al Qaeda is on the run. Really?


VIP Member
Feb 28, 2011
During the last election President Obama, make a big deal over the fact that bin Laden was dead, and so was al Qaeda. Since the it's becoming clear that rescue efforts in Benghazi were denied, and 4 Americans died so that Obama's premise wouldn't be discredited. Today we see that AL-Qaeda has forced the closing of several US embassies abroad because of risks of credible threats. Who believes the President now? Is Al-Qaeda defeated, and on the run? Has Obama lied to the American people once more? With Obama as CinC is the US on the run from al Qaeda?

US issues global travel alert, closes embassies in Muslim world Sunday due to al-Qaida threat | Fox News

Published August 02, 2013

Associated Press
WASHINGTON – The United States has issued a global travel alert because of an al-Qaida terrorist threat.

The State Department says the potential for terrorism is particularly strong in the Middle East and North Africa. It says an attack could occur or come from the Arabian Peninsula.

The department says in a statement that al-Qaida and its affiliated organizations "continue to plan terrorist attacks both in the region and beyond."

The travel alert comes a day after the U.S. announced that it would shutter its embassies and consulates throughout the Muslim world on Sunday, and possibly longer.

Read more: US issues global travel alert, closes embassies in Muslim world Sunday due to al-Qaida threat | Fox News
A Bulletin for this weekend?

"The State Department says the potential for terrorism is particularly strong in the Middle East and North Africa."

My cat knows that this Bulletin could apply to any weekend, or any week day, of any year---because the Muslim religion, conceived as it was by a brigand and a knave, is in a bloody perpetual war with the Infidel.

And we are the Infidel.

They are canonized in their villages when they get lusty for 72 virgins and blow themselves long as they take a few Americans with them when they go. We call them poor misguided lunatics when this happens, or say it was just workplace violence---but the fact is that the whole Islamic culture condones or impliedly encourages this murderous violence.

I can't understand why we let them into this country. The best guess is a concurrence of Arabian oil money and bribes to Washingtonians.
A Bulletin for this weekend?

"The State Department says the potential for terrorism is particularly strong in the Middle East and North Africa."

My cat knows that this Bulletin could apply to any weekend, or any week day, of any year---because the Muslim religion, conceived as it was by a brigand and a knave, is in a bloody perpetual war with the Infidel.

And we are the Infidel.

They are canonized in their villages when they get lusty for 72 virgins and blow themselves long as they take a few Americans with them when they go. We call them poor misguided lunatics when this happens, or say it was just workplace violence---but the fact is that the whole Islamic culture condones or impliedly encourages this murderous violence.

I can't understand why we let them into this country. The best guess is a concurrence of Arabian oil money and bribes to Washingtonians.

The reason for the warning now is that August 4 is the obamaday, his birthday which has now become as sensitive a date as 9 11. It isn't just the middle east, violence on obamaday is threatened world wide.

Al-Qaida Terror Threats Cause State Dept. Travel Warning - Business Insider
Who is the current leader of AlQaeda?
Does anyone know?
What countries officially protect them?

How do their finances compare to 2001? What major victories have they had?

Have they lost more members than victims they have killed?
It's gonna be big, really big...
US Official: Al-Qaeda Messages Indicate Planned Attack 'Big'
Aug 4, 2013 > On the day that almost two dozen U.S. embassies and consulates across North Africa and the Middle East are closed following the identification of a significant threat from an al-Qaeda affiliate, a senior U.S. official is providing new details about the communications intercepted from the terrorists, telling ABC News that al-Qaeda operatives could be heard talking about an upcoming attack. The official described the terrorists as saying the planned attack is “going to be big” and “strategically significant.”
“The part that is alarming is the confidence they showed while communicating and the air of certainty,” the official said, adding that the group — Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula — appeared to have a media plan for after the attack. Authorities do not know the exact target of the planned attack, according to the official. “We do not know whether they mean an embassy, an airbase, an aircraft, trains,” the official said.

Today on “This Week,” Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, D-MD — the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee — said the intercepted communications called for a “major attack.” “We received information that high level people from al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula are talking about a major attack,” Ruppersberger said. “And these are people at a high level.” “It’s a very credible threat and it’s based on intelligence,” Ruppersberger continued. “What we have to do now is the most important issue, is protect Americans throughout the world.”

