Al gore is full of...

The thing about science is, we can all go look at it ourselves and get a better a better sense of what the peer reviewed published findings are across various studies over time as opposed to basing our opinions on a climate change denier's link.

Geo-engineering, my friend.....look aty this and tell me this is "normal"......View attachment 99748

I see you have your custom made tin-foil hate on. I wonder if they said the same thing when the saw hundreds of B-17's flying over at 30,000 feet during WWII leaving vapor trails.

Contrails disappear within seconds...chemtrails last for hours.....don't fuck with me on this because I will OWN you. Soil and water samples is as scientific as it gets......

You don't even appear to own your own brain.
You're the kind of person that will persist in saying whites are bigoted and racist even while the blade is whistling through the air, powered by the muslim cutting your head off.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................
Lordy, lordy. So, there are massive amounts of tanker planes spraying coal fly ash all over the world, but nobody is reporting this at the airports? And we don't have massive amounts of people that would have to be involved in a project this big coming out of the Air Force and reporting it? God damn, Ding, you are a peice of work. A regular conspriracy theorist.
Dude, I just posted a link. Take it easy. Besides the topic of this thread is Al Gore and his hypocrisy, right?

Your entire society is based upon hypocrisy.
It does seem to be a human condition. Of course, I'm sure you are probably immune to it, right?
LOL Gotta love you fucking dummies. Seems that you are always 100 years behind time. LOL


Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Antarctic Sea Ice is presently just about 3 standard deviations below normal. Ever consider doing minimal research before posting drivel, Rusty?
Bad source
LOL Gotta love you fucking dummies. Seems that you are always 100 years behind time. LOL


Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Antarctic Sea Ice is presently just about 3 standard deviations below normal. Ever consider doing minimal research before posting drivel, Rusty?
Bad source
Good point. They are real scientists, not obese junkies on the AM radio, so they are not to be believed. Much better to believe fake British Lords, and an undegreed ex tv weatherman.
LOL Gotta love you fucking dummies. Seems that you are always 100 years behind time. LOL


Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Antarctic Sea Ice is presently just about 3 standard deviations below normal. Ever consider doing minimal research before posting drivel, Rusty?
Bad source
Good point. They are real scientists, not obese junkies on the AM radio, so they are not to be believed. Much better to believe fake British Lords, and an undegreed ex tv weatherman.
True, Al Gore is a fat white guy
Al Gore is a fat white guy with a degree in journalism. Which he has used well. His job has been putting in layman's terms what the scientists are saying. He has done it well.

Which changes not a thing. Your problem is that you are trying to argue with the scientists from a position of profound ignorance. And ignorance you are proud of.
Al Gore is a fat white guy with a degree in journalism. Which he has used well. His job has been putting in layman's terms what the scientists are saying. He has done it well.

Which changes not a thing. Your problem is that you are trying to argue with the scientists from a position of profound ignorance. And ignorance you are proud of.
The thing about science is, we can all go look at it ourselves and get a better a better sense of what the peer reviewed published findings are across various studies over time as opposed to basing our opinions on a climate change denier's link.

Geo-engineering, my friend.....look aty this and tell me this is "normal"......View attachment 99748

I see you have your custom made tin-foil hate on. I wonder if they said the same thing when the saw hundreds of B-17's flying over at 30,000 feet during WWII leaving vapor trails.

Contrails disappear within seconds...chemtrails last for hours.....don't fuck with me on this because I will OWN you. Soil and water samples is as scientific as it gets......

I'm more worried about fart trails... I seem ot have gotten the walking farts a lot lately. :9:
Al Gore is a fat white guy with a degree in journalism. Which he has used well. His job has been putting in layman's terms what the scientists are saying. He has done it well.

Which changes not a thing. Your problem is that you are trying to argue with the scientists from a position of profound ignorance. And ignorance you are proud of.

A group of Nobel Laureates have signed a declaration calling for urgent action on climate change

Now, 60 years on, again out of a mix of urgency and guilt, a group of 36 Nobel prizewinners have signed a new Mainau Declaration (pdf) calling for urgent action on climate change. The document is open for other Nobel Laureates to join.

The discoveries of these signatories have mostly improved the quality of life of people around the world, but they now stand horrified at the prospect of what unchecked use of natural resources could do to the future.

36 state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. And one senile old fart disagrees. OK.
Flemming/Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings.

Doherty also defines the difference between denial and scepticism: “If you’re sceptic, you talk to other researchers, you look at the data. If you’re in denial, you simply reject everything that’s being published.” Steven Chu explains how the best data on climate change comes from satellites: they clearly show how glaciers are shrinking all over the world, from Greenland and the Arctic to the Himalaya, the Alps and some parts of Antarctica. “But there are people in Congress who don’t want to look at satellite pictures,” he remembers from his time in politics. “That’s what I call denial.”

The Nobel Laureates agreed that politicians should act immediately to “lower the current and future greenhouse gas emissions”, as the declaration states. These politicians will meet at the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference in Paris, starting November 30, 2015. “It takes half a century to turn the boat,” states Chu. While it is true that newable energy technologies keep getting cheaper, this takes time. “At some point, the technology will be competitive.” Smoot adds: “You need infrastructure for that. This will also create jobs and give us a better infrastructure.” Doherty thinks that not only politicians need to reach results, but voters need to urge their leaders to act: “Politicians care about nothing except votes. So you have to convince the people who vote.” Schmidt replies that yes, voters could and should be informed about climate change, but that many politicians “will realise that they have a responsibility – it’s not only votes.”

The Mainau Declaration 2015 on Climate Change

Looks again like the scientists that are worried about AGW far outweigh the mossy backs that are resting on their laurels, and not looking at the present evidence.
This was part of the reason for the corporate state media machine, indoctrination denouncing science in general, politicizing research results, stifling research, and pushing creationism. And in part it is connected to the manner in which we approach capitalism in this society. The point was to create an environment in which we can’t even have a serious conversation based upon data, and it worked. Concentrated corporate wealth and power won again, “the people” lost.
This was part of the reason for the corporate state media machine, indoctrination denouncing science in general, politicizing research results, stifling research, and pushing creationism. And in part it is connected to the manner in which we approach capitalism in this society. The point was to create an environment in which we can’t even have a serious conversation based upon data, and it worked. Concentrated corporate wealth and power won again, “the people” lost.
Fenton is a social change communications agency. Lum is a Scots word for Chimney or flue,allows the reek to exit a house.

Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it.
LOL So, the answer to challenging anyone that disagrees with you is to accuse them of being a socialist? Dingleberry, you are truly a pathetic loon. Next you will be ranting about chemtrails.
LOL So, the answer to challenging anyone that disagrees with you is to accuse them of being a socialist? Dingleberry, you are truly a pathetic loon. Next you will be ranting about chemtrails.
Don't be silly. They are totally unrelated events. First of all, her post #31 was not directed at me so she wasn't disagreeing with me. Secondly, her post #31 proved that she was inflamed by social issues and was probably active in social policy. I was curious about the origin of her screen name and when I looked into it... lo and behold that was what I found. And since it did confirm what is in my signature line of every comment I make, I took the opportunity to use her as a witness to the truth. Albeit a truth that you and her deny despite overwhelming evidence. In fact, your opposition to my post # 32 is corroborating evidence inj and of itself. Thank you, brother, for proving my point.

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