AIPAC, administration battle over Iran nuclear deal -

Americans tired of Israel lobby and Netanyahu: Ex-US army psychological warfare officer

The Americans are “tired of” the influence of the Israel lobby in the United States and of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, says Scott Bennet, a US counter-terrorism analyst.

“The US/AIPAC propaganda machine has been brain-washing the American citizens with some core propaganda themes,” said Bennet, a former US army psychological warfare officer.

He stated that “the themes are that the Americans are constantly told by Fox News, by congressional people who are paid to wage endless wars is that:

1) Iran is obsessed with the absolute annihilation of Israel like a body’s biological defense mechanism devoted to destroying an evading parasite,

2) Iran is obsessed with creating nuclear weapon and it’s going to lie, cheat, deceive in order to do so, in order to achieve its first goal to annihilate Israel, and,

3) Iran will try and bomb and destroy Israel, then Europe, then the United States.”

The analyst said the AIPAC is “going to be spending a lot of money, but what they’re going to be spending it on is all negative, it’s all violence, it’s all threat, it’s all fear.”

“And Americans have had enough of that,” he noted. “I think instinctively they’re tired of that.”

PressTV- Americans tired of Israel lobby
"Ayatollah TV"

How cute.

There is western media which is 96% owned by the Zionists and there is eastern media.

Pretty obvious which one covers up facts about zionists and which one reports the facts.

Achmed, can you show us a legitimate link that shows 96% of Western media is Zionist owned? Damn what a ducking dumbass you are!
Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World's Media ...
Six Big Lies About The Ukraine Washington s Narrative Is Pure Propaganda Socio-Economics History Blogjewish-companies-control-9...
Apr 15, 2013 - You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position ... We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we ... Disney also owns Miramax Films, run by the Weinstein brothers.
Missing: legitimate ‎link ‎western
These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America ...
Business Insider

Jun 14, 2012 - This infographic created by Jason at Frugal Dad shows that almost all media comes from the same six sources. ... While some big sites, like Digg and Reddit aren't owned by any of the ... You can remove them here: Options ...
Missing: legitimate ‎western

AND what does this prove apart from you know how to cut and paste
I am fully aware that SA is not happy about it either, too bad. Israel and SA hate to see Iran progress, they are not afraid of the bomb of which Iran does not possess.

If you are so aware why do you lie? SA has stated it will acquire nukes (probably from Pakistan) if Iran gets one. Ironically, the possibility that Israel has had nukes for decades has not motivated SA to go nuclear, revealing who the Saudis believe to be the real regional threat ... IRAN.

Yes an apparently when Bibi said in 1992 that Iran will have nukes in 5 years and most likely 2, SA knew it was a bluff as well. Then again he said it and has been saying it constantly. When we didn't even go into Iran, no problem , now that we have been monitoring and made an agreement with them, BIG PROBLEM.
Why, sanctions being lifted, and they can't stand it. Also Israel want to get rid of Iran to take over Syria and Lebanon. Well let SA buy a Pakistan bomb, they may of already. What you need to be worried about is an Israel False Flag.

SA buys nukes from it's Israeli "ally".

Only when you can prove conclusively that Israel has any. Even the Russian spy sats cant see any traces or they would have told the world all about them by now.
"Ayatollah TV"

How cute.

There is western media which is 96% owned by the Zionists and there is eastern media.

Pretty obvious which one covers up facts about zionists and which one reports the facts.

Achmed, can you show us a legitimate link that shows 96% of Western media is Zionist owned? Damn what a ducking dumbass you are!
Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World's Media ...
Six Big Lies About The Ukraine Washington s Narrative Is Pure Propaganda Socio-Economics History Blogjewish-companies-control-9...
Apr 15, 2013 - You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position ... We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we ... Disney also owns Miramax Films, run by the Weinstein brothers.
Missing: legitimate ‎link ‎western
These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America ...
Business Insider

Jun 14, 2012 - This infographic created by Jason at Frugal Dad shows that almost all media comes from the same six sources. ... While some big sites, like Digg and Reddit aren't owned by any of the ... You can remove them here: Options ...
Missing: legitimate ‎western
You suffer from such angst because Jews are successful and you're not.

"Ayatollah TV"

How cute.

There is western media which is 96% owned by the Zionists and there is eastern media.

