Al-Jazeera poll: 81% of Muslims support ISIS

Use the translator dumbshits. Translated the question is:

Have you considered offering to organize an Islamic State in Iraq and Syria for the benefit of the region?

What is wrong with you people? Overwhelmed by stupid and that's why you lie?
Here's an actual poll by an actual research center, given in actual English by an actual non-Echosphere research company (Pew):


-- and this is from a few weeks ago (mid-November).

PEW didn't ask Al Jaz' viewers. Al did. Worth mentioning Al's viewership is made up largely of Sunni Muslims, same as ISIS.

It's an INTERNET POLL. That means anyone in the world can jump in there.
And moreover you DON'T have a reliable source or translation. You're relying on fucking Dimbart and the Echosphere. That's like asking Adolf Hitler to translate the Torah.

Holy SHIT you're dense.

And btw "Al" is the definite article. It means "the". That's where we get words like alcohol and algebra. There's no such thing as "Al's viewership". "Al" is not a person and "The" doesn't have a viewership.
Here's an actual poll by an actual research center, given in actual English by an actual non-Echosphere research company (Pew):


-- and this is from a few weeks ago (mid-November).

PEW didn't ask Al Jaz' viewers. Al did. Worth mentioning Al's viewership is made up largely of Sunni Muslims, same as ISIS.

It's an INTERNET POLL. That means anyone in the world can jump in there.
And moreover you DON'T have a reliable source or translation. You're relying on fucking Dimbart and the Echosphere. That's like asking Adolf Hitler to translate the Torah.

Holy SHIT you're dense.

So far all I see is a lot of talk from some git online. Gota source to discredit it post it. Otherwise you're just blowing gas from your anus.
Now how many of those same Muslims in America believe in Jihad, how many want Shariah law to replace the constitution? You'd be surprised. Then you'd realize, Trump isn't so wrong after all.
After reading that Poll I will get under my blanket and hide in fear and pray that they do not kill me...

( Actually I do not give a damn about polls because they can be slanted to support the view giving the poll )
Here's an actual poll by an actual research center, given in actual English by an actual non-Echosphere research company (Pew):


-- and this is from a few weeks ago (mid-November).

PEW didn't ask Al Jaz' viewers. Al did. Worth mentioning Al's viewership is made up largely of Sunni Muslims, same as ISIS.

It's an INTERNET POLL. That means anyone in the world can jump in there.
And moreover you DON'T have a reliable source or translation. You're relying on fucking Dimbart and the Echosphere. That's like asking Adolf Hitler to translate the Torah.

Holy SHIT you're dense.

So far all I see is a lot of talk from some git online. Gota source to discredit it post it. Otherwise you're just blowing gas from your anus.

He posted a source in the very post you quoted. Go back to baking cookies for your victims, Jared.
Now how many of those same Muslims in America believe in Jihad, how many want Shariah law to replace the constitution? You'd be surprised. Then you'd realize, Trump isn't so wrong after all.

All of them, but then 'jihad' simply means struggle. Want the right number ask 'armed jihad.'
Haha, I told you all that progressives are all in with Muslims.

80% of Muslims support ISIS, and here they are making more excuses to validate their support of Muslims.

Progressives support ISIS. It's a Sunni revolution sweeping the ME. Obama has only helped them by toppling non-belligerent governments like Lybia, Egypt, and Syria. We support Sunni countries like Turkey and Saudia Arabia that are clearly financing ISIS in their war against Shia Syria.

When ISIS is done with Syria, Iran will be next on the chopping block. Only they are nuclear and have Russia firmly entrenched with them. Progressive turds already have us in a proxy war against Russia backed Shia states. Obama has paved the path to WWIII. Progressive turds are already willing to send US troops to defend ISIS supporting Muslims in Turkey, as well as fighting ISIS with ground troops. Talk about a fucking quagmire.
Here's an actual poll by an actual research center, given in actual English by an actual non-Echosphere research company (Pew):


-- and this is from a few weeks ago (mid-November).

