Al Franken takes dummy Ted Cruz to School

Obama should have come out against Net Neutrality, so the nutters would be for it.

The issue isn't that anyone is against something because Obama is for it, the issue is that Obama is consistently for the wrong thing. He's a morally depraved, race baiting, narsassistic megalomaniac. He hates America and everything about it, so obviously he's gong to be constantly wrong. He's the one with the issue.
Greater capitalism through Marxism. Yeah, that's a great plan.
OMG, you're dumber than a box of rocks.

I hear you. kaz, seriously, you don't think government is there to make life fair? To prevent companies from giving customers who pay more higher service? seriously, kaz, waddup?

BTW, I can tell you as an actual owner of an actual start up that government does nothing but fuck me. I'm not looking for help, I'd appreciate they just stop the fucking.
Maybe you can describe the nature of this fucking. I ran a start up too and dealing with the government was literally the easiest aspect of it.
Greater capitalism through Marxism. Yeah, that's a great plan.
OMG, you're dumber than a box of rocks.

I hear you. kaz, seriously, you don't think government is there to make life fair? To prevent companies from giving customers who pay more higher service? seriously, kaz, waddup?

BTW, I can tell you as an actual owner of an actual start up that government does nothing but fuck me. I'm not looking for help, I'd appreciate they just stop the fucking.

Don't blame Obama because you don't know how to run a business.

Far from being a display of brilliance, Franken, in the quoted comments, does not even address the objections to Net Neutrality. No opponent of NN objects to it based only on speed or even substantially on speed. So Franken, as usual, is knocking down a strawman and is avoiding the objections to NN.

What is puzzling is how anyone who understands the pros and cons of NN could be the slightest bit impressed with Franken's posturing on the issue.
Greater capitalism through Marxism. Yeah, that's a great plan.
OMG, you're dumber than a box of rocks.

I hear you. kaz, seriously, you don't think government is there to make life fair? To prevent companies from giving customers who pay more higher service? seriously, kaz, waddup?

BTW, I can tell you as an actual owner of an actual start up that government does nothing but fuck me. I'm not looking for help, I'd appreciate they just stop the fucking.

The guvmint is just there to make sure you as a business owner ain't fucking the customer.

That's the guvmints job.
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Greater capitalism through Marxism. Yeah, that's a great plan.
OMG, you're dumber than a box of rocks.

I hear you. kaz, seriously, you don't think government is there to make life fair? To prevent companies from giving customers who pay more higher service? seriously, kaz, waddup?

BTW, I can tell you as an actual owner of an actual start up that government does nothing but fuck me. I'm not looking for help, I'd appreciate they just stop the fucking.
Maybe you can describe the nature of this fucking. I had a start up too and dealing with the government was literally the easiest aspect of it.

If that's true, you didn't form a corporation and you had no employees. I have never heard an actual business owner say what you just did. My left wing liberal sister in law stopped voting for Democrats after becoming managing partner in her veterinary clinic specifically because of what government does to business. It's impossible to take someone who said what you did seriously.
A right wing ideologue misunderstood an issue? Knock me over with a feather.

As if Al Franken making up whatever Cruz was trying to say means anything.

Anything tha Obola tries to "fix" usually ain't broken, and all he's doing is creating yet another issue he feels can be exploited.

Obama wants the change. Net-neutrality is simply a name they pulled out their asses. The internet is working yet Obama wants to screw it up like he screwed up healthcare. His angle is to change it's classification and then pile thousands of new regulations onto it creating more bureaucracy which ends up creating more expensive internet services, which end up being passed into all of us. I have news for you folks, these frauds want more money. Everything they do is about stealing from consumers.

And you stupid liberals like the idea.

What a bunch of friggen idiots.
Well yeah, it'd be the first time ever if corporations - AT&T and SBC in this case - screwed things up and the government had to intervene.

Considering the screw ups running the Whitehouse that is really ironic.
Yeah, and the new cast of characters for that well oiled machine called Congress. Is that why you guys elected 'em? To guarantee that the quality of representation is just like none at all.

A right wing ideologue misunderstood an issue? Knock me over with a feather.

As if Al Franken making up whatever Cruz was trying to say means anything.

Anything tha Obola tries to "fix" usually ain't broken, and all he's doing is creating yet another issue he feels can be exploited.

Obama wants the change. Net-neutrality is simply a name they pulled out their asses. The internet is working yet Obama wants to screw it up like he screwed up healthcare. His angle is to change it's classification and then pile thousands of new regulations onto it creating more bureaucracy which ends up creating more expensive internet services, which end up being passed into all of us. I have news for you folks, these frauds want more money. Everything they do is about stealing from consumers.