Pretty obvious which one covers up facts about zionists and which one reports the facts.

Achmed, can you show us a legitimate link that shows 96% of Western media is Zionist owned? Damn what a ducking dumbass you are!
Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World's Media ...
Six Big Lies About The Ukraine Washington s Narrative Is Pure Propaganda Socio-Economics History Blogjewish-companies-control-9...
Apr 15, 2013 - You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position ... We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we ... Disney also owns Miramax Films, run by the Weinstein brothers.
Missing: legitimate ‎link ‎western
These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America ...
Business Insider

Jun 14, 2012 - This infographic created by Jason at Frugal Dad shows that almost all media comes from the same six sources. ... While some big sites, like Digg and Reddit aren't owned by any of the ... You can remove them here: Options ...
Missing: legitimate ‎western
You suffer from such angst because Jews are successful and you're not.

Another one of the ole Jewish comebacks, your jealous or your an anti-Semite. Believe it when we say we are not jealous of Jews and the money they make, tell me why we still have to send our hard earned taxes to them. Your are right, Jew have an over abundance of wealth in the US alone, of which they create tax free non profit Jewish organizations to keep from paying taxes, and the charities that most give to are jewish charities, and yet despite all that, us US tax payers send them money. In many aspects they such us dry, and often they are behind a lot of white collar crime here in the states.

Now as far as I'm concerned the Zionist can take their billions and go to Israel with it, and stay the heck out of US politics.

Then why do you send much more of your hard earned taxes to muslims nations to kill Americans.

How long do you think the US would last before it went bankrupt like Greece if all the Jews left and took their money with them. What would you have left that was not Jewish owned and funded, and who would employ all the people who pay taxes. You might gain $3 billion a year to lose $50,000 trillion earned by the Jews.
Achmed, can you show us a legitimate link that shows 96% of Western media is Zionist owned? Damn what a ducking dumbass you are!
Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World's Media ...
Six Big Lies About The Ukraine Washington s Narrative Is Pure Propaganda Socio-Economics History Blogjewish-companies-control-9...
Apr 15, 2013 - You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position ... We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we ... Disney also owns Miramax Films, run by the Weinstein brothers.
Missing: legitimate ‎link ‎western
These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America ...
Business Insider

Jun 14, 2012 - This infographic created by Jason at Frugal Dad shows that almost all media comes from the same six sources. ... While some big sites, like Digg and Reddit aren't owned by any of the ... You can remove them here: Options ...
Missing: legitimate ‎western
You suffer from such angst because Jews are successful and you're not.

Achmed, can you show us a legitimate link that shows 96% of Western media is Zionist owned? Damn what a ducking dumbass you are!
Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World's Media ...
Six Big Lies About The Ukraine Washington s Narrative Is Pure Propaganda Socio-Economics History Blogjewish-companies-control-9...
Apr 15, 2013 - You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position ... We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we ... Disney also owns Miramax Films, run by the Weinstein brothers.
Missing: legitimate ‎link ‎western
These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America ...
Business Insider

Jun 14, 2012 - This infographic created by Jason at Frugal Dad shows that almost all media comes from the same six sources. ... While some big sites, like Digg and Reddit aren't owned by any of the ... You can remove them here: Options ...
Missing: legitimate ‎western
You suffer from such angst because Jews are successful and you're not.

Another one of the ole Jewish comebacks, your jealous or your an anti-Semite. Believe it when we say we are not jealous of Jews and the money they make, tell me why we still have to send our hard earned taxes to them. Your are right, Jew have an over abundance of wealth in the US alone, of which they create tax free non profit Jewish organizations to keep from paying taxes, and the charities that most give to are jewish charities, and yet despite all that, us US tax payers send them money. In many aspects they such us dry, and often they are behind a lot of white collar crime here in the states.

Now as far as I'm concerned the Zionist can take their billions and go to Israel with it, and stay the heck out of US politics.

Why? Let's be straight for a moment- they outsmarted everybody, kings, popes...EVERYBODY. You can get free from 'jewish slavery' by changing to some arab masters....heard they appreciate female slaves very much...You're welcome there're no joooos there.

