Air Force of Marines?


Baddest Beast
Oct 20, 2010
Im 15 years old and have always thought I would go into the Air force, but now I have no clue if I want that or the Marines. Which would be better? I have a while to decide but I will definetly join the military but which branch?
Air Force actually gives you a skill set you can use in civilian life. get to travel a bit more.
I joined the AF and never regretted it. I spent most of my time overseas and loved it.

After seeing how Marines live (God Bless em!) I'm glad I didn't join them. Go to AF and Marine Bases and ask for tours, talk to those who are already serving and size up both branches. Do you have any relatives that served? Talk to them, they'll be honest with ya'.

That being said, either branch would be just fine. I have to ask though; what's your GPA and do you have plans to go to college? If I were in your shoes I'd get a degree (in anything) then re-evaluate a hitch in the service.

Your view of the world can change dramatically from 15 to 19 to 22 years old. Feel free PM me if you want to talk about anything in depth. Good luck!
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...but I am also a little biased.
Im 15 years old and have always thought I would go into the Air force, but now I have no clue if I want that or the Marines. Which would be better? I have a while to decide but I will definetly join the military but which branch?

If you're a hard ass, join the Marines. If not, pick another branch.
I have a GPA of 93.somthin. I used to have a stepdad in the Air Force
Your GPA should be somethin' like 2.8 or 3.2. 4.0 being straight A's. Either check your last report card or ask the administration at the school you go to. Can you still contact your stepdad? If not, there are plenty of people on this board who have served in both branches who I know would help you make the right decision.

Hopefully they'll chime in.
Im 15 years old and have always thought I would go into the Air force, but now I have no clue if I want that or the Marines. Which would be better? I have a while to decide but I will definetly join the military but which branch?

If you're 15, shouldn't you talk to your family, relatives and friends about this life decision, instead of strangers on a message board?

Having said that..............

Young man,

Firstly, follow the advice of the user 'Echo Zulu' and talk to your parents about what you want to do with regards to which branch of the military you want to join. They may know people who have served in both the Air Force and Marines. They may also know people who have served in branches you didn't know about, and may be more suited to. You will also need their consent if you want to join at 17.

Secondly, you need to talk to a military careers advisor in detail before you make any real decisions. They will know the detailed answers to precise questions. Don't be afraid to ask them anything, even if you feel stupid in doing so; it's a huge commitment. They'll respect you for it.

Thirdly, if you choose to join an infantry unit like the Marines; chances are, you will be going to Afghanistan. You're joining one of the last militaries that isn't afraid to put boots on hostile ground. So, prepare yourself for that eventuality. I served in both Iraq and Afghanistan. It was the scariest part of my life to date. I don't want to patronise you; but they're real bullets, and they do devestating damage. Believe me, I've seen the results for myself.

Fourthly, on the approach of your entry to the armed forces, give yourself a head start and start preparing yourself physically. Don't over do it, as you don't want to injure yourself. Start yourself on paced jogging, press-ups and sit-ups. Watch your diet.

Finally, enjoy yourself. I went into the British Army with nothing. It put hair on my chest and fire in my balls. It also gave me the academic qualifications and skills to provide for and enjoy a comfortable life after leaving. I also made the best and most loyal friends a man could ever ask for.

Good luck.
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Young man,

Firstly, follow the advice of the user 'Echo Zulu' and talk to your parents about what you want to do with regards to which branch of the military you want to join. They may know people who have served in both the Air Force and Marines. They may also know people who have served in branches you didn't know about, and may be more suited to. You will also need their consent if you want to join at 17.

Secondly, you need to talk to a military careers advisor in detail before you make any real decisions. They will know the detailed answers to precise questions. Don't be afraid to ask them anything, even if you feel stupid in doing so; it's a huge commitment. They'll respect you for it.

Thirdly, if you choose to join an infantry unit like the Marines; chances are, you will be going to Afghanistan. You're joining one of the last militaries that isn't afraid to put boots on hostile ground. So, prepare yourself for that eventuality. I served in both Iraq and Afghanistan. It was the scariest part of my life to date. I don't want to patronise you; but they're real bullets, and they do devestating damage. Believe me, I've seen the results for myself.

Fourthly, on the approach of your entry to the armed forces, give yourself a head start and start preparing yourself physically. Don't over do it, as you don't want to injure yourself. Start yourself on paced jogging, press-ups and sit-ups. Watch your diet.

Finally, enjoy yourself. I went into the British Army with nothing. It put hair on my chest and fire in my balls. It also gave me the academic qualifications and skills to provide for and enjoy a comfortable life after leaving. I also made the best and most loyal friends a man could ever ask for.

Good luck.

That's all true and fine.... but..... Marines also get all the girls!
My schools retarded and doesnt go to 4.0 it goes from 0-100 its new to me but I think my GPA is like a 3.8
i have and im just getting information from people who have ACTUALLY served in diffrent branches other than just my stepdad who served only in the Air Force. I have talked to my parents about everything and they agree whole heartedly that I join the military and they now and so do I that I possibly will go out to war and Im not afraid of it. I just want to get other opinions. Is that so bad?
You're set for life if you have a 3.8.

Now, it all comes down to when you're a little older and able to take the asvap, which by the way will let you know what you can do in the branch of your choice. With that said, having a 3.8 GPA will make it very easy to get a good score on the asvap.

Good luck.
Kid, do yourself a favor and finish high school and then go to college.

Join the military after you've graduated from college as an officer.

You may think I'm full of crap now, but do it this way and you'll thank me later on.
Greetings, Viking. I just read the posts on this thread and no one asked you the most important question. What do you want to do in the military?

There's a wide range of MOS's available to you. Which branch you join depends on what interests you.

From the age of 8 I knew I wanted to be a jarhead. It was my dream. I joined the Corps straight out of high school in 1973 and served my beloved Corps for 31 years. I finally retired in 2004.

I give you props for wanting to serve your country. It takes someone special to don the uniform and defend your nation.

Tell me some of the occupations within the military you're interested in and I'll be able to help you out and shove you in the right direction.

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