And you stupid liberals like the idea.

What a bunch of friggen idiots.
Well yeah, it'd be the first time ever if corporations - AT&T and SBC in this case - screwed things up and the government had to intervene.

Considering the screw ups running the Whitehouse that is really ironic.
Yeah, and the new cast of characters for that well oiled machine called Congress. Is that why you guys elected 'em? To guarantee that the quality of representation is just like none at all.

Interesting. Apparently there was a time when you thought the government was actually supposed to do something. Wonder what changed.
Greater capitalism through Marxism. Yeah, that's a great plan.
OMG, you're dumber than a box of rocks.

I hear you. kaz, seriously, you don't think government is there to make life fair? To prevent companies from giving customers who pay more higher service? seriously, kaz, waddup?

BTW, I can tell you as an actual owner of an actual start up that government does nothing but fuck me. I'm not looking for help, I'd appreciate they just stop the fucking.

Don't blame Obama because you don't know how to run a business.

Funny you should say that.

It appears he doesn't either.
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As if Al Franken making up whatever Cruz was trying to say means anything.

Anything tha Obola tries to "fix" usually ain't broken, and all he's doing is creating yet another issue he feels can be exploited.

Obama wants the change. Net-neutrality is simply a name they pulled out their asses. The internet is working yet Obama wants to screw it up like he screwed up healthcare. His angle is to change it's classification and then pile thousands of new regulations onto it creating more bureaucracy which ends up creating more expensive internet services, which end up being passed into all of us. I have news for you folks, these frauds want more money. Everything they do is about stealing from consumers.

And you stupid liberals like the idea.

What a bunch of friggen idiots.
Well yeah, it'd be the first time ever if corporations - AT&T and SBC in this case - screwed things up and the government had to intervene.

Considering the screw ups running the Whitehouse that is really ironic.
Yeah, and the new cast of characters for that well oiled machine called Congress. Is that why you guys elected 'em? To guarantee that the quality of representation is just like none at all.

As if Al Franken making up whatever Cruz was trying to say means anything.

Anything tha Obola tries to "fix" usually ain't broken, and all he's doing is creating yet another issue he feels can be exploited.

Obama wants the change. Net-neutrality is simply a name they pulled out their asses. The internet is working yet Obama wants to screw it up like he screwed up healthcare. His angle is to change it's classification and then pile thousands of new regulations onto it creating more bureaucracy which ends up creating more expensive internet services, which end up being passed into all of us. I have news for you folks, these frauds want more money. Everything they do is about stealing from consumers.

And you stupid liberals like the idea.

What a bunch of friggen idiots.
Well yeah, it'd be the first time ever if corporations - AT&T and SBC in this case - screwed things up and the government had to intervene.

Considering the screw ups running the Whitehouse that is really ironic.
Yeah, and the new cast of characters for that well oiled machine called Congress. Is that why you guys elected 'em? To guarantee that the quality of representation is just like none at all.

Interesting. Apparently there was a time when you thought the government was actually supposed to do something. Wonder what changed.

Non sequitur
Greater capitalism through Marxism. Yeah, that's a great plan.
OMG, you're dumber than a box of rocks.

I hear you. kaz, seriously, you don't think government is there to make life fair? To prevent companies from giving customers who pay more higher service? seriously, kaz, waddup?

BTW, I can tell you as an actual owner of an actual start up that government does nothing but fuck me. I'm not looking for help, I'd appreciate they just stop the fucking.
Maybe you can describe the nature of this fucking. I had a start up too and dealing with the government was literally the easiest aspect of it.

If that's true, you didn't form a corporation and you had no employees. I have never heard an actual business owner say what you just did. My left wing liberal sister in law stopped voting for Democrats after becoming managing partner in her veterinary clinic specifically because of what government does to business. It's impossible to take someone who said what you did seriously.
I had a sole proprietorship in a very high tech field. I didn't need or want employees. So tell me why I made the right choice.
Well yeah, it'd be the first time ever if corporations - AT&T and SBC in this case - screwed things up and the government had to intervene.

Considering the screw ups running the Whitehouse that is really ironic.
Yeah, and the new cast of characters for that well oiled machine called Congress. Is that why you guys elected 'em? To guarantee that the quality of representation is just like none at all.

Well yeah, it'd be the first time ever if corporations - AT&T and SBC in this case - screwed things up and the government had to intervene.

