Alabama Counties Stop Issuing Marriage Licenses

How about this: I shall coin a new word for you same-sex marriage advocates. I shall call you a Heterophobe. You are so afraid of straight people with their reproduction and their families and their adherence to moral values. Who knows, you might even be an Anglophobe. In your case, it could be equated to masochism, since most liberals are self-hating anyway. I would also suspect that you're an Ameriphobe, since you show nothing but utter disrespect for the country you live in.

Doesn't make a lot of sense I (and every other liberal) fully support heterosexuality and opposite sex marriage. You need to think these things through.

That's probably liberals have no discrimination...

[ disˌkriməˈnāSHən ]
  1. the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex:
    "victims of racial discrimination"
    synonyms: prejudice · bias · bigotry · intolerance · narrow-mindedness ·
  2. recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another:
    "discrimination between right and wrong"

The second definition applies in your case. In other words, you're lacking the ability to discern what is of high quality; good judgment or taste. And all this time, you thought "discrimination" was a bad thing, right?
The 90's called, they want their terminology back. Fear and disgust are two entirely different things. The only thing to fear about twinkies, is that they'd accidentally decorate your house in the wrong color. What I'm feeling more is disgust, revulsion, repugnance, distaste, odium, abhorrence, or just downright pity.

I thank God I'm a 100% sexually-functional male living in the USA. merica! Fuck yea!

The 90s called? Dude, that's already 40 years beyond you.

How about this: I shall coin a new word for you same-sex marriage advocates. I shall call you a Heterophobe. You are so afraid of straight people with their reproduction and their families and their adherence to moral values. Who knows, you might even be an Anglophobe. In your case, it could be equated to masochism, since most liberals are self-hating white people anyway. I would also suspect that you're an Ameriphobe, since you show nothing but utter disrespect for the country you live in.
I pity you.
Also, you disgust me.

Is that it? Or do you have more cheese to go with that whine?
It's more attention from me than you deserve.
I've suffered enough at the hands of the likes of you.
You cannot touch, or hurt me any longer.
I live well. You are the trash struggling to convince yourself you are worth something. You fight against your self doubt by flailing with balled fists at any who dare to contradict your insular reality by being other than you.
I wish you healing and peace.

Oh Christ, now we have a Jesus complex. If you're gonna nail yourself to the wall, I'll loan you my hammer. que rollingeyes.gif
How about this: I shall coin a new word for you same-sex marriage advocates. I shall call you a Heterophobe. You are so afraid of straight people with their reproduction and their families and their adherence to moral values..

:clap2: BINGO.
Bingo is about the only thing you will ever win at in any House of G-d.
I wish you healing and peace.
Sil is what even God cannot redeem...
People redeem, or condemn themselves. No God can do that for them.
How about this: I shall coin a new word for you same-sex marriage advocates. I shall call you a Heterophobe. You are so afraid of straight people with their reproduction and their families and their adherence to moral values. Who knows, you might even be an Anglophobe. In your case, it could be equated to masochism, since most liberals are self-hating anyway. I would also suspect that you're an Ameriphobe, since you show nothing but utter disrespect for the country you live in.

Doesn't make a lot of sense I (and every other liberal) fully support heterosexuality and opposite sex marriage. You need to think these things through.

That's probably liberals have no discrimination...

[ disˌkriməˈnāSHən ]
  1. the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex:
    "victims of racial discrimination"
    synonyms: prejudice · bias · bigotry · intolerance · narrow-mindedness ·
  2. recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another:
    "discrimination between right and wrong"

The second definition applies in your case. In other words, you're lacking the ability to discern what is of high quality; good judgment or taste. And all this time, you thought "discrimination" was a bad thing, right?

What the hell does that have to do with your made up word "heterophobe" ? You aren't just moving the goal posts you've started playing a different sport, idiot. You're transparent.
How about this: I shall coin a new word for you same-sex marriage advocates. I shall call you a Heterophobe. You are so afraid of straight people with their reproduction and their families and their adherence to moral values..

:clap2: BINGO.
Bingo is about the only thing you will ever win at in any House of G-d.
I wish you healing and peace.
Sil is what even God cannot redeem...
People redeem, or condemn themselves. No God can do that for them.
Humans are without hope, gods or no gods...
How about this: I shall coin a new word for you same-sex marriage advocates. I shall call you a Heterophobe. You are so afraid of straight people with their reproduction and their families and their adherence to moral values..

:clap2: BINGO.
Bingo is about the only thing you will ever win at in any House of G-d.
I wish you healing and peace.
Sil is what even God cannot redeem...
People redeem, or condemn themselves. No God can do that for them.
Humans are without hope, gods or no gods...
I'm not quite that fatalistic - yet.
The 90s called? Dude, that's already 40 years beyond you.

How about this: I shall coin a new word for you same-sex marriage advocates. I shall call you a Heterophobe. You are so afraid of straight people with their reproduction and their families and their adherence to moral values. Who knows, you might even be an Anglophobe. In your case, it could be equated to masochism, since most liberals are self-hating white people anyway. I would also suspect that you're an Ameriphobe, since you show nothing but utter disrespect for the country you live in.
I pity you.
Also, you disgust me.

Is that it? Or do you have more cheese to go with that whine?
It's more attention from me than you deserve.
I've suffered enough at the hands of the likes of you.
You cannot touch, or hurt me any longer.
I live well. You are the trash struggling to convince yourself you are worth something. You fight against your self doubt by flailing with balled fists at any who dare to contradict your insular reality by being other than you.
I wish you healing and peace.

