Al Gore's Global Warming Cash Cow...


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2009
Fascinating read on the intertwining corporate interestes found within the global warming junta. Al Gore already earns millions from off of the global warming machine - he stands to make considerably more than that off of the cap n trade concept if the Obama administration and the Democrat Congress are able to make it law.

Goldman, Soros, Kleiner Perkins, GIM, Hollywood moguls who have invested in and hoping for huge is a remarkably insidious and telling tale.
Thanks for posting this, i already tried to explain this to oldrockhead in another thread. He just gave me some rhetoric about the oil companies .... :rolleyes:
Capitalism=good for oil companies, auto manufacturers, banks...
Capitalism=bad for environmental groups.

As long as we all know your hypocrisy
Capitalism=good for oil companies, auto manufacturers, banks...
Capitalism=bad for environmental groups.

As long as we all know your hypocrisy

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"When Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn confronted Al Gore with his profiteering from global warming legislation at today’s House Energy and Environment Subcommittee hearing on the Waxman-Markey climate bill, Al Gore said that every penny he ever made from his business activities went into non-profit efforts. [See transcript below.]

That is a flat-out lie, according to this March 6, 2008 Bloomberg report that indicates that Al Gore invested $35 million of his own money in various for-profit endeavors."
Gore lies to Congress about personal finances « Green Hell Blog
Gore Invests $35 Million for Hedge Funds With EBay Billionaire
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By Miles Weiss

March 6 (Bloomberg) -- Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore left the White House seven years ago with less than $2 million in assets, including a Virginia home and the family farm in Tennessee. Now he's making enough to put $35 million in hedge funds and other private partnerships.

Gore invested the money with Capricorn Investment Group LLC, a Palo Alto, California, firm that selects the private funds for clients and invests in makers of environmentally friendly products, according to a Feb. 1 securities filing. Capricorn was founded by billionaire Jeffrey Skoll, former president of EBay Inc. and an executive producer of Gore's Oscar-winning documentary film on global warming.

Since losing the 2000 presidential election to George W. Bush, Gore, 59, is best known for focusing attention on climate change through his book and movie, ``An Inconvenient Truth,'' which helped him win a Nobel Peace Prize. Gore's newfound wealth resulted, in part, from speaking engagements and ties to Silicon Valley firms with soaring stock market values, such as Google Inc. and Apple Inc.

``Gore got a lot of support from Silicon Valley when he ran for president because they knew the Internet was one of his primary concerns,'' said Tony Coelho, a former congressman and investment banker who served as chairman of Gore's 2000 campaign.

``It's very legit that these people would pursue him'' after he left office, Coelho said, adding that Gore received Google and Apple stock options before their shares ``went into the stratosphere.''

Kalee Kreider, a spokeswoman for Gore and his wife, Tipper, declined to comment on the hedge-fund investment or how Gore has made his money.

`Private Citizen'

``He is a private citizen, and as a private citizen he has never commented on his private finances,'' said Kreider, who works out of Nashville, Tennessee.

Gore donated his proceeds from the global-warming book and movie to his Alliance for Climate Protection, Kreider added.
Gore Invests $35 Million for Hedge Funds With EBay Billionaire -

Rather than a damning report, this seems to confirm that Gore is an astute businessman with a very marketable talent for predicting where the high tech market is going.

Gore is a very successful capitalist, and all you fellows can do is denigrate him. I am sure that he feels so put down as he continues a very successful life.
Gore Invests $35 Million for Hedge Funds With EBay Billionaire
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By Miles Weiss

March 6 (Bloomberg) -- Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore left the White House seven years ago with less than $2 million in assets, including a Virginia home and the family farm in Tennessee. Now he's making enough to put $35 million in hedge funds and other private partnerships.

Gore invested the money with Capricorn Investment Group LLC, a Palo Alto, California, firm that selects the private funds for clients and invests in makers of environmentally friendly products, according to a Feb. 1 securities filing. Capricorn was founded by billionaire Jeffrey Skoll, former president of EBay Inc. and an executive producer of Gore's Oscar-winning documentary film on global warming.

