Al-Awlaki memo released

Chant that all you want, moron. But the fact remains that we have due process laws here. You do not get to assassinate citizens based on flimsy assertions that they are guilty terrorists "taking up arms" against the US.

But you have the mental fortitude of a gnat, so it's not shocking you;ve latched onto such a moronic soundbite.

So we should have served him an arrest warrant?

Sorry, you cross the line to fight with the enemy, you become the enemy

What is it that you can't get through your head? No one wants to protect terrorists American citizen or not. But that does not mean we want to give up the constitutional right to due process. WTF difference would it have made to just have some sort of trial even if it were a kangaroo court? And no, RWer, no other terrorists were killed when the 16 year old boy was murdered. Manslaughter or murder, you pick.

You really need to read up on how the drone program was/is run. But I am thinking you will not because you will not like what you read. I will say that maybe the boy was not a target and was targeted by someone on the ground that just didn't like the American. That is what is wrong with the whole drone program it relies on people being paid ratting out those who THEY say are guilty. Place a GPS on a car, car go boom, person gets paid, no investigation, no nothing. THAT is what you are advocating.

One he becomes an ememy combatant, he no longer qualifies for due process. He was planning and leading attacks against his own country

A Hellfire missile is all he deserved
So we should have served him an arrest warrant?

Sorry, you cross the line to fight with the enemy, you become the enemy

What is it that you can't get through your head? No one wants to protect terrorists American citizen or not. But that does not mean we want to give up the constitutional right to due process. WTF difference would it have made to just have some sort of trial even if it were a kangaroo court? And no, RWer, no other terrorists were killed when the 16 year old boy was murdered. Manslaughter or murder, you pick.

You really need to read up on how the drone program was/is run. But I am thinking you will not because you will not like what you read. I will say that maybe the boy was not a target and was targeted by someone on the ground that just didn't like the American. That is what is wrong with the whole drone program it relies on people being paid ratting out those who THEY say are guilty. Place a GPS on a car, car go boom, person gets paid, no investigation, no nothing. THAT is what you are advocating.

One he becomes an ememy combatant, he no longer qualifies for due process. He was planning and leading attacks against his own country

A Hellfire missile is all he deserved

Proof of the 16 yr old boys guilt or STFU. You keep playing that game of repeater and continue to miss the point entirely. It's either you're the dumbest bag of stones to ever breath, or you deliberately are trying to avoid the point.

Being you're a troll, and not even a good one, my money is on deliberate.
So we should have served him an arrest warrant?

Sorry, you cross the line to fight with the enemy, you become the enemy

What is it that you can't get through your head? No one wants to protect terrorists American citizen or not. But that does not mean we want to give up the constitutional right to due process. WTF difference would it have made to just have some sort of trial even if it were a kangaroo court? And no, RWer, no other terrorists were killed when the 16 year old boy was murdered. Manslaughter or murder, you pick.

You really need to read up on how the drone program was/is run. But I am thinking you will not because you will not like what you read. I will say that maybe the boy was not a target and was targeted by someone on the ground that just didn't like the American. That is what is wrong with the whole drone program it relies on people being paid ratting out those who THEY say are guilty. Place a GPS on a car, car go boom, person gets paid, no investigation, no nothing. THAT is what you are advocating.

One he becomes an ememy combatant, he no longer qualifies for due process. He was planning and leading attacks against his own country

A Hellfire missile is all he deserved

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So we should have served him an arrest warrant?

Sorry, you cross the line to fight with the enemy, you become the enemy
The American citizen Anwar Al-Awlaki never took up arms and fought with the enemy.

All he did was use his freedom of speech to criticize the U.S. government and it's foreign policy.

And for that both him and his son were assassinated. .. :doubt:
What is it that you can't get through your head? No one wants to protect terrorists American citizen or not. But that does not mean we want to give up the constitutional right to due process. WTF difference would it have made to just have some sort of trial even if it were a kangaroo court? And no, RWer, no other terrorists were killed when the 16 year old boy was murdered. Manslaughter or murder, you pick.

You really need to read up on how the drone program was/is run. But I am thinking you will not because you will not like what you read. I will say that maybe the boy was not a target and was targeted by someone on the ground that just didn't like the American. That is what is wrong with the whole drone program it relies on people being paid ratting out those who THEY say are guilty. Place a GPS on a car, car go boom, person gets paid, no investigation, no nothing. THAT is what you are advocating.

One he becomes an ememy combatant, he no longer qualifies for due process. He was planning and leading attacks against his own country

A Hellfire missile is all he deserved

Proof of the 16 yr old boys guilt or STFU. You keep playing that game of repeater and continue to miss the point entirely. It's either you're the dumbest bag of stones to ever breath, or you deliberately are trying to avoid the point.

Being you're a troll, and not even a good one, my money is on deliberate.

He doesn't miss it there is just no other argument to be made.
Don't ya worry RWer the SCOTUS already ruled on the wrongful death law suit. Seems they don't think they should get involved in National Security issues. Wow.
Chant that all you want, moron. But the fact remains that we have due process laws here. You do not get to assassinate citizens based on flimsy assertions that they are guilty terrorists "taking up arms" against the US.

But you have the mental fortitude of a gnat, so it's not shocking you;ve latched onto such a moronic soundbite.

So we should have served him an arrest warrant?

