Al Franken takes dummy Ted Cruz to School

Net Neutrality=internet tax. Period

Net neutrality (also network neutrality or Internet neutrality) is the principle that Internet service providers and governments should treat all data on the Internet equally, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or mode of communication. The term was coined by Columbia Universitymedia law professor Tim Wu in 2003 as an extension of the longstanding concept of acommon carrier.[1][2][3][4]

Has nothing to do with taxes at all
Al Franken struggles to explain net neutrality to Ted Cruz: You are ‘completely wrong’

Explaining a moderately complicated policy to an extremist... a struggle.

But Franken told CNN’s Candy Crowley that Cruz had the concept of net neutrality “completely wrong.”

“CNN’s website, [and] a blogger in Duluth, Minnesota travels at the same speed… The New York Times, their website travels the same speed,” Franken pointed out. “That’s the way that it’s been from the beginning. And we want to keep it that way.”

“He has it completely wrong, he just doesn’t understand what this issue is,” the Minnesota Democrat said of Cruz. “We’ve had net neutrality the entire history of the Internet.”

Franken observed that “Obamacare was government program that fixed something, that changed things. This is about reclassifying something so it stays the same. This would keep things exactly the same as they’ve been.”

Watch the video below from CNN’s State of the Union, broadcast Nov. 16, 2014.
A right wing ideologue misunderstood an issue? Knock me over with a feather.

How about you doing some bitching on the leftwing commie president and his comrades in arms, LYING to us and sticking us with a new fascist government ENTITLEMENT we the people have to pay for?

Communist and fascist, imagine that........he really is very versatile isn't he.
You two must be getting your info from Fox News pundits. Not that I think Obama is a golden boy but entitlements are down. If only the republicans could walk the fiscally conservative walk rather than just talk the talk.

I think people who freely throw around terms like fascist and communist to characterize others are neither intelligent nor honest.
Al Franken struggles to explain net neutrality to Ted Cruz: You are ‘completely wrong’

Explaining a moderately complicated policy to an extremist... a struggle.

A right wing ideologue misunderstood an issue? Knock me over with a feather.

How about you doing some bitching on the leftwing commie president and his comrades in arms, LYING to us and sticking us with a new fascist government ENTITLEMENT we the people have to pay for?

Communist and fascist, imagine that........he really is very versatile isn't he.
You two must be getting your info from Fox News pundits. Not that I think Obama is a golden boy but entitlements are down. If only the republicans could walk the fiscally conservative walk rather than just talk the talk.

I think people who freely throw around terms like fascist and communist to characterize others are neither intelligent nor honest.
Gotcha. I wasn't quite sure how to interpret your post.
I think people who freely throw around terms like fascist and communist to characterize others are neither intelligent nor honest.

Especially when aimed at a person who advocated control of the means of production by the state and rigid authoritarian control of the populace, such as you.

How unfair to term you a socialist and a fascist, your poster of Joseph Stalin is frowning at the affront....
I think people who freely throw around terms like fascist and communist to characterize others are neither intelligent nor honest.

Especially when aimed at a person who advocated control of the means of production by the state and rigid authoritarian control of the populace, such as you.

How unfair to term you a socialist and a fascist, your poster of Joseph Stalin is frowning at the affront....

You and the other dummies on this thread remind me a lot of this.......

Who knew NeoClowns would be against open and free internet?

That's classic, we want government to stay out of it, you want government to control it. Which is us being against an open and free internet, that we don't want government to control it. I hope you're hot, the only way you're making a living is on your back. Or with your hat out. Ahhh......

You have first amendment rights because the government guarantees that right. Get it?

First of all, what does that have to do with anything in the discussion?

And no, the first amendment does not empower people to have free speech, the first Amendment only prohibits government from interfering with our free speech. Those are fundamentally different things, comrade.

Well, first of all, if the government didn't guarantee your free speech rights, you would likely have already been thrown in the slammer for the verbal abuse you threw at Carla_Danger (ahem - "I hope you're hot, the only way you're making a living is on your back") for no apparent reason other than you are an asshole. I didn't say that the government empowers people to have free speech (although one could make that argument).

Secondly, figure out how this applies to your response:

First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The internet is open now because of net neutrality.

You lean on your ignorance as a crutch.

Net Neutrality has not passed.

The internet is open because it is a title I utility and not controlled by our rulers.

The providers want to end it. Only a complete fucking fool would support that.

Want to end what?
It is you who seeks to place strict government control on the internet. It is you who seeks to give the FCC the kind of control they used to grant Ma Bell a monopoly for 60 years. Will the FCC give one company a government mandated monopoly? Probably. Then emails to people in your city might still be free, but an email across the country will incur hundreds of dollars in long distance fees..

I grew up with the FCC regulating communication, I remember using egg timers to make sure I didn't talk to long. I remember when a phone bill was often more than a car payment. You want to put the same people in charge of the internet - but you're sure that doing the same thing will have different results - you're just sure of it...

First of all, learn to quote. Secondly, no sir, the government is not trying to place strict control over the internet. It is trying to place strict control over providers' ability to end net neutrality via throttling and other unfair measures. The government's effort is aimed at keeping the net neutral, not the other way around. Finally, The FCC still regulates communications, moron. They never stopped.
And no, the first amendment does not empower people to have free speech, the first Amendment only prohibits government from interfering with our free speech. Those are fundamentally different things, comrade.

Well, first of all, if the government didn't guarantee your free speech rights, you would likely have already been thrown in the slammer for the verbal abuse you threw at Carla_Danger

I said the Constitution doesn't guarantee free speech. Your boss can shit can you for criticizing him. A message board can ban you for not following the rules when you post. Only government is restricted from limiting your speech.