Ruppersberger also commented on the threat’s al-Qaeda connection, saying “We know that al-Qaeda and other people out there want to attack us and kill us and our allies.” The senior U.S. official said there is concern about devices that could be implanted inside the body of a terrorist. “We are concerned about surgically implanted devices,” they said. “These are guys who have developed the techniques to defeat our detection methods.” The official also said authorities were stunned that the group broke “operational security” — meaning they talked likely knowing it would be picked up by intercepts.

ABC News reported Thursday that embassies across the Middle East and North Africa - including those in Egypt, Iraq and Kuwait – would close today because of “a specific threat against a U.S. embassy or consulate.” The next day, the State Department issued a global travel warning to all U.S. citizens around the world, alerting them to the “continued potential for terrorist attacks.” During an interview for “This Week,” Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey told Martha Raddatz that there is “a significant threat stream and we’re reacting to it.”


See also:

Is rash of brazen prison breaks related? Interpol wants to know
Sun August 4, 2013 > Interpol wants member countries to help determine whether prison breaks are linked; The U.S. closes 22 embassies and consulates around the world on Sunday; August has been a hot month historically for terrorist attacks
Interpol has issued a global security alert, asking its member nations to help determine whether a rash of brazen prison escapes recently are linked. Over the past month, prison breaks have taken place in nine Interpol member nations, the global police organization said in an alert this weekend. "With suspected Al Qaeda involvement in several of the breakouts, which led to the escape of hundreds of terrorists and other criminals, the INTERPOL alert requests the Organization's 190 member countries' assistance in order to determine whether any of these recent events are coordinated or linked," the group said in the statement Saturday.

Several high-profile escapes have garnered headlines in recent weeks:

-- On July 23, an al Qaeda group claimed responsibility for attacks on two Iraqi prisons that a lawmaker said freed more than 500 inmates, including some senior members of the group. Militants used suicide bombers with mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns to attack prisons as inmates inside rioted and set fires.

-- On July 26, about 1,200 inmates spilled out of a prison in Benghazi, Libya.

-- And on July 30, Taliban gunmen wearing police uniforms attacked the largest jail in a northern Pakistani province, allowing about 200 inmates to escape, authorities said.

Interpol's alert comes as the United States closes 22 embassies and consulates abroad amid fears that al Qaeda may launch attacks in the Middle East, North Africa and beyond. "Current information suggests that (al Qaeda) and affiliated organizations continue to plan terrorist attacks both in the region and beyond, and that they may focus efforts to conduct attacks in the period between now and the end of August," a U.S. State Department travel alert read.

Interpol noted that August has been a fervent month for attacks. "August is the anniversary of violent terrorist incidents in Mumbai, India, and Gluboky, Russia, as well as in Jakarta, Indonesia," the Interpol alert states. This month also marks the 15th anniversary of the U.S. Embassy bombings in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in which more than 200 mostly African citizens were killed and 4,000 others injured, Interpol said.

Interpol warns of possible terrorist activity after jailbreaks -
What has AlQaeda accomplished in the last ten years?
During the last election President Obama, make a big deal over the fact that bin Laden was dead, and so was al Qaeda. Since the it's becoming clear that rescue efforts in Benghazi were denied, and 4 Americans died so that Obama's premise wouldn't be discredited. Today we see that AL-Qaeda has forced the closing of several US embassies abroad because of risks of credible threats. Who believes the President now? Is Al-Qaeda defeated, and on the run? Has Obama lied to the American people once more? With Obama as CinC is the US on the run from al Qaeda?

US issues global travel alert, closes embassies in Muslim world Sunday due to al-Qaida threat | Fox News

Published August 02, 2013

Associated Press
WASHINGTON – The United States has issued a global travel alert because of an al-Qaida terrorist threat.

The State Department says the potential for terrorism is particularly strong in the Middle East and North Africa. It says an attack could occur or come from the Arabian Peninsula.

The department says in a statement that al-Qaida and its affiliated organizations "continue to plan terrorist attacks both in the region and beyond."

The travel alert comes a day after the U.S. announced that it would shutter its embassies and consulates throughout the Muslim world on Sunday, and possibly longer.

Read more: US issues global travel alert, closes embassies in Muslim world Sunday due to al-Qaida threat | Fox News

So slowly some learn.....

Nothing Obama says more than two weeks passed counts anymore.

