Ala. plans for 40K supporters at tonight's Trump rallyw

Trump wants to take your hard earned cash and give it to billionaires to create jobs they somehow forgot to create the last time we gifted them with tax cuts and subsidies.

That's exactly what Obama did. Obviously you never heard about the two dozen bogus "green energy" companies that got billions of dollars of taxpayer money, and then went bankrupt and kept the money. How many private-sector jobs did Obama's stimulus packages and bailouts create with your tax money? And in case you haven't noticed what's happened the last eight years, Obama's Federal Reserve and their Quantitative Easing has made a shitload of rich people richer on Wall Street. You really need to wake the fuck up and start using your head for something besides a hat rack.
Quit acting as if a republican would have tried to stand in the way of Fed policy. Also you should note that the green energy program you speak of has actually earned a profit in spite of some bad bets. How much money do you think a republican would have thrown down the hole to prop up Big Coal as they continue to lose market share to gas and alternatives?

Do you have a television set? Obviously you have internet so you must be aware of what the stock market is doing right now. Do you seriously think this would be happening under a Republican-appointed FED?

That being said, I'll say this too: Green energy is crap. It's a scam. You don't get out more of what you put in and nothing will ever replace oil, gas, and coal. It accounts for only a fraction of the combined energy throughout the world and some countries are even dropping it like a hot potato. You can toot around in your little fairy-mobile but I'll be the one one honking at your ass to pull that piece of crap off the road so I can pass.
The stock market is crashing because they are heavily invested in China, serves them right for putting their faith in a house of cards like that. Meanwhile the renewable energy sector is doing well compared to investing in cheap Chinese goods.

Yet another unintended consequence of liberalism. Just who do you think it was that opened up business with China and gave them "preferred status"?

Bill Clinton.
Yeah he fell for the "free market" crap you people still preach. Now that the chickens are coming home to roost for the outsourcing crowd I have no sympathy.
that's merely your opinion.No facts..along with more speculation and nothing to back any of it up....keep swinging. :popcorn:
How the fuck do you back up an opinion of what might have been had things gone the other way in an election? Quit stating the obvious and perhaps offer your own opinion of my conjecture or better yet go badger someone else, that seems to be all you do.
because trying to speculate on the outcome of something that never happened is useless...but I know you're just using that as a prop to allow you to make disparaging comments about people you disagree with.

Seen it all before...every election, in fact....
This entire exercise is useless, or do you think you are changing minds for the better on this board?

the entire exercise is useless because all you've offered is insults to your home state and random made up numbers and substance.
I don't see you offering anything to the discussion other than unsupported variations of "you are full of shit".

you're wrong...I never said anything like that. I'll leave vulgar to're way better at it than I am.
How the fuck do you back up an opinion of what might have been had things gone the other way in an election? Quit stating the obvious and perhaps offer your own opinion of my conjecture or better yet go badger someone else, that seems to be all you do.
because trying to speculate on the outcome of something that never happened is useless...but I know you're just using that as a prop to allow you to make disparaging comments about people you disagree with.

Seen it all before...every election, in fact....
This entire exercise is useless, or do you think you are changing minds for the better on this board?

the entire exercise is useless because all you've offered is insults to your home state and random made up numbers and substance.
I don't see you offering anything to the discussion other than unsupported variations of "you are full of shit".

you're wrong...I never said anything like that. I'll leave vulgar to're way better at it than I am.
Yawn. You are boring me.
Where can I go to see the coverage of Hillary's rally tonight.....

