Alabama Counties Stop Issuing Marriage Licenses

But you can't FORCE a county to issue marriage licenses since they are issuing 0! PERIOD none to ANYONE normal people or faggots. Big difference in that and forcing monkeys into schools with whites.

Well there's the "equality" they wanted. In the liberal's world, equality is when everyone suffers.
That's one version. Another is when everyone doesn't...

...there's no Utopia...
That's correct, but there is equal before the law. A liberal, therefore an American, ideal...

Using the law to force equality on everyone is synonymous with Communism. If you want to bugger your brother, go ahead. But don't try to force my church to honor your faggotry.
They don't, and I don't either...
Well there's the "equality" they wanted. In the liberal's world, equality is when everyone suffers.
That's one version. Another is when everyone doesn't...

...there's no Utopia...
That's correct, but there is equal before the law. A liberal, therefore an American, ideal...

Using the law to force equality on everyone is synonymous with Communism. If you want to bugger your brother, go ahead. But don't try to force my church to honor your faggotry.
They don't, and I don't either...

Bullshit. So what's going to happen if for example I was the pastor of a church which actually followed the word of God, and refused to perform a gay wedding?

How about if I owned a bakery and refused to make a cake for one, because of my deeply-held Christian belief that homosexuality is a sin?
That's one version. Another is when everyone doesn't...

...there's no Utopia...
That's correct, but there is equal before the law. A liberal, therefore an American, ideal...

Using the law to force equality on everyone is synonymous with Communism. If you want to bugger your brother, go ahead. But don't try to force my church to honor your faggotry.
They don't, and I don't either...

Bullshit. So what's going to happen if for example I was the pastor of a church which actually followed the word of God, and refused to perform a gay wedding?

How about if I owned a bakery and refused to make a cake for one, because of my deeply-held Christian belief that homosexuality is a sin?
Nothing, and bake the damn cake, that's business not faith.
That's one version. Another is when everyone doesn't...

...there's no Utopia...
That's correct, but there is equal before the law. A liberal, therefore an American, ideal...

Using the law to force equality on everyone is synonymous with Communism. If you want to bugger your brother, go ahead. But don't try to force my church to honor your faggotry.
They don't, and I don't either...

Bullshit. So what's going to happen if for example I was the pastor of a church which actually followed the word of God, and refused to perform a gay wedding?

How about if I owned a bakery and refused to make a cake for one, because of my deeply-held Christian belief that homosexuality is a sin?
Churches aren't affected. That's a straw argument.
"Pike County officials haven’t issued marriage licenses in months, and today Probate Judge Wes Allen announced that his office is now permanently out of the marriage business.

“My office discontinued issuing marriage licenses in February and I have no plans to put Pike County back into the marriage business,” Allen wrote in a statement. “The policy of my office regarding marriage is no different today than it was yesterday.”

Apparently the law says they MAY issue marriage licenses, not that they must.

Two counties out of marriage business for good after Supreme Court ruling

Great idea...

Simply stop issuing Marriage Licenses all together... Let the Church which marries people issue the document which designates them as married and only recognize those people as married.


Well marriage is after all, defined as a holy bond between one man and one woman. There is no Biblical church that I know of, that could honestly say it's adhering to God's word by attempting to marry a same-sex couple.

Any so-called "church" that sanctioned that, would be defying God.

Then you would be wrong.

