Ala. plans for 40K supporters at tonight's Trump rallyw

No. You already had your chance and you blew it. If I remember correctly, Obama was your "populist" figure who promised to improve the lot of common man. But he didn't. The middle class is no better off than before he was elected. Black people are far worse off, racial division is rampant, women are worse off, the poor are worse off. There are more people on food stamps than ever before, income is down, there are no jobs, and the price of gas never came down to the Bush level of $1.75 a gallon. We live in a country that is far less safe than we were before Obama, and the threat of terrorist attacks is greater. Granted, sodomites got the government's permission to bugger each other, but can you in all honesty say that you're better off? Maybe if you had become a Wall Street banker, you'd be better off, since they're the only ones profiting from two terms of Obama.
I am much better off now than 2008 when the "business friendly" Bush administration's actions led directly to an almost total loss of my livelihood and many unpleasant things that followed. Nearly everyone is better off now but some of you people will not accept that unless everything is put back exactly the way it was but that is impossible. The plutocracy made trillions of dollars evaporate almost overnight and yet somehow got richer, a feat that will reverberate for decades just like it did when they fucked us over in the great depression.

Well bully for you. It's pretty obvious that you people on the left don't really care about the poor or minorities. Otherwise why would Hillary and Sanders be getting mugged by the Black Lives Matter bunch?

But that's ok, you liberals absolved yourselves by voting for the black guy in 2008 and 2012. I bet that made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, even though there are more blacks killing each other than ever before. more black babies being murdered by abortions, and food stamp usage is through the roof. Good job.
Run someone other than warhawks and plutocrats and then try to say you people give a fuck about anything that a working person cares about, and take your trickle down bullshit and shove it up your ass. Been greasing the skids for the "job creators" for far too long. Now run along and watch your fuhrer goose-step your party into another loss because you just can't find anyone to sell that shit anymore.

Forty thousand and who is getting numbers like that? I do think Trump will get those jobs back. That is something for the working person that the politicians just gave lip service.
He is saying he will bring them back?!? Those jobs no longer exist and republicans hate funding innovation and infrastructure so I fail to see what he could do, stop, don't even talk to me about trickle down bullshit.

There's nothing innovative about wind mills and solar panels, and that's all Obama and the Dims want to fund.
No. You already had your chance and you blew it. If I remember correctly, Obama was your "populist" figure who promised to improve the lot of common man. But he didn't. The middle class is no better off than before he was elected. Black people are far worse off, racial division is rampant, women are worse off, the poor are worse off. There are more people on food stamps than ever before, income is down, there are no jobs, and the price of gas never came down to the Bush level of $1.75 a gallon. We live in a country that is far less safe than we were before Obama, and the threat of terrorist attacks is greater. Granted, sodomites got the government's permission to bugger each other, but can you in all honesty say that you're better off? Maybe if you had become a Wall Street banker, you'd be better off, since they're the only ones profiting from two terms of Obama.
I am much better off now than 2008 when the "business friendly" Bush administration's actions led directly to an almost total loss of my livelihood and many unpleasant things that followed. Nearly everyone is better off now but some of you people will not accept that unless everything is put back exactly the way it was but that is impossible. The plutocracy made trillions of dollars evaporate almost overnight and yet somehow got richer, a feat that will reverberate for decades just like it did when they fucked us over in the great depression.

Well bully for you. It's pretty obvious that you people on the left don't really care about the poor or minorities. Otherwise why would Hillary and Sanders be getting mugged by the Black Lives Matter bunch?

But that's ok, you liberals absolved yourselves by voting for the black guy in 2008 and 2012. I bet that made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, even though there are more blacks killing each other than ever before. more black babies being murdered by abortions, and food stamp usage is through the roof. Good job.
Run someone other than warhawks and plutocrats and then try to say you people give a fuck about anything that a working person cares about, and take your trickle down bullshit and shove it up your ass. Been greasing the skids for the "job creators" for far too long. Now run along and watch your fuhrer goose-step your party into another loss because you just can't find anyone to sell that shit anymore.

