Zone1 Akon says "Attending kids' recitals is a white man's thing"

Not trying to be clever. But keep attacking the messenger in Zone 1 if that's what floats your dinghy.

You posted this topic only because Akon is Black.
Who else made the statement? Would the statement be better coming from a white person (LOLOLOLOLOLOL, we all know they would be called racist for saying blacks don't support their kids, which is what the message really is)
Akon said attending recitals are white people stuff and Clint Eastwood did not say this. One faggot leftist can't understand this.
You are still around carrying water for bastard baby makers. You must be one proud baby daddy. You big fag welfare loser.
Yep, I'm still here.. Waiting around for other opinions.. Perhaps a different moderator will happen by.. According to flacaltenn:
USMB moderation has ALWAYS had the policy of closing/warning threads that are abandoned or where the Thread Starter is diverting the topic or "going personal" responding to troll bait or flaming.
Thing is, this topic is obviously no more than troll bait, predictably attracting a school of like-minded, slimy, flaming fish. Your school is constantly sniffing for race bait and dutifully comes a wrigglin' when any blow such dog whistles:
  • a subtly aimed political message which is intended for, and can only be understood by, a particular group.
    "dog-whistle issues such as immigration and crime"

Akon says "Attending kids' recitals is a white man's thing"​

But it's obviously not just "a white man's thing" so who cares what some idiot celebrity stupidly says about it in the Thirty Mile Zone? No one.. uh.. unless they're white and apt to take it personally.. Then, Well, if Clint Eastwood or some other white dude said it, so what. Ah, but look.. nooo.. this Akon fella is Black! Whoa! Holy shit! I'm really getting angry now! ^&@#X*!!!
Previously on buckeye can't keep up, buckeye said:
we all know they would be called racist for saying blacks don't support their kids
"They" meaning any white people who said the same. No, "we" don't "all know" that. Most of us white people spend no time at all worrying about our skin color and would not give a shit about any celebrity saying we don't support our kids. Because that's our privilege. Being easily identified as a member of the world's most powerful racial class.. like it or not.. due to our pale skin color alone.
This is the title

Akon says "Attending kids' recitals is a white man's thing​

You got it. Amazing!
Previously on buckeye can't keep up, buckeye said:

"They" meaning any white people who said the same. No, "we" don't "all know" that. Most of us white people spend no time at all worrying about our skin color and would not give a shit about any celebrity saying we don't support our kids. Because that's our privilege. Being easily identified as a member of the world's most powerful racial class.. like it or not.. due to our pale skin color alone.

You got it. Amazing!
OMG a self loather. What do you get out of that? And if a white person said that, they would be mocked and ridculed, which is why they don't say it. Sorry but white culture and black culture are different. Even among blacks, there are the Oreos and the ghetto blacks (Their words not mine)
OMG a self loather. What do you get out of that? And if a white person said that, they would be mocked and ridculed, which is why they don't say it. Sorry but white culture and black culture are different. Even among blacks, there are the Oreos and the ghetto blacks (Their words not mine)
You are quite incoherent. Work on it, then get back to me.

So Akon represents all blacks?

But if I use your comments to represent all whites, you'll whine like an infant without a bottle.
And they continue to pretend everyone else is the problem
And wannabes like you keep hoping you can become an honorary white dude.

99.99999 percent of black people apparently don't agree with AKON. And the fact you and others here are using this as a claim against all black people show just how much you are part of the problem.
It seems attending your kids recitals is a white people's thing.
It seems that the trash has started another thread.

Because I've known too many divorced white women with white kids who haven't seen daddy in years.

Clint Eastwood has seven children, spread among five different women. His eldest daughter Kimber was the result of a relationship with dancer Roxanne Tunis. But he also had two children (Kyle and Alison) with ex-wife Maggie Johnson, two (Scott and Kathryn) with flight attendant Jacelyn Reeves, one, Francesca, with actress Frances Fisher and daughter, Morgan with estranged wife Dina Eastwood.
Eastwood is of Hollywood. And is rich. Many people who have money are in the same direction. Middle class. working poor and the poor have much less room for error.

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