Faiths Allowing Same-Sex Marriages
  • United Church of Christ: The United Church of Christ was the first mainstream Christian church to fully support same-sex marriage and perform marriage ceremonies.
  • Jewish: Reform Judaism embraces same-sex marriage and rabbis can perform ceremonies. Some conservative and re-constructionist synagogues do as well.
  • Quaker: The willingness to perform gay marriages varies by meetinghouse, but there is some acceptance and performance of same-sex marriages among Quakers.
  • Metropolitan Community Church
  • Unitarian Universalist
  • Unity Church

Faiths Allowing Limited Same-Sex Marriage
  • Episcopal: In the Episcopal Church, priests are authorized to bless same-sex wedding ceremonies but not declare the marriage official or sign the marriage license. Certain dioceses can perform full marriage ceremonies.
  • Lutheran: Lutheran churches can decide, on a church-by-church basis, whether or not to perform same-sex marriage.
Faiths Disallowing Same-Sex Marriages
  • Baptists: Southern Baptist and Conservative Baptist churches will not conduct same-sex marriages, nor will they allow them to be held in their churches. Some American Baptist churches are open and inclusive.
  • Methodist
  • Catholic
  • Presbyterian (some will bless ceremonies)
Then there's that pesky first amendment that gives ALL Americans the right to choose their own faith. Which means that no one can legally force another American to follow a faith they don't want to follow.

While I'm not christian I am very spiritual and have a religious path. My religion/faith has no problem with gays getting married. In fact we have a problem with denying gays the right to get married.

You have no right to tell people how to live their lives. Gays have been legally getting married in Massachusetts since 2004. They've been legally getting married in my state since 2012. I'm still waiting for a heterosexual couple to tell all of us how gays getting married for over a decade in that state has harmed their marriage.

No one is forcing anyone to marry someone of the same sex.

However you are forcing homosexuals to not have the same constitutional rights as heterosexuals. Which is clearly unconstitutional. You want to force everyone in America to follow your form of religion. Which is unconstitutional.

So if you really cared about a person's faith you would stop disrespecting everyone who isn't the same faith as you.

Guess what? We have the same rights to our faith as you do.
...there's no Utopia...
That's correct, but there is equal before the law. A liberal, therefore an American, ideal...

Using the law to force equality on everyone is synonymous with Communism. If you want to bugger your brother, go ahead. But don't try to force my church to honor your faggotry.
They don't, and I don't either...

Bullshit. So what's going to happen if for example I was the pastor of a church which actually followed the word of God, and refused to perform a gay wedding?

How about if I owned a bakery and refused to make a cake for one, because of my deeply-held Christian belief that homosexuality is a sin?
Churches aren't affected. That's a straw argument.
Churches are about to be affected. They'll be attacked for not marrying gays and somebody is going to try to take away their tax-free status. Democrats can't control the radicals in their own party from overreaching.
"Pike County officials haven’t issued marriage licenses in months, and today Probate Judge Wes Allen announced that his office is now permanently out of the marriage business.

“My office discontinued issuing marriage licenses in February and I have no plans to put Pike County back into the marriage business,” Allen wrote in a statement. “The policy of my office regarding marriage is no different today than it was yesterday.”

Apparently the law says they MAY issue marriage licenses, not that they must.

Two counties out of marriage business for good after Supreme Court ruling

Great idea...

Simply stop issuing Marriage Licenses all together... Let the Church which marries people issue the document which designates them as married and only recognize those people as married.


Well marriage is after all, defined as a holy bond between one man and one woman. There is no Biblical church that I know of, that could honestly say it's adhering to God's word by attempting to marry a same-sex couple.

Any so-called "church" that sanctioned that, would be defying God.

Then you would be wrong.

Faiths Allowing Same-Sex Marriages
  • United Church of Christ: The United Church of Christ was the first mainstream Christian church to fully support same-sex marriage and perform marriage ceremonies.
  • Jewish: Reform Judaism embraces same-sex marriage and rabbis can perform ceremonies. Some conservative and re-constructionist synagogues do as well.
  • Quaker: The willingness to perform gay marriages varies by meetinghouse, but there is some acceptance and performance of same-sex marriages among Quakers.
  • Metropolitan Community Church
  • Unitarian Universalist
  • Unity Church

