Al Franken takes dummy Ted Cruz to School

Al Franken struggles to explain net neutrality to Ted Cruz: You are ‘completely wrong’

Explaining a moderately complicated policy to an extremist... a struggle.

But Franken told CNN’s Candy Crowley that Cruz had the concept of net neutrality “completely wrong.”

“CNN’s website, [and] a blogger in Duluth, Minnesota travels at the same speed… The New York Times, their website travels the same speed,” Franken pointed out. “That’s the way that it’s been from the beginning. And we want to keep it that way.”

“He has it completely wrong, he just doesn’t understand what this issue is,” the Minnesota Democrat said of Cruz. “We’ve had net neutrality the entire history of the Internet.”

Franken observed that “Obamacare was government program that fixed something, that changed things. This is about reclassifying something so it stays the same. This would keep things exactly the same as they’ve been.”

Watch the video below from CNN’s State of the Union, broadcast Nov. 16, 2014.

was Al wearing his diaper in this fantasy of yours?

it seems to me that the article you posted doesn't support your assertion. In what world does someone struggling to do something qualify as taking anyone to school?

why are you so eager to give congress and the president power to regulate your internet speech? Is freedom really that crappy for you?
So basically, Obama wants our phone records, he threatens providers with regulatory blackmail. He then obtains our phone records without a warrant.
you really don't see how stupid your posts that obama is in control of is at fault for everything? they've had our phone info and much more for decades silly rabbit. grow up and wise up.

Phone records are protected by the federal communications act of 1934 and under the 4th Amendment preventing illegal search and seizure.

I guess you don't remember the way you libs attacked Bush over the FISA act and data-mining. Well this goes one step further. Obama wants to find out our surfing habits so he can target us in elections, blackmail use if we speak out against the government, find out if we give donations to conservative groups or visit conservative websites, and use this information to scare people into compliance. This is Big Brother looking over our shoulders.

EPIC - Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act FISA
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Who knew NeoClowns would be against open and free internet?

That's classic, we want government to stay out of it, you want government to control it. Which is us being against an open and free internet, that we don't want government to control it. I hope you're hot, the only way you're making a living is on your back. Or with your hat out. Ahhh......

I don't want it changed to a 2 tiered system, you big dummy.

As if that rebuts what I said. You want government to decide what companies can do with their own assets and block business from getting more by spending more. And that to you is "open and free internet." It's your Marxist ideology, government is freedom, personal choice is oppression.
Comcast and Time Warner need people signed up for their service and if blocking certain sites will reduce their income then they won't do that.

They have a fucking Monopoly dude. There is no competition and that means you can go fuck yourself or play by their rules.

Not really a choice at all.
Who knew NeoClowns would be against open and free internet?

That's classic, we want government to stay out of it, you want government to control it. Which is us being against an open and free internet, that we don't want government to control it. I hope you're hot, the only way you're making a living is on your back. Or with your hat out. Ahhh......

You have first amendment rights because the government guarantees that right. Get it?

First of all, what does that have to do with anything in the discussion?

And no, the first amendment does not empower people to have free speech, the first Amendment only prohibits government from interfering with our free speech. Those are fundamentally different things, comrade.
That's because you're a Marxist.

In your world you have to trust the government to take care of you. In my world, I have to trust me to take care of myself. The contrived choices you present are fundamentally different. I don't have to trust anyone to take care of me. You are entirely dependent on it.
My's like you know me![/quote]
I know what you post. If you are not what you post, you need to ask yourself why, not me.

Your world must be so easy to understand seeing as how it only comes in two shades.

LOL, a liberal talking about black and white. I'll bite, this should be good. What are my "two shades?" What and what?
Comcast and Time Warner need people signed up for their service and if blocking certain sites will reduce their income then they won't do that.

They have a fucking Monopoly dude. There is no competition and that means you can go fuck yourself or play by their rules.

Not really a choice at all.

You really know nothing about technology. There's nothing wrong with that in itself, but it's curious why you want to demonstrate it so thoroughly.
Net neutrality is nothing more than a ploy for government regulating what you can see based on their perception of what you need.

Net neutrality is a foot in the door to net taxes, net regulations and much like healthcare ended up making one group pay for another group to get it free.

All of this bullshit about wanting to keep it like it is fear mongering. It is like it is because it's not regulated by the fucking government. That's what makes it work so well. So how do you fuck that up? You tell people it's going to change if the government doesn't get involved and then the government promptly makes the net exactly as bad as they said it would be without them. Only this time they need revenue to fix what they fucked up and of course that means taxes.

We have a perfect system without the government, why would anyone want to fuck that up?

Thats the question and the Telecoms want to change it to a corporate playground where companies can pay for faster internet. The internet is fast already.

Make no mistake VERIZON SUED THE GOVT on this issue. They didnt sue because the govt wanted to DO SOMETHING. They sued because the govt WOULDNT ALLOW THE TELECOMS to change the internet.

