Alabama Abortion Law Proponents Are Hypocrites!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
One thing that really gets me about these people in Alabama orchestrating this law that will make it a crime for a doctor in Alabama to perform an abortion and all this laws supporters; you all are supposed to be so principled you act like you are saving America from being dragged into hell by us Americans that support a women's right to an abortion for at least limited period of her pregnancy. What gets me about this legislation that wants to treat the doctors that perform the abortions like criminals is the law's proponents lack of courage, their moral inconsistency their attitude we will storm the gates of hell to stop this evil when the reality is they will as long as they don't have to pay a certain price as long as the repercussions aren't too onerous. These anti-abortion zealots here are championing the principle that abortion is a homicide that it is the unjust killing of an unborn person so that the people actually doing the act, injecting the solution into the fetus that terminates the pregnancy or that does whatever the means used, are committing an act of homicide a crime and therefore should be prosecuted for such criminal act. Okay, so you champions of righteousness the value you are promulgating is that the act of an abortion is a homicide so why don't you hold everyone culpable in that homicide criminally it is completely unjust that that you pick this group of people that are culpably involved and mandate they be criminally prosecuted and give this other group that are culpably involved and give them a free pass; it is completely unfair, unjust and unprincipled. What I am referring to here is the women that actually have the abortion not holding them criminally liable but the doctors that do the abortion as such is unjust, it is having two standards it is indefensible from a fairness standpoint. These women are fully culpable in the termination of their pregnancy through the abortion they are fully culpable in the ending of their fetus's life through the abortion procedure; but for them walking into the abortion clinic and presenting themselves for the abortion and consenting to the abortion procedure it would never happen!

Let us talk about the issue raised by this point that the anti-abortion advocates supporting this law don't want to talk about. The laws proponents here don't consistently apply the principle they use as the basis for this law because the political fallout from doing so would be too costly, the public outrage against them would be so great it would drive them out of political power in the country and they don't want to pay the price. If these anti-abortion advocates were true to their principles and made it a crime for a women to walk into an abortion clinic and have an abortion then their states would see gut wrenching cases of criminal prosecution. You would see cases of good young women away at college away from home for their first time caught up in the typical college atmosphere of drinking alcohol to excess doing so one night having sex and getting pregnant as a result and having an abortion so their life doesn't blow-up with them having a baby or young families awash in education and other understandable debt where the wife has an abortion because the family simply cannot afford to have a baby at the time such women criminally prosecuted and thrown in jail for such actions would not be tolerated by the majority of citizens in any state the public activism this would spur would get politicians that hold such values thrown out of office and the respective law revoked.