U mad, bro? Actually, we do care more about the working class and middle class. Republicans aren't the ones who want to take more of their hard-earned money away from them and give it to the government, like you big-government libs like to do. We believe in lower taxes, less government intrusion, and that a person should be able to succeed or fail, based on how hard he or she tries. Your crack pipe dream of a socialist system was destined to fail from the start. Didn't you learn anything from two failed terms of Obama? Obviously not.
Didn't you learn that trickle down is a humongous lie? Obviously not.

Liberalism is a humongous lie.
I am much better off now than 2008 when the "business friendly" Bush administration's actions led directly to an almost total loss of my livelihood and many unpleasant things that followed. Nearly everyone is better off now but some of you people will not accept that unless everything is put back exactly the way it was but that is impossible. The plutocracy made trillions of dollars evaporate almost overnight and yet somehow got richer, a feat that will reverberate for decades just like it did when they fucked us over in the great depression.

Well bully for you. It's pretty obvious that you people on the left don't really care about the poor or minorities. Otherwise why would Hillary and Sanders be getting mugged by the Black Lives Matter bunch?

But that's ok, you liberals absolved yourselves by voting for the black guy in 2008 and 2012. I bet that made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, even though there are more blacks killing each other than ever before. more black babies being murdered by abortions, and food stamp usage is through the roof. Good job.
Run someone other than warhawks and plutocrats and then try to say you people give a fuck about anything that a working person cares about, and take your trickle down bullshit and shove it up your ass. Been greasing the skids for the "job creators" for far too long. Now run along and watch your fuhrer goose-step your party into another loss because you just can't find anyone to sell that shit anymore.

U mad, bro? Actually, we do care more about the working class and middle class. Republicans aren't the ones who want to take more of their hard-earned money away from them and give it to the government, like you big-government libs like to do. We believe in lower taxes, less government intrusion, and that a person should be able to succeed or fail, based on how hard he or she tries. Your crack pipe dream of a socialist system was destined to fail from the start. Didn't you learn anything from two failed terms of Obama? Obviously not.
Didn't you learn that trickle down is a humongous lie? Obviously not.

Liberalism is a humongous lie.
  1. Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The former principle is stressed in classicalliberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.
Explain bripat.
News reports indicate half the expected Trump crowd did't show up. Trump couldn't deliver. Get used to it. Bernie still holds the biggest crowd title.
No. You already had your chance and you blew it. If I remember correctly, Obama was your "populist" figure who promised to improve the lot of common man. But he didn't. The middle class is no better off than before he was elected. Black people are far worse off, racial division is rampant, women are worse off, the poor are worse off. There are more people on food stamps than ever before, income is down, there are no jobs, and the price of gas never came down to the Bush level of $1.75 a gallon. We live in a country that is far less safe than we were before Obama, and the threat of terrorist attacks is greater. Granted, sodomites got the government's permission to bugger each other, but can you in all honesty say that you're better off? Maybe if you had become a Wall Street banker, you'd be better off, since they're the only ones profiting from two terms of Obama.
I am much better off now than 2008 when the "business friendly" Bush administration's actions led directly to an almost total loss of my livelihood and many unpleasant things that followed. Nearly everyone is better off now but some of you people will not accept that unless everything is put back exactly the way it was but that is impossible. The plutocracy made trillions of dollars evaporate almost overnight and yet somehow got richer, a feat that will reverberate for decades just like it did when they fucked us over in the great depression.

Well bully for you. It's pretty obvious that you people on the left don't really care about the poor or minorities. Otherwise why would Hillary and Sanders be getting mugged by the Black Lives Matter bunch?

But that's ok, you liberals absolved yourselves by voting for the black guy in 2008 and 2012. I bet that made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, even though there are more blacks killing each other than ever before. more black babies being murdered by abortions, and food stamp usage is through the roof. Good job.
Run someone other than warhawks and plutocrats and then try to say you people give a fuck about anything that a working person cares about, and take your trickle down bullshit and shove it up your ass. Been greasing the skids for the "job creators" for far too long. Now run along and watch your fuhrer goose-step your party into another loss because you just can't find anyone to sell that shit anymore.

Forty thousand and who is getting numbers like that? I do think Trump will get those jobs back. That is something for the working person that the politicians just gave lip service.
He is saying he will bring them back?!? Those jobs no longer exist and republicans hate funding innovation and infrastructure so I fail to see what he could do, stop, don't even talk to me about trickle down bullshit.
Sure they foreign countries. Will funding innovations and infrastructure bring those jobs back? No dealing with the American companies. changing tax laws and changing our import laws will get them back.
It says people in alabama are sick and tired of the same old okey doke from career politicians. They're waking up and that's what scares you guys...