Faiths Allowing Limited Same-Sex Marriage
  • Episcopal: In the Episcopal Church, priests are authorized to bless same-sex wedding ceremonies but not declare the marriage official or sign the marriage license. Certain dioceses can perform full marriage ceremonies.
  • Lutheran: Lutheran churches can decide, on a church-by-church basis, whether or not to perform same-sex marriage.
Faiths Disallowing Same-Sex Marriages
  • Baptists: Southern Baptist and Conservative Baptist churches will not conduct same-sex marriages, nor will they allow them to be held in their churches. Some American Baptist churches are open and inclusive.
  • Methodist
  • Catholic
  • Presbyterian (some will bless ceremonies)
Then there's that pesky first amendment that gives ALL Americans the right to choose their own faith. Which means that no one can legally force another American to follow a faith they don't want to follow.

While I'm not christian I am very spiritual and have a religious path. My religion/faith has no problem with gays getting married. In fact we have a problem with denying gays the right to get married.

You have no right to tell people how to live their lives. Gays have been legally getting married in Massachusetts since 2004. They've been legally getting married in my state since 2012. I'm still waiting for a heterosexual couple to tell all of us how gays getting married for over a decade in that state has harmed their marriage.

No one is forcing anyone to marry someone of the same sex.

However you are forcing homosexuals to not have the same constitutional rights as heterosexuals. Which is clearly unconstitutional. You want to force everyone in America to follow your form of religion. Which is unconstitutional.

So if you really cared about a person's faith you would stop disrespecting everyone who isn't the same faith as you.

Guess what? We have the same rights to our faith as you do.

Then those specific churches would be wrong because they are preaching false doctrine. They might as well burn their bibles and turn their buildings into whorehouses.
That's correct, but there is equal before the law. A liberal, therefore an American, ideal...

Using the law to force equality on everyone is synonymous with Communism. If you want to bugger your brother, go ahead. But don't try to force my church to honor your faggotry.
They don't, and I don't either...

Bullshit. So what's going to happen if for example I was the pastor of a church which actually followed the word of God, and refused to perform a gay wedding?

How about if I owned a bakery and refused to make a cake for one, because of my deeply-held Christian belief that homosexuality is a sin?
Churches aren't affected. That's a straw argument.
Churches are about to be affected. They'll be attacked for not marrying gays and somebody is going to try to take away their tax-free status. Democrats can't control the radicals in their own party from overreaching.
Don't think so.
We can discuss that IF it happens.
The only people who have the right to demand changes in a church are the members of that church.
"Pike County officials haven’t issued marriage licenses in months, and today Probate Judge Wes Allen announced that his office is now permanently out of the marriage business.

“My office discontinued issuing marriage licenses in February and I have no plans to put Pike County back into the marriage business,” Allen wrote in a statement. “The policy of my office regarding marriage is no different today than it was yesterday.”

Apparently the law says they MAY issue marriage licenses, not that they must.

Two counties out of marriage business for good after Supreme Court ruling

Great idea...

Simply stop issuing Marriage Licenses all together... Let the Church which marries people issue the document which designates them as married and only recognize those people as married.


Well marriage is after all, defined as a holy bond between one man and one woman. There is no Biblical church that I know of, that could honestly say it's adhering to God's word by attempting to marry a same-sex couple.

Any so-called "church" that sanctioned that, would be defying God.
For anyone who actually never read the Bible, most marriages in the Bible are between one man a "women", not "woman". The Bible also approves of slavery. And the punishment for rape is that the man must pay a fine and marry his victim. Oh, there are LOTS LOTS more along those lines. Good to know American Christian beliefs. So we can protect ourselves from them.
"Pike County officials haven’t issued marriage licenses in months, and today Probate Judge Wes Allen announced that his office is now permanently out of the marriage business.

“My office discontinued issuing marriage licenses in February and I have no plans to put Pike County back into the marriage business,” Allen wrote in a statement. “The policy of my office regarding marriage is no different today than it was yesterday.”

Apparently the law says they MAY issue marriage licenses, not that they must.

Two counties out of marriage business for good after Supreme Court ruling

Great idea...

