Al Franken warns his Snowflake pals to back off Trump impeachment

Why would the left impeach Trump? He can't get anything done.
Pence is less likely to start WW3, so I'd take his religious extremist nonsense vs. Trump's senile ass playing chicken with the planet
Wont be any impeachment. Need 75% of the senate to make that happen and GOP knows damn well they hang a GOP president out to dry they will never be a national party again.
Franken smells the ROUT that's coming at the Rats in 2018.....they didn't get Trump and aren't going to and he knows it.
They are realizing that their get away with everything using the dictator narrative won't work with Pence. Which means Him and Sessions can start cleaning up the swamp making arrests and not look like they are doing it for silencing opponents for Political reasons like the narrative would be played if Trump arrested the heads of this treasonous Coup.
Good point, but remember Trump had completely emasculated and humiliated Cruz and his family into oblivion by that point. Asking him to be VP would have been like spitting in his face. Which, I wouldn't be surprised to hear he did that. :dunno:
Let's see...the Leftists want to convict The Trump Campaign for a non-crime and they want to impeach Trump for...wait a second...I'll think of something...

I really think the Republicans are positioned ideally for 2018 and 2020. Every cogent person in America now sees clearly why Clinton deserved to lose.

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