PEW didn't ask Al Jaz' viewers. Al did. Worth mentioning Al's viewership is made up largely of Sunni Muslims, same as ISIS.

It's an INTERNET POLL. That means anyone in the world can jump in there.
And moreover you DON'T have a reliable source or translation. You're relying on fucking Dimbart and the Echosphere. That's like asking Adolf Hitler to translate the Torah.

Holy SHIT you're dense.

So far all I see is a lot of talk from some git online. Gota source to discredit it post it. Otherwise you're just blowing gas from your anus.

You discredited yourself when you trotted in with a link from Dimbart going "uh, it's in Arabic but this is the translation, trust us".

The onus for a reliable source remains on you. No one else.

Wanna buy a bridge, Dumbass?
How things are phrased matters.

Indeed it does, so how did you work "slaughter" and "terrorism" into the OP based on a blogshit site where even THEY didn't phrase it anything like that?

Dishonest hack.

Posted what appeared. Ddin't choose the copy.

Didn't choose to vet it either. Or even think about it.


I did. Washington Times, and A7 both ran it as well.
Here's an actual poll by an actual research center, given in actual English by an actual non-Echosphere research company (Pew):


-- and this is from a few weeks ago (mid-November).

PEW didn't ask Al Jaz' viewers. Al did. Worth mentioning Al's viewership is made up largely of Sunni Muslims, same as ISIS.

It's an INTERNET POLL. That means anyone in the world can jump in there.
And moreover you DON'T have a reliable source or translation. You're relying on fucking Dimbart and the Echosphere. That's like asking Adolf Hitler to translate the Torah.

Holy SHIT you're dense.

So far all I see is a lot of talk from some git online. Gota source to discredit it post it. Otherwise you're just blowing gas from your anus.

You discredited yourself when you trotted in with a link from Dimbart going "uh, it's in Arabic but this is the translation, trust us".

The onus for a reliable source remains on you. No one else.

Wanna buy a bridge, Dumbass?

Didn't get it from Breitbart. That they ran it as well doesn't mean it originated with them. Originated with al Jazeera bitch.
How things are phrased matters.

Indeed it does, so how did you work "slaughter" and "terrorism" into the OP based on a blogshit site where even THEY didn't phrase it anything like that?

Dishonest hack.

Posted what appeared. Ddin't choose the copy.

Didn't choose to vet it either. Or even think about it.


I did. Washington Times, and A7 both ran it as well.

Moonie times and a common seventh chord. What could possibly be at issue there.
What part of "legitimate source" evades you?
How things are phrased matters.

Indeed it does, so how did you work "slaughter" and "terrorism" into the OP based on a blogshit site where even THEY didn't phrase it anything like that?

Dishonest hack.

Posted what appeared. Ddin't choose the copy.

Didn't choose to vet it either. Or even think about it.


I did. Washington Times, and A7 both ran it as well.

Moonie times and a common seventh chord. What could possibly be at issue there.
What part of "legitimate source" evades you?

Bit from Hamlet's coming to mind so have fun in your denial.
Here's an actual poll by an actual research center, given in actual English by an actual non-Echosphere research company (Pew):


-- and this is from a few weeks ago (mid-November).

PEW didn't ask Al Jaz' viewers. Al did. Worth mentioning Al's viewership is made up largely of Sunni Muslims, same as ISIS.

It's an INTERNET POLL. That means anyone in the world can jump in there.
And moreover you DON'T have a reliable source or translation. You're relying on fucking Dimbart and the Echosphere. That's like asking Adolf Hitler to translate the Torah.

Holy SHIT you're dense.

So far all I see is a lot of talk from some git online. Gota source to discredit it post it. Otherwise you're just blowing gas from your anus.

You discredited yourself when you trotted in with a link from Dimbart going "uh, it's in Arabic but this is the translation, trust us".

The onus for a reliable source remains on you. No one else.

Wanna buy a bridge, Dumbass?

Didn't get it from Breitbart.

The byline of YOUR OWN LINK:

by Jordan Schachtel, Breitbart
25 May 2015, Washington, D.C.

You're just too fucking stupid to continue here.

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