Al Sharpton National Disgrace

The nice thing is that the racists on both sides are getting kicked in the ass and both sides are losing ground in America. Good.
yeah, whites are getting treated like they treated other folks for years,,try not to weep so much...
Unfortunately you can't dig those dead whites up and treat them the way they deserved, so you have to mistreat the innocent ones that are alive. I guess what we need to do is murder every fucken German in Deutchland because of the friggen Nazis. Right?

The whites did it for several generations , so don't be surprised if the minorities get the 'tude...
Didn't happen to any of them personally, or I'd be more understanding.

Truth be told, none of these baggy pants shitforbrains suffered the way they did after the Civil War, yet they'be been told all their lives that they have. To be honest, very few of the hem would live long if they pulled this crap in 1870 in the South. Back then Red-Necks would have lynched them for much less. Thank God those days are dead and gone, along with all of the racists that used to call themselves proud Democrats.
Here's who is now Attorney general over YOUR LIVES

Eric Holder’s Radical Past Involved ‘Armed’ Takeover of ROTC Building
October 3, 2012

October 02, 2012 by Justin Credible
Attorney General Eric Holder has always been known as an incompetent liberal ideologue that’s pushing a radical agenda at the Department of Justice.....

Steph - that would be an obvious photoshop job.


Glad I could straighten that out for you.

Now, can we please stick to the subject and not entertain every single one of your paranoid fantasies?

Yours looks more like a photoshop.
Al Sharpton A Lucrative Career Built on Hate and Racial Conflagration
Race agitator Al Sharpton will eulogized Michael Brown at his funeral. Why would any parent want this weasel to even attend their sons funeral ? Also, Sharpton is a contributor to MSNBC making it a completely non-reputable news outlet. What happened in this country? In 1988 Sharpton was seen for the charlatan that he is. Now he is on a cable news channel. Did Americans brains fall out of their heads? Really? Somehow I think this can be linked to a nation that elected a community agitator President in 2008.
He should be a speech writer for least he has experience in his craft...scamming the black folk.

No jusiss, no peafs.

Is that the only two words of street ease you know??
I know mutha fucka...but that is not a mellifluous as "no jusiss, no peafs".. .know wha I bes sayin, yo?
Al Sharpton A Lucrative Career Built on Hate and Racial Conflagration
Race agitator Al Sharpton will eulogized Michael Brown at his funeral. Why would any parent want this weasel to even attend their sons funeral ? Also, Sharpton is a contributor to MSNBC making it a completely non-reputable news outlet. What happened in this country? In 1988 Sharpton was seen for the charlatan that he is. Now he is on a cable news channel. Did Americans brains fall out of their heads? Really? Somehow I think this can be linked to a nation that elected a community agitator President in 2008.

Al Sharpton is like Jesse Jackson - a leftover from the civil rights era. He knows how to hustle his race. As a black man, I despise that Sears and Roebuck divinity school poseur. He is the the black George Wallace ( and just as dangerous).

I wish to hell that race hucksters like him would fade away - but the asshole just keeps coming back....
He and his kind will stay as long as they have a large enough audience,they have that now. Enlighten the people and they are just turds nobody listens too. Yep tallest order ever placed.
Al Sharpton A Lucrative Career Built on Hate and Racial Conflagration
Race agitator Al Sharpton will eulogized Michael Brown at his funeral. Why would any parent want this weasel to even attend their sons funeral ? Also, Sharpton is a contributor to MSNBC making it a completely non-reputable news outlet. What happened in this country? In 1988 Sharpton was seen for the charlatan that he is. Now he is on a cable news channel. Did Americans brains fall out of their heads? Really? Somehow I think this can be linked to a nation that elected a community agitator President in 2008.
Sharpton is the Jim Jones of liberal black people in the US...He does offer Kool Aid, but without the poisonous ingredient
yeah, whites are getting treated like they treated other folks for years,,try not to weep so much...
Playing the victim card and postin racist bullshit gets you......:321::fu:
You fucking radical libs.....Yeah, it's ok to loot and burn the property belonging to innocent people.
It's fine with tyou to go out an fuck up some white people.
Get even...It's fine.
Fuck you.
The black racist are winning as they hold power. Nice to see that you support lies and destruction of the law.

The media is not to be trusted.

I support the DoI and the Constitution, and I will always oppose those like you and and NLT and mudwhistle as well as poet and Aristotle.

We know your types, we have seen them all of our lives, and the millennials will put them down forever.
All people should never forget this HOAX he played, yet they still let him lead them around by the nose

Sharpton Can’t Admit Tawana Brawley Hoax

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
October 8, 2013 8:18 am

Rev. Al Sharpton would not admit the Tawana Brawley rape case he drove to national prominencewas a hoax on Morning Joe Tuesday, saying he had no regrets getting involved and would respond the same way if a woman today made similar claims.

Brawley claimed she was kidnapped and gang-raped by white men, including a police officer and local prosecutor, in 1987. The story became a national sensation and was a career-maker for Sharpton, who was largely unknown at the time.

But after a long investigation revealed Brawley’s claims to be false, it was dropped. Brawley finally began making defamation payments in August for her false accusations in the case, but Sharpton would still admit no fault Tuesday for his controversial involvement.

“We have the facts and the evidence that an assistant district attorney and a state trooper did this,” Sharpton said at the time, according to the New York Times:

He called Gov. Mario M. Cuomo a racist and warned that powerful state officials were complicit. When asked whether Ms. Brawley would speak with the state attorney general, Robert Abrams, Mr. Sharpton said that would be like asking someone in a concentration camp to talk to Hitler.

But, as the meticulously researched Retro Report points out this week, it was all a hoax. After seven months, 6,000 pages of testimony and 180 witnesses, a grand jury found Ms. Brawley’s story to be a lie. Neither the police officer nor the district attorney accused by Ms. Brawley and Mr. Sharpton had been involved in any way, the report concluded.

A Sharpton associate told the news media at the time that Ms. Brawley’s lawyers, C. Vernon Mason and Alton H. Maddox Jr., and Mr. Sharpton were “frauds from the beginning.”

Tuesday, as he was promoting his new book, Sharpton did not back off.

“If I was called today by a young lady who made those claims, I would respond the same way,” Sharpton said.

ALL of it here:
Sharpton Can t Admit Tawana Brawley Hoax Washington Free Beacon
I was living in the NY Metro area when this was current news.
Careers were destroyed. The race baiting agitators Jackson and Sharpton turned the region into a racial powder keg.
They kept at it and at it. Roughly a month after the first report, the whole story was found and proven to be a hoax.
That little bitch made up the whole thing because she did not want her guardians to know what she us doing and because she missed her curfew.
To this day Sharpton refuses to acknowledge the lies.
Al Sharpton is like Jesse Jackson - a leftover from the civil rights era. He knows how to hustle his race. As a black man, I despise that Sears and Roebuck divinity school poseur. He is the the black George Wallace ( and just as dangerous).

I wish to hell that race hucksters like him would fade away - but the asshole just keeps coming back....

I agree that he and Matthew and all the rest need to go away forever.
Black and white racists, listen up: your days are almost over forevah.

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