Considering the screw ups running the Whitehouse that is really ironic.
Yeah, and the new cast of characters for that well oiled machine called Congress. Is that why you guys elected 'em? To guarantee that the quality of representation is just like none at all.

Interesting. Apparently there was a time when you thought the government was actually supposed to do something. Wonder what changed.

Non sequitur
You apparently don't know what that means.
Obama should have come out against Net Neutrality, so the nutters would be for it.

The issue isn't that anyone is against something because Obama is for it, the issue is that Obama is consistently for the wrong thing. He's a morally depraved, race baiting, narsassistic megalomaniac. He hates America and everything about it, so obviously he's gong to be constantly wrong. He's the one with the issue.

Thank you for proving my point.
You're free to criticize your boss. and you are free to get yourself banned from a forum. The Constitution does not guarantee you will not have consequences for your free speech, but I can assure you, if you call your boss an asshole, you're not going to jail. You'll just have more free time to post your useless drivel on the forum.

So why didn't you just click "agree" since all you did was agree with my post? You didn't process the discussion, did you? Is your username to remind you to stay away from sharp objects and hot stoves? I hope you're hot...

orogenicman thanking you for you repeating my point back to me I made to him why his ridiculous claim that government guarantees free speech was a bit odd. I hope he's hot too..

No, you're missing the point, you miserable little twit. You're free to say what you want; "Obummer" is not going to throw you in the FEMA camp full of coffins, and that's a guarantee.

I said the Constitution doesn't guarantee free speech.

Yes it does.
“CNN’s website, [and] a blogger in Duluth, Minnesota travels at the same speed… The New York Times, their website travels the same speed,” Franken pointed out. “That’s the way that it’s been from the beginning. And we want to keep it that way.”

That's Franken's quote, he admits there's no problem, so why do we need government to violate our rights to correct a non-problem???

Because cable companies want two speeds, a fast lane, and a slow lane. Right now the internet is a level playing field, which means start-up companies can supplant companies by having the superior product. That's how Facebook supplanted Myspace.

Do you use tin cans and string to access the Internet? You sound totally clueless on the entire matter.

So you have to pay more for higher speed, what's wrong with that?
Oh, wait!

Net Neutrality is from the "You Didn't Build That!" Party, there was never a chance of it making any economic sense in the first place
“CNN’s website, [and] a blogger in Duluth, Minnesota travels at the same speed… The New York Times, their website travels the same speed,” Franken pointed out. “That’s the way that it’s been from the beginning. And we want to keep it that way.”

That's Franken's quote, he admits there's no problem, so why do we need government to violate our rights to correct a non-problem???

Because cable companies want two speeds, a fast lane, and a slow lane. Right now the internet is a level playing field, which means start-up companies can supplant companies by having the superior product. That's how Facebook supplanted Myspace.

Do you use tin cans and string to access the Internet? You sound totally clueless on the entire matter.

So you have to pay more for higher speed, what's wrong with that?

Start up companies will not be able to compete, which will remove innovation from the internet. If we had two speeds before, we'd all be stuck on Myspace now, or watching Google video instead of youtube. Companies like youtube would not exist. Right now it's an open playing field, where we get to choose which product is superior.

Why do you want to change the internet when it's not broken?
“CNN’s website, [and] a blogger in Duluth, Minnesota travels at the same speed… The New York Times, their website travels the same speed,” Franken pointed out. “That’s the way that it’s been from the beginning. And we want to keep it that way.”

That's Franken's quote, he admits there's no problem, so why do we need government to violate our rights to correct a non-problem???

Because cable companies want two speeds, a fast lane, and a slow lane. Right now the internet is a level playing field, which means start-up companies can supplant companies by having the superior product. That's how Facebook supplanted Myspace.

Do you use tin cans and string to access the Internet? You sound totally clueless on the entire matter.

So you have to pay more for higher speed, what's wrong with that?

Start up companies will not be able to compete, which will remove innovation from the internet. If we had two speeds before, we'd all be stuck on Myspace now, or watching Google video instead of youtube. Companies like youtube would not exist. Right now it's an open playing field, where we get to choose which product is superior.

Start up companies?? What the fuck are you babbling about??? What are they starting up? Wireless? Fiber? What? Telcos?

It's on open playing field because the government stayed the fuck out and the price of making a phone call collapsed to a fraction of a cent.
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Hey do the consumers these ISP sell their services to have to present ID?

Are the poor able to access the Internet?

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