Alabama Counties Stop Issuing Marriage Licenses

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My take is that he believes bigotry, in the form of discrimination is a protected Constitutional right and the American ideal.

Gays are merely people doing some deviant sex. Which is an act, not a state of being. Can someone point me to the place in the Constitution where it says "some but not all behaviors are protected here" and a list of which behaviors those are?

You'd need to show that interracial marriage is a demonstrable tenet of Christian faith.

Even though that's like never been a requirement in the United States. Are you saying all Hindu, Buddhist and atheist weddings are invalid? Or are you only cherry picking the couple's sexual orientation?

Oh I am definitely isolating those who would seek to marry people of their same gender.

But that's only because, as every valid religion in world history has recognized that nature designed the species with two distinct but complementing genders; each respectively designed to join with the other. Wherein the two bodies join, forming one sustainable body from two.

And given the nature of conception wherein the female is largely incapacitated, thus her means to sustain herself is compromised, it follows that where two from the respective genders join, that such will occur only where there exist a formal understanding that they have joined as one legal entity, wherein the male is responsible for sustaining the female and progeny, along with training the progeny to become a viable individual in their own right and repeat the process... which is the SUSTAINABLE means by which the species propagates.

Other than that, who gives a damn what two homosexuals and a midget, do in the privacy of their home with a unicycle, a plunger, a bicycle chain, four gerbils, a shower curtain and case of quaker state?
You'd need to show that interracial marriage is a demonstrable tenet of Christian faith.

Even though that's like never been a requirement in the United States. Are you saying all Hindu, Buddhist and atheist weddings are invalid? Or are you only cherry picking the couple's sexual orientation?

Oh I am definitely isolating those who would seek to marry people of their same gender.

But that's only because, as every valid religion in world history has recognized that nature designed the species with two distinct but complementing genders; each respectively designed to join with the other. Wherein the two bodies join, forming one sustainable body from two.

So, it has nothing to do with Christianity then. You're just a homophobe hiding behind a religion, talk about subjective.
Did Alabama stop marriage when they had to allow blacks and whites to marry?

They were the slowest to accept new realities.

Alabama was a final holdout on desegregation and interracial marriage. It could happen again on gay marriage. - The Washington Post

So, par for the course.

Yes because everyone is just terribly accepting of this crap.

LOL! This nonsense makes obamaScare look like a wildly embraced PUBLIC MANDATE!

Seriously, you remind me of a monkey throwing crap in the zoo at random people.
You'd need to show that interracial marriage is a demonstrable tenet of Christian faith.

Even though that's like never been a requirement in the United States. Are you saying all Hindu, Buddhist and atheist weddings are invalid? Or are you only cherry picking the couple's sexual orientation?

Oh I am definitely isolating those who would seek to marry people of their same gender.

But that's only because, as every valid religion in world history has recognized that nature designed the species with two distinct but complementing genders; each respectively designed to join with the other. Wherein the two bodies join, forming one sustainable body from two.

So, it has nothing to do with Christianity then. You're just a homophobe hiding behind a religion, talk about subjective.

The 90's called, they want their terminology back. Fear and disgust are two entirely different things. The only thing to fear about twinkies, is that they'd accidentally decorate your house in the wrong color. What I'm feeling more is disgust, revulsion, repugnance, distaste, odium, abhorrence, or just downright pity.

I thank God I'm a 100% sexually-functional male living in the USA. merica! Fuck yea!
You'd need to show that interracial marriage is a demonstrable tenet of Christian faith.

Even though that's like never been a requirement in the United States. Are you saying all Hindu, Buddhist and atheist weddings are invalid? Or are you only cherry picking the couple's sexual orientation?

Oh I am definitely isolating those who would seek to marry people of their same gender.

But that's only because, as every valid religion in world history has recognized that nature designed the species with two distinct but complementing genders; each respectively designed to join with the other. Wherein the two bodies join, forming one sustainable body from two.

So, it has nothing to do with Christianity then. You're just a homophobe hiding behind a religion, talk about subjective.

The 90's called, they want their terminology back. Fear and disgust are two entirely different things. The only thing to fear about twinkies, is that they'd accidentally decorate your house in the wrong color. What I'm feeling more is disgust, revulsion, repugnance, distaste, odium, abhorrence, or just downright pity.

I thank God I'm a 100% sexually-functional male living in the USA. merica! Fuck yea!

The 90s called? Dude, that's already 40 years beyond you. And fyi, your dated joke is dated.
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Did Alabama stop marriage when they had to allow blacks and whites to marry?

