Al Franken takes dummy Ted Cruz to School

Net neutrality is just a distraction so Obama can start censorship on the internet.

It'll be one more boondoggle hidden inside of tortured language. Massive increases in regulation.

Hey, trust the Democrats. They never lie!!

Even with title II regulation, it would be impossible to censor content.

The players in this are the Wired crowd who fear they will lose their torrents and all the illegal movies, music and games they download. Then there are lefties, prompted by the desire to give welfare to Apple and NetFlix. All of this happens at the transport layer - there is no way of knowing what the content is, unless you capture packets and reassemble them - which no one is doing (except maybe the FBI covertly).

No, this is purely about welfare for NetFlix. Censorship has nothing to do with it.

If this is just about Netflix and Apple why are so many other major companies in favor of Net Neutrality?

What businesses are against Net Neutrality? The Major ISPs and thats it. Why is that?
why are you against net neutraility? do you want a few to take everything over? we all gave them everything else might as well give them the net. idiots
So basically, Obama wants our phone records, he threatens providers with regulatory blackmail. He then obtains our phone records without a warrant.
you really don't see how stupid your posts that obama is in control of is at fault for everything? they've had our phone info and much more for decades silly rabbit. grow up and wise up.

Phone records are protected by the federal communications act of 1934 and under the 4th Amendment preventing illegal search and seizure.

I guess you don't remember the way you libs attacked Bush over the FISA act and data-mining. Well this goes one step further. Obama wants to find out our surfing habits so he can target us in elections, blackmail use if we speak out against the government, find out if we give donations to conservative groups or visit conservative websites, and use this information to scare people into compliance. This is Big Brother looking over our shoulders.

EPIC - Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act FISA
you are really sad. this has been going on for decades and has nothing to do with obama.
So basically, Obama wants our phone records, he threatens providers with regulatory blackmail. He then obtains our phone records without a warrant.
you really don't see how stupid your posts that obama is in control of is at fault for everything? they've had our phone info and much more for decades silly rabbit. grow up and wise up.

Phone records are protected by the federal communications act of 1934 and under the 4th Amendment preventing illegal search and seizure.

I guess you don't remember the way you libs attacked Bush over the FISA act and data-mining. Well this goes one step further. Obama wants to find out our surfing habits so he can target us in elections, blackmail use if we speak out against the government, find out if we give donations to conservative groups or visit conservative websites, and use this information to scare people into compliance. This is Big Brother looking over our shoulders.

EPIC - Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act FISA
you are really sad. this has been going on for decades and has nothing to do with obama.

I don't think you even know what "this" is.
So basically, Obama wants our phone records, he threatens providers with regulatory blackmail. He then obtains our phone records without a warrant.
you really don't see how stupid your posts that obama is in control of is at fault for everything? they've had our phone info and much more for decades silly rabbit. grow up and wise up.

Phone records are protected by the federal communications act of 1934 and under the 4th Amendment preventing illegal search and seizure.

I guess you don't remember the way you libs attacked Bush over the FISA act and data-mining. Well this goes one step further. Obama wants to find out our surfing habits so he can target us in elections, blackmail use if we speak out against the government, find out if we give donations to conservative groups or visit conservative websites, and use this information to scare people into compliance. This is Big Brother looking over our shoulders.

EPIC - Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act FISA
you are really sad. this has been going on for decades and has nothing to do with obama.

I don't think you even know what "this" is.
big brothers been around for decades stupid. don't make like obama started it or made it worse. they, those we let have all the power and information, are doing just as they please cause they know they can blame it on obama and you rubes will sit and do nothing about the situation cause you are going after one man not the entire empire.
So basically, Obama wants our phone records, he threatens providers with regulatory blackmail. He then obtains our phone records without a warrant.
you really don't see how stupid your posts that obama is in control of is at fault for everything? they've had our phone info and much more for decades silly rabbit. grow up and wise up.

Phone records are protected by the federal communications act of 1934 and under the 4th Amendment preventing illegal search and seizure.