Simply stop issuing Marriage Licenses all together... Let the Church which marries people issue the document which designates them as married and only recognize those people as married.


Well marriage is after all, defined as a holy bond between one man and one woman. There is no Biblical church that I know of, that could honestly say it's adhering to God's word by attempting to marry a same-sex couple.

Any so-called "church" that sanctioned that, would be defying God.

Then you would be wrong.

Faiths Allowing Same-Sex Marriages
  • United Church of Christ: The United Church of Christ was the first mainstream Christian church to fully support same-sex marriage and perform marriage ceremonies.
  • Jewish: Reform Judaism embraces same-sex marriage and rabbis can perform ceremonies. Some conservative and re-constructionist synagogues do as well.
  • Quaker: The willingness to perform gay marriages varies by meetinghouse, but there is some acceptance and performance of same-sex marriages among Quakers.
  • Metropolitan Community Church
  • Unitarian Universalist
  • Unity Church

Faiths Allowing Limited Same-Sex Marriage
  • Episcopal: In the Episcopal Church, priests are authorized to bless same-sex wedding ceremonies but not declare the marriage official or sign the marriage license. Certain dioceses can perform full marriage ceremonies.
  • Lutheran: Lutheran churches can decide, on a church-by-church basis, whether or not to perform same-sex marriage.
Faiths Disallowing Same-Sex Marriages
  • Baptists: Southern Baptist and Conservative Baptist churches will not conduct same-sex marriages, nor will they allow them to be held in their churches. Some American Baptist churches are open and inclusive.
  • Methodist
  • Catholic
  • Presbyterian (some will bless ceremonies)
Then there's that pesky first amendment that gives ALL Americans the right to choose their own faith. Which means that no one can legally force another American to follow a faith they don't want to follow.

While I'm not christian I am very spiritual and have a religious path. My religion/faith has no problem with gays getting married. In fact we have a problem with denying gays the right to get married.

You have no right to tell people how to live their lives. Gays have been legally getting married in Massachusetts since 2004. They've been legally getting married in my state since 2012. I'm still waiting for a heterosexual couple to tell all of us how gays getting married for over a decade in that state has harmed their marriage.

No one is forcing anyone to marry someone of the same sex.

However you are forcing homosexuals to not have the same constitutional rights as heterosexuals. Which is clearly unconstitutional. You want to force everyone in America to follow your form of religion. Which is unconstitutional.

So if you really cared about a person's faith you would stop disrespecting everyone who isn't the same faith as you.

Guess what? We have the same rights to our faith as you do.

Then those specific churches would be wrong because they are preaching false doctrine. They might as well burn their bibles and turn their buildings into whorehouses.
Your opinion (which is not doctrine).
I think it is good for a state like Alabama. Cousins shouldn't marry anyways.
...there's no Utopia...
That's correct, but there is equal before the law. A liberal, therefore an American, ideal...

Using the law to force equality on everyone is synonymous with Communism. If you want to bugger your brother, go ahead. But don't try to force my church to honor your faggotry.
They don't, and I don't either...

Bullshit. So what's going to happen if for example I was the pastor of a church which actually followed the word of God, and refused to perform a gay wedding?

How about if I owned a bakery and refused to make a cake for one, because of my deeply-held Christian belief that homosexuality is a sin?
Nothing, and bake the damn cake, that's business not faith.

"Nothing" is going to happen if if I owned a bakery and refused to make a cake for one, because of my deeply-held Christian belief that homosexuality is a sin?

Wrong. There have already been more than several businesses punished by the LGBT crowd for sticking to their religious believe that gay marriage is contrary to God's word. Some of them received death threats and vandalism.

You don't remember the the Chik-Fil-A debacle?
"Pike County officials haven’t issued marriage licenses in months, and today Probate Judge Wes Allen announced that his office is now permanently out of the marriage business.