Waking up? Sounds like they haven't changed since the 60's
Sure they did... They're not racist Democrats anymore!!!!

Right. The racists followed Strom Thurmond across the Aisle.

LMAO..."racists"...still beating that dead horse...It doesn't work any more...

obviously it doesn't work on people who embrace the racist flags of the confederacy. I don't really expect to change the hearts and minds of Americas enemies.

I'm grievously wounded.
No. You already had your chance and you blew it. If I remember correctly, Obama was your "populist" figure who promised to improve the lot of common man. But he didn't. The middle class is no better off than before he was elected. Black people are far worse off, racial division is rampant, women are worse off, the poor are worse off. There are more people on food stamps than ever before, income is down, there are no jobs, and the price of gas never came down to the Bush level of $1.75 a gallon. We live in a country that is far less safe than we were before Obama, and the threat of terrorist attacks is greater. Granted, sodomites got the government's permission to bugger each other, but can you in all honesty say that you're better off? Maybe if you had become a Wall Street banker, you'd be better off, since they're the only ones profiting from two terms of Obama.
I am much better off now than 2008 when the "business friendly" Bush administration's actions led directly to an almost total loss of my livelihood and many unpleasant things that followed. Nearly everyone is better off now but some of you people will not accept that unless everything is put back exactly the way it was but that is impossible. The plutocracy made trillions of dollars evaporate almost overnight and yet somehow got richer, a feat that will reverberate for decades just like it did when they fucked us over in the great depression.

Well bully for you. It's pretty obvious that you people on the left don't really care about the poor or minorities. Otherwise why would Hillary and Sanders be getting mugged by the Black Lives Matter bunch?

But that's ok, you liberals absolved yourselves by voting for the black guy in 2008 and 2012. I bet that made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, even though there are more blacks killing each other than ever before. more black babies being murdered by abortions, and food stamp usage is through the roof. Good job.
Run someone other than warhawks and plutocrats and then try to say you people give a fuck about anything that a working person cares about, and take your trickle down bullshit and shove it up your ass. Been greasing the skids for the "job creators" for far too long. Now run along and watch your fuhrer goose-step your party into another loss because you just can't find anyone to sell that shit anymore.

Forty thousand and who is getting numbers like that? I do think Trump will get those jobs back. That is something for the working person that the politicians just gave lip service.
He is saying he will bring them back?!? Those jobs no longer exist and republicans hate funding innovation and infrastructure so I fail to see what he could do, stop, don't even talk to me about trickle down bullshit.

Obviously you know nothing about creating jobs. Not "government" jobs, real private-sector jobs. Republicans don't hate funding innovation and infrastructure, because what you really mean when you say "funding innovation and infrastructure" is "government funding", not private-sector funding. This country was not built on government funding, nor does the government create jobs. Everything in this country was built from money someone earned. Every dime the government has ever taken in was earned by someone.
Well bully for you. It's pretty obvious that you people on the left don't really care about the poor or minorities. Otherwise why would Hillary and Sanders be getting mugged by the Black Lives Matter bunch?

But that's ok, you liberals absolved yourselves by voting for the black guy in 2008 and 2012. I bet that made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, even though there are more blacks killing each other than ever before. more black babies being murdered by abortions, and food stamp usage is through the roof. Good job.
Run someone other than warhawks and plutocrats and then try to say you people give a fuck about anything that a working person cares about, and take your trickle down bullshit and shove it up your ass. Been greasing the skids for the "job creators" for far too long. Now run along and watch your fuhrer goose-step your party into another loss because you just can't find anyone to sell that shit anymore.

U mad, bro? Actually, we do care more about the working class and middle class. Republicans aren't the ones who want to take more of their hard-earned money away from them and give it to the government, like you big-government libs like to do. We believe in lower taxes, less government intrusion, and that a person should be able to succeed or fail, based on how hard he or she tries. Your crack pipe dream of a socialist system was destined to fail from the start. Didn't you learn anything from two failed terms of Obama? Obviously not.
Didn't you learn that trickle down is a humongous lie? Obviously not.