He's no longer upset over the IRS''s phony
Benghazi doesn't matter

If you are referring to the 9-11 Bin Laden Al-Qaeda not much if you are referring to the Al -Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula they have managed to inspire the Fort Hood shooter, Benghazi attack, The Boston Marathon bombers and it seems they have enough going on to get us to close down pretty much ever Embassy in the middle east and issue a travel alert they seem to be doing something right.
If you are referring to the 9-11 Bin Laden Al-Qaeda not much if you are referring to the Al -Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula they have managed to inspire the Fort Hood shooter, Benghazi attack, The Boston Marathon bombers and it seems they have enough going on to get us to close down pretty much ever Embassy in the middle east and issue a travel alert they seem to be doing something right.

The heyday of AlQaeda is long past

They used to brag about the 93 World Trade Center attack, USS Cole, 9-11

Now, the best hey can come up with is Benghazi? Ft Hood and Boston were not AlQaeda operations....I call that on the run
It's true that organized terrorism is far from over. The thing is, anybody can call themselves Al Qaida nowadays. Most have very loose, or zero connections to Bin Laden. It's like busting a few prolific hackers, and claiming you took down Anonymous.
Obama is in secret capitulation talks with AQ as we speak; hardware for promises! :eusa_boohoo:
If you are referring to the 9-11 Bin Laden Al-Qaeda not much if you are referring to the Al -Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula they have managed to inspire the Fort Hood shooter, Benghazi attack, The Boston Marathon bombers and it seems they have enough going on to get us to close down pretty much ever Embassy in the middle east and issue a travel alert they seem to be doing something right.

The heyday of AlQaeda is long past

They used to brag about the 93 World Trade Center attack, USS Cole, 9-11

Now, the best hey can come up with is Benghazi? Ft Hood and Boston were not AlQaeda operations....I call that on the run

I said they were Al-Qaeda inspired if they can still do that and manage to get us to shut down what 20 something embassies and issue travel alerts I would call that coming back. If Benghazi was such a minor deal from Al-Qaeda why did we try and blame it on a spontaneous protest over a video that got out of control?
If you are referring to the 9-11 Bin Laden Al-Qaeda not much if you are referring to the Al -Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula they have managed to inspire the Fort Hood shooter, Benghazi attack, The Boston Marathon bombers and it seems they have enough going on to get us to close down pretty much ever Embassy in the middle east and issue a travel alert they seem to be doing something right.

The heyday of AlQaeda is long past

They used to brag about the 93 World Trade Center attack, USS Cole, 9-11

Now, the best hey can come up with is Benghazi? Ft Hood and Boston were not AlQaeda operations....I call that on the run

During the Clinton Administration they coordinated two Embassy attacks with almost stopwatch precision in Africa killing hundreds and injuring thousands in broad daylight.

They've been so decimated that they are now training people to make pressure cooker bombs.

The right wing loons are upset that Obama has been so effective. Doesn't say much for their brand of patriotism now does it...
If you are referring to the 9-11 Bin Laden Al-Qaeda not much if you are referring to the Al -Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula they have managed to inspire the Fort Hood shooter, Benghazi attack, The Boston Marathon bombers and it seems they have enough going on to get us to close down pretty much ever Embassy in the middle east and issue a travel alert they seem to be doing something right.

The heyday of AlQaeda is long past

They used to brag about the 93 World Trade Center attack, USS Cole, 9-11

Now, the best hey can come up with is Benghazi? Ft Hood and Boston were not AlQaeda operations....I call that on the run

I said they were Al-Qaeda inspired if they can still do that and manage to get us to shut down what 20 something embassies and issue travel alerts I would call that coming back. If Benghazi was such a minor deal from Al-Qaeda why did we try and blame it on a spontaneous protest over a video that got out of control?

Basically you're equating this group with the student who calls in a bomb threat at the school to postpone a Geometry test.

If Obama had not done it, of course, you'd be calling for his head and criticizing him, of course, for playing golf while the attacks were being carried out.
If you are referring to the 9-11 Bin Laden Al-Qaeda not much if you are referring to the Al -Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula they have managed to inspire the Fort Hood shooter, Benghazi attack, The Boston Marathon bombers and it seems they have enough going on to get us to close down pretty much ever Embassy in the middle east and issue a travel alert they seem to be doing something right.

The heyday of AlQaeda is long past

They used to brag about the 93 World Trade Center attack, USS Cole, 9-11

Now, the best hey can come up with is Benghazi? Ft Hood and Boston were not AlQaeda operations....I call that on the run

During the Clinton Administration they coordinated two Embassy attacks with almost stopwatch precision in Africa killing hundreds and injuring thousands in broad daylight.