The anti-abortion Americans behind this Alabama bill and other unreasonable abortion restrictive laws being produced across America are to a large degree christian conservatives. They believe the bible and the Christian faith calls for the belief that all abortions are immoral all are a violation of the fifth commandment of God "Thou shall not Kill"! Such views are not held by all Christians some of us Christians think that in the early stages of a women's pregnancy this immoral killing issue does not apply. The problem with these anti-abortion Christians is that they know the bible, they know Church dogma, they know christian piety but they don't really know Jesus. Jesus is perfect in everything even in virtue and knowledge. Meaning Jesus is outstanding in compassion he has an outstanding amount of love and care for women that find themselves in these gut wrenching situations where they need to have an abortion which would want to find it a moral act for these women to have their abortion. This coupled with the fact that Jesus is all intelligent which would lead one to seek out what would the maximum use of reason lead one to conclude about whether or not the abortion act is moral. The commandment "thou shall not kill" does that just mean thou shall not kill a unique DNA combination, I hope not scientist are able to make unique DNA combinations at will. No it in good conscience means thou shall not kill a "human person" a "human person". Well when does a human person come into existence is it when that unique DNA combination is created when the human sperm fertilizes the human egg and a clump of unique cells is created what is the difference between that and a like scientist creation in a lab. Let us look at a reverse situation when do we know that an unquestionable person stops being a person the medical profession tells us that when a person is brain dead that person is essentially dead yes machines can keep a persons lungs and heart pumping but when a person is brain dead they aren't coming back to life they will never have any brain function that produces a human effect reasonable people consider indicia of life. The development of human reason would then call for the conclusion that at the earliest a human person comes into existence when the human brain begins operating that being when the fetus is at the stage where it begins having brain waves. Human reason would then indicate that it is not an immoral killing if the abortion takes places during the weeks of pregnancy prior to when the fetus's brain begins operation! It sure would be great for America if we could end this constant battle over abortion which derails us from improving America and the world in so many areas it needs to be improved if we could come to some middle ground where both sides could live with the state of the law on abortion!
One thing that really gets me about these people in Alabama orchestrating this law that will make it a crime for a doctor in Alabama to perform an abortion and all this laws supporters; you all are supposed to be so principled you act like you are saving America from being dragged into hell by us Americans that support a women's right to an abortion for at least limited period of her pregnancy. What gets me about this legislation that wants to treat the doctors that perform the abortions like criminals is the law's proponents lack of courage, their moral inconsistency their attitude we will storm the gates of hell to stop this evil when the reality is they will as long as they don't have to pay a certain price as long as the repercussions aren't too onerous. These anti-abortion zealots here are championing the principle that abortion is a homicide that it is the unjust killing of an unborn person so that the people actually doing the act, injecting the solution into the fetus that terminates the pregnancy or that does whatever the means used, are committing an act of homicide a crime and therefore should be prosecuted for such criminal act. Okay, so you champions of righteousness the value you are promulgating is that the act of an abortion is a homicide so why don't you hold everyone culpable in that homicide criminally it is completely unjust that that you pick this group of people that are culpably involved and mandate they be criminally prosecuted and give this other group that are culpably involved and give them a free pass; it is completely unfair, unjust and unprincipled. What I am referring to here is the women that actually have the abortion not holding them criminally liable but the doctors that do the abortion as such is unjust, it is having two standards it is indefensible from a fairness standpoint. These women are fully culpable in the termination of their pregnancy through the abortion they are fully culpable in the ending of their fetus's life through the abortion procedure; but for them walking into the abortion clinic and presenting themselves for the abortion and consenting to the abortion procedure it would never happen!

Let us talk about the issue raised by this point that the anti-abortion advocates supporting this law don't want to talk about. The laws proponents here don't consistently apply the principle they use as the basis for this law because the political fallout from doing so would be too costly, the public outrage against them would be so great it would drive them out of political power in the country and they don't want to pay the price. If these anti-abortion advocates were true to their principles and made it a crime for a women to walk into an abortion clinic and have an abortion then their states would see gut wrenching cases of criminal prosecution. You would see cases of good young women away at college away from home for their first time caught up in the typical college atmosphere of drinking alcohol to excess doing so one night having sex and getting pregnant as a result and having an abortion so their life doesn't blow-up with them having a baby or young families awash in education and other understandable debt where the wife has an abortion because the family simply cannot afford to have a baby at the time such women criminally prosecuted and thrown in jail for such actions would not be tolerated by the majority of citizens in any state the public activism this would spur would get politicians that hold such values thrown out of office and the respective law revoked.

The anti-abortion Americans behind this Alabama bill and other unreasonable abortion restrictive laws being produced across America are to a large degree christian conservatives. They believe the bible and the Christian faith calls for the belief that all abortions are immoral all are a violation of the fifth commandment of God "Thou shall not Kill"! Such views are not held by all Christians some of us Christians think that in the early stages of a women's pregnancy this immoral killing issue does not apply. The problem with these anti-abortion Christians is that they know the bible, they know Church dogma, they know christian piety but they don't really know Jesus. Jesus is perfect in everything even in virtue and knowledge. Meaning Jesus is outstanding in compassion he has an outstanding amount of love and care for women that find themselves in these gut wrenching situations where they need to have an abortion which would want to find it a moral act for these women to have their abortion. This coupled with the fact that Jesus is all intelligent which would lead one to seek out what would the maximum use of reason lead one to conclude about whether or not the abortion act is moral. The commandment "thou shall not kill" does that just mean thou shall not kill a unique DNA combination, I hope not scientist are able to make unique DNA combinations at will. No it in good conscience means thou shall not kill a "human person" a "human person". Well when does a human person come into existence is it when that unique DNA combination is created when the human sperm fertilizes the human egg and a clump of unique cells is created what is the difference between that and a like scientist creation in a lab. Let us look at a reverse situation when do we know that an unquestionable person stops being a person the medical profession tells us that when a person is brain dead that person is essentially dead yes machines can keep a persons lungs and heart pumping but when a person is brain dead they aren't coming back to life they will never have any brain function that produces a human effect reasonable people consider indicia of life. The development of human reason would then call for the conclusion that at the earliest a human person comes into existence when the human brain begins operating that being when the fetus is at the stage where it begins having brain waves. Human reason would then indicate that it is not an immoral killing if the abortion takes places during the weeks of pregnancy prior to when the fetus's brain begins operation! It sure would be great for America if we could end this constant battle over abortion which derails us from improving America and the world in so many areas it needs to be improved if we could come to some middle ground where both sides could live with the state of the law on abortion!