I'm sure she's gonna pull in at least 50,000.... heh heh heh
That's exactly what Obama did. Obviously you never heard about the two dozen bogus "green energy" companies that got billions of dollars of taxpayer money, and then went bankrupt and kept the money. How many private-sector jobs did Obama's stimulus packages and bailouts create with your tax money? And in case you haven't noticed what's happened the last eight years, Obama's Federal Reserve and their Quantitative Easing has made a shitload of rich people richer on Wall Street. You really need to wake the fuck up and start using your head for something besides a hat rack.
Quit acting as if a republican would have tried to stand in the way of Fed policy. Also you should note that the green energy program you speak of has actually earned a profit in spite of some bad bets. How much money do you think a republican would have thrown down the hole to prop up Big Coal as they continue to lose market share to gas and alternatives?

Do you have a television set? Obviously you have internet so you must be aware of what the stock market is doing right now. Do you seriously think this would be happening under a Republican-appointed FED?

That being said, I'll say this too: Green energy is crap. It's a scam. You don't get out more of what you put in and nothing will ever replace oil, gas, and coal. It accounts for only a fraction of the combined energy throughout the world and some countries are even dropping it like a hot potato. You can toot around in your little fairy-mobile but I'll be the one one honking at your ass to pull that piece of crap off the road so I can pass.
The stock market is crashing because they are heavily invested in China, serves them right for putting their faith in a house of cards like that. Meanwhile the renewable energy sector is doing well compared to investing in cheap Chinese goods.

Yet another unintended consequence of liberalism. Just who do you think it was that opened up business with China and gave them "preferred status"?

Bill Clinton.
Yeah he fell for the "free market" crap you people still preach. Now that the chickens are coming home to roost for the outsourcing crowd I have no sympathy.

So Clinton wasn't far enough left for you and then you got Obama, who was even further left. And things go further to shit.

There's just no pleasing you people. Now you want someone for president who's even further left than Obama? Do you not see the pattern or something?
because trying to speculate on the outcome of something that never happened is useless...but I know you're just using that as a prop to allow you to make disparaging comments about people you disagree with.

Seen it all before...every election, in fact....
This entire exercise is useless, or do you think you are changing minds for the better on this board?

the entire exercise is useless because all you've offered is insults to your home state and random made up numbers and substance.
I don't see you offering anything to the discussion other than unsupported variations of "you are full of shit".

you're wrong...I never said anything like that. I'll leave vulgar to're way better at it than I am.
Yawn. You are boring me.

Oh, I'm got shut down so now you pretend to be above it all.
No one is fooled.....LMAO...
Says more about Alabama than it says about Herr Drumpf.

It says people in alabama are sick and tired of the same old okey doke from career politicians. They're waking up and that's what scares you guys...

Waking up? Sounds like they haven't changed since the 60's
Sure they did... They're not racist Democrats anymore!!!!

Right. The racists followed Strom Thurmond across the Aisle.

LMAO..."racists"...still beating that dead horse...It doesn't work any more...

obviously it doesn't work on people who embrace the racist flags of the confederacy. I don't really expect to change the hearts and minds of Americas enemies.
Hillary might not be allowed to campaign for a few weeks as they work out the logistics
of where she can or can't go.Good thing she wears pants suits...It will easily cover the ankle monitor
that will track her movement.
Hillary might not be allowed to campaign for a few weeks as they work out the logistics
of where she can or can't go.Good thing she wears pants suits...It will easily cover the ankle monitor
that will track her movement.

But at least she has the pantsuit figured out.
Quit acting as if a republican would have tried to stand in the way of Fed policy. Also you should note that the green energy program you speak of has actually earned a profit in spite of some bad bets. How much money do you think a republican would have thrown down the hole to prop up Big Coal as they continue to lose market share to gas and alternatives?

Do you have a television set? Obviously you have internet so you must be aware of what the stock market is doing right now. Do you seriously think this would be happening under a Republican-appointed FED?

That being said, I'll say this too: Green energy is crap. It's a scam. You don't get out more of what you put in and nothing will ever replace oil, gas, and coal. It accounts for only a fraction of the combined energy throughout the world and some countries are even dropping it like a hot potato. You can toot around in your little fairy-mobile but I'll be the one one honking at your ass to pull that piece of crap off the road so I can pass.
The stock market is crashing because they are heavily invested in China, serves them right for putting their faith in a house of cards like that. Meanwhile the renewable energy sector is doing well compared to investing in cheap Chinese goods.

