Air Force Thunderbirds too male, too white, top general warns

diversity. heterogeneous.

now, quote us

Truly dishonest.
It doesn't mean in height, or political outlook, or favorite baseball team.
It means skin color.

Why won't you admit that?

And...once admitting it, and if you had an education, you might quote LBJ....

"You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, "you are free to compete with all the others," and still justly believe you have been completely fair... This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity—not just legal equity but human ability—not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result."
That's eloquent....but wrong.

Instead, you'd rather lie about it.....hence, you must know it's wrong, too. long have you been a Liberal?
nobody is saying any decision should be made based on race.
you are imagining that.

Running from the truth as you are, it's clear that, both...
a. you know that 'diversity' means skin color
b. you know it's wrong as a doctrine for society.

I'll leave it at that.
Yep. The general wants more diverse applicants and in general just more applications.

What is wrong with that? Why do you insist a decision would be made based on skin color?
Diversity is code for NO Whites.

No matter how one views it, using one's skin color as a determiner of job preference is not an American value.

That applies to Roger Taney, Lyndon Johnson, Al Sharpton and every race hustler, i.e., Democrat Liberal.
diversity. heterogeneous.

now, quote us

Truly dishonest.
It doesn't mean in height, or political outlook, or favorite baseball team.
It means skin color.

Why won't you admit that?

And...once admitting it, and if you had an education, you might quote LBJ....

"You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, "you are free to compete with all the others," and still justly believe you have been completely fair... This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity—not just legal equity but human ability—not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result."
That's eloquent....but wrong.

Instead, you'd rather lie about it.....hence, you must know it's wrong, too. long have you been a Liberal?
nobody is saying any decision should be made based on race.
you are imagining that.

Running from the truth as you are, it's clear that, both...
a. you know that 'diversity' means skin color
b. you know it's wrong as a doctrine for society.

I'll leave it at that.
Yep. The general wants more diverse applicants and in general just more applications.

What is wrong with that? Why do you insist a decision would be made based on skin color?
Diversity is code for NO Whites.

Doesn't usually bode well for Asians, either.
Running from the truth as you are, it's clear that, both...
a. you know that 'diversity' means skin color
b. you know it's wrong as a doctrine for society.

I'll leave it at that.
Yep. The general wants more diverse applicants and in general just more applications.

What is wrong with that? Why do you insist a decision would be made based on skin color?

As soon as you Liberal liars attempt to reverse the truth, I chalk that up as a win for my side.

Liberas: when they began lying the Dead Sea was just a bit under the weather.
Reverse the truth? Wtf are you babbling about?

You posted this about me...but it only applies to you:
"Why do you insist a decision would be made based on skin color?"
Right. You believe that will happen. Why? I haven't said that should happen. The general didn't say it either. Why do you insist that decisions would be made based on skin color?

In the words of the Brown Bomber.....'You can run, but you can't hide.'
The Air Force’s vaunted Thunderbirds jet fighter aerobatics team is not diverse enough inside the cockpit.

Brig. Gen. Christopher M. Short, commander of the 57th Wing at NellisAir Force Base, Nevada, said in an email last month that of 15 pilot applicants for three openings, 14 are white.

He asked fighter wing commanders to stir up more candidates who “don’t necessarily look like each of you.” He bemoaned the fact that, not only is there a lack of diversity, but the number of applicants to make the world-famous team has taken a puzzling drop in the past two years.

“I am asking for your help in finding the right pilots for next year’s Thunderbirds team,” is how Gen. Short begins his email.

“While we have several qualified candidates that many of you submitted, I am lacking the depth in talent we’ve seen in previous years and I am lacking in diversity of gender, ethnicity and [aircraft type] background,”Gen. Short wrote.
Air Force Thunderbirds prioritize diversity in cockpit amid puzzling decline in applicants

Just another reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday.
Political correctness has destroyed country, everyone gets a blue ribbon so no one gets their feelings hurt....
Yeah, if I'm a highly trained Thunderbird pilot I'm gonna feel real safe flying a tight formation or during tricky maneuvers knowing one of the team's new members got their seat because they're not white or male.
so you think they're going to choose unqualified people?
Not unqualified...just less than the a job that demands the best.
the actual job demands diversity. and you're making an assumption that white males would be the best
The facts are that you have to be able to fly the airplane...not that you look good in a flight suit.
so what's the problem in looking for more diverse applicants?

remember, the team is a recruiting tool first and foremost
It's all about image??
Shallow minded at best... Lol
Cut the shit the implication of saying anything about race is that diversity should trump ability
you cut the shit. that is not the implication at all. the implication is they want a diverse group for their recruiting tool. anything else is your imagination.
If any people were qualified they would have already been on the squad
that is your imagination speaking again. pilots need to apply for consideration

So then how many people of color have applied for consideration?

If any had and they were qualified they would have already been on the squad so what was your point?
read the op. 14 of 15 applicants were white, and he only got 15 applicants.

the general was not happy with either the number of applicants or the diversity and is asking commanders to help recruit for the openings.

i really don't understand why you think this is a problem
Because the weak minded fool is pressured by political correctness which never helps anybody just like affirmative-action. bedwetting fucks...
If any people were qualified they would have already been on the squad
that is your imagination speaking again. pilots need to apply for consideration

So then how many people of color have applied for consideration?

If any had and they were qualified they would have already been on the squad so what was your point?
read the op. 14 of 15 applicants were white, and he only got 15 applicants.

the general was not happy with either the number of applicants or the diversity and is asking commanders to help recruit for the openings.

i really don't understand why you think this is a problem
And whose fault is that that no one else applied?

