Al Sharpton states Americans voted for Socialism when they elected Barack Obama!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
Last night after the HC passed the house. An interview was done with Al Sharpton--who is in the below video stating that the majority of Americans voted for SOCIALISM when they voted for Barack Obama.

So to you Obama voters: Were you really voting for Socialism when you voted for Barack Obama.

[ame=]YouTube - Al Sharpton Claims American Public Voted for Socialism When Electing Obama[/ame]
As I posted on a thread of the same subject yesterday.
I pay as much attention to Sharpton as I do Madonna on issues of politics.
lol .. watced the video ... Sharpton is actually right for a change ... no matter how you frame the question Obama was elected by a large margin running on a platform that emphasized healthcare reform. In fact, this bill is weaker than what he promised.
The polls show opposition to the bill, not because it's too Liberal, but that it's not Liberal enough. Yes, Obama ran on a public option.
We vote for socialism every time we vote for a politician that believes in free public schools, medicare, and roads. My God when will you people get it? We don't live in a totally capitalist society... freaking coons.:cuckoo:
lol .. watced the video ... Sharpton is actually right for a change ... no matter how you frame the question Obama was elected by a large margin running on a platform that emphasized healthcare reform. In fact, this bill is weaker than what he promised.

Sharpton is never right.
In fact Obama ran as a moderate, cutting the budget, cutting taxes. His low approval ratings are the result of his governing as the radical leftist we all said he was.
THe fact that Obama now has Sharpton flacking for him is testament to how Obama's public image is suffering. He never allied himself with Sharpton, Jackson or other recognized representatives of the "civil rights" movement. But now he is forced to as high unemployment is hitting blacks harder and longer.
Damn. I almost didn't recognize Sharpton. The fat-ass dropped some weight. Good for him.
lol .. watced the video ... Sharpton is actually right for a change ... no matter how you frame the question Obama was elected by a large margin running on a platform that emphasized healthcare reform. In fact, this bill is weaker than what he promised.

Sharpton is never right.
In fact Obama ran as a moderate, cutting the budget, cutting taxes. His low approval ratings are the result of his governing as the radical leftist we all said he was.
THe fact that Obama now has Sharpton flacking for him is testament to how Obama's public image is suffering. He never allied himself with Sharpton, Jackson or other recognized representatives of the "civil rights" movement. But now he is forced to as high unemployment is hitting blacks harder and longer.

Ok .. Obama never campaigned on universal healthcare :cuckoo:
We vote for socialism every time we vote for a politician that believes in free public schools, medicare, and roads. My God when will you people get it? We don't live in a totally capitalist society... freaking coons.:cuckoo:

Public schools are not free, never have been. As for roads they are part of a requirement we all agreed to when we gave the Government its marching orders. Medicare was never voted on by the people it is Unconstitutional and Illegal.
I have never understood why Al Shaprton has not come out with his own line of BBQ sauce?

Used on white meat only.
Last night after the HC passed the house. An interview was done with Al Sharpton--who is in the below video stating that the majority of Americans voted for SOCIALISM when they voted for Barack Obama.

So to you Obama voters: Were you really voting for Socialism when you voted for Barack Obama.

YouTube - Al Sharpton Claims American Public Voted for Socialism When Electing Obama

The statement by the Distorter of the TRUTH and Outright Liar Al (Tawana Brawley) Sharpton was in a way disappointing to me.....

I have to admit I thought this conniving Extortionist Artiste and Black Racist......the other one of the "Heckel and Jeckel" pair of venomous clowns......(Jesse Jackson being the other)....ALWAYS lied.

But, even if this Black Racist POS was probably off guard when he admitted that the MARXIST Muslim PC Protector was (at least) a SOCIALIST......I will publicly admit that perhaps......JUST PERHAPS.....there is a nanogram of a sliver of Truth in that vile and contemptible turd Al (Tawana Brawley) Sharpton.
Bingo, and all we won from Obammunists out here was a denial of socialism.

And Al Sharpton is wrong. Democrats, independents, and Republicans voted in the heaviest Democrat voter and policy state in the nation to send Obama a message on his Health Care sellout to the drug and insurance industry: Scott Brown.

They can deny it all they want. Politics in this nation have changed, and for the worse.

I expect the fallout may be legitimate policies and direction of our government by Democrats being absolutely crushed in our near future. I never wanted that.
I'm with Art. Most "leftist" record in the Senate. As much as I dislike Sharpton, he is absolutely right.

But isn't "socialism" a racist term now? Tsk tsk Al.

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