Outsmarted everyone. Yes that is why every country they lived in they got kicked out of. There is something very sinister with the great maj. of them. They think they are better than everyone, taught from a young age they are chosen ones, but most turn out to be atheist but still maintain their egotistical superior attitude, and then their God becomes money and anti Semitism, which are the tools they use to control everyone and exert their control. Its being played out daily on TV, and just watch our politicians. Since I believe there are some good politicians, they have to be very careful what they say. I have had to watch way too many people speak the truth only to have to swallow their pride and make an public apology to Jews on national TV or news paper. Actors, Politician, Journalist, are the main ones affected. Its sad when you have to witness the power they exert over people. Power over free speech.

And here you are wanting to kick them out of the US because you are a NAZI RACIST and no other reason. Then when they are homeless you will be happy right up until the Russians walk in and take over your home.
Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World's Media ...
Six Big Lies About The Ukraine Washington s Narrative Is Pure Propaganda Socio-Economics History Blogjewish-companies-control-9...
Apr 15, 2013 - You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position ... We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we ... Disney also owns Miramax Films, run by the Weinstein brothers.
Missing: legitimate ‎link ‎western
These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America ...
Business Insider

Jun 14, 2012 - This infographic created by Jason at Frugal Dad shows that almost all media comes from the same six sources. ... While some big sites, like Digg and Reddit aren't owned by any of the ... You can remove them here: Options ...
Missing: legitimate ‎western
You suffer from such angst because Jews are successful and you're not.

Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World's Media ...
Six Big Lies About The Ukraine Washington s Narrative Is Pure Propaganda Socio-Economics History Blogjewish-companies-control-9...
Apr 15, 2013 - You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position ... We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we ... Disney also owns Miramax Films, run by the Weinstein brothers.
Missing: legitimate ‎link ‎western
These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America ...
Business Insider

Jun 14, 2012 - This infographic created by Jason at Frugal Dad shows that almost all media comes from the same six sources. ... While some big sites, like Digg and Reddit aren't owned by any of the ... You can remove them here: Options ...
Missing: legitimate ‎western
You suffer from such angst because Jews are successful and you're not.

Another one of the ole Jewish comebacks, your jealous or your an anti-Semite. Believe it when we say we are not jealous of Jews and the money they make, tell me why we still have to send our hard earned taxes to them. Your are right, Jew have an over abundance of wealth in the US alone, of which they create tax free non profit Jewish organizations to keep from paying taxes, and the charities that most give to are jewish charities, and yet despite all that, us US tax payers send them money. In many aspects they such us dry, and often they are behind a lot of white collar crime here in the states.

Now as far as I'm concerned the Zionist can take their billions and go to Israel with it, and stay the heck out of US politics.

Why? Let's be straight for a moment- they outsmarted everybody, kings, popes...EVERYBODY. You can get free from 'jewish slavery' by changing to some arab masters....heard they appreciate female slaves very much...You're welcome there're no joooos there.

Outsmarted everyone. Yes that is why every country they lived in they got kicked out of. There is something very sinister with the great maj. of them. They think they are better than everyone, taught from a young age they are chosen ones, but most turn out to be atheist but still maintain their egotistical superior attitude, and then their God becomes money and anti Semitism, which are the tools they use to control everyone and exert their control. Its being played out daily on TV, and just watch our politicians. Since I believe there are some good politicians, they have to be very careful what they say. I have had to watch way too many people speak the truth only to have to swallow their pride and make an public apology to Jews on national TV or news paper. Actors, Politician, Journalist, are the main ones affected. Its sad when you have to witness the power they exert over people. Power over free speech.

And here you are wanting to kick them out of the US because you are a NAZI RACIST and no other reason. Then when they are homeless you will be happy right up until the Russians walk in and take over your home.
The cultural marxist, Edomites/Khazars who call themselves "The Jews" tm, who pretend to be semites and the descendants of the Biblical hebrews for political and financial gain, were kicked out of 110 countries over the past 1,000 years.

Naturally, it's everyone else's fault that happened;... cause, you know......

Wait for it....

Drum roll, please...

The people in those 110 countries were all anti-semitic.