Since losing the 2000 presidential election to George W. Bush, Gore, 59, is best known for focusing attention on climate change through his book and movie, ``An Inconvenient Truth,'' which helped him win a Nobel Peace Prize. Gore's newfound wealth resulted, in part, from speaking engagements and ties to Silicon Valley firms with soaring stock market values, such as Google Inc. and Apple Inc.

``Gore got a lot of support from Silicon Valley when he ran for president because they knew the Internet was one of his primary concerns,'' said Tony Coelho, a former congressman and investment banker who served as chairman of Gore's 2000 campaign.

``It's very legit that these people would pursue him'' after he left office, Coelho said, adding that Gore received Google and Apple stock options before their shares ``went into the stratosphere.''

Kalee Kreider, a spokeswoman for Gore and his wife, Tipper, declined to comment on the hedge-fund investment or how Gore has made his money.

`Private Citizen'

``He is a private citizen, and as a private citizen he has never commented on his private finances,'' said Kreider, who works out of Nashville, Tennessee.

Gore donated his proceeds from the global-warming book and movie to his Alliance for Climate Protection, Kreider added.
Gore Invests $35 Million for Hedge Funds With EBay Billionaire -

Rather than a damning report, this seems to confirm that Gore is an astute businessman with a very marketable talent for predicting where the high tech market is going.

Gore is a very successful capitalist, and all you fellows can do is denigrate him. I am sure that he feels so put down as he continues a very successful life.

There is nothing wrong with making money legitimately, and certainly it is a positive to be a good businessman, but certainly you are not trying to miss the point with respect to Vice-President Gore:
The implication is that he has pushed a bogus quasi-scientific philosophy so as to convince gullible folks and result in making this money.

Nothing new, carny pitchmen have done same for ages.

BTW, are you familiar with the " Tony Coelho, a former congressman and investment banker who served as chairman of Gore's 2000 campaign" that you quote?

"And what baggage. Coelho is the father of the vast and ethics-flouting Democratic money machine that has, from time to time, landed Bill Clinton and his vice president in hot water. As boss of his party's Congressional Campaign Committee in the 1980s, Coelho set a new standard in fundraising and strongarming, becoming the very model of a political shakedown artist. He made the party rich, but in 1989 was forced to leave the House under a cloud of financial scandal. Thereafter, he concentrated on making himself rich, earning piles and piles at a New York investment firm, trading on his countless connections, keeping a hand in politics, exuding his typical joy. Coelho is a happy warrior, in all he undertakes.

You might think Al Gore would hold an infamous bagman at arm's length. "
Terrible Tony - Tony Coelho, VP Al Gore's presidential campaign manager | National Review | Find Articles at BNET
Gore Invests $35 Million for Hedge Funds With EBay Billionaire
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By Miles Weiss

March 6 (Bloomberg) -- Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore left the White House seven years ago with less than $2 million in assets, including a Virginia home and the family farm in Tennessee. Now he's making enough to put $35 million in hedge funds and other private partnerships.

Gore invested the money with Capricorn Investment Group LLC, a Palo Alto, California, firm that selects the private funds for clients and invests in makers of environmentally friendly products, according to a Feb. 1 securities filing. Capricorn was founded by billionaire Jeffrey Skoll, former president of EBay Inc. and an executive producer of Gore's Oscar-winning documentary film on global warming.

Since losing the 2000 presidential election to George W. Bush, Gore, 59, is best known for focusing attention on climate change through his book and movie, ``An Inconvenient Truth,'' which helped him win a Nobel Peace Prize. Gore's newfound wealth resulted, in part, from speaking engagements and ties to Silicon Valley firms with soaring stock market values, such as Google Inc. and Apple Inc.

``Gore got a lot of support from Silicon Valley when he ran for president because they knew the Internet was one of his primary concerns,'' said Tony Coelho, a former congressman and investment banker who served as chairman of Gore's 2000 campaign.

``It's very legit that these people would pursue him'' after he left office, Coelho said, adding that Gore received Google and Apple stock options before their shares ``went into the stratosphere.''

Kalee Kreider, a spokeswoman for Gore and his wife, Tipper, declined to comment on the hedge-fund investment or how Gore has made his money.