You say that like it contradicted what I said. You said oh yeah, well if they didn't guarantee my speech I'd be in jail. And who would put me in jail, homey? How was that a rebuttal? Do you know what the Constitution is? It seems not. The Constitution limits government, like from limiting free speech. It doesn't empower government to regulate speech as you Marxists believe. Quite the contrary. Your point on the internet was preposterous. I hope you're hot, you're not paying your bills other than a sugar momma or government handouts.
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“CNN’s website, [and] a blogger in Duluth, Minnesota travels at the same speed… The New York Times, their website travels the same speed,” Franken pointed out. “That’s the way that it’s been from the beginning. And we want to keep it that way.”

That's Franken's quote, he admits there's no problem, so why do we need government to violate our rights to correct a non-problem???
And no, the first amendment does not empower people to have free speech, the first Amendment only prohibits government from interfering with our free speech. Those are fundamentally different things, comrade.

Well, first of all, if the government didn't guarantee your free speech rights, you would likely have already been thrown in the slammer for the verbal abuse you threw at Carla_Danger

I said the Constitution doesn't guarantee free speech. Your boss can shit can you for criticizing him. A message board can ban you for not following the rules when you post. Only government is restricted from limiting your speech.

You say that like it contradicted what I said. You said oh yeah, well if they didn't guarantee my speech I'd be in jail. And who would put me in jail, homey? How was that a rebuttal? Do you know what the Constitution is? It seems not. The Constitution limits government, like from limiting free speech. It doesn't empower government to regulate speech as you Marxists believe. Quite the contrary. Your point on the internet was preposterous. I hope you're hot, you're not paying your bills other than a sugar momma or government handouts.

You're free to criticize your boss. and you are free to get yourself banned from a forum. The Constitution does not guarantee you will not have consequences for your free speech, but I can assure you, if you call your boss an asshole, you're not going to jail. You'll just have more free time to post your useless drivel on the forum.
You're free to criticize your boss. and you are free to get yourself banned from a forum. The Constitution does not guarantee you will not have consequences for your free speech, but I can assure you, if you call your boss an asshole, you're not going to jail. You'll just have more free time to post your useless drivel on the forum.

So why didn't you just click "agree" since all you did was agree with my post? You didn't process the discussion, did you? Is your username to remind you to stay away from sharp objects and hot stoves? I hope you're hot...

orogenicman thanking you for you repeating my point back to me I made to him why his ridiculous claim that government guarantees free speech was a bit odd. I hope he's hot too..
“CNN’s website, [and] a blogger in Duluth, Minnesota travels at the same speed… The New York Times, their website travels the same speed,” Franken pointed out. “That’s the way that it’s been from the beginning. And we want to keep it that way.”

That's Franken's quote, he admits there's no problem, so why do we need government to violate our rights to correct a non-problem???

Because cable companies want two speeds, a fast lane, and a slow lane. Right now the internet is a level playing field, which means start-up companies can supplant companies by having the superior product. That's how Facebook supplanted Myspace.
Can't believe anyone in their right mind would vote for this clown!
I doubt this fool could explain anything to anyone.

You're free to criticize your boss. and you are free to get yourself banned from a forum. The Constitution does not guarantee you will not have consequences for your free speech, but I can assure you, if you call your boss an asshole, you're not going to jail. You'll just have more free time to post your useless drivel on the forum.

So why didn't you just click "agree" since all you did was agree with my post? You didn't process the discussion, did you? Is your username to remind you to stay away from sharp objects and hot stoves? I hope you're hot...

orogenicman thanking you for you repeating my point back to me I made to him why his ridiculous claim that government guarantees free speech was a bit odd. I hope he's hot too..

No, you're missing the point, you miserable little twit. You're free to say what you want; "Obummer" is not going to throw you in the FEMA camp full of coffins, and that's a guarantee.

I said the Constitution doesn't guarantee free speech.

Yes it does.
Al Franken struggles to explain net neutrality to Ted Cruz: You are ‘completely wrong’

Explaining a moderately complicated policy to an extremist... a struggle.

But Franken told CNN’s Candy Crowley that Cruz had the concept of net neutrality “completely wrong.”

“CNN’s website, [and] a blogger in Duluth, Minnesota travels at the same speed… The New York Times, their website travels the same speed,” Franken pointed out. “That’s the way that it’s been from the beginning. And we want to keep it that way.”

“He has it completely wrong, he just doesn’t understand what this issue is,” the Minnesota Democrat said of Cruz. “We’ve had net neutrality the entire history of the Internet.”

Franken observed that “Obamacare was government program that fixed something, that changed things. This is about reclassifying something so it stays the same. This would keep things exactly the same as they’ve been.”

Watch the video below from CNN’s State of the Union, broadcast Nov. 16, 2014.
A right wing ideologue misunderstood an issue? Knock me over with a feather.

As if Al Franken making up whatever Cruz was trying to say means anything.

Anything tha Obola tries to "fix" usually ain't broken, and all he's doing is creating yet another issue he feels can be exploited.

Obama wants the change. Net-neutrality is simply a name they pulled out their asses. The internet is working yet Obama wants to screw it up like he screwed up healthcare. His angle is to change it's classification and then pile thousands of new regulations onto it creating more bureaucracy which ends up creating more expensive internet services, which end up being passed into all of us. I have news for you folks, these frauds want more money. Everything they do is about stealing from consumers.

And you stupid liberals like the idea.

What a bunch of friggen idiots.

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