“My office discontinued issuing marriage licenses in February and I have no plans to put Pike County back into the marriage business,” Allen wrote in a statement. “The policy of my office regarding marriage is no different today than it was yesterday.”

Apparently the law says they MAY issue marriage licenses, not that they must.

Two counties out of marriage business for good after Supreme Court ruling

Great idea...

Simply stop issuing Marriage Licenses all together... Let the Church which marries people issue the document which designates them as married and only recognize those people as married.


Well marriage is after all, defined as a holy bond between one man and one woman. There is no Biblical church that I know of, that could honestly say it's adhering to God's word by attempting to marry a same-sex couple.

Any so-called "church" that sanctioned that, would be defying God.

Then you would be wrong.

Faiths Allowing Same-Sex Marriages
  • United Church of Christ: The United Church of Christ was the first mainstream Christian church to fully support same-sex marriage and perform marriage ceremonies.
  • Jewish: Reform Judaism embraces same-sex marriage and rabbis can perform ceremonies. Some conservative and re-constructionist synagogues do as well.
  • Quaker: The willingness to perform gay marriages varies by meetinghouse, but there is some acceptance and performance of same-sex marriages among Quakers.
  • Metropolitan Community Church
  • Unitarian Universalist
  • Unity Church

Faiths Allowing Limited Same-Sex Marriage
  • Episcopal: In the Episcopal Church, priests are authorized to bless same-sex wedding ceremonies but not declare the marriage official or sign the marriage license. Certain dioceses can perform full marriage ceremonies.
  • Lutheran: Lutheran churches can decide, on a church-by-church basis, whether or not to perform same-sex marriage.
Faiths Disallowing Same-Sex Marriages
  • Baptists: Southern Baptist and Conservative Baptist churches will not conduct same-sex marriages, nor will they allow them to be held in their churches. Some American Baptist churches are open and inclusive.
  • Methodist
  • Catholic
  • Presbyterian (some will bless ceremonies)
Then there's that pesky first amendment that gives ALL Americans the right to choose their own faith. Which means that no one can legally force another American to follow a faith they don't want to follow.

While I'm not christian I am very spiritual and have a religious path. My religion/faith has no problem with gays getting married. In fact we have a problem with denying gays the right to get married.

You have no right to tell people how to live their lives. Gays have been legally getting married in Massachusetts since 2004. They've been legally getting married in my state since 2012. I'm still waiting for a heterosexual couple to tell all of us how gays getting married for over a decade in that state has harmed their marriage.

No one is forcing anyone to marry someone of the same sex.

However you are forcing homosexuals to not have the same constitutional rights as heterosexuals. Which is clearly unconstitutional. You want to force everyone in America to follow your form of religion. Which is unconstitutional.

So if you really cared about a person's faith you would stop disrespecting everyone who isn't the same faith as you.

Guess what? We have the same rights to our faith as you do.

Then those specific churches would be wrong because they are preaching false doctrine. They might as well burn their bibles and turn their buildings into whorehouses.
Your opinion (which is not doctrine).

So you also conclude that Paul's writings in the book of Romans concerning homosexuality, are "opinions" and not doctrine? Have you even read the Bible?
"Pike County officials haven’t issued marriage licenses in months, and today Probate Judge Wes Allen announced that his office is now permanently out of the marriage business.

“My office discontinued issuing marriage licenses in February and I have no plans to put Pike County back into the marriage business,” Allen wrote in a statement. “The policy of my office regarding marriage is no different today than it was yesterday.”

Apparently the law says they MAY issue marriage licenses, not that they must.

Two counties out of marriage business for good after Supreme Court ruling

Great idea...

Simply stop issuing Marriage Licenses all together... Let the Church which marries people issue the document which designates them as married and only recognize those people as married.


Well marriage is after all, defined as a holy bond between one man and one woman. There is no Biblical church that I know of, that could honestly say it's adhering to God's word by attempting to marry a same-sex couple.

