Al Sharpton speaks pure liberal lunacy at Floyd funeral:


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
He said white people have their knee on black people's necks every day in terms of education and health care. Total BS of course. They get free state of the art health care. Let them pay for it themselves and see if that doesn't feel far worse than the supposed healthcare knee on their necks. Also, they get free education yet 40% drop out of HS. Maybe Sharpton's next liberal program will require us to pay blacks for getting free health care and to pay them to stay in free schools?? This kind of pure liberal lunacy loose in our country can't end well!!
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He's a stupid negro paid to be there to push his racist agenda. He should be ignored like the dead negro in the coffin.
He's a stupid negro paid to be there to push his racist agenda. He should be ignored like the dead negro in the coffin.
You should be ignored as well. And you are.

Good. Ignore me negro lover. See if that turns on the "give a damn" light. You're the one with a 5 time felon dead negro who pointed a gun as his pregnant girlfriends stomach as an avatar. Let's see if the give a damn light comes on.

Sorry, it's still off.

I have zero respect for anyone who thinks that dead negro is anything other than what he was, a violent 5 time felon.
I have zero respect for anyone who thinks that dead negro is anything other than what he was, a violent 5 time felon.

Mostly true, but he was a victim of the crippling liberal/welfare culture into which he was born, and did not deserve to die under a murderers knee. He had rights too and they were clearly violated.
He said white people have their knee on black people's necks every day in terms of education and health care. Total BS of course. They get free state of the art health care. Let them pay for it themselves and see if that doesn't feel far worse than the supposed healthcare knee on their necks. Also, they get free education yet 40% drop out of HS. Maybe Sharpton wants us to pay blacks for getting free health care and to pay them to stay in free schools?? This kind of pure liberal lunacy loose in our country can't end well!!

It will end well for Sharpton. The DNC will continue to write him checks for spewing his hate.
Mostly true, but he was a victim of the crippling liberal/welfare culture into which he was born, and did not deserve to die under a murderers knee. He had rights too and they were clearly violated.
I agree with you 100% that he should not be dead right now, that he was murdered by police and they should face justice for what they did.

However that does not undermine the fact the man was not an upstanding citizen,, and had committed crimes he should have been killed in the commission of. Then to see him exalted as if he brought down the marxist government of Cuba single handedly, while a man like David Dorn was murdered and ignored makes the entire issue insufferable to me.

I don't cotton to the "negro" rhetoric, but I can understand the frustration, and it was caused deliberately by the leftist apparatchiks in the media. They're literally stoking the fire of racism on both sides and if it boils over, I shall watch from afar as their pet ghetto rats and ANTIFA turds cannibalize them.

He's a stupid negro paid to be there to push his racist agenda. He should be ignored like the dead negro in the coffin.
You should be ignored as well. And you are.
That man has no right to be involved in anything. Spending his last years as a real preacher at a church and to ask for forgiveness from the God he says he follows, would be more important.
He's a stupid negro paid to be there to push his racist agenda. He should be ignored like the dead negro in the coffin.
You should be ignored as well. And you are.
That man has no right to be involved in anything. Spending his last years as a real preacher at a church and to ask for forgiveness from the God he says he follows, would be more important.
The days of you telling us what we can and cannot do are long gone.

To quote every conservative I know,
I'm an American. I do what the fuck I want.
They're literally stoking the fire of racism on both sides

Yes I think mostly out of hatred for Trump who they feel nicely represents the racism in our culture. They imagine this had to happen under Trump whose very presence caused racial tensions to boil over. And, they imagine it means they were right all along about evil Republicans and socialism. So now we must have racial justice, the Green New Deal, and free health care right away to make amends! Hopefully it will blow up in their faces.
He's a stupid negro paid to be there to push his racist agenda. He should be ignored like the dead negro in the coffin.
lets not sound racist please. what happened to Flynn was indeed a horror.

What has happened SINCE his death is a horror. How blacks have behaved is a horror.

They had a real chance to show that they were a sophisticated race. Instead they proved they are animals not worthy of being treated any better than they are.
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He's a stupid negro paid to be there to push his racist agenda. He should be ignored like the dead negro in the coffin.
lets not sound racist please. what happened to Flynn was indeed a horror.

What has happened SINCE his death is a horror. How blacks have behaved is a horror.

true enough, more people have been killed in 5 days the rioting and looting than were killed by cops killing unarmed black men in the last year.

What is totally criminal is that the liberal media will not point out that very few blacks get killed by cops.
He said white people have their knee on black people's necks every day in terms of education and health care. Total BS of course. They get free state of the art health care. Let them pay for it themselves and see if that doesn't feel far worse than the supposed healthcare knee on their necks. Also, they get free education yet 40% drop out of HS. Maybe Sharpton wants us to pay blacks for getting free health care and to pay them to stay in free schools?? This kind of pure liberal lunacy loose in our country can't end well!!

It will end well for Sharpton. The DNC will continue to write him checks for spewing his hate.
Know what's even more pathetic than making fun of the village idiot.. day after day after day..?

Squealing the same lame shit talking points about the supposed political opposition.. day after day after day..

Criticize the DNC and Democrats, please! But goddammit you're boring hell! Worse than the Lamestream News!
Right now? Pretending to give a shit about workers.. Wait,.. That's not new.. Uh,.. Russiagate still has legs.. Never mind, shit! Sorry.. Carry on.

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