Yet another unintended consequence of liberalism. Just who do you think it was that opened up business with China and gave them "preferred status"?

Bill Clinton.
Yeah he fell for the "free market" crap you people still preach. Now that the chickens are coming home to roost for the outsourcing crowd I have no sympathy.

So Clinton wasn't far enough left for you and then you got Obama, who was even further left. And things go further to shit.

There's just no pleasing you people. Now you want someone for president who's even further left than Obama? Do you not see the pattern or something?
Still searching for someone who gives a fuck about working people, if that's lefty socialism then it is high time we had some. Not going to support any more corporatist politicians who talk a populist game but rush to give away the store to big business the minute they think no one is paying attention.
Let's see the black lies matter crowd try some sheit there won't go well for them....
Do you have a television set? Obviously you have internet so you must be aware of what the stock market is doing right now. Do you seriously think this would be happening under a Republican-appointed FED?

That being said, I'll say this too: Green energy is crap. It's a scam. You don't get out more of what you put in and nothing will ever replace oil, gas, and coal. It accounts for only a fraction of the combined energy throughout the world and some countries are even dropping it like a hot potato. You can toot around in your little fairy-mobile but I'll be the one one honking at your ass to pull that piece of crap off the road so I can pass.
The stock market is crashing because they are heavily invested in China, serves them right for putting their faith in a house of cards like that. Meanwhile the renewable energy sector is doing well compared to investing in cheap Chinese goods.

Yet another unintended consequence of liberalism. Just who do you think it was that opened up business with China and gave them "preferred status"?

Bill Clinton.
Yeah he fell for the "free market" crap you people still preach. Now that the chickens are coming home to roost for the outsourcing crowd I have no sympathy.

So Clinton wasn't far enough left for you and then you got Obama, who was even further left. And things go further to shit.

There's just no pleasing you people. Now you want someone for president who's even further left than Obama? Do you not see the pattern or something?
Still searching for someone who gives a fuck about working people, if that's lefty socialism then it is high time we had some. Not going to support any more corporatist politicians who talk a populist game but rush to give away the store to big business the minute they think no one is paying attention.

good for you WILL be endorsing trump over the standard career politician...progress!
Do you have a television set? Obviously you have internet so you must be aware of what the stock market is doing right now. Do you seriously think this would be happening under a Republican-appointed FED?

That being said, I'll say this too: Green energy is crap. It's a scam. You don't get out more of what you put in and nothing will ever replace oil, gas, and coal. It accounts for only a fraction of the combined energy throughout the world and some countries are even dropping it like a hot potato. You can toot around in your little fairy-mobile but I'll be the one one honking at your ass to pull that piece of crap off the road so I can pass.
The stock market is crashing because they are heavily invested in China, serves them right for putting their faith in a house of cards like that. Meanwhile the renewable energy sector is doing well compared to investing in cheap Chinese goods.

Yet another unintended consequence of liberalism. Just who do you think it was that opened up business with China and gave them "preferred status"?

Bill Clinton.
Yeah he fell for the "free market" crap you people still preach. Now that the chickens are coming home to roost for the outsourcing crowd I have no sympathy.

So Clinton wasn't far enough left for you and then you got Obama, who was even further left. And things go further to shit.

There's just no pleasing you people. Now you want someone for president who's even further left than Obama? Do you not see the pattern or something?
Still searching for someone who gives a fuck about working people, if that's lefty socialism then it is high time we had some. Not going to support any more corporatist politicians who talk a populist game but rush to give away the store to big business the minute they think no one is paying attention.

So how well did it go for those "working people" who live in the Socialist's paradise called Venezuela? And why would you want to end up like them? Are you a masochist or something?

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