Dear JimofPennsylvan Thank you for this!
The principle you bring up can also be applied directly
to question why is the WOMAN in the situation being targeted by laws
while nothing is addressing the MAN who is either equally responsible
for the decision to have sex or MORE responsible in the case of rape or abuse and coercion?

If we are going to go after people equally,
let's start at the point where both partners were considered equal participants
in making the decision to have sex if pregnancy or children were not agreed on in the first place.

Were both equally responsible or did one or both partners engage by coercion or duress?

Why not start there, and address relationship abuse, rape and coercion where
both partners needed to be fully informed and equally consenting in order to hold them responsible.

NOTE: if we went so far as to turn the tables, and make the laws target "men disproportionately"
to the same degree they currently target "women disproportionately" we might see laws
that bar anything involving unwanted sex, unwanted pregnancy, unwanted children or unwanted abortion
constitutes "relationship abuse" or some degree of "statutory rape" for which the MAN is held responsible.

If we were fair, we'd hold BOTH partners subject to counseling in cases of complaints of abuse,
but if we did the equivalent of our laws today, we'd only hold the MAN for rape and let the women off the hook.

How would these prolife advocates respond if MEN were held for rape or relationship abuse
for acts of sex that result in unwanted pregnancy, unwanted children or abortion?

Wouldn't that also put this issue in proper perspective?
No exceptions for rape or incest. Doctors could face 99 years in prison for providing abortions. This is a war on women, and it is time to fight like hell.
I suspect it will never actually go into effect. The courts should shut it down.
This bill is an abomination. The choices a woman makes about her body should be between her and her doctor and no one else. We cannot go back to the dark ages of reproductive rights.

Alabama legislators just passed a near-total ban on abortion

Alabama has one of the highest rates of maternal death in childbirth, and one of the highest rates of infant mortality in the nation.

They care more about the unborn than they do about their mothers of the baby they will be.

These pigs are more interested in investigating women who miscarry.
As of 1:51am ET, 2020 Dem candidates who responded to Alabama:

Gillibrand (3:28pm)
Williamson (4:46pm)
Inslee (8:33pm)
Booker (9:55pm)
Sanders (10:15pm)
Swalwell (10:25pm)
Harris (10:27pm)
Castro (10:56pm)
Warren (10:59pm)
Ryan (11:17pm)
O'Rourke (11:26pm)
Klobuchar (1:01am)
I am curious about your thread title:

Alabama Against Abortion! Lawmakers overwhelmingly vote to ban abortion in Skynyrd's home state!

Skynrd as in Lynyrd Skynrd?

They were from Jacksonville, Florida, not Alabama, dumbass!

When my semen fertilizes an egg, it is sacred. If a doctor disputes that fact, then that is a direct challenge to my racial heritage. Yahweh and Allah bow to my sperm.
Oh boy, the Satanic cult requires the alter of abortion. It’s sacred to them. We can already hear the howls of the demons.
Pro choicers, make your very best argument for abortion here. "It is right to kill a developing human being in a mother's womb because ______________."

Go for it
Oh boy, the Satanic cult requires the alter of abortion. It’s sacred to them. We can already hear the howls of the demons.
Choicers have listened to the howls of anti-abortionists for a long time now. I personally have no dog in this fight, but do find it funny that the party that complains loudest about government interference in the personal lives of its citizens is the party of intimate and ultimate interfering in the personal lives of its citizens.
To me, it never should've been labeled anything else in the first place when such an act is just one way to stop a beating heart.

God bless you always!!!


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