Al Gore: TV weather reports are like the Book of Revelation


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
I smell another Nobel Peace Prize coming from the leftards.

Yeah because he has been consistently wrong.

Fat Albert is my idol. To have duped millions while making millions, is something I can only dream of.
No Gore, weather is real while the book of revelation is a piece of fiction....
I'll give Al a revelation...........the founder of the Weather Channel was on CNN this morning. Said, "Making a statement that climate change is due to human activity is false".

Of course, non-zombies understand this.:popcorn:
I'll give Al a revelation...........the founder of the Weather Channel was on CNN this morning. Said, "Making a statement that climate change is due to human activity is false".

Of course, non-zombies understand this.:popcorn:
Oh come on, we all know climate is weather. Oh wait, it isn't. But it is. It's not. What day of the week is it?
Gore Rule invoked in thread title. Whoever cries and weeps about Gore first forfeits the thread and the entire topic for their side.

But then, what else can deniers do? All the science say they're limp-wristed cult losers, so it's not like they can talk about the science. All they can do is weep and deflect, by screaming about whoever the cult ordered them to demonize.

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