Al-Awlaki memo released

Personally I dont have a problem with killing terrorists, even if they are American citizens. The Supreme Court already ruled (I think in ex parte Quirin) that the Constitution is not a roving shield to protect people no matter what they do. Al Awlaki was clearly an enemy combatant who by quirk had American citizenship. There is no way to call it wrong without invoking a slippery slope fallacy.
That said, the Obama administration took its usual casual attitude towards the law and decided "We want to, therefore we can." This was after threatening Bush Administration lawyers with prosecution for waterboarding even though the entire procedure was subject to very careful legal analysis.

wrong. Obama Protected Bush from being prosecuted.

Obama's justice department grants final immunity to Bush's CIA torturers | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |

After he raised the spectre of trying administration officials for doing their job, assbreathe. Can you ever get anything right? Ever?
Obama: Holder Will Decide Whether To Prosecute Torture Authors, Supports Bipartisan Truth Commission | ThinkProgress

But the idea was so bad even Obama had to reject it. A first.

On 16 April 2009, Obama himself took the first step in formalizing the full-scale immunity he intended to bestow on all government officials involved even in the most heinous and lethal torture. On that date, he decreed absolute immunity for any official involved in torture provided that it comported with the permission slips produced by Bush department of justice (DOJ) lawyers which authorized certain techniques. "This is a time for reflection, not retribution," the new president so movingly observed in his statement announcing this immunity.

The use of drones is not a Constitutional issue.

They are issues of technology.

The only reason the far right are yelling is their fear for what will happen to the militias if they rise up.

They are right to fear.

All criminally minded should fear justice.

Funny how everyone who disagrees with you is far right, even the famous left wing columnist Jonathon Turley.

Second Circuit Orders Obama Administration To Release Drone Memos On Killing U.S. Citizens | JONATHAN TURLEY

Turley is wrong. Does that satisfy your ravening hunger?

If one goes jihad in Yemen or Somalia, talks the jabber on the radio, stupid person will be hunted down and dragon fire will fall on his or her ass. All America will do is go, "Hmpf, deserved it" and go back to gardening.

After he raised the spectre of trying administration officials for doing their job, assbreathe. Can you ever get anything right? Ever?
Obama: Holder Will Decide Whether To Prosecute Torture Authors, Supports Bipartisan Truth Commission | ThinkProgress

But the idea was so bad even Obama had to reject it. A first.

On 16 April 2009, Obama himself took the first step in formalizing the full-scale immunity he intended to bestow on all government officials involved even in the most heinous and lethal torture. On that date, he decreed absolute immunity for any official involved in torture provided that it comported with the permission slips produced by Bush department of justice (DOJ) lawyers which authorized certain techniques. "This is a time for reflection, not retribution," the new president so movingly observed in his statement announcing this immunity.

On the other hand, holder did keep trying to prosecute them despite Obama's decision.
After he raised the spectre of trying administration officials for doing their job, assbreathe. Can you ever get anything right? Ever?
Obama: Holder Will Decide Whether To Prosecute Torture Authors, Supports Bipartisan Truth Commission | ThinkProgress

But the idea was so bad even Obama had to reject it. A first.

On 16 April 2009, Obama himself took the first step in formalizing the full-scale immunity he intended to bestow on all government officials involved even in the most heinous and lethal torture. On that date, he decreed absolute immunity for any official involved in torture provided that it comported with the permission slips produced by Bush department of justice (DOJ) lawyers which authorized certain techniques. "This is a time for reflection, not retribution," the new president so movingly observed in his statement announcing this immunity.

On the other hand, holder did keep trying to prosecute them despite Obama's decision.

which was wrapped up recently
Take up arms against your own nation and RWer's will defend accused of being AWOL and the RWer's will flay you and drink your blood.....

Just amazing isn't it?

And I remember what they were saying about John Walker Lindh and Jose Padillia just a few short years ago. :(

They wanted those American "terrorists" the fry.


They would hug them and kiss them and tuck them into a nice comfy bed.

That's of course, if they hated Obama.
Works for me

Take up arms against your country you lose

I realize you fully know this but it isn't the inane lie that the liberals tell. No one wants terrorists to be a threat to America. No one is defending this guy. What is being defended is the Constitution. I am not sure what it is you people don't wish to understand. Is it because this is about Obama? Obama the first president to target Americans since the civil war? Come on this just ain't right. And killing the 16 year old boy wasn't either but they skated on that murder.
Take up arms against your own nation and RWer's will defend accused of being AWOL and the RWer's will flay you and drink your blood.....

Just amazing isn't it?

