purse strings for most of the century. There's nothing you clowns love more than spending like a heroin addict. It'll be fun to watch you bastards try to pay for Trump's tax cuts and wars.
How'd spending go under Obama? Your self mockery is very entertaining.

What's California going to do? Moonbeam Brown going to stage a hunger strike?
California has the largest economy in the Union, and is a blue State, not a welfare-queen, red State.
Again, what is California going to do?
Stop producing eco friendly kale and seaweed bread?
Thanks for revealing your ignorance of California.
You can't name one thing Cslif can do about Trump either.
Maybe not. Pot is water intensive.
It's not anymore than many other crops.

"Statewide, what is the water footprint for cannabis versus other crops? Cal NORML estimates that in-state annual consumption for California is about 2 million pounds, or one billion grams. That figure could be multiplied by a factor of four to account for marijuana that is diverted out of state. At the high-end estimate of one gallon per gram, that means the cannabis crop in California, licit and illicit, uses around 12,000 acre-feet of water yearly if grown indoors; one third of that if grown outdoors. That compares favorably to grapes, which use 2.2 million acre-feet, rice at 2.8 million-acre feet, and almonds, which soak up 3.7 million acre-feet of water yearly. Overall 35-45 million acre-feet of water is used for agriculture in California, some 80% of the state's developed water supply. (Sources: and

This chart compares total water consumption by crop in California to cannabis’s consumption (in millions of acre-feet):

The biggest users alfalfa, which requires over 5 million acre-feet of water yearly, 70% of which goes to feed dairy cows. According to an estimate by professor Robert Glennon from Arizona College of Law, California is exporting 100 billion gallons of water a year to China in the form of alfalfa hay."

On Water and Weed: Is Marijuana Responsible for California's Drought? | California NORML
Dufus thinks Cannabis has been legally grown as a crop.
OMG, you are one stupid son of a bitch. First off, it is currently and has been grown legally for medical purposes. Second, I didn't say one way or another whether it is grown legally you stupid son of a bitch
One pot plant requires 6 gallons of water PER DAY, dufus.
Yeah. Well a vine of grapes requires 8 gallons. What's your point?
More lies. Wine grapes require little irrigation.
Maybe not. Pot is water intensive.
It's not anymore than many other crops.

"Statewide, what is the water footprint for cannabis versus other crops? Cal NORML estimates that in-state annual consumption for California is about 2 million pounds, or one billion grams. That figure could be multiplied by a factor of four to account for marijuana that is diverted out of state. At the high-end estimate of one gallon per gram, that means the cannabis crop in California, licit and illicit, uses around 12,000 acre-feet of water yearly if grown indoors; one third of that if grown outdoors. That compares favorably to grapes, which use 2.2 million acre-feet, rice at 2.8 million-acre feet, and almonds, which soak up 3.7 million acre-feet of water yearly. Overall 35-45 million acre-feet of water is used for agriculture in California, some 80% of the state's developed water supply. (Sources: and

This chart compares total water consumption by crop in California to cannabis’s consumption (in millions of acre-feet):

The biggest users alfalfa, which requires over 5 million acre-feet of water yearly, 70% of which goes to feed dairy cows. According to an estimate by professor Robert Glennon from Arizona College of Law, California is exporting 100 billion gallons of water a year to China in the form of alfalfa hay."

On Water and Weed: Is Marijuana Responsible for California's Drought? | California NORML
Dufus thinks Cannabis has been legally grown as a crop.
OMG, you are one stupid son of a bitch. First off, it is currently and has been grown legally for medical purposes. Second, I didn't say one way or another whether it is grown legally you stupid son of a bitch
One pot plant requires 6 gallons of water PER DAY, dufus.


LMAO, what a stupid comment.
Dufus doesn't know fresh water availability is a problem in Calif.
It's not anymore than many other crops.

"Statewide, what is the water footprint for cannabis versus other crops? Cal NORML estimates that in-state annual consumption for California is about 2 million pounds, or one billion grams. That figure could be multiplied by a factor of four to account for marijuana that is diverted out of state. At the high-end estimate of one gallon per gram, that means the cannabis crop in California, licit and illicit, uses around 12,000 acre-feet of water yearly if grown indoors; one third of that if grown outdoors. That compares favorably to grapes, which use 2.2 million acre-feet, rice at 2.8 million-acre feet, and almonds, which soak up 3.7 million acre-feet of water yearly. Overall 35-45 million acre-feet of water is used for agriculture in California, some 80% of the state's developed water supply. (Sources: and

This chart compares total water consumption by crop in California to cannabis’s consumption (in millions of acre-feet):

The biggest users alfalfa, which requires over 5 million acre-feet of water yearly, 70% of which goes to feed dairy cows. According to an estimate by professor Robert Glennon from Arizona College of Law, California is exporting 100 billion gallons of water a year to China in the form of alfalfa hay."

On Water and Weed: Is Marijuana Responsible for California's Drought? | California NORML
Dufus thinks Cannabis has been legally grown as a crop.
OMG, you are one stupid son of a bitch. First off, it is currently and has been grown legally for medical purposes. Second, I didn't say one way or another whether it is grown legally you stupid son of a bitch
One pot plant requires 6 gallons of water PER DAY, dufus.


LMAO, what a stupid comment.
Dufus doesn't know fresh water availability is a problem in Calif.

Don't worry we can build our own desalination plant if needed.
It's been raining on/off hard in souther California for several days. More rain are forecasted next 7 days.

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