Airspace closed in Northern Montana for defense reasons


Are we shooting down a 4th UFO?

This is bananas.

I don't know what is going on there but I watched multiple YouTube videos this week of a train going through there that hundreds of tanks on it, multiple Bradley fighting vehicles and all kinds of other military hardware on it.
I don't know what is going on there but I watched multiple YouTube videos this week of a train going through there that hundreds of tanks on it, multiple Bradley fighting vehicles and all kinds of other military hardware on it.

It is quite possible WWIII has begun, however it is very unlikely at this time. Then again, who knows up from down? These days sideways is backwards and so on.
When Ferdinand was killed, I doubt many people said “Well, World War I just started”.

I know it was not called WWI until WWII…thats not the point.

The point is that one can only reflect later as to when exactly these great wars begin.
Most have put this out of mind, its curious how pliable and gullible the American public has become, accepting at face value almost any nonsensical explanation put out there by DoD, which virtually every media venue did in Afghanistan after Biden blew up a man and his seven little kids with a Hellfire missile, whilst swearing they were all high ranking Taliban, Biden is doing exactly the same thing right at this moment, absent a dead family, and what is that you ask, why aggrandizing self in immediate(literally)aftermath of an inexcusable national security failure!

That said, and as I have indicated many, if not most Americans, have safely pushed from minds the mysterious destruction this last week of a highly secretive Russian satellite, even popular mechanics seems to chalk it up to an internal failure within this satellite, which is awfully damn curious, as an exact duplicate satellite also mysterious went to pieces in 2019. How many satellites have you folk heard of that just "ahh" spontaneously go poof in high circumpolar orbit, I'd wager not any at all, at least not of their own accord!

Who has a space force, who was poised to announce the active deployment of a shiny new orbital weapon just before the advent of the pandemic, and then never uttered another word of it since, was that China, Russia, France, UK, or Santa Claus??? Nope, its the United States who has a space force, and at least one shiny new orbital weapon whom most in the know, such as myself, believe is a satellite killing satellite, might all of current uproar following downing of Chinese balloon actually be Russia responding to the splashing of their space birds????
Could be a distraction from the real mission.

Is there some big event somewhere that is going to be watched world wide?

I cant think of anything going on tomorrow at 6pm eastern.

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