No they where brainwashed by their religions and ended up believing the blood libels about the Jews killing babies and making bread with the blood.
Achmed, can you show us a legitimate link that shows 96% of Western media is Zionist owned? Damn what a ducking dumbass you are!
Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World's Media ...
Six Big Lies About The Ukraine Washington s Narrative Is Pure Propaganda Socio-Economics History Blogjewish-companies-control-9...
Apr 15, 2013 - You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position ... We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we ... Disney also owns Miramax Films, run by the Weinstein brothers.
Missing: legitimate ‎link ‎western
These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America ...
Business Insider

Jun 14, 2012 - This infographic created by Jason at Frugal Dad shows that almost all media comes from the same six sources. ... While some big sites, like Digg and Reddit aren't owned by any of the ... You can remove them here: Options ...
Missing: legitimate ‎western
You suffer from such angst because Jews are successful and you're not.

Achmed, can you show us a legitimate link that shows 96% of Western media is Zionist owned? Damn what a ducking dumbass you are!
Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World's Media ...
Six Big Lies About The Ukraine Washington s Narrative Is Pure Propaganda Socio-Economics History Blogjewish-companies-control-9...
Apr 15, 2013 - You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position ... We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we ... Disney also owns Miramax Films, run by the Weinstein brothers.
Missing: legitimate ‎link ‎western
These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America ...
Business Insider

Jun 14, 2012 - This infographic created by Jason at Frugal Dad shows that almost all media comes from the same six sources. ... While some big sites, like Digg and Reddit aren't owned by any of the ... You can remove them here: Options ...
Missing: legitimate ‎western
You suffer from such angst because Jews are successful and you're not.

Another one of the ole Jewish comebacks, your jealous or your an anti-Semite. Believe it when we say we are not jealous of Jews and the money they make, tell me why we still have to send our hard earned taxes to them. Your are right, Jew have an over abundance of wealth in the US alone, of which they create tax free non profit Jewish organizations to keep from paying taxes, and the charities that most give to are jewish charities, and yet despite all that, us US tax payers send them money. In many aspects they such us dry, and often they are behind a lot of white collar crime here in the states.

Now as far as I'm concerned the Zionist can take their billions and go to Israel with it, and stay the heck out of US politics.

Why? Let's be straight for a moment- they outsmarted everybody, kings, popes...EVERYBODY. You can get free from 'jewish slavery' by changing to some arab masters....heard they appreciate female slaves very much...You're welcome there're no joooos there.

Another thing most of them would do well to take a few lessons from Pope Francis. I'll never forget Bibi telling him Jesus spoke Hebrew, and Pope Francis didn't say anything. In case you don't know , Greek and Aramaic were the two main languages in Judea during Jesus's day. Also Pope Francis doesn't owe Israel any apology for recognizing Palestine, and I sure hope he doesn't give one.

How do you know that Jesus did not speak Hebrew, did he tell you that himself ?
A couple of years ago the Catholic Church told the world Israelis ARE NOT the "Chosen People of God" and that the Zionists cannot use scripture to justify their terrorism and land theft of Palestine.

I was really surprised the Mossad didn't bomb the Vatican for that or poison the Pope.

Why should they when they have international law saying they own 22% of Palestine, which they can use to evict the squatters and reclaim their lands.
Claiming befuddlement is not an excuse for ignorance.
That's not what I claimed, you dishrag whore.

Read the Hamas "Death Cult" charter. It defines who the aggressor is and the reasons for that aggression.
You need to read up on recent history, instead of claiming some 40 year old, outdated document, is still relevant today.

Actually it is only 8 years old if you bother to look so is still relevant today, more so when hamas invoked it only this year.
If You support the deal You show weakness, give power and supply money to those who organize this IN YOUR HOME:

You SUPPORT and show SUBMISSION to these:

I am fully aware that SA is not happy about it either, too bad. Israel and SA hate to see Iran progress, they are not afraid of the bomb of which Iran does not possess.

If you are so aware why do you lie? SA has stated it will acquire nukes (probably from Pakistan) if Iran gets one. Ironically, the possibility that Israel has had nukes for decades has not motivated SA to go nuclear, revealing who the Saudis believe to be the real regional threat ... IRAN.

Yes an apparently when Bibi said in 1992 that Iran will have nukes in 5 years and most likely 2, SA knew it was a bluff as well. Then again he said it and has been saying it constantly. When we didn't even go into Iran, no problem , now that we have been monitoring and made an agreement with them, BIG PROBLEM.
Why, sanctions being lifted, and they can't stand it. Also Israel want to get rid of Iran to take over Syria and Lebanon. Well let SA buy a Pakistan bomb, they may of already. What you need to be worried about is an Israel False Flag.

