Air Force Thunderbirds too male, too white, top general warns

Both you and the general.
you seem to have reading comprehension problems. neither of us have said that

Now, now....please continue to be honest....

....and state the meaning of "diversity."
I'll wait for the quote where younshow either myself or the general eaying decisions should be made based on skin color

Why would you be afraid to explain what 'diversity' means.....unless I am 100% correct in that you racists define it based on melanin?
diversity. heterogeneous.

now, quote us

Truly dishonest.
It doesn't mean in height, or political outlook, or favorite baseball team.
It means skin color.

Why won't you admit that?

And...once admitting it, and if you had an education, you might quote LBJ....

"You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, "you are free to compete with all the others," and still justly believe you have been completely fair... This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity—not just legal equity but human ability—not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result."
That's eloquent....but wrong.

Instead, you'd rather lie about it.....hence, you must know it's wrong, too. long have you been a Liberal?
The Air Force’s vaunted Thunderbirds jet fighter aerobatics team is not diverse enough inside the cockpit.

Horseshit. They're Air Farce. That in itself is embarrassing enough. I bet most of those pilots have sucked a dick.
You want to see some straight, Conservative pro-Bush/Reagan/Trump MEN flying aircraft - watch the Blue Angels.

That's what made chief pollack join

View attachment 66049

Here you are again with your dipshit emoticons and videos. What an asswipe
We need lots more albino blind left-handed midgets in the NBA, too. Stop the Negro dominance and require anyone that wants in gets in. Period. Standards and requirements of talent and skills are so restrictive and discriminatory.
Yeah let's lower the standards on everything now.

The Thunderbirds, Blue Angels etc are for the best of the best they are a pure meritocracy

If you want in then fucking earn it

The problem here isn't necessarily that people are getting pushed through who aren't, it's that the education system in the US isn't fair. I don't mean fair in the sort of typical liberal meaning of everyone should have the same education, no matter their intelligence, I mean fair in the poor people are often getting much worse education than richer people, even within the public school system.

I have no problem with people paying for private school on top of paying their taxes which goes to public schools, but I do have a problem with the inequality within public schools, and the lack of resolve to deal with problems that affect poor people in the first place.
A whole lot if the "inequity" in public school education, especially inner city, would disappear if the students came to the classroom with the attitude they're their to get an education rather than a platform to enhance their street cred with their peers by acting like assholes instead.

"street cred" is often about survival in a very brutal environment. Until you get rid of the brutal environment you're not going to get rid of the survival tactics, and the need for people to earn a life, with crime looking a far better bet than trying to get a job. Those who choose the job routes often end up much poorer and still living in the same hole the criminals are in. What incentive is there to completely ignore the criminal environment?

Not much.

Basically on many levels the US has done a piss poor job of serving its people.
you seem to have reading comprehension problems. neither of us have said that

Now, now....please continue to be honest....

....and state the meaning of "diversity."
I'll wait for the quote where younshow either myself or the general eaying decisions should be made based on skin color

Why would you be afraid to explain what 'diversity' means.....unless I am 100% correct in that you racists define it based on melanin?
diversity. heterogeneous.

now, quote us

Truly dishonest.
It doesn't mean in height, or political outlook, or favorite baseball team.
It means skin color.

Why won't you admit that?

And...once admitting it, and if you had an education, you might quote LBJ....

"You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, "you are free to compete with all the others," and still justly believe you have been completely fair... This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity—not just legal equity but human ability—not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result."
That's eloquent....but wrong.

Instead, you'd rather lie about it.....hence, you must know it's wrong, too. long have you been a Liberal?
nobody is saying any decision should be made based on race.
you are imagining that.
The Air Force’s vaunted Thunderbirds jet fighter aerobatics team is not diverse enough inside the cockpit.

Horseshit. They're Air Farce. That in itself is embarrassing enough. I bet most of those pilots have sucked a dick.
You want to see some straight, Conservative pro-Bush/Reagan/Trump MEN flying aircraft - watch the Blue Angels.