I guess you don't remember the way you libs attacked Bush over the FISA act and data-mining. Well this goes one step further. Obama wants to find out our surfing habits so he can target us in elections, blackmail use if we speak out against the government, find out if we give donations to conservative groups or visit conservative websites, and use this information to scare people into compliance. This is Big Brother looking over our shoulders.

EPIC - Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act FISA
you are really sad. this has been going on for decades and has nothing to do with obama.

I don't think you even know what "this" is.
big brothers been around for decades stupid. don't make like obama started it or made it worse. they, those we let have all the power and information, are doing just as they please cause they know they can blame it on obama and you rubes will sit and do nothing about the situation cause you are going after one man not the entire empire.
Yeah, but he's the one making it all possible.

This is lessons learned. Never let a criminal have control over your life. Never put crooks in positions of power, especially the Whitehouse.
you really don't see how stupid your posts that obama is in control of is at fault for everything? they've had our phone info and much more for decades silly rabbit. grow up and wise up.

Phone records are protected by the federal communications act of 1934 and under the 4th Amendment preventing illegal search and seizure.

I guess you don't remember the way you libs attacked Bush over the FISA act and data-mining. Well this goes one step further. Obama wants to find out our surfing habits so he can target us in elections, blackmail use if we speak out against the government, find out if we give donations to conservative groups or visit conservative websites, and use this information to scare people into compliance. This is Big Brother looking over our shoulders.

EPIC - Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act FISA
you are really sad. this has been going on for decades and has nothing to do with obama.

I don't think you even know what "this" is.
big brothers been around for decades stupid. don't make like obama started it or made it worse. they, those we let have all the power and information, are doing just as they please cause they know they can blame it on obama and you rubes will sit and do nothing about the situation cause you are going after one man not the entire empire.
Yeah, but he's the one making it all possible.

This is lessons learned. Never let a criminal have control over your life. Never put crooks in positions of power, especially the Whitehouse.
all your pol.iticians are crooks you haven't heard? they are all for sale and so are all of us. being sold out
Maybe you can describe the nature of this fucking. I had a start up too and dealing with the government was literally the easiest aspect of it.

If that's true, you didn't form a corporation and you had no employees. I have never heard an actual business owner say what you just did. My left wing liberal sister in law stopped voting for Democrats after becoming managing partner in her veterinary clinic specifically because of what government does to business. It's impossible to take someone who said what you did seriously.
I had a sole proprietorship in a very high tech field. I didn't need or want employees. So tell me why I made the right choice.

No one said anything about the "right choice." Try to focus, Homey. I said "you didn't form a corporation and you had no employees." You just admitted I was right. So obviously I know what I am talking about, took you out on the first punch. I don't know why someone unincorporated with no employees would make such an ignorant claim that government is easy to deal with, but that's for you to figure out. My work is done here.
sheesh, when is the last time we heard a peep out of Franklin?

now he pipes up and they go wild and crazy over him.

I'd take Cruz on smarts over some has been comedian
Obama should have come out against Net Neutrality, so the nutters would be for it.

The issue isn't that anyone is against something because Obama is for it, the issue is that Obama is consistently for the wrong thing. He's a morally depraved, race baiting, narsassistic megalomaniac. He hates America and everything about it, so obviously he's gong to be constantly wrong. He's the one with the issue.

Thank you for proving my point.

You're welcome, my dear. I have no doubt you actually read it that way.
You're free to criticize your boss. and you are free to get yourself banned from a forum. The Constitution does not guarantee you will not have consequences for your free speech, but I can assure you, if you call your boss an asshole, you're not going to jail. You'll just have more free time to post your useless drivel on the forum.

So why didn't you just click "agree" since all you did was agree with my post? You didn't process the discussion, did you? Is your username to remind you to stay away from sharp objects and hot stoves? I hope you're hot...

orogenicman thanking you for you repeating my point back to me I made to him why his ridiculous claim that government guarantees free speech was a bit odd. I hope he's hot too..

No, you're missing the point, you miserable little twit. You're free to say what you want; "Obummer" is not going to throw you in the FEMA camp full of coffins, and that's a guarantee.