We have been monitoring Iran? Israel wants to get rid of Iran to take over Syria and Lebanon? Repeatedly you lie (in badly broken English) because the truth just doesn't fully express your mindless hatred.
Before the Revolution Israel-Iranian relations were good and fruitful,
we were both 'modern' states that shared hopes for a greater future....until Islamists came to power:
Iran Israel relations - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"In 1947, Iran was among 13 countries that voted against the UN Partition Plan for Palestine. Two years later, Iran also voted against Israel's admission to the United Nations. Nevertheless, Iran was the second Muslim-majority country to recognize Israel as a sovereign state after Turkey. After the 1953 coup d'état, which brought pro-Western Mohammad Reza Pahlavi to power, relations between the two countries significantly improved. After the 1979 Revolution, Iran severed all diplomatic and commercial ties with Israel, and its Islamic government does not recognize the legitimacy of Israel as a state."

In the picture: Top Iranian military officials Hasan Toofanian and Bahram Ariana (left), meet with Israeli officers in the headquarters of the Israel Defense Forces, 1975. (photo credit: public domain, Wikimedia Commons)
Bull. The rockets are fired randomly and with an intent to kill civilians and provoke Israel.

It's Israel that's defending itself against the bloodthirsty savages.
Wrong! The occupation started a full 34 years before the first rocket was ever fired.

Nope. The rockets started after the Israeli evacuation and Hamas terrorists rose to power.
The fact that so many so-called "Americans" defendthe belligerance of Israel is due to 2 important factors:

1. The efficacy of AIPAC, and
2. The blatant hatred of anything Obama

Folfs should ask themselves these questions:

a. Which country has the MOST breaches of UN sanctions?
b. Which country has energetically lobbied (but is failing) most of the west to NOT recognize Palestine as a legitimate country.
c. Which country has refused to sign on the nuclear non-proliferation treaties?
You're getting a little frantic there, Bunky. I think you will find that US (and European) support for Israel has much to do with common goals, interests and socio-poiltical values. Islamic fascism is identical to Nazi fascism that both we in the US and Europeans share a common history fighting against.

So, when European countries abstain from voting in favour of Israel... Thats support for Israel is it?
When the prayer leader at your mosque has finished his Joooooo hating tirade, ask yourself which European / Western European nations recognize, have trading, commercial exchange, diplomatic relations, etc., with Israel. Ask yourself why it is, with almost certain exclusivity that the nations hostile to Israel share a common theme - a fascistic politico-religious ideology that was unfortunately, inflicted upon the globe by an Arab warlord.

Then go to your playgroup leader as ask her why European countries are restricting/breaking economic ties with Israel...

You will see just how tired Europe is of Israel and its belligerence!

Your zionist brainwashing blinkers you from what is really happening in the world!
How about YOU provide links from unbiased, non partisan sources disproving these allegations?

You cant' so, why do you expect others to provide links?

Well, my friend, its an old ploy used by morons to ask for links that may or may not exist....thinking, wrongly, that such would make them "winners" of an argument....It boils down to whomever asks the other first....a game that I refuse to play because it is.....well, reserved for morons.

Nice try...

It's an old zionist ploy to keep repeating the same BS over and over and expect that, eventually, morons will actually believe every word they say...

In society its called brainwashing!
And you have finally admitted that you are a LIAR and that Israel has never threatened anyone with nuclear weapons.

Can you prove beyond reasonable doubt that Israel does have 400 nuclear weapons ?

Where has it been written that other M.E. nations cant have a nuclear weapon ?

Can you show and prove this alleged warmongering using valid unbiased non partisan sources, or admit that you are the one warmongering against Israel.

Hey, nitwit.......Who stated (except you in your delusions) that the ONLY threat against a country has to be nuclear?

Secondly, have you ever heard of ANY IAEA inspections allowed in Israel?

Yes as Israel did sign up to the treaty, and pulled out when the islamonazis wanted the IAEA inspectors to divulge what weapons were available, where they were kept and how many of each. That was when Israel and the US pulled out of the NPT

How about a link to your claim then, or would that be too hard ?

Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So how about a post that supports your post?

Extract taken directly from your post....

"Four UN member states have never joined the NPT: India, Israel, Pakistan and South Sudan."