Liberalism is a humongous lie.
  1. Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The former principle is stressed in classicalliberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.
Explain bripat.
Equality (liberal style) - Worker A goes to work every day to care for his family and the family of Person B (citizen or illegal). Eventually Worker A's money is not enough for both families, so Family B still gets paid for not working with printed money, called deficit.
good for you WILL be endorsing trump over the standard career politician...progress!
Trump is an embarrassment to actual honest populism meant to improve the lot of the "common man". He sees an empowered working class as a threat just as much as any other conservative republican.

No. You already had your chance and you blew it. If I remember correctly, Obama was your "populist" figure who promised to improve the lot of common man. But he didn't. The middle class is no better off than before he was elected. Black people are far worse off, racial division is rampant, women are worse off, the poor are worse off. There are more people on food stamps than ever before, income is down, there are no jobs, and the price of gas never came down to the Bush level of $1.75 a gallon. We live in a country that is far less safe than we were before Obama, and the threat of terrorist attacks is greater. Granted, sodomites got the government's permission to bugger each other, but can you in all honesty say that you're better off? Maybe if you had become a Wall Street banker, you'd be better off, since they're the only ones profiting from two terms of Obama.
I am much better off now than 2008 when the "business friendly" Bush administration's actions led directly to an almost total loss of my livelihood and many unpleasant things that followed. Nearly everyone is better off now but some of you people will not accept that unless everything is put back exactly the way it was but that is impossible. The plutocracy made trillions of dollars evaporate almost overnight and yet somehow got richer, a feat that will reverberate for decades just like it did when they fucked us over in the great depression.

Well bully for you. It's pretty obvious that you people on the left don't really care about the poor or minorities. Otherwise why would Hillary and Sanders be getting mugged by the Black Lives Matter bunch?

But that's ok, you liberals absolved yourselves by voting for the black guy in 2008 and 2012. I bet that made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, even though there are more blacks killing each other than ever before. more black babies being murdered by abortions, and food stamp usage is through the roof. Good job.
Run someone other than warhawks and plutocrats and then try to say you people give a fuck about anything that a working person cares about, and take your trickle down bullshit and shove it up your ass. Been greasing the skids for the "job creators" for far too long. Now run along and watch your fuhrer goose-step your party into another loss because you just can't find anyone to sell that shit anymore.

Well bully for you. It's pretty obvious that you people on the left don't really care about the poor or minorities. Otherwise why would Hillary and Sanders be getting mugged by the Black Lives Matter bunch?

But that's ok, you liberals absolved yourselves by voting for the black guy in 2008 and 2012. I bet that made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, even though there are more blacks killing each other than ever before. more black babies being murdered by abortions, and food stamp usage is through the roof. Good job.
Run someone other than warhawks and plutocrats and then try to say you people give a fuck about anything that a working person cares about, and take your trickle down bullshit and shove it up your ass. Been greasing the skids for the "job creators" for far too long. Now run along and watch your fuhrer goose-step your party into another loss because you just can't find anyone to sell that shit anymore.

U mad, bro? Actually, we do care more about the working class and middle class. Republicans aren't the ones who want to take more of their hard-earned money away from them and give it to the government, like you big-government libs like to do. We believe in lower taxes, less government intrusion, and that a person should be able to succeed or fail, based on how hard he or she tries. Your crack pipe dream of a socialist system was destined to fail from the start. Didn't you learn anything from two failed terms of Obama? Obviously not.
Didn't you learn that trickle down is a humongous lie? Obviously not.

Liberalism is a humongous lie.
  1. Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The former principle is stressed in classicalliberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.
Explain bripat.

You're defining classial liberalism. American liberalism is nothing like what you described.
No. You already had your chance and you blew it. If I remember correctly, Obama was your "populist" figure who promised to improve the lot of common man. But he didn't. The middle class is no better off than before he was elected. Black people are far worse off, racial division is rampant, women are worse off, the poor are worse off. There are more people on food stamps than ever before, income is down, there are no jobs, and the price of gas never came down to the Bush level of $1.75 a gallon. We live in a country that is far less safe than we were before Obama, and the threat of terrorist attacks is greater. Granted, sodomites got the government's permission to bugger each other, but can you in all honesty say that you're better off? Maybe if you had become a Wall Street banker, you'd be better off, since they're the only ones profiting from two terms of Obama.
I am much better off now than 2008 when the "business friendly" Bush administration's actions led directly to an almost total loss of my livelihood and many unpleasant things that followed. Nearly everyone is better off now but some of you people will not accept that unless everything is put back exactly the way it was but that is impossible. The plutocracy made trillions of dollars evaporate almost overnight and yet somehow got richer, a feat that will reverberate for decades just like it did when they fucked us over in the great depression.