I said the Constitution doesn't guarantee free speech.

Yes it does.

I do love a good liberal circle jerk. And the more inane the point, the harder you pump.
You're free to criticize your boss. and you are free to get yourself banned from a forum. The Constitution does not guarantee you will not have consequences for your free speech, but I can assure you, if you call your boss an asshole, you're not going to jail. You'll just have more free time to post your useless drivel on the forum.

So why didn't you just click "agree" since all you did was agree with my post? You didn't process the discussion, did you? Is your username to remind you to stay away from sharp objects and hot stoves? I hope you're hot...

orogenicman thanking you for you repeating my point back to me I made to him why his ridiculous claim that government guarantees free speech was a bit odd. I hope he's hot too..

No, you're missing the point, you miserable little twit. You're free to say what you want; "Obummer" is not going to throw you in the FEMA camp full of coffins, and that's a guarantee.

I said the Constitution doesn't guarantee free speech.

Yes it does.

I do love a good liberal circle jerk. And the more inane the point, the harder you pump.
bold statement from the party of inanity
the republicans then are not the same as the fascists imitating republicans now.

I may do another thread on your straw man. I've done it before, listing the slander that Roosevelt and Truman levied against the Republicans, noting how similar it is to the demagoguery your filthy party engages in today...
as always the facts are to much for your fevered brain to handle
Addicting Info 8211 Is The Republican Party Becoming Fascist

Republicans have been busy since they took control of the House of Representatives in 2011. Busy alienating every single group of people they can think of, except themselves. The United States is being transformed into a fascist state before our eyes and now is the time we must fight back and turn this evil tide.
Instead of focusing on jobs and the economy like they were elected to do, Republicans have used the excuse of budget crises whether real or not, to take rights away from us. In the 1920’s and 1930’s, fascists in Europe used economic crises to gain power and that is exactly what Republicans are doing now. Using the recession as an excuse to create a police state. Let’s examine how Republicans are frighteningly similar to fascists.
“CNN’s website, [and] a blogger in Duluth, Minnesota travels at the same speed… The New York Times, their website travels the same speed,” Franken pointed out. “That’s the way that it’s been from the beginning. And we want to keep it that way.”

That's Franken's quote, he admits there's no problem, so why do we need government to violate our rights to correct a non-problem???

Because cable companies want two speeds, a fast lane, and a slow lane. Right now the internet is a level playing field, which means start-up companies can supplant companies by having the superior product. That's how Facebook supplanted Myspace.

Do you use tin cans and string to access the Internet? You sound totally clueless on the entire matter.

So you have to pay more for higher speed, what's wrong with that?

Start up companies will not be able to compete, which will remove innovation from the internet. If we had two speeds before, we'd all be stuck on Myspace now, or watching Google video instead of youtube. Companies like youtube would not exist. Right now it's an open playing field, where we get to choose which product is superior.

Start up companies?? What the fuck are you babbling about??? What are they starting up? Wireless? Fiber? What? Telcos?

It's on open playing field because the government stayed the fuck out and the price on making a phone call collapsed to a fraction of a cent.
“CNN’s website, [and] a blogger in Duluth, Minnesota travels at the same speed… The New York Times, their website travels the same speed,” Franken pointed out. “That’s the way that it’s been from the beginning. And we want to keep it that way.”

That's Franken's quote, he admits there's no problem, so why do we need government to violate our rights to correct a non-problem???

Because cable companies want two speeds, a fast lane, and a slow lane. Right now the internet is a level playing field, which means start-up companies can supplant companies by having the superior product. That's how Facebook supplanted Myspace.

Do you use tin cans and string to access the Internet? You sound totally clueless on the entire matter.

So you have to pay more for higher speed, what's wrong with that?

I already pay more for a higher speed. That's not the point.

Youtube started out as 3 guys living over a pizza parlor. Without Net Neutrality, they would have never been able to compete with Google video on the fast lane. Right now we have a level playing field, where we get to choose the superior product. It's really not that hard to understand, Frank.

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