`Private Citizen'

``He is a private citizen, and as a private citizen he has never commented on his private finances,'' said Kreider, who works out of Nashville, Tennessee.

Gore donated his proceeds from the global-warming book and movie to his Alliance for Climate Protection, Kreider added.
Gore Invests $35 Million for Hedge Funds With EBay Billionaire -

Rather than a damning report, this seems to confirm that Gore is an astute businessman with a very marketable talent for predicting where the high tech market is going.

Gore is a very successful capitalist, and all you fellows can do is denigrate him. I am sure that he feels so put down as he continues a very successful life.

There is nothing wrong with making money legitimately, and certainly it is a positive to be a good businessman, but certainly you are not trying to miss the point with respect to Vice-President Gore:
The implication is that he has pushed a bogus quasi-scientific philosophy so as to convince gullible folks and result in making this money.

Nothing new, carny pitchmen have done same for ages.

BTW, are you familiar with the " Tony Coelho, a former congressman and investment banker who served as chairman of Gore's 2000 campaign" that you quote?

"And what baggage. Coelho is the father of the vast and ethics-flouting Democratic money machine that has, from time to time, landed Bill Clinton and his vice president in hot water. As boss of his party's Congressional Campaign Committee in the 1980s, Coelho set a new standard in fundraising and strongarming, becoming the very model of a political shakedown artist. He made the party rich, but in 1989 was forced to leave the House under a cloud of financial scandal. Thereafter, he concentrated on making himself rich, earning piles and piles at a New York investment firm, trading on his countless connections, keeping a hand in politics, exuding his typical joy. Coelho is a happy warrior, in all he undertakes.

You might think Al Gore would hold an infamous bagman at arm's length. "
Terrible Tony - Tony Coelho, VP Al Gore's presidential campaign manager | National Review | Find Articles at BNET

Exactly - there is nothing wrong with making money - but what Gore has done is be the point man for a collection of investment firms cashing in on the lie of global warming. Gore is being patently dishonest in his repeated dire warnings of a doom n gloom world unless "something is done now". That something is cap n trade - the creation of which will make Gore's already substantial wealth increase greatly. He is in bed with the likes of Soros, GM, various Hollywood mogul investors (who created all of the Gore film hype) and on and on and on - it is a sham for Gore to pretend his environmental interests are simply out of the interests of the world.

He has not predicted the environmental economy - he has willfully worked to create it. And one must then ask, how many of our current legislators have invested in these environmental / cap n trade hedge funds already? How many of them are hoping their vote on this issue will result in considerable cash paypack waiting for them once they leave office?

The Global Warming debate has devolved into a huge pay to play scheme, with Al Gore front and center.

It has rarely been about science, or humanity - it has been about profit...
Gore Invests $35 Million for Hedge Funds With EBay Billionaire
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By Miles Weiss

March 6 (Bloomberg) -- Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore left the White House seven years ago with less than $2 million in assets, including a Virginia home and the family farm in Tennessee. Now he's making enough to put $35 million in hedge funds and other private partnerships.

Gore invested the money with Capricorn Investment Group LLC, a Palo Alto, California, firm that selects the private funds for clients and invests in makers of environmentally friendly products, according to a Feb. 1 securities filing. Capricorn was founded by billionaire Jeffrey Skoll, former president of EBay Inc. and an executive producer of Gore's Oscar-winning documentary film on global warming.

Since losing the 2000 presidential election to George W. Bush, Gore, 59, is best known for focusing attention on climate change through his book and movie, ``An Inconvenient Truth,'' which helped him win a Nobel Peace Prize. Gore's newfound wealth resulted, in part, from speaking engagements and ties to Silicon Valley firms with soaring stock market values, such as Google Inc. and Apple Inc.

``Gore got a lot of support from Silicon Valley when he ran for president because they knew the Internet was one of his primary concerns,'' said Tony Coelho, a former congressman and investment banker who served as chairman of Gore's 2000 campaign.

``It's very legit that these people would pursue him'' after he left office, Coelho said, adding that Gore received Google and Apple stock options before their shares ``went into the stratosphere.''

