Al Sharpton Says He's Helping The White House Pick The Next Attorney General

Right. We have enough of a mess having Rush advising millions of republicans how to think.

That's the difference between our side and your side.
Yes, Rush advises us how to think.
Your leaders tell you what to think.

I don't have a leader. My opinions are based on over fifty years of work, business, military, world traveling, raising a family, and much reading. Rush is an extremely talented talk show host with unfortunately very little experience beyond a microphone and you admit that he advises you how to think. So, when I read your post, then really, I'm reading what Rush is saying. I've always known this about most of the conservatives on this board, but you come right out and admit it. By the way, why do you need someone to advice you how to think?
And you know what Rush "is saying" since you have a radio tuned to him glued to your ear. But it's OK so long as it's the left ear.

I nominate Benjamin L. Crump for Attorney General..
And you know what Rush "is saying" since you have a radio tuned to him glued to your ear. But it's OK so long as it's the left ear.

I tune in now and then when I'm driving to hear his b.s. and he is amusing. My ear is not glued to anything. You feel you have to say something even when you have nothing to say. I get that and I pity you.
And you know what Rush "is saying" since you have a radio tuned to him glued to your ear. But it's OK so long as it's the left ear.

I tune in now and then when I'm driving to hear his b.s. and he is amusing. My ear is not glued to anything. You feel you have to say something even when you have nothing to say. I get that and I pity you.

Warning: It starts with amusement and then, next thing you know, you realize Rush is telling it like it is rather than the way The Democrat Central Committee wants it to be!

You are at SERIOUS risk!

Luckily there are support groups.
I had never thought of Sharpton as being overwhelmed by modesty but in this instance I believe he is seriously understating his capability.
Maybe Sharpton will pull a Cheney!
Remember when "W picked Dick Cheney to head up his search for a VP candidate to run with him in 2000 and Cheney picked himself! :disbelief:
I can see it in the future, Al Sharpton picks himself as the new Attorney General of the United States! :lol:
While I think the value of a law degree for most government jobs is waaaaaay overrated, I do think it's kind of a true qualification for Attorney General.

That rules out Rev. Al.

However, I do think that Obama's people will run their nominees past Al to make sure they are acceptable. Al may even forward a few names for their consideration.

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