Sorry, you cross the line to fight with the enemy, you become the enemy

I realize you're dumber than a bag of stones, but the entire point of a trial is to identify and charge guilt. You do not get to throw out the assertion of guilt based on the say so of a couple of men and then carry out assassination. This is a nation of the rule of law, not the rule of men.

Al Awlaki was not a criminal. Therefore criminal procedure here is irrelevant.
So we should have served him an arrest warrant?

Sorry, you cross the line to fight with the enemy, you become the enemy

I realize you're dumber than a bag of stones, but the entire point of a trial is to identify and charge guilt. You do not get to throw out the assertion of guilt based on the say so of a couple of men and then carry out assassination. This is a nation of the rule of law, not the rule of men.

Al Awlaki was not a criminal. Therefore criminal procedure here is irrelevant.

He wasn't a terrorist either. Not one shred of proof has been put forth to that assertion besides a few men saying so.
which was wrapped up recently

I thought it was wrapped up a couple of years ago, did he get pressing it?

The last two where closed up....holder had nothing becau see Obama was basically blocking him..

No, Holder had nothing because there was nothing there. The president does not have the power to tell the DOJ what it can, and cannot, investigate. If he did Holder would have dropped it years ago.

But keep thinking Obama is all powerful, I know it gives you comfort.
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You have to remember that Clinton had a chance to use drones to get Bin Laden.

He was worried about collateral damage.

The far left under Bush was worried about collateral damage and they wanted all the terrorists to have due process. Much of the far left was against the drone strikes in Pakistan calling it "Another sovereign nation being invaded by Bush".

Funny how all that changed in 2009,

If the far left had been silent then like they are now, things would be a lot different and probably for the better.

The far left needs to be removed form power and never allowed to get it back.
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I realize you're dumber than a bag of stones, but the entire point of a trial is to identify and charge guilt. You do not get to throw out the assertion of guilt based on the say so of a couple of men and then carry out assassination. This is a nation of the rule of law, not the rule of men.

Al Awlaki was not a criminal. Therefore criminal procedure here is irrelevant.

He wasn't a terrorist either. Not one shred of proof has been put forth to that assertion besides a few men saying so.
He was of course a terrorist. Only willful disbelief would call him anything else.
Take up arms against your own country and you become the enemy

cross the boarder illegally, fuck it, free pass.
Take up arms against your nation, Fuck it we drone your ass. Unless he denounced his citizenship he was an american and thus still had his rights.

Just like Ayers did, and just like the Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh. We have been willing to give captured terrorists Civil trials which afford them certain rights, but not all.

The concept of this is simple. Its all ok till your guy isnt in power. Look at how the right cries about what Obama has done with the NSA. They were told under Bush this would happen and they didnt care. Soon as they lost in 08 and 12 it became an issue. They had stuff to hide now.

Same deal. This is a problem people have. Either we have rights or we don't. Even murders here in the USA have their rights.

You are wrong on this one.

He could have turned himself in, like Ayers did.
Funny how everyone who disagrees with you is far right, even the famous left wing columnist Jonathon Turley.

Second Circuit Orders Obama Administration To Release Drone Memos On Killing U.S. Citizens | JONATHAN TURLEY

Turley is wrong. Does that satisfy your ravening hunger?

If one goes jihad in Yemen or Somalia, talks the jabber on the radio, stupid person will be hunted down and dragon fire will fall on his or her ass. All America will do is go, "Hmpf, deserved it" and go back to gardening.

then we should have droned Timothy McVeigh? or did he have rights?

McVeigh was in jail on unrelated charges (no tags on the car he was driving?) when they finally figured out who he was and what he had done.
Funny how everyone who disagrees with you is far right, even the famous left wing columnist Jonathon Turley.

Second Circuit Orders Obama Administration To Release Drone Memos On Killing U.S. Citizens | JONATHAN TURLEY

Turley is wrong. Does that satisfy your ravening hunger?

If one goes jihad in Yemen or Somalia, talks the jabber on the radio, stupid person will be hunted down and dragon fire will fall on his or her ass. All America will do is go, "Hmpf, deserved it" and go back to gardening.

then we should have droned Timothy McVeigh? or did he have rights?

Had Timothy McVeigh announced his intention, where upon law enforcement issued a warrant for his arrest and he fled?

Nothing new has been learned?

"Even with the memo, we actually don't learn anything new from a leak of a similar memo NBC published last year. We don't know why Al-Awlaki was considered to be an imminent threat and why this drone strike was the only way the Obama administration believed it needed to deal with him."
You have to remember that Clinton had a chance to use drones to get Bin Laden.

He was worried about collateral damage.

The far left under Bush was worried about collateral damage and they wanted all the terrorists to have due process. Much of the far left was against the drone strikes in Pakistan calling it "Another sovereign nation being invaded by Bush".

Funny how all that changed in 2009,

If the far left had been silent then like they are now, things would be a lot different and probably for the better.

The far left needs to be removed form power and never allowed to get it back.

That's completely incorrect.

First off, Clinton tried on several occasions to get the CIA to certify that Bin Laden was behind the terrorist attacks. They wouldn't. Then Congress would not authorize special ops against Bin Laden. Clinton had to resort to using bombs. And did bomb a Bin Laden hide out which conservatives mocked as "wagging the dog".

Second off, Bush had the opportunity to get it right in Afghanistan and clean out the camps while decapitating Al Qaeda leadership. A 2 fer. He opted to invade Iraq, kill the Iraqi military and civilians, call them terrorists and lock up those who weren't killed.

That's wholly different then the original mission.

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