Any so-called "church" that sanctioned that, would be defying God.
For anyone who actually never read the Bible, most marriages in the Bible are between one man a "women", not "woman". The Bible also approves of slavery. And the punishment for rape is that the man must pay a fine and marry his victim. Oh, there are LOTS LOTS more along those lines. Good to know American Christian beliefs. So we can protect ourselves from them.

So I gather you prefer "Dad Kapital", or the "Communist Manifesto" as your guidebook through this life? Very sad.
Great idea...

Simply stop issuing Marriage Licenses all together... Let the Church which marries people issue the document which designates them as married and only recognize those people as married.


Well marriage is after all, defined as a holy bond between one man and one woman. There is no Biblical church that I know of, that could honestly say it's adhering to God's word by attempting to marry a same-sex couple.

Any so-called "church" that sanctioned that, would be defying God.

Then you would be wrong.

Faiths Allowing Same-Sex Marriages
  • United Church of Christ: The United Church of Christ was the first mainstream Christian church to fully support same-sex marriage and perform marriage ceremonies.
  • Jewish: Reform Judaism embraces same-sex marriage and rabbis can perform ceremonies. Some conservative and re-constructionist synagogues do as well.
  • Quaker: The willingness to perform gay marriages varies by meetinghouse, but there is some acceptance and performance of same-sex marriages among Quakers.
  • Metropolitan Community Church
  • Unitarian Universalist
  • Unity Church

Faiths Allowing Limited Same-Sex Marriage
  • Episcopal: In the Episcopal Church, priests are authorized to bless same-sex wedding ceremonies but not declare the marriage official or sign the marriage license. Certain dioceses can perform full marriage ceremonies.
  • Lutheran: Lutheran churches can decide, on a church-by-church basis, whether or not to perform same-sex marriage.
Faiths Disallowing Same-Sex Marriages
  • Baptists: Southern Baptist and Conservative Baptist churches will not conduct same-sex marriages, nor will they allow them to be held in their churches. Some American Baptist churches are open and inclusive.
  • Methodist
  • Catholic
  • Presbyterian (some will bless ceremonies)
Then there's that pesky first amendment that gives ALL Americans the right to choose their own faith. Which means that no one can legally force another American to follow a faith they don't want to follow.

While I'm not christian I am very spiritual and have a religious path. My religion/faith has no problem with gays getting married. In fact we have a problem with denying gays the right to get married.

You have no right to tell people how to live their lives. Gays have been legally getting married in Massachusetts since 2004. They've been legally getting married in my state since 2012. I'm still waiting for a heterosexual couple to tell all of us how gays getting married for over a decade in that state has harmed their marriage.

No one is forcing anyone to marry someone of the same sex.

However you are forcing homosexuals to not have the same constitutional rights as heterosexuals. Which is clearly unconstitutional. You want to force everyone in America to follow your form of religion. Which is unconstitutional.

So if you really cared about a person's faith you would stop disrespecting everyone who isn't the same faith as you.

Guess what? We have the same rights to our faith as you do.

Then those specific churches would be wrong because they are preaching false doctrine. They might as well burn their bibles and turn their buildings into whorehouses.
Your opinion (which is not doctrine).

So you also conclude that Paul's writings in the book of Romans concerning homosexuality, are "opinions" and not doctrine? Have you even read the Bible?
Yes, I do and yes, I've read your bible.
I am not, nor ever have been a Christian. I respect your right to believe what you will. That doesn't mean I accept your beliefs.
You obviously don't understand what an enclave is. No, the entire state is not made up of mouth breathers...there are just more of them than most places. They are way over their allotment.
Nothing compared to California though. Which state is bankrupt?

California is doing FAR better than Alabama...{SPOILER ALERT} California is 4th while Alabama...46th. (Wah wah...)

State Economy Rankings
California=worst run state in the Union.
Best- and worst-run states Survey of all 50

Typical you cannot get metrics right. You can't figure out Tab A belongs in Slot B.