Try again....
The fact that so many so-called "Americans" defendthe belligerance of Israel is due to 2 important factors:

1. The efficacy of AIPAC, and
2. The blatant hatred of anything Obama

Folfs should ask themselves these questions:

a. Which country has the MOST breaches of UN sanctions?
b. Which country has energetically lobbied (but is failing) most of the west to NOT recognize Palestine as a legitimate country.
c. Which country has refused to sign on the nuclear non-proliferation treaties?
You're getting a little frantic there, Bunky. I think you will find that US (and European) support for Israel has much to do with common goals, interests and socio-poiltical values. Islamic fascism is identical to Nazi fascism that both we in the US and Europeans share a common history fighting against.

So, when European countries abstain from voting in favour of Israel... Thats support for Israel is it?
When the prayer leader at your mosque has finished his Joooooo hating tirade, ask yourself which European / Western European nations recognize, have trading, commercial exchange, diplomatic relations, etc., with Israel. Ask yourself why it is, with almost certain exclusivity that the nations hostile to Israel share a common theme - a fascistic politico-religious ideology that was unfortunately, inflicted upon the globe by an Arab warlord.

Then go to your playgroup leader as ask her why European countries are restricting/breaking economic ties with Israel...

You will see just how tired Europe is of Israel and its belligerence!

Your zionist brainwashing blinkers you from what is really happening in the world!
The jihad promoter at your mosque has lied to you, again. EU nations make a lot of noise about economic restrictions in regard to specific policies but that doesn't change the mutual reliance on shared benefits for both parties, EU and Isreal, with free trade.

The biggest market the modern world shares with islamist nations is in connection with the huge volume of ski masks that your brave holy warriors wear when they're slaughtering each other.

Allahu akbar, I guess.
How about YOU provide links from unbiased, non partisan sources disproving these allegations?

You cant' so, why do you expect others to provide links?

Well, my friend, its an old ploy used by morons to ask for links that may or may not exist....thinking, wrongly, that such would make them "winners" of an argument....It boils down to whomever asks the other first....a game that I refuse to play because it is.....well, reserved for morons.

Nice try...

It's an old zionist ploy to keep repeating the same BS over and over and expect that, eventually, morons will actually believe every word they say...

In society its called brainwashing!

No cupcake it was 'invented' by Gobbles, and this is exactly how those facist arab zombies do:
*joooos noses fool of money"
"joooos drink blood"
"genocide genocide"

Zombie sheeple who think that the whole world is joooos, and everybody speaks for jooos...therefore the only listen to their child-raping Imams who "fought" in Hitler's SS division...
again nothing original...well maybe just camel piss drinking and new ways of torture.

Then You go and say: "Show me a post that supports Your post"
and this IS the key to understanding how naïve and susceptible You and Your fascist fellows are. You are fighters only in gangs, crowds against individuals and the weak OUTSIDE THE BATTLEFIELD ...but in real life it's al 'peace' an Taqqiya
The fact that so many so-called "Americans" defendthe belligerance of Israel is due to 2 important factors:

1. The efficacy of AIPAC, and
2. The blatant hatred of anything Obama

Folfs should ask themselves these questions:

a. Which country has the MOST breaches of UN sanctions?
b. Which country has energetically lobbied (but is failing) most of the west to NOT recognize Palestine as a legitimate country.
c. Which country has refused to sign on the nuclear non-proliferation treaties?
You're getting a little frantic there, Bunky. I think you will find that US (and European) support for Israel has much to do with common goals, interests and socio-poiltical values. Islamic fascism is identical to Nazi fascism that both we in the US and Europeans share a common history fighting against.

So, when European countries abstain from voting in favour of Israel... Thats support for Israel is it?
When the prayer leader at your mosque has finished his Joooooo hating tirade, ask yourself which European / Western European nations recognize, have trading, commercial exchange, diplomatic relations, etc., with Israel. Ask yourself why it is, with almost certain exclusivity that the nations hostile to Israel share a common theme - a fascistic politico-religious ideology that was unfortunately, inflicted upon the globe by an Arab warlord.

Then go to your playgroup leader as ask her why European countries are restricting/breaking economic ties with Israel...

You will see just how tired Europe is of Israel and its belligerence!

Your zionist brainwashing blinkers you from what is really happening in the world!

That is simple, it is because the ones doing so are ruled by neo Marxists bowing to islamonazi propaganda

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