AIPAC leaders condemn Phrump speech

I listened to the entire speech. I think he spoke every boiler plate pro-Israel word that "God ever created." Even Charles Krauthammer on FOX said as much. He knew how to make the crowd applaud, even if much of what he said, he had already contradicted earlier.

It is the Phrump way!

yes, and he was very very careful to make his speech Politically Correct! :lol:
Politics makes strange bedfellows. It seems that AIPAC loves what Trump has to say but Lilian Pincus, a (liberal?) Jewish babe from liberal Dallas who stresses "diversity" in AIPAC, is offended by criticism of the Hussein administration.

Phrump needs all the help he can get. Offend anymore people and he may as well drop out...

As a Jew and Zionist I can honestly say fuck them and their self-righteous opinions! The ones that are condemning him are condemning him because of their backwards liberal ideology. Most are butt hurt over what he has stated about Muslims! The same people who would kill these Jews families without any remorse and the same people who set off a nuclear bomb in the heart of Jerusalem and dance in the streets in celebration. Yet these fools bash Trump for taking a stance against their enemy.
Lol now the Israel firsters are turning against AIPAC! :rofl:

The GOP is losing its mind!
I am not a fan of AIPAC simply because there political sway is well over played by antisemitics like you. They actually have very little influence, but the antisemitics group makes it like they call all the shots.

I care more about my country, that is why my first support was behind Rand Paul!

As a Jew and Zionist I can honestly say fuck them and their self-righteous opinions! The ones that are condemning him are condemning him because of their backwards liberal ideology. Most are butt hurt over what he has stated about Muslims! The same people who would kill these Jews families without any remorse and the same people who set off a nuclear bomb in the heart of Jerusalem and dance in the streets in celebration. Yet these fools bash Trump for taking a stance against their enemy.
Lol now the Israel firsters are turning against AIPAC! :rofl:

The GOP is losing its mind!
They are loyal for trump. That's for sure. But hook did make a good point..
His point seems to be that all Muslims are evil and will dance in the streets if a nuke goes off in Jerusalem. Even though it would destroy one of the most sacred Muslim sites. :cuckoo:

If his point is "all Muslims are evil and Israel is the most innocent, righteous country in the world" then his point is completely wrong.
When you're not bright then things go right over your head. That probably happens to you a lot Old School.
I listened to the entire speech. I think he spoke every boiler plate pro-Israel word that "God ever created." Even Charles Krauthammer on FOX said as much. He knew how to make the crowd applaud, even if much of what he said, he had already contradicted earlier.

It is the Phrump way!

yes, and he was very very careful to make his speech Politically Correct! :lol:

Calling Obama out as being the anti-Israel, islamofascist supporter the he is, is not politically correct

As a Jew and Zionist I can honestly say fuck them and their self-righteous opinions! The ones that are condemning him are condemning him because of their backwards liberal ideology. Most are butt hurt over what he has stated about Muslims! The same people who would kill these Jews families without any remorse and the same people who set off a nuclear bomb in the heart of Jerusalem and dance in the streets in celebration. Yet these fools bash Trump for taking a stance against their enemy.
Lol now the Israel firsters are turning against AIPAC! :rofl:

The GOP is losing its mind!
They are loyal for trump. That's for sure. But hook did make a good point..
His point seems to be that all Muslims are evil and will dance in the streets if a nuke goes off in Jerusalem. Even though it would destroy one of the most sacred Muslim sites. :cuckoo:

If his point is "all Muslims are evil and Israel is the most innocent, righteous country in the world" then his point is completely wrong.
When you're not bright then things go right over your head. That probably happens to you a lot Old School.

Yeah, old fool is certainly not very bright, a bit simpleminded really
Politics makes strange bedfellows. It seems that AIPAC loves what Trump has to say but Lilian Pincus, a (liberal?) Jewish babe from liberal Dallas who stresses "diversity" in AIPAC, is offended by criticism of the Hussein administration.

Phrump needs all the help he can get. Offend anymore people and he may as well drop out...
Ain't it nice to see a freaking republican who isn't afraid of offending democrats? How did it work out for McCain and Romney?
Politics makes strange bedfellows. It seems that AIPAC loves what Trump has to say but Lilian Pincus, a (liberal?) Jewish babe from liberal Dallas who stresses "diversity" in AIPAC, is offended by criticism of the Hussein administration.

Phrump needs all the help he can get. Offend anymore people and he may as well drop out...
Ain't it nice to see a freaking republican who isn't afraid of offending democrats? How did it work out for McCain and Romney?