Oh Christ, now we have a Jesus complex. If you're gonna nail yourself to the wall, I'll loan you my hammer. que rollingeyes.gif
I'm free of walls. And Jesus has no role in either my physical, or spiritual reality.
Neither do you.
Thank you for reminding me of that.
The only power anyone, or anything has over me is what I give them.
You have no power.
"Pike County officials haven’t issued marriage licenses in months, and today Probate Judge Wes Allen announced that his office is now permanently out of the marriage business.

“My office discontinued issuing marriage licenses in February and I have no plans to put Pike County back into the marriage business,” Allen wrote in a statement. “The policy of my office regarding marriage is no different today than it was yesterday.”

Apparently the law says they MAY issue marriage licenses, not that they must.

Two counties out of marriage business for good after Supreme Court ruling

A little bit of history repeating itself...


How are you equating a municipality refusing to compromise their faith, with a bunch of 1960's Democrats refusing African-Americans from attending which school they want, from eating at a lunch counter, or from sitting in the front of the bus?

Last I heard, same-sex couples have and have always had those rights.

Are we trying to be a little dramatic or over the top here? You're not doing a good job of convincing me of your position.

A municipality doesn't have a faith. Nixing your entire premise. The State doesn't have religious convictions. That would be the establishment of religion, which is explicitly forbidden the government.

And if the individuals representing the state have religious convictions that prevent them from doing their job......they need to find another job. Its their responsibility to find a profession that's compatible with their beliefs. Not society's to adapt itself to whatever they chose to believe.
"Pike County officials haven’t issued marriage licenses in months, and today Probate Judge Wes Allen announced that his office is now permanently out of the marriage business.

“My office discontinued issuing marriage licenses in February and I have no plans to put Pike County back into the marriage business,” Allen wrote in a statement. “The policy of my office regarding marriage is no different today than it was yesterday.”

Apparently the law says they MAY issue marriage licenses, not that they must.

Two counties out of marriage business for good after Supreme Court ruling

Great idea...

Simply stop issuing Marriage Licenses all together... Let the Church which marries people issue the document which designates them as married and only recognize those people as married.


Well marriage is after all, defined as a holy bond between one man and one woman. There is no Biblical church that I know of, that could honestly say it's adhering to God's word by attempting to marry a same-sex couple.

Not under the law. You're trying to force civil law to abide your religious convictions. If a Muslim held the same position with the county and refused to grant you a marriage license because he didn't believe you were a 'follower of the book', you'd be content with that? How about a fundamentalist Muslim cop that refused to take your daughter's DV complaint when her boyfriend beats the crap out of her because she wasn't wearing a burka?

If religious conviction means that you can use the power of the State to impose your religious beliefs on the unwilling.....then wouldn't any religion be just as authoritative in forcing you to abide its beliefs?
The only power anyone, or anything has over me is what I give them.
You have no power.

I don't care what you think you are. Put down that Nerf bat you're mistaking for a golden scepter and listen up. The moment you said "you have no power over me" was you acknowledging that WE DO have power over you. Let's not telegraph things okay? It makes you look predictable.

The moment liberals like you get angry and upset because someone disagrees with you, is you acknowledging that their arguments have more power over you than your argument has over them. Embrace that deep logic, think about it, if you're capable.
I've suffered enough at the hands of the likes of you.

Really? And what suffering have I personally caused you? I don't even know you, and am inclined to not really care about you, either, unless you give me ample reason to.

You cannot touch, or hurt me any longer.

Oh geez, you little creep. Spare me your melodrama. How have I "touched" you or "hurt" you? Like I said, I don't even know you.

I live well. You are the trash struggling to convince yourself you are worth something.

What are you talking about?

You fight against your self doubt by flailing with balled fists at any who dare to contradict your insular reality by being other than you. I wish you healing and peace.

I can't help pity someone who has no idea whom they are addressing with their own insular type logic and ad hominem insults.

I don't need blessings of healing or peace from you. You have neither to offer nor give out.
I choose to end discourse with you because your idea of exchange and debate is to offend and insult in lieu of intelligent and reasonable intercourse.

Interesting, so why did you feel it necessary to employ that very same behavior with me? You're right, name calling in the middle of an argument says you have no argument. Well look at you, my augmented friend, you made your own point. If I recall, you did refer to me as "trash."
You are exactly the kind of weak willed, weak minded, so-called "Christian" child that took satisfaction in ganging up on and assaulting me as a child because my family are not Christian.

Wow. What was this little gem supposed to accomplish? We Christians don't take pride in assaulting children. And for you to label all of us for your experiences as a child is well... childish. I can't hope to understand what you went though, but you'll have to defend yourself against this radical claim of yours.

You mercilessly attack those you consider non-believers and then have the temerity to claim that it was you who were attacked.

You mercilessly attack those who don't agree with gay marriage and then have the temerity to claim you were the victim. When the prey turns on the hunter, screaming how he is being victimized by his prey isn't going to save him.

You hang by a thread, and any whose shoulders you cannot stand upon in common fear, threaten your weak faith.

And anyone who isn't on their knees are those who threaten your weak beliefs.
See the issue is that while you dont agree with him you also dont accept that he has a right to those beliefs.
You can't read very well, can you?
I clearly stated that I Do respect his right to believe what he will.
Are you OK with a baker refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding?
No more than I would be OK with a business refusing to serve someone on racial grounds.
When you open a business to the public, you are open to The Public.
OK then I was correct: You dont really think people are entitled to their beliefs.
Thanks for clarifying.
I'm certain you believe you responded with logic and intelligence.
In truth, you didn't reply to my post at all. You simply wrote to attack me because I do not agree with you.

TO THE READER: (Sorry keys)

Please take the time to consider that Augment here is invalidating the arguments of others by calling out what he/she perceives as an attack, whilst also launching a baseless attack on the recipient's logic and intelligence.
The states are lashing back at the USSC decision. Eventually they will nullify this, alng with other federal laws. Obama has pushed us to the brink of Civil War.

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