Al Sharpton Calls for Killing Pigs and Offing Crackas; Media Remains Silent


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Never mind his millions of dollars in owed back taxes that are simply ignored, Al Sharpton has called for race warfare and killing 'pigs', and no media people ever remind folks of his radicalism when they introduce him at meetings with Dhimmicrat Presidential candidates.

Didn't watch the video but -


Stop the presses, alert the media cuz wowie zowie, this is really (not) big news.

Try again, OP.
Didn't watch the video but -


Stop the presses, alert the media cuz wowie zowie, this is really (not) big news.

Try again, OP.

If Trump's endorsers had said this 20 years ago the media would be going ape shit over it and you know it.

It's THIS type of double standard bullshit that has angered so many Americans.
Didn't watch the video but -


Stop the presses, alert the media cuz wowie zowie, this is really (not) big news.

Try again, OP.
Well they had no problem reporting Paula Dean saying the "N word" 30 years ago. Im sure you were one of those douche bags that went crazy over it too.

The truth is, we all expect black people to be racist and criminal, which is why the media doesnt spend much time reporting on such events. However, if youre a white women on a cooking show, youre fucked.
The real racists are the Democrat elites who despise blacks but think they are too stupid to really amount to a challenge tot hem as white workers proved to be in the 40's through the 70s with unions and such. So the Democrat elites have started promoted black rights as a way of dividing whites and sapping the moral of blacks and turn them all into wards of the state.

IT is working so far with black abortion rates sky high, felony convictions in the black community sky high as are bastard birth rates.

And it is all white peoples fault? roflmao
Hell we don't even need to go to Romney.

The left demonized Ben Carson for stuff he said in high school.

Yet...Obamas best buddy Sharpton can call for whites and cops to be murdered and not a peep.
Hell we don't even need to go to Romney.

The left demonized Ben Carson for stuff he said in high school.

Yet...Obamas best buddy Sharpton can call for whites and cops to be murdered and not a peep.
Best buddy? Damn, you're nuts.
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Didn't watch the video but -


Stop the presses, alert the media cuz wowie zowie, this is really (not) big news.

Try again, OP.

Well, Sharpton was quite a pig in 1992 wasn't he? maybe he's mellowed but I wouldn't respect anything he has to say. I would never trust his motives

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