Al-Awlaki memo released

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Basically, they did it because they could, no real concern about the Constitution or the law. Not that the legality matters to people who defend this anyway.

Today, in response to lawsuits filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and The New York Times, the Obama administration has finally released an important memo written by the Department of Justice explaining the legal authority to use drones to sometimes kill Americans without the benefit of a trial first. Anwar Al-Awlaki was an American citizen and also allegedly a terrorist organizer for Al Qaeda, killed in a drone strike in 2011 in Yemen. The administration had been fighting the memo's release and losing. Today a redacted version of the memo was released. The ACLU has it posted here (the memo actually begins on page 67, following a lengthy court ruling). The "too long; didn't read" version: The Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF) that gave us wars in Iraq and Afghanistan gave the administration permission to pursue and capture or kill members of Al Qaeda; Al-Awlaki was a member of Al Qaeda; therefore, killing was legal.
Al-Awlaki's Fourth Amendment right to due process is brought up toward the end. The Justice Department argues here that capturing Al-Awlaki was infeasible, yet he presented a threat to the United States as "continued" and "imminent," therefore lethal force was justified.

DOJ?s Defense of Drone-Killing American Alleged Terrorist Without Trial: Because War - Hit & Run :
Works for me

Take up arms against your country you lose
Anwar Al-Awlaki's teenaged son, who was an American citizen and not wanted for any terrorist activities, was killed by a drone strike a few days later. .. :doubt:

Who else was killed in that strike?

You are judged by the company you keep
The use of drones is not a Constitutional issue.

They are issues of technology.

The only reason the far right are yelling is their fear for what will happen to the militias if they rise up.

They are right to fear.

All criminally minded should fear justice.
The use of drones is not a Constitutional issue.

They are issues of technology.

The only reason the far right are yelling is their fear for what will happen to the militias if they rise up.

They are right to fear.

All criminally minded should fear justice.

Funny how everyone who disagrees with you is far right, even the famous left wing columnist Jonathon Turley.

Second Circuit Orders Obama Administration To Release Drone Memos On Killing U.S. Citizens | JONATHAN TURLEY
Take up arms against your own country and you become the enemy
Al Awlaki voted against having Obama and Val Jarrett take over Al Qaeda

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
The use of drones is not a Constitutional issue.

They are issues of technology.

The only reason the far right are yelling is their fear for what will happen to the militias if they rise up.

They are right to fear.

All criminally minded should fear justice.

Funny how everyone who disagrees with you is far right, even the famous left wing columnist Jonathon Turley.

Second Circuit Orders Obama Administration To Release Drone Memos On Killing U.S. Citizens | JONATHAN TURLEY

Turley is wrong. Does that satisfy your ravening hunger?

If one goes jihad in Yemen or Somalia, talks the jabber on the radio, stupid person will be hunted down and dragon fire will fall on his or her ass. All America will do is go, "Hmpf, deserved it" and go back to gardening.
If one goes jihad in Yemen or Somalia, talks the jabber on the radio, stupid person will be hunted down and dragon fire will fall on his or her ass. All America will do is go, "Hmpf, deserved it" and go back to gardening.
And then American's can't seem to figure out why so many people in the world hate us?? .. :cool:
Take up arms against your own country and you become the enemy

cross the boarder illegally, fuck it, free pass.
Take up arms against your nation, Fuck it we drone your ass. Unless he denounced his citizenship he was an american and thus still had his rights.

Just like Ayers did, and just like the Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh. We have been willing to give captured terrorists Civil trials which afford them certain rights, but not all.

The concept of this is simple. Its all ok till your guy isnt in power. Look at how the right cries about what Obama has done with the NSA. They were told under Bush this would happen and they didnt care. Soon as they lost in 08 and 12 it became an issue. They had stuff to hide now.

Same deal. This is a problem people have. Either we have rights or we don't. Even murders here in the USA have their rights.

You are wrong on this one.
The use of drones is not a Constitutional issue.

They are issues of technology.

The only reason the far right are yelling is their fear for what will happen to the militias if they rise up.

They are right to fear.

All criminally minded should fear justice.

Funny how everyone who disagrees with you is far right, even the famous left wing columnist Jonathon Turley.

Second Circuit Orders Obama Administration To Release Drone Memos On Killing U.S. Citizens | JONATHAN TURLEY

Turley is wrong. Does that satisfy your ravening hunger?

If one goes jihad in Yemen or Somalia, talks the jabber on the radio, stupid person will be hunted down and dragon fire will fall on his or her ass. All America will do is go, "Hmpf, deserved it" and go back to gardening.

then we should have droned Timothy McVeigh? or did he have rights?
So we can drone William Ayers there's no statue of limitation right

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Personally I dont have a problem with killing terrorists, even if they are American citizens. The Supreme Court already ruled (I think in ex parte Quirin) that the Constitution is not a roving shield to protect people no matter what they do. Al Awlaki was clearly an enemy combatant who by quirk had American citizenship. There is no way to call it wrong without invoking a slippery slope fallacy.
That said, the Obama administration took its usual casual attitude towards the law and decided "We want to, therefore we can." This was after threatening Bush Administration lawyers with prosecution for waterboarding even though the entire procedure was subject to very careful legal analysis.
The use of drones is not a Constitutional issue.

They are issues of technology.

The only reason the far right are yelling is their fear for what will happen to the militias if they rise up.

They are right to fear.

All criminally minded should fear justice.

Funny how everyone who disagrees with you is far right, even the famous left wing columnist Jonathon Turley.

Second Circuit Orders Obama Administration To Release Drone Memos On Killing U.S. Citizens | JONATHAN TURLEY

Turley is wrong. Does that satisfy your ravening hunger?

If one goes jihad in Yemen or Somalia, talks the jabber on the radio, stupid person will be hunted down and dragon fire will fall on his or her ass. All America will do is go, "Hmpf, deserved it" and go back to gardening.

Is he far right or not? Just asking because I almost always agree with him. In fact, I can't think of a significant position he has argued for that I disagree with. Does that make him far right, or does it make me a liberal?
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Personally I dont have a problem with killing terrorists, even if they are American citizens. The Supreme Court already ruled (I think in ex parte Quirin) that the Constitution is not a roving shield to protect people no matter what they do. Al Awlaki was clearly an enemy combatant who by quirk had American citizenship. There is no way to call it wrong without invoking a slippery slope fallacy.
That said, the Obama administration took its usual casual attitude towards the law and decided "We want to, therefore we can." This was after threatening Bush Administration lawyers with prosecution for waterboarding even though the entire procedure was subject to very careful legal analysis.

wrong. Obama Protected Bush from being prosecuted.

Obama's justice department grants final immunity to Bush's CIA torturers | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |
Personally I dont have a problem with killing terrorists, even if they are American citizens. The Supreme Court already ruled (I think in ex parte Quirin) that the Constitution is not a roving shield to protect people no matter what they do. Al Awlaki was clearly an enemy combatant who by quirk had American citizenship. There is no way to call it wrong without invoking a slippery slope fallacy.
That said, the Obama administration took its usual casual attitude towards the law and decided "We want to, therefore we can." This was after threatening Bush Administration lawyers with prosecution for waterboarding even though the entire procedure was subject to very careful legal analysis.

wrong. Obama Protected Bush from being prosecuted.

Obama's justice department grants final immunity to Bush's CIA torturers | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |

After he raised the spectre of trying administration officials for doing their job, assbreathe. Can you ever get anything right? Ever?
Obama: Holder Will Decide Whether To Prosecute Torture Authors, Supports Bipartisan Truth Commission | ThinkProgress

But the idea was so bad even Obama had to reject it. A first.

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