Well bully for you. It's pretty obvious that you people on the left don't really care about the poor or minorities. Otherwise why would Hillary and Sanders be getting mugged by the Black Lives Matter bunch?

But that's ok, you liberals absolved yourselves by voting for the black guy in 2008 and 2012. I bet that made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, even though there are more blacks killing each other than ever before. more black babies being murdered by abortions, and food stamp usage is through the roof. Good job.
Run someone other than warhawks and plutocrats and then try to say you people give a fuck about anything that a working person cares about, and take your trickle down bullshit and shove it up your ass. Been greasing the skids for the "job creators" for far too long. Now run along and watch your fuhrer goose-step your party into another loss because you just can't find anyone to sell that shit anymore.

Forty thousand and who is getting numbers like that? I do think Trump will get those jobs back. That is something for the working person that the politicians just gave lip service.
He is saying he will bring them back?!? Those jobs no longer exist and republicans hate funding innovation and infrastructure so I fail to see what he could do, stop, don't even talk to me about trickle down bullshit.

you're the only one saying "trickle down".
Run someone other than warhawks and plutocrats and then try to say you people give a fuck about anything that a working person cares about, and take your trickle down bullshit and shove it up your ass. Been greasing the skids for the "job creators" for far too long. Now run along and watch your fuhrer goose-step your party into another loss because you just can't find anyone to sell that shit anymore.

U mad, bro? Actually, we do care more about the working class and middle class. Republicans aren't the ones who want to take more of their hard-earned money away from them and give it to the government, like you big-government libs like to do. We believe in lower taxes, less government intrusion, and that a person should be able to succeed or fail, based on how hard he or she tries. Your crack pipe dream of a socialist system was destined to fail from the start. Didn't you learn anything from two failed terms of Obama? Obviously not.
Didn't you learn that trickle down is a humongous lie? Obviously not.

Liberalism is a humongous lie.
  1. Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The former principle is stressed in classicalliberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.
Explain bripat.

You're defining classial liberalism. American liberalism is nothing like what you described.

Modern liberalism correctly recognizes that corporations are more dangerous than government.
Well bully for you. It's pretty obvious that you people on the left don't really care about the poor or minorities. Otherwise why would Hillary and Sanders be getting mugged by the Black Lives Matter bunch?

But that's ok, you liberals absolved yourselves by voting for the black guy in 2008 and 2012. I bet that made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, even though there are more blacks killing each other than ever before. more black babies being murdered by abortions, and food stamp usage is through the roof. Good job.
Run someone other than warhawks and plutocrats and then try to say you people give a fuck about anything that a working person cares about, and take your trickle down bullshit and shove it up your ass. Been greasing the skids for the "job creators" for far too long. Now run along and watch your fuhrer goose-step your party into another loss because you just can't find anyone to sell that shit anymore.

U mad, bro? Actually, we do care more about the working class and middle class. Republicans aren't the ones who want to take more of their hard-earned money away from them and give it to the government, like you big-government libs like to do. We believe in lower taxes, less government intrusion, and that a person should be able to succeed or fail, based on how hard he or she tries. Your crack pipe dream of a socialist system was destined to fail from the start. Didn't you learn anything from two failed terms of Obama? Obviously not.
Didn't you learn that trickle down is a humongous lie? Obviously not.

Liberalism is a humongous lie.
  1. Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The former principle is stressed in classicalliberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.
Explain bripat.
U mad, bro? Actually, we do care more about the working class and middle class. Republicans aren't the ones who want to take more of their hard-earned money away from them and give it to the government, like you big-government libs like to do. We believe in lower taxes, less government intrusion, and that a person should be able to succeed or fail, based on how hard he or she tries. Your crack pipe dream of a socialist system was destined to fail from the start. Didn't you learn anything from two failed terms of Obama? Obviously not.
Didn't you learn that trickle down is a humongous lie? Obviously not.