You mean Presidents McCain and Romney?:biggrin:
Truncheon Trump just said what he knew they wanted to hear in the speech. They see through his bullshit though, and know who he really is.

As a Jew and Zionist I can honestly say fuck them and their self-righteous opinions! The ones that are condemning him are condemning him because of their backwards liberal ideology. Most are butt hurt over what he has stated about Muslims! The same people who would kill these Jews families without any remorse and the same people who set off a nuclear bomb in the heart of Jerusalem and dance in the streets in celebration. Yet these fools bash Trump for taking a stance against their enemy.
Lol now the Israel firsters are turning against AIPAC! :rofl:

The GOP is losing its mind!
They are loyal for trump. That's for sure. But hook did make a good point..
His point seems to be that all Muslims are evil and will dance in the streets if a nuke goes off in Jerusalem. Even though it would destroy one of the most sacred Muslim sites. :cuckoo:

If his point is "all Muslims are evil and Israel is the most innocent, righteous country in the world" then his point is completely wrong.
The Mosque on the Mount is not a sacred to Islam; it was put there to be a pain in the ass to Jews.

As a Jew and Zionist I can honestly say fuck them and their self-righteous opinions! The ones that are condemning him are condemning him because of their backwards liberal ideology. Most are butt hurt over what he has stated about Muslims! The same people who would kill these Jews families without any remorse and the same people who set off a nuclear bomb in the heart of Jerusalem and dance in the streets in celebration. Yet these fools bash Trump for taking a stance against their enemy.
Lol now the Israel firsters are turning against AIPAC! :rofl:

The GOP is losing its mind!
They are loyal for trump. That's for sure. But hook did make a good point..
His point seems to be that all Muslims are evil and will dance in the streets if a nuke goes off in Jerusalem. Even though it would destroy one of the most sacred Muslim sites. :cuckoo:

If his point is "all Muslims are evil and Israel is the most innocent, righteous country in the world" then his point is completely wrong.
The Mosque on the Mount is not a sacred to Islam; it was put there to be a pain in the ass to Jews.
Solomon's temple is very important to Islam. It's why they build a Mosque there. It's one of the Abrahamic religions after all, who all have equally legitimate claims to Israel.
Bullshit, the original article says the following:
AIPAC Rebukes Trump for Anti-Obama Comments | Jewish Insider
Last evening, something occurred which has the potential to drive us apart. To divide us. We say unequivocally that we do not countenance ad hominem attacks, and we take great offense to those that are levied at the President of the United States of America from our stage,” AIPAC President Lillian Pinkus said as she was joined on stage by Chairman of the Board Bob Cohen, Chief Executive Officer Howard Kohr, and Vice Chief Executive Officer Richard Fishman on the last day of the annual policy conference. “While we may have policy differences, we deeply respect the office of the President of the United States and our President, Barack Obama. We are disappointed that so many people applauded a sentiment that we neither agree with nor condone.

1. She did not speak for AIPAC but only for herself and the several people who joined her. Otherwise AIPAC would ahve released the statement through its spokeman, whoever the fuck that is.

2. Trump is nowhere specifically named by this person, and Ted Cruz also gave a speech that slammed Obama's pathetic performance. Doing so is calling a spade a spade.
The Mosque on the Mount is not a sacred to Islam; it was put there to be a pain in the ass to Jews.
It is supposedly where Mohamed went in a dream and then was carried up into Heaven to speak to various prophets. So Mohamed wasnot actually even there, he merely dreamed he was there.

That is is leverage to prevent the rebuilding of the Temple is the only point to its existence as it neither commemorates an event nor holds a functional role in their theology as does Mecca.
I am not a fan of AIPAC simply because there political sway is well over played by antisemitics like you. They actually have very little influence, but the antisemitics group makes it like they call all the shots.

I wouldnt say AIPAC has little sway, but the anti-Semites do try to use it and the Jewish dominance in Hollywood, TV, the legal profession and finance to drum up fears of the Joooos.

The Truth is the fucking Amish run this country, the god damned bastards. Evil to the core, them and their scrawny little nasty beards and shoes with cowshit all over them.

/just joking, I dont hate the Amish.
The Hispanics, the Blacks, Women, and now the Jews. They all love Phrump! YOU PEOPLE ARE FRIGIN AMAZING!
The Hispanics, the Blacks, Women, and now the Jews. They all love Phrump! YOU PEOPLE ARE FRIGIN AMAZING!
You just cant wrap your brain around the fact that not everyone thinks in 'Identity Politics' terms like you do, you fucking racist. :lol:

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