Kalee Kreider, a spokeswoman for Gore and his wife, Tipper, declined to comment on the hedge-fund investment or how Gore has made his money.

`Private Citizen'

``He is a private citizen, and as a private citizen he has never commented on his private finances,'' said Kreider, who works out of Nashville, Tennessee.

Gore donated his proceeds from the global-warming book and movie to his Alliance for Climate Protection, Kreider added.
Gore Invests $35 Million for Hedge Funds With EBay Billionaire -

Rather than a damning report, this seems to confirm that Gore is an astute businessman with a very marketable talent for predicting where the high tech market is going.

Gore is a very successful capitalist, and all you fellows can do is denigrate him. I am sure that he feels so put down as he continues a very successful life.

... and he pays 35 million dollars less in taxes to. He's a con artist, a scammer, and you swallow his lies hook, line, and sinker.
And all of that is why the glaciers are rapidly shrinking, Artic sea ice is declining, and both the Greenland and Anarctic Ice Caps are losing ice. Gore certainly is an influential fellow.
I just think its a shame how his corrupt motives make people discredit enviornmental issues.
And all of that is why the glaciers are rapidly shrinking, Artic sea ice is declining, and both the Greenland and Anarctic Ice Caps are losing ice. Gore certainly is an influential fellow.

It's all the hot air he keeps spewing out of his piehole.
There was something going around on e-mails regarding how "green" President Bush was compared to Al Gore. Al Gore flys around to these global warming seminars in his own jet--spewing fossil fuel everywhere he goes. He lives in an "old" mansion--that costs 6000.00 per month in electric utility costs alone.

President Bush on the ranch-house uses wind & solar--has his ranch insulated to the top with thermo--in floor heat--distributed evenly to reduce electric costs.

Sometimes--you just never know who you're dealing with, he.he.he.
Yes, it is Al Gore's fault that CO2 has risen 40% in the last 200 years, and that we continue to pump billions of tons of CO2 into the air every year, and that the glaciers and the North Polar Ice Cap are melting.

It's all Al Gore's fault.

Told all you guys months ago the Green movement has more to do about the Dollar than the enviroment,now many of you still cling to the dogooder progressive state of mind,wake up and smell the coffee will ya. Never Never trust control of any kind as it is always about your money.
Told all you guys months ago the Green movement has more to do about the Dollar than the enviroment,now many of you still cling to the dogooder progressive state of mind,wake up and smell the coffee will ya. Never Never trust control of any kind as it is always about your money.

Capitalism=good for oil companies, auto manufacturers, banks...
Capitalism=bad for environmental groups.
Told all you guys months ago the Green movement has more to do about the Dollar than the enviroment,now many of you still cling to the dogooder progressive state of mind,wake up and smell the coffee will ya. Never Never trust control of any kind as it is always about your money.

Capitalism=good for oil companies, auto manufacturers, banks...
Capitalism=bad for environmental groups.

Capitalism is good for everybody.

Capitalism that is a direct result of governmental manipulation in collusion with corporate and media interests is against the law - be it an oil company or Al Gore and his ilk.

Selective morality, while convenient, is hardly a virtue...
Told all you guys months ago the Green movement has more to do about the Dollar than the enviroment,now many of you still cling to the dogooder progressive state of mind,wake up and smell the coffee will ya. Never Never trust control of any kind as it is always about your money.

Capitalism=good for oil companies, auto manufacturers, banks...
Capitalism=bad for environmental groups.

Capitalism is good for everybody.

Capitalism that is a direct result of governmental manipulation in collusion with corporate and media interests is against the law - be it an oil company or Al Gore and his ilk.

Selective morality, while convenient, is hardly a virtue...

The book by Kevin Phillips is a good read, he holds no punches for Dems or Repubs.


Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS
Told all you guys months ago the Green movement has more to do about the Dollar than the enviroment,now many of you still cling to the dogooder progressive state of mind,wake up and smell the coffee will ya. Never Never trust control of any kind as it is always about your money.

Yes, often that is very true. In the case of the global warming hoax, certainly more so than not...

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