And I remember what they were saying about John Walker Lindh and Jose Padillia just a few short years ago. :(

They wanted those American "terrorists" the fry.


They would hug them and kiss them and tuck them into a nice comfy bed.

That's of course, if they hated Obama.

I started the thread, and am 100% opposed to the death penalty. Want to try again?
Obama murdered Abdulrahman al-Awlaki 2 whole weeks after he killed his father.

What was the point of murdering a 16 year old 2 weeks after his father's death?
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Take up arms against your own country and you become the enemy

Chant that all you want, moron. But the fact remains that we have due process laws here. You do not get to assassinate citizens based on flimsy assertions that they are guilty terrorists "taking up arms" against the US.

But you have the mental fortitude of a gnat, so it's not shocking you;ve latched onto such a moronic soundbite.
Obama murdered Abdulrahman al-Awlaki 2 whole weeks after he killed his father.

What was the point of murdering a 16 year old 2 weeks after his father's death?

they said it was an oopsie. They blamed it on a bad father. Why that pitiful remark didn't bring more attention is anyone's guess.
Anwar Al-Awlaki's teenaged son, who was an American citizen and not wanted for any terrorist activities, was killed by a drone strike a few days later. .. :doubt:

Who else was killed in that strike?

You are judged by the company you keep

Yeah, baby, kill em all and let God sort them out, now you got you blood lust up good for you.

I suppose next you'll be telling us if you don't like the CIA and President being Judge, Jury and executioner then love it or leave it. You and the left sure like killing these days. Right, right, as long as the killing is being done from a bunker 2000 miles away it doesn't really matter whom else you folks kill.
Take up arms against your own country and you become the enemy

Chant that all you want, moron. But the fact remains that we have due process laws here. You do not get to assassinate citizens based on flimsy assertions that they are guilty terrorists "taking up arms" against the US.

But you have the mental fortitude of a gnat, so it's not shocking you;ve latched onto such a moronic soundbite.

So we should have served him an arrest warrant?

Sorry, you cross the line to fight with the enemy, you become the enemy
Take up arms against your own country and you become the enemy

Chant that all you want, moron. But the fact remains that we have due process laws here. You do not get to assassinate citizens based on flimsy assertions that they are guilty terrorists "taking up arms" against the US.

But you have the mental fortitude of a gnat, so it's not shocking you;ve latched onto such a moronic soundbite.

I can't wait until the next President and we will see if RWer sings a different tune. Funny when the CIA uses enhanced interrogation techniques against those who take up arms against the US and they are not citizens that becomes a war crime. Yet the targeting of US citizens and the killing of a perfectly innocent 16 year old, and his cousins sorry RWer no bad guys, THAT is just protecting the country. If the left had any I would say they have a warped sense of morality. But then again their only morality does seem to be protect the king.
Take up arms against your own country and you become the enemy

Chant that all you want, moron. But the fact remains that we have due process laws here. You do not get to assassinate citizens based on flimsy assertions that they are guilty terrorists "taking up arms" against the US.

But you have the mental fortitude of a gnat, so it's not shocking you;ve latched onto such a moronic soundbite.

So we should have served him an arrest warrant?

Sorry, you cross the line to fight with the enemy, you become the enemy

I realize you're dumber than a bag of stones, but the entire point of a trial is to identify and charge guilt. You do not get to throw out the assertion of guilt based on the say so of a couple of men and then carry out assassination. This is a nation of the rule of law, not the rule of men.

Take up arms against your own country and you become the enemy

Chant that all you want, moron. But the fact remains that we have due process laws here. You do not get to assassinate citizens based on flimsy assertions that they are guilty terrorists "taking up arms" against the US.

But you have the mental fortitude of a gnat, so it's not shocking you;ve latched onto such a moronic soundbite.

So we should have served him an arrest warrant?

Sorry, you cross the line to fight with the enemy, you become the enemy

What is it that you can't get through your head? No one wants to protect terrorists American citizen or not. But that does not mean we want to give up the constitutional right to due process. WTF difference would it have made to just have some sort of trial even if it were a kangaroo court? And no, RWer, no other terrorists were killed when the 16 year old boy was murdered. Manslaughter or murder, you pick.

You really need to read up on how the drone program was/is run. But I am thinking you will not because you will not like what you read. I will say that maybe the boy was not a target and was targeted by someone on the ground that just didn't like the American. That is what is wrong with the whole drone program it relies on people being paid ratting out those who THEY say are guilty. Place a GPS on a car, car go boom, person gets paid, no investigation, no nothing. THAT is what you are advocating.

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