They were the slowest to accept new realities.

Alabama was a final holdout on desegregation and interracial marriage. It could happen again on gay marriage. - The Washington Post

So, par for the course.

Yes because everyone is just terribly accepting of this crap.

LOL! This nonsense makes obamaScare look like a wildly embraced PUBLIC MANDATE!

Seriously, you remind me of a monkey throwing crap in the zoo at random people.
And just as worthy of debate...
You'd need to show that interracial marriage is a demonstrable tenet of Christian faith.

Even though that's like never been a requirement in the United States. Are you saying all Hindu, Buddhist and atheist weddings are invalid? Or are you only cherry picking the couple's sexual orientation?

Oh I am definitely isolating those who would seek to marry people of their same gender.

But that's only because, as every valid religion in world history has recognized that nature designed the species with two distinct but complementing genders; each respectively designed to join with the other. Wherein the two bodies join, forming one sustainable body from two.

So, it has nothing to do with Christianity then. You're just a homophobe hiding behind a religion, talk about subjective.

The 90's called, they want their terminology back. Fear and disgust are two entirely different things. The only thing to fear about twinkies, is that they'd accidentally decorate your house in the wrong color. What I'm feeling more is disgust, revulsion, repugnance, distaste, odium, abhorrence, or just downright pity.

I thank God I'm a 100% sexually-functional male living in the USA. merica! Fuck yea!

The 90s called? Dude, that's already 40 years beyond you.

How about this: I shall coin a new word for you same-sex marriage advocates. I shall call you a Heterophobe. You are so afraid of straight people with their reproduction and their families and their adherence to moral values. Who knows, you might even be an Anglophobe. In your case, it could be equated to masochism, since most liberals are self-hating white people anyway. I would also suspect that you're an Ameriphobe, since you show nothing but utter disrespect for the country you live in.
Did Alabama stop marriage when they had to allow blacks and whites to marry?

They were the slowest to accept new realities.

Alabama was a final holdout on desegregation and interracial marriage. It could happen again on gay marriage. - The Washington Post

So, par for the course.

Yes because everyone is just terribly accepting of this crap.

LOL! This nonsense makes obamaScare look like a wildly embraced PUBLIC MANDATE!

Seriously, you remind me of a monkey throwing crap in the zoo at random people.
And just as worthy of debate...

Hmm, I should stop replying then.
Did Alabama stop marriage when they had to allow blacks and whites to marry?

They were the slowest to accept new realities.

Alabama was a final holdout on desegregation and interracial marriage. It could happen again on gay marriage. - The Washington Post

So, par for the course.

Yes because everyone is just terribly accepting of this crap.

LOL! This nonsense makes obamaScare look like a wildly embraced PUBLIC MANDATE!

Seriously, you remind me of a monkey throwing crap in the zoo at random people.
And just as worthy of debate...

Hmm, I should stop replying then.
Yep, but don't let me stop you if you're having fun. Wasting time is what we do here, nothing more.
How about this: I shall coin a new word for you same-sex marriage advocates. I shall call you a Heterophobe. You are so afraid of straight people with their reproduction and their families and their adherence to moral values. Who knows, you might even be an Anglophobe. In your case, it could be equated to masochism, since most liberals are self-hating anyway. I would also suspect that you're an Ameriphobe, since you show nothing but utter disrespect for the country you live in.

Doesn't make a lot of sense I (and every other liberal) fully support heterosexuality and opposite sex marriage. You need to think these things through.
Even though that's like never been a requirement in the United States. Are you saying all Hindu, Buddhist and atheist weddings are invalid? Or are you only cherry picking the couple's sexual orientation?

Oh I am definitely isolating those who would seek to marry people of their same gender.

But that's only because, as every valid religion in world history has recognized that nature designed the species with two distinct but complementing genders; each respectively designed to join with the other. Wherein the two bodies join, forming one sustainable body from two.

So, it has nothing to do with Christianity then. You're just a homophobe hiding behind a religion, talk about subjective.

The 90's called, they want their terminology back. Fear and disgust are two entirely different things. The only thing to fear about twinkies, is that they'd accidentally decorate your house in the wrong color. What I'm feeling more is disgust, revulsion, repugnance, distaste, odium, abhorrence, or just downright pity.

I thank God I'm a 100% sexually-functional male living in the USA. merica! Fuck yea!

The 90s called? Dude, that's already 40 years beyond you.