The Village People is like, so 40 years ago, asswipe.
Post a clip from American Sniper for a look at the real Navy, of which you've never served,
Hell - you've never served any branch, coward.

aw... did i hurt your poor little feelings?
Yes. Let's lower standards to diversify our elite jet pilots.

This can ONLY end well!!!

Yeah let's lower the standards on everything now.

The Thunderbirds, Blue Angels etc are for the best of the best they are a pure meritocracy

If you want in then fucking earn it
Will that keep the Blunderbirds from making a 4 plane formation smoking hole in the ground.......again?
Yeah let's lower the standards on everything now.

The Thunderbirds, Blue Angels etc are for the best of the best they are a pure meritocracy

If you want in then fucking earn it
Will that keep the Blunderbirds from making a 4 plane formation smoking hole in the ground.......again?

The "Blunderbirds"? Thats not very nice or respectful of you.
The Air Force’s vaunted Thunderbirds jet fighter aerobatics team is not diverse enough inside the cockpit.

Brig. Gen. Christopher M. Short, commander of the 57th Wing at NellisAir Force Base, Nevada, said in an email last month that of 15 pilot applicants for three openings, 14 are white.

He asked fighter wing commanders to stir up more candidates who “don’t necessarily look like each of you.” He bemoaned the fact that, not only is there a lack of diversity, but the number of applicants to make the world-famous team has taken a puzzling drop in the past two years.

“I am asking for your help in finding the right pilots for next year’s Thunderbirds team,” is how Gen. Short begins his email.

“While we have several qualified candidates that many of you submitted, I am lacking the depth in talent we’ve seen in previous years and I am lacking in diversity of gender, ethnicity and [aircraft type] background,”Gen. Short wrote.
Air Force Thunderbirds prioritize diversity in cockpit amid puzzling decline in applicants

Just another reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday.
How could a person so stupid achieve the highest of ranks in the US Armed forces.
Hey moron.....You may want to have a quota for the T-Brids, but you cannot make the desired "right" candidates apply..
This is lunacy. The Thunderbirds perform flying maneuvers which require absolute precision. The performances are rehearsed hundreds of times in classroom and simulator.
There are ZERO mistakes. The Thunderbirds and their Navy counterparts, the Blue Angels are NOT the places to engage in social engineering.
I get the feeling that someone up the food chain is tugging at this General's pant leg,...anyone want to take a couple guesses and the first two don't count?
Yeah let's lower the standards on everything now.

The Thunderbirds, Blue Angels etc are for the best of the best they are a pure meritocracy

If you want in then fucking earn it
who said anything about lowering standards?

wtf is wrong with you?
As with every single other situation where the primary cause of action was hand wringing over 'diversity' each time the standards by which one became a member of the subject group, the ONLY way this could be accomplished was by lowering standards. Or in some cases, creating separate standards that applied only to the protected classes.
Yeah, if I'm a highly trained Thunderbird pilot I'm gonna feel real safe flying a tight formation or during tricky maneuvers knowing one of the team's new members got their seat because they're not white or male.
so you think they're going to choose unqualified people?
Not unqualified...just less than the a job that demands the best.
the actual job demands diversity. and you're making an assumption that white males would be the best
The actual job demands diversity....Would you care to elaborate?
Yeah, if I'm a highly trained Thunderbird pilot I'm gonna feel real safe flying a tight formation or during tricky maneuvers knowing one of the team's new members got their seat because they're not white or male.
so you think they're going to choose unqualified people?
Not unqualified...just less than the a job that demands the best.
the actual job demands diversity. and you're making an assumption that white males would be the best
No the assumption is the best pilots would be the best
Yeah, if I'm a highly trained Thunderbird pilot I'm gonna feel real safe flying a tight formation or during tricky maneuvers knowing one of the team's new members got their seat because they're not white or male.
so you think they're going to choose unqualified people?
Not unqualified...just less than the a job that demands the best.
the actual job demands diversity. and you're making an assumption that white males would be the best
The facts are that you have to be able to fly the airplane...not that you look good in a flight suit.
so what's the problem in looking for more diverse applicants?

remember, the team is a recruiting tool first and foremost
Define "diverse"

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