Liberalism is a humongous lie.
  1. Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The former principle is stressed in classicalliberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.
Explain bripat.

You're defining classial liberalism. American liberalism is nothing like what you described.

Modern liberalism correctly recognizes that corporations are more dangerous than government.
That's right. Let's get rid of the corporations and see how we fare. Ready for food lines?
Didn't you learn that trickle down is a humongous lie? Obviously not.

Liberalism is a humongous lie.
  1. Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The former principle is stressed in classicalliberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.
Explain bripat.

You're defining classial liberalism. American liberalism is nothing like what you described.

Modern liberalism correctly recognizes that corporations are more dangerous than government.
That's right. Let's get rid of the corporations and see how we fare. Ready for food lines?

Did I say get rid of corporations?
Well bully for you. It's pretty obvious that you people on the left don't really care about the poor or minorities. Otherwise why would Hillary and Sanders be getting mugged by the Black Lives Matter bunch?

But that's ok, you liberals absolved yourselves by voting for the black guy in 2008 and 2012. I bet that made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, even though there are more blacks killing each other than ever before. more black babies being murdered by abortions, and food stamp usage is through the roof. Good job.
Run someone other than warhawks and plutocrats and then try to say you people give a fuck about anything that a working person cares about, and take your trickle down bullshit and shove it up your ass. Been greasing the skids for the "job creators" for far too long. Now run along and watch your fuhrer goose-step your party into another loss because you just can't find anyone to sell that shit anymore.

U mad, bro? Actually, we do care more about the working class and middle class. Republicans aren't the ones who want to take more of their hard-earned money away from them and give it to the government, like you big-government libs like to do. We believe in lower taxes, less government intrusion, and that a person should be able to succeed or fail, based on how hard he or she tries. Your crack pipe dream of a socialist system was destined to fail from the start. Didn't you learn anything from two failed terms of Obama? Obviously not.
Didn't you learn that trickle down is a humongous lie? Obviously not.

Liberalism is a humongous lie.
  1. Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The former principle is stressed in classicalliberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.
Explain bripat.
Modern liberalism is a form of Stalinism. It has nothing to do with classic liberalism.
U mad, bro? Actually, we do care more about the working class and middle class. Republicans aren't the ones who want to take more of their hard-earned money away from them and give it to the government, like you big-government libs like to do. We believe in lower taxes, less government intrusion, and that a person should be able to succeed or fail, based on how hard he or she tries. Your crack pipe dream of a socialist system was destined to fail from the start. Didn't you learn anything from two failed terms of Obama? Obviously not.
Didn't you learn that trickle down is a humongous lie? Obviously not.

Liberalism is a humongous lie.
  1. Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The former principle is stressed in classicalliberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.
Explain bripat.

You're defining classial liberalism. American liberalism is nothing like what you described.

Modern liberalism correctly recognizes that corporations are more dangerous than government.

Well that's kinda dumb. The government does after all, get most of it's revenue from those modern corporations and the upper 10% wage earners in this country. Lower and middle-income earners usually tend to get back more than they pay in.
Run someone other than warhawks and plutocrats and then try to say you people give a fuck about anything that a working person cares about, and take your trickle down bullshit and shove it up your ass. Been greasing the skids for the "job creators" for far too long. Now run along and watch your fuhrer goose-step your party into another loss because you just can't find anyone to sell that shit anymore.

U mad, bro? Actually, we do care more about the working class and middle class. Republicans aren't the ones who want to take more of their hard-earned money away from them and give it to the government, like you big-government libs like to do. We believe in lower taxes, less government intrusion, and that a person should be able to succeed or fail, based on how hard he or she tries. Your crack pipe dream of a socialist system was destined to fail from the start. Didn't you learn anything from two failed terms of Obama? Obviously not.
Didn't you learn that trickle down is a humongous lie? Obviously not.

Liberalism is a humongous lie.
  1. Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The former principle is stressed in classicalliberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.
Explain bripat.
Modern liberalism is a form of Stalinism. It has nothing to do with classic liberalism.
HAHAHAHA. What a joke you are.

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