How about this: I shall coin a new word for you same-sex marriage advocates. I shall call you a Heterophobe. You are so afraid of straight people with their reproduction and their families and their adherence to moral values. Who knows, you might even be an Anglophobe. In your case, it could be equated to masochism, since most liberals are self-hating white people anyway. I would also suspect that you're an Ameriphobe, since you show nothing but utter disrespect for the country you live in.
Straight people make gay people, who then have equal rights. Try again little Ayn Rander....
Even though that's like never been a requirement in the United States. Are you saying all Hindu, Buddhist and atheist weddings are invalid? Or are you only cherry picking the couple's sexual orientation?

Oh I am definitely isolating those who would seek to marry people of their same gender.

But that's only because, as every valid religion in world history has recognized that nature designed the species with two distinct but complementing genders; each respectively designed to join with the other. Wherein the two bodies join, forming one sustainable body from two.

So, it has nothing to do with Christianity then. You're just a homophobe hiding behind a religion, talk about subjective.

The 90's called, they want their terminology back. Fear and disgust are two entirely different things. The only thing to fear about twinkies, is that they'd accidentally decorate your house in the wrong color. What I'm feeling more is disgust, revulsion, repugnance, distaste, odium, abhorrence, or just downright pity.

I thank God I'm a 100% sexually-functional male living in the USA. merica! Fuck yea!

The 90s called? Dude, that's already 40 years beyond you.

How about this: I shall coin a new word for you same-sex marriage advocates. I shall call you a Heterophobe. You are so afraid of straight people with their reproduction and their families and their adherence to moral values. Who knows, you might even be an Anglophobe. In your case, it could be equated to masochism, since most liberals are self-hating white people anyway. I would also suspect that you're an Ameriphobe, since you show nothing but utter disrespect for the country you live in.
I pity you.
Also, you disgust me.
Oh I am definitely isolating those who would seek to marry people of their same gender.

But that's only because, as every valid religion in world history has recognized that nature designed the species with two distinct but complementing genders; each respectively designed to join with the other. Wherein the two bodies join, forming one sustainable body from two.

So, it has nothing to do with Christianity then. You're just a homophobe hiding behind a religion, talk about subjective.

The 90's called, they want their terminology back. Fear and disgust are two entirely different things. The only thing to fear about twinkies, is that they'd accidentally decorate your house in the wrong color. What I'm feeling more is disgust, revulsion, repugnance, distaste, odium, abhorrence, or just downright pity.

I thank God I'm a 100% sexually-functional male living in the USA. merica! Fuck yea!

The 90s called? Dude, that's already 40 years beyond you.

How about this: I shall coin a new word for you same-sex marriage advocates. I shall call you a Heterophobe. You are so afraid of straight people with their reproduction and their families and their adherence to moral values. Who knows, you might even be an Anglophobe. In your case, it could be equated to masochism, since most liberals are self-hating white people anyway. I would also suspect that you're an Ameriphobe, since you show nothing but utter disrespect for the country you live in.
I pity you.
Also, you disgust me.

Is that it? Or do you have more cheese to go with that whine?
How about this: I shall coin a new word for you same-sex marriage advocates. I shall call you a Heterophobe. You are so afraid of straight people with their reproduction and their families and their adherence to moral values..

:clap2: BINGO.
So, it has nothing to do with Christianity then. You're just a homophobe hiding behind a religion, talk about subjective.

The 90's called, they want their terminology back. Fear and disgust are two entirely different things. The only thing to fear about twinkies, is that they'd accidentally decorate your house in the wrong color. What I'm feeling more is disgust, revulsion, repugnance, distaste, odium, abhorrence, or just downright pity.

I thank God I'm a 100% sexually-functional male living in the USA. merica! Fuck yea!

The 90s called? Dude, that's already 40 years beyond you.

How about this: I shall coin a new word for you same-sex marriage advocates. I shall call you a Heterophobe. You are so afraid of straight people with their reproduction and their families and their adherence to moral values. Who knows, you might even be an Anglophobe. In your case, it could be equated to masochism, since most liberals are self-hating white people anyway. I would also suspect that you're an Ameriphobe, since you show nothing but utter disrespect for the country you live in.
I pity you.
Also, you disgust me.

Is that it? Or do you have more cheese to go with that whine?
It's more attention from me than you deserve.
I've suffered enough at the hands of the likes of you.
You cannot touch, or hurt me any longer.
I live well. You are the trash struggling to convince yourself you are worth something. You fight against your self doubt by flailing with balled fists at any who dare to contradict your insular reality by being other than you.
I wish you healing and peace.

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