Silly marriage must have you thrown off your game, man. Your link was from 2013, mine from 2015.
You understand that does not refute what I wrote, right?

You understand you posted a link that was older than mine. Your link is no longer valid, mine "trumps" yours.
Nothing compared to California though. Which state is bankrupt?

California is doing FAR better than Alabama...{SPOILER ALERT} California is 4th while Alabama...46th. (Wah wah...)

State Economy Rankings
California=worst run state in the Union.
Best- and worst-run states Survey of all 50

Typical you cannot get metrics right. You can't figure out Tab A belongs in Slot B.

Silly marriage must have you thrown off your game, man. Your link was from 2013, mine from 2015.
You understand that does not refute what I wrote, right?

You understand you posted a link that was older than mine. Your link is no longer valid, mine "trumps" yours.
OK so the answer to my question is "No" you do not understand you failed to refute what I wrote.
Well marriage is after all, defined as a holy bond between one man and one woman. There is no Biblical church that I know of, that could honestly say it's adhering to God's word by attempting to marry a same-sex couple.

Any so-called "church" that sanctioned that, would be defying God.

Then you would be wrong.

Faiths Allowing Same-Sex Marriages
  • United Church of Christ: The United Church of Christ was the first mainstream Christian church to fully support same-sex marriage and perform marriage ceremonies.
  • Jewish: Reform Judaism embraces same-sex marriage and rabbis can perform ceremonies. Some conservative and re-constructionist synagogues do as well.
  • Quaker: The willingness to perform gay marriages varies by meetinghouse, but there is some acceptance and performance of same-sex marriages among Quakers.
  • Metropolitan Community Church
  • Unitarian Universalist
  • Unity Church

Faiths Allowing Limited Same-Sex Marriage
  • Episcopal: In the Episcopal Church, priests are authorized to bless same-sex wedding ceremonies but not declare the marriage official or sign the marriage license. Certain dioceses can perform full marriage ceremonies.
  • Lutheran: Lutheran churches can decide, on a church-by-church basis, whether or not to perform same-sex marriage.
Faiths Disallowing Same-Sex Marriages
  • Baptists: Southern Baptist and Conservative Baptist churches will not conduct same-sex marriages, nor will they allow them to be held in their churches. Some American Baptist churches are open and inclusive.
  • Methodist
  • Catholic
  • Presbyterian (some will bless ceremonies)
Then there's that pesky first amendment that gives ALL Americans the right to choose their own faith. Which means that no one can legally force another American to follow a faith they don't want to follow.

While I'm not christian I am very spiritual and have a religious path. My religion/faith has no problem with gays getting married. In fact we have a problem with denying gays the right to get married.

You have no right to tell people how to live their lives. Gays have been legally getting married in Massachusetts since 2004. They've been legally getting married in my state since 2012. I'm still waiting for a heterosexual couple to tell all of us how gays getting married for over a decade in that state has harmed their marriage.

No one is forcing anyone to marry someone of the same sex.

However you are forcing homosexuals to not have the same constitutional rights as heterosexuals. Which is clearly unconstitutional. You want to force everyone in America to follow your form of religion. Which is unconstitutional.

So if you really cared about a person's faith you would stop disrespecting everyone who isn't the same faith as you.

Guess what? We have the same rights to our faith as you do.

Then those specific churches would be wrong because they are preaching false doctrine. They might as well burn their bibles and turn their buildings into whorehouses.
Your opinion (which is not doctrine).

So you also conclude that Paul's writings in the book of Romans concerning homosexuality, are "opinions" and not doctrine? Have you even read the Bible?
Yes, I do and yes, I've read your bible.
I am not, nor ever have been a Christian. I respect your right to believe what you will. That doesn't mean I accept your beliefs.
See the issue is that while you dont agree with him you also dont accept that he has a right to those beliefs.
I demand that a bakery make this cake for me.......or else.

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