“Verizon vs. FCC presents a very significant historical moment,” says Susan Crawford, a tech policy expert and professor at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law who served as Special Assistant to President Obama for Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy. “The question presented by the case is: Does the U.S. government have any role in ensuring ubiquitous, open, world-class, interconnected, reasonably priced Internet access?”
Landmark Verizon 8216 Net Neutrality 8217 Case Tests Open Internet Rules

The principle of net neutrality was enshrined in the FCC’s 2010 Open Internet order, which aims to prevent Internet service providers (ISPs) like Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T from interfering with Internet traffic or favoring their own services in order to disadvantage rivals. The main thrust of the order boils down to three rules. First, the order requires ISPs to be transparent about how they handle network congestion; second, the ISPs are prohibited from blocking traffic such as Skype or Netflix on wired networks; third, the order outlaws “unreasonable” discrimination, meaning the ISPs can’t put such services into an Internet “slow lane” in order to benefit their own competing services.

Now I dont know about you but it would suck if I couldnt get onto google because Comcast forced me to Bing. Or Ebay over Or I couldnt buy a book from a local shop because I cant get onto the site but Amazon is running smooth.

Do you think this is good for the Consumer?

Our internet is slower and more expensive than other nations.

Do you think that is something that will change once they get to put their product infront of others?

Will you at least read up on it before being against it outright? Yes the govt wants to treat it like a utility and that can change but the alternative is letting them put what they want in front and making other areas of the internet virtually inaccessible. Sure you can wait wait for a site while it buffers you to death too. Thats always an option
And you actually believe the government is going to solve this problem. You know who can solve this problem? You.

No I have no power to stop Comcast and neither do you. To believe so is a David Vs Goliath pipe dream

Why would comcast make you go to bing when you can choose your own search engine?

I dont know ask them, they sued the govt so that they can do just that. I didnt make them sue.

If they don't allow that maybe you should change providers. And as a side note why would they ever force you to use a search engine you don't like?

THATS THE WHOLE REASON THEY SUED DUDE!!! Here I'll quote it again for you: the ISPs can’t put such services into an Internet “slow lane” in order to benefit their own competing services.

And they sued the govt so that they CAN put their shit in front and slow down competition. I mean, dont you believe in competition? You cant change service providers in a lot of areas because again...They dont compete. Listen to the head of Time Warner:

“They’re in New York. We’re in Philadelphia. They’re in LA. We’re in San Francisco,” said Roberts, from the Re/code Code conference in Rancho Palo Verdes, California. “You can’t buy a Comcast in New York. You can’t buy a Time Warner in Philadelphia. So there’s no reduction in competition in broadband or in television.”
Read more at Brian Roberts Defends Time Warner Merger News Philadelphia Magazine

The only way they could possibly make you use bing, or google or any other search engine with no choice of your own is government regulation.

Yeah except the cable companies SUED SO THEY CAN...CAN slow down their competitors.

The same regulation you fear that comes with lobbying our law makers for net neutrality. Which may as well be named "net we keep shit the same and don't let anyone else out do us because it's the law".

Net neutrality means the net will get more expensive, less options and less user friendly. Kind of like obiecare and your SS retirement.

Read anything on Net Neutrality and you will find that you just made that up AND you think the govt wants to slow down sites EVEN THO the CABLE COMPANIES SUED THE GOVT SO THAT THEY CAN DO JUST THAT!

Read something and stop making up nightmare scenarios that have no basis in reality
Comcast and Time Warner need people signed up for their service and if blocking certain sites will reduce their income then they won't do that.

They have a fucking Monopoly dude. There is no competition and that means you can go fuck yourself or play by their rules.

Not really a choice at all.

You really know nothing about technology. There's nothing wrong with that in itself, but it's curious why you want to demonstrate it so thoroughly.

So I take it from your response that nothing I said was incorrect or maybe you just forgot to point that out.

Either way, thanks
Al Franken struggles to explain net neutrality to Ted Cruz: You are ‘completely wrong’

Explaining a moderately complicated policy to an extremist... a struggle.

But Franken told CNN’s Candy Crowley that Cruz had the concept of net neutrality “completely wrong.”

“CNN’s website, [and] a blogger in Duluth, Minnesota travels at the same speed… The New York Times, their website travels the same speed,” Franken pointed out. “That’s the way that it’s been from the beginning. And we want to keep it that way.”

“He has it completely wrong, he just doesn’t understand what this issue is,” the Minnesota Democrat said of Cruz. “We’ve had net neutrality the entire history of the Internet.”

Franken observed that “Obamacare was government program that fixed something, that changed things. This is about reclassifying something so it stays the same. This would keep things exactly the same as they’ve been.”

Watch the video below from CNN’s State of the Union, broadcast Nov. 16, 2014.
A right wing ideologue misunderstood an issue? Knock me over with a feather.
Al Franken struggles to explain net neutrality to Ted Cruz: You are ‘completely wrong’

Explaining a moderately complicated policy to an extremist... a struggle.

But Franken told CNN’s Candy Crowley that Cruz had the concept of net neutrality “completely wrong.”

“CNN’s website, [and] a blogger in Duluth, Minnesota travels at the same speed… The New York Times, their website travels the same speed,” Franken pointed out. “That’s the way that it’s been from the beginning. And we want to keep it that way.”