They've been so decimated that they are now training people to make pressure cooker bombs.

The right wing loons are upset that Obama has been so effective. Doesn't say much for their brand of patriotism now does it...

And the left wing loons ignore that most if not all of the anti terror measures used by Obama were started under Bush and continued by Obama measures the left trashed when Bush was using them that does not say much for their patriotism either does it? I can't help but notice the left on here keep ignoring the fact we have shut down basically every Embassy we have in the middle east and issued a travel alert kind of a strange they do with a enemy that is so decimated they have been reduced to using pressure cooker bombs isn't it? Oh and in case you guys missed it while you were blaming Benghazi on a video that was a well planned coordinated attack using automatic weapons, mortars, and RPG's it's really rather sad that some people for strictly politically partisan reasons can't or won't see Al-Qaeda is slowly building it's self back up the Al -Qaeda types have a saying they have the watches but we have the time translation they don't quit or give up something it seems after 10 plus years we have still not grasp.
The heyday of AlQaeda is long past

They used to brag about the 93 World Trade Center attack, USS Cole, 9-11

Now, the best hey can come up with is Benghazi? Ft Hood and Boston were not AlQaeda operations....I call that on the run

I said they were Al-Qaeda inspired if they can still do that and manage to get us to shut down what 20 something embassies and issue travel alerts I would call that coming back. If Benghazi was such a minor deal from Al-Qaeda why did we try and blame it on a spontaneous protest over a video that got out of control?

Basically you're equating this group with the student who calls in a bomb threat at the school to postpone a Geometry test.

If Obama had not done it, of course, you'd be calling for his head and criticizing him, of course, for playing golf while the attacks were being carried out.

No I'm saying you don't shut down 20 Embassies and issue a travel alert unless you consider the threat real and serious and if you do consider it real and serious then your enemy is not as decimated and defeated as you thought. Are you really this dense?
I said they were Al-Qaeda inspired if they can still do that and manage to get us to shut down what 20 something embassies and issue travel alerts I would call that coming back. If Benghazi was such a minor deal from Al-Qaeda why did we try and blame it on a spontaneous protest over a video that got out of control?

Basically you're equating this group with the student who calls in a bomb threat at the school to postpone a Geometry test.

If Obama had not done it, of course, you'd be calling for his head and criticizing him, of course, for playing golf while the attacks were being carried out.

No I'm saying you don't shut down 20 Embassies and issue a travel alert unless you consider the threat real and serious and if you do consider it real and serious then your enemy is not as decimated and defeated as you thought. Are you really this dense?

Why not? After all, obama isn't being inconvenienced. He's on vacation. If you were a weak, lily livered pipsqueak who just got humiliated on a world stage you might have reason to cook up a fake threat just to show how in control you were.
The heyday of AlQaeda is long past

They used to brag about the 93 World Trade Center attack, USS Cole, 9-11

Now, the best hey can come up with is Benghazi? Ft Hood and Boston were not AlQaeda operations....I call that on the run

During the Clinton Administration they coordinated two Embassy attacks with almost stopwatch precision in Africa killing hundreds and injuring thousands in broad daylight.

They've been so decimated that they are now training people to make pressure cooker bombs.

The right wing loons are upset that Obama has been so effective. Doesn't say much for their brand of patriotism now does it...

And the left wing loons ignore that most if not all of the anti terror measures used by Obama were started under Bush and continued by Obama measures the left trashed when Bush was using them that does not say much for their patriotism either does it?
Such as?

I can't help but notice the left on here keep ignoring the fact we have shut down basically every Embassy we have in the middle east and issued a travel alert kind of a strange they do with a enemy that is so decimated they have been reduced to using pressure cooker bombs isn't it?

Of course Our President's effectiveness in thwarting domestic terror plots is limited to the US. Other nations allow it made sense to close the installations.

Oh and in case you guys missed it while you were blaming Benghazi on a video that was a well planned coordinated attack using automatic weapons, mortars, and RPG's it's really rather sad that some people for strictly politically partisan reasons can't or won't see Al-Qaeda is slowly building it's self back up the Al -Qaeda types have a saying they have the watches but we have the time translation they don't quit or give up something it seems after 10 plus years we have still not grasp.

Diagram that

15 years ago it was was coordinated truck bombs in broad its weapons you can carry in the dead of night. Sorry but the terrorist are losing

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