Sorry but people who want to be part of the tradition are the ones applying they are the ones showing initiative I don't understand why you think anyone should go out of their way to talk people into applying when their failure to apply tells you they don't want to be part of the squad
or they just aren't aware. or they don't see it as a stepping stone in their career path. or they think being a stunt pilot is beneath them. or lots of reasons.
the general was just asking commanders to help recruit. i'm sure you don't take issue with our armed forces running ads to help with recruitment so why is this a problem?
So you want racist behavior? Dumb fuck LOL
that is your imagination speaking again. pilots need to apply for consideration

So then how many people of color have applied for consideration?

If any had and they were qualified they would have already been on the squad so what was your point?
read the op. 14 of 15 applicants were white, and he only got 15 applicants.

the general was not happy with either the number of applicants or the diversity and is asking commanders to help recruit for the openings.

i really don't understand why you think this is a problem
And whose fault is that that no one else applied?

Sorry but people who want to be part of the tradition are the ones applying they are the ones showing initiative I don't understand why you think anyone should go out of their way to talk people into applying when their failure to apply tells you they don't want to be part of the squad
or they just aren't aware. or they don't see it as a stepping stone in their career path. or they think being a stunt pilot is beneath them. or lots of reasons.
the general was just asking commanders to help recruit. i'm sure you don't take issue with our armed forces running ads to help with recruitment so why is this a problem?
So you want racist behavior? Dumb fuck LOL
what racist behavior have you imagined i want?
No matter how one views it, using one's skin color as a determiner of job preference is not an American value.
who has said that should or would happen?

That's what 'diversity' means.

Skin color.

And this is the reason for it being pushed by Liberals/Democrats:

1. "But what exactly would that mean? In how many states do black voters make the difference? I ran some rough numbers over at Robert Emmet -- check them out. Depending on how much of a drop-off you assume, it could cost the Democrats 10 to 76 electoral votes."
The Democrats and the Black Vote

2. "Democrats are heavily dependent on the black vote. That’s an opportunity for the GOP.
The black vote has become important enough to the Democratic party that a small drop in support could make a big difference.

in the 1992 election, 13 percent of the Democratic vote came from black voters. In 2014, it was 23 percent.

That's the overall trend. On a state-by-state basis -- which is much more important in presidential politics -- it's more complex.

If there'd been a one-point swing from Obama to McCain in North Carolina in 2008, McCain would have won the state. And if the black vote in Florida and Ohio in 2012 had been as strong for the Republicans as it was in 2004 -- in the pre-Obama era -- Romney would have won both." Democrats are heavily dependent on the black vote. That’s an opportunity for the GOP.

The Democrats have enough trained seals who refuse to admit the truth about "diversity" that they can try to get away with it....

Raise your paw.
The following two videos go into the type of "reasoning" that is being used for the air force, the very end of the 1st video is identical with the air force claims, and the 2nd video takes it further:

Great videos...
Yeah let's lower the standards on everything now.

The Thunderbirds, Blue Angels etc are for the best of the best they are a pure meritocracy

If you want in then fucking earn it

"Fucking earn it," you said.

That last sentence in your comment is probably true, for white pilots. And I'm pretty sure, to darn near certain there's some jury rigging going on for white pilots too. You'd have to be a fool to think otherwise.

Add to that, knowing what I know, when pilots of color are seeing doorways close for them, the very same doorways white pilots are passing through in droves, they clearly see that the deck is stacked against them. Flying skills in that part of the process is irrelevant, for them. Nobody likes rejection, so why bother when outright rejection is a certainty, no matter how good you are. Word gets around. Pilots of color need not apply.

And so now we have this general looking deep into the bowels of the process that eventually produces pilots worthy of making the short list for future openings on the Thunderbirds, and with nothing but a sea of white faces looking back up at him, he knows why.
Yeah let's lower the standards on everything now.

The Thunderbirds, Blue Angels etc are for the best of the best they are a pure meritocracy

If you want in then fucking earn it

"Fucking earn it," you said.

That last sentence in your comment is probably true, for white pilots. And I'm pretty sure, to darn near certain there's some jury rigging going on for white pilots too. You'd have to be a fool to think otherwise.

Add to that, knowing what I know, when pilots of color are seeing doorways close for them, the very same doorways white pilots are passing through in droves, they clearly see that the deck is stacked against them. Flying skills in that part of the process is irrelevant, for them. Nobody likes rejection, so why bother when outright rejection is a certainty, no matter how good you are. Word gets around. Pilots of color need not apply.

And so now we have this general looking deep into the bowels of the process that eventually produces pilots worthy of making the short list for future openings on the Thunderbirds, and with nothing but a sea of white faces looking back up at him, he knows why.

Oh of ALWAYS comes back to the white man holding you down. We always have our conspiracy to keep closing the doors that the black man tries to go through.

STFU. If you can pass the tests and perform you can get in and you will.

I for one don't want anyone helped through by affirmative action flying the plane I'm in.
Yeah, if I'm a highly trained Thunderbird pilot I'm gonna feel real safe flying a tight formation or during tricky maneuvers knowing one of the team's new members got their seat because they're not white or male.
so you think they're going to choose unqualified people?
Not unqualified...just less than the a job that demands the best.
the actual job demands diversity. and you're making an assumption that white males would be the best

The job demands diversity? WTF do you know about flying F-16s? Are blacks, Asians, Hispanics or women better than a white guy because of their color or gender?

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