“He has it completely wrong, he just doesn’t understand what this issue is,” the Minnesota Democrat said of Cruz. “We’ve had net neutrality the entire history of the Internet.”

Franken observed that “Obamacare was government program that fixed something, that changed things. This is about reclassifying something so it stays the same. This would keep things exactly the same as they’ve been.”

Watch the video below from CNN’s State of the Union, broadcast Nov. 16, 2014.
A right wing ideologue misunderstood an issue? Knock me over with a feather.

How about you doing some bitching on the leftwing commie president and his comrades in arms, LYING to us and sticking us with a new fascist government ENTITLEMENT we the people have to pay for?
Al Franken struggles to explain net neutrality to Ted Cruz: You are ‘completely wrong’

Explaining a moderately complicated policy to an extremist... a struggle.

But Franken told CNN’s Candy Crowley that Cruz had the concept of net neutrality “completely wrong.”

“CNN’s website, [and] a blogger in Duluth, Minnesota travels at the same speed… The New York Times, their website travels the same speed,” Franken pointed out. “That’s the way that it’s been from the beginning. And we want to keep it that way.”

“He has it completely wrong, he just doesn’t understand what this issue is,” the Minnesota Democrat said of Cruz. “We’ve had net neutrality the entire history of the Internet.”

Franken observed that “Obamacare was government program that fixed something, that changed things. This is about reclassifying something so it stays the same. This would keep things exactly the same as they’ve been.”

Watch the video below from CNN’s State of the Union, broadcast Nov. 16, 2014.
A right wing ideologue misunderstood an issue? Knock me over with a feather.

How about you doing some bitching on the leftwing commie president and his comrades in arms, LYING to us and sticking us with a new fascist government ENTITLEMENT we the people have to pay for?

You dont pay for entitlements... you spend them
The internet is open now because of net neutrality.

You lean on your ignorance as a crutch.

Net Neutrality has not passed.

The internet is open because it is a title I utility and not controlled by our rulers.

The providers want to end it. Only a complete fucking fool would support that.

Want to end what?
It is you who seeks to place strict government control on the internet. It is you who seeks to give the FCC the kind of control they used to grant Ma Bell a monopoly for 60 years. Will the FCC give one company a government mandated monopoly? Probably. Then emails to people in your city might still be free, but an email across the country will incur hundreds of dollars in long distance fees..

I grew up with the FCC regulating communication, I remember using egg timers to make sure I didn't talk to long. I remember when a phone bill was often more than a car payment. You want to put the same people in charge of the internet - but you're sure that doing the same thing will have different results - you're just sure of it...
Al Franken struggles to explain net neutrality to Ted Cruz: You are ‘completely wrong’

Explaining a moderately complicated policy to an extremist... a struggle.

But Franken told CNN’s Candy Crowley that Cruz had the concept of net neutrality “completely wrong.”

“CNN’s website, [and] a blogger in Duluth, Minnesota travels at the same speed… The New York Times, their website travels the same speed,” Franken pointed out. “That’s the way that it’s been from the beginning. And we want to keep it that way.”

“He has it completely wrong, he just doesn’t understand what this issue is,” the Minnesota Democrat said of Cruz. “We’ve had net neutrality the entire history of the Internet.”

Franken observed that “Obamacare was government program that fixed something, that changed things. This is about reclassifying something so it stays the same. This would keep things exactly the same as they’ve been.”

Watch the video below from CNN’s State of the Union, broadcast Nov. 16, 2014.
A right wing ideologue misunderstood an issue? Knock me over with a feather.

How about you doing some bitching on the leftwing commie president and his comrades in arms, LYING to us and sticking us with a new fascist government ENTITLEMENT we the people have to pay for?

Communist and fascist, imagine that........he really is very versatile isn't he.
Al Franken struggles to explain net neutrality to Ted Cruz: You are ‘completely wrong’

Explaining a moderately complicated policy to an extremist... a struggle.

But Franken told CNN’s Candy Crowley that Cruz had the concept of net neutrality “completely wrong.”

“CNN’s website, [and] a blogger in Duluth, Minnesota travels at the same speed… The New York Times, their website travels the same speed,” Franken pointed out. “That’s the way that it’s been from the beginning. And we want to keep it that way.”

“He has it completely wrong, he just doesn’t understand what this issue is,” the Minnesota Democrat said of Cruz. “We’ve had net neutrality the entire history of the Internet.”

Franken observed that “Obamacare was government program that fixed something, that changed things. This is about reclassifying something so it stays the same. This would keep things exactly the same as they’ve been.”

Watch the video below from CNN’s State of the Union, broadcast Nov. 16, 2014.
A right wing ideologue misunderstood an issue? Knock me over with a feather.

How about you doing some bitching on the leftwing commie president and his comrades in arms, LYING to us and sticking us with a new fascist government ENTITLEMENT we the people have to pay for?

Communist and fascist, imagine that........he really is very versatile isn't he.
You two must be getting your info from Fox News pundits. Not that I think Obama is a golden boy but entitlements are down. If only the republicans could walk the fiscally conservative walk rather than just talk the talk.

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