Alabama Counties Stop Issuing Marriage Licenses

You are a joke.
What religiously mandated practices would you deny others?

I basically wouldn't. I am sure you could reach up your ass and invent some cult that believed in drinking blood or something but we're talking about the real world, not what you can pull out of your ass.
Such eloquence! Such scholarly and educated language!
Your use of the title "Rabbi," is offensive and inaccurate to your proven station.
Done with you.
Shalom Chaver!
Thank you for proving you cannot engage the subject for any length of time. You're done. Stick a fork in you.
I choose to end discourse with you because your idea of exchange and debate is to offend and insult in lieu of intelligent and reasonable intercourse.
Additionally, and apropos to this thread, what gives you the right to offend and entire people by co-opting and corrupting an earned and revered title and mantle?
You make a painful mockery of the mantle "Rabbi."

For that reason alone, you are worthy of nothing but to be ignored.

How about just being a man, accepting responsibility, and admitting you were wrong?
Pigs will fly first.
People like that never ever admit they were wrong. It is impossible. They KNOW they are right. They KNOW they are on the side of angels and anyone opposed must be motivated by racism/homophobia/whatever. But when asked to make an account of their beliefs they cannot answer simple questions on it.
I basically wouldn't. I am sure you could reach up your ass and invent some cult that believed in drinking blood or something but we're talking about the real world, not what you can pull out of your ass.
Such eloquence! Such scholarly and educated language!
Your use of the title "Rabbi," is offensive and inaccurate to your proven station.
Done with you.
Shalom Chaver!
Thank you for proving you cannot engage the subject for any length of time. You're done. Stick a fork in you.
I choose to end discourse with you because your idea of exchange and debate is to offend and insult in lieu of intelligent and reasonable intercourse.
Additionally, and apropos to this thread, what gives you the right to offend and entire people by co-opting and corrupting an earned and revered title and mantle?
You make a painful mockery of the mantle "Rabbi."

For that reason alone, you are worthy of nothing but to be ignored.

How about just being a man, accepting responsibility, and admitting you were wrong?
I am more "man" than you, and I am most certainly Not wrong!

Obviously not man enough to admit he was wrong.

Go home and grow up, little one. Come back when you've learned some humility and responsibility.
In the entire history of humanity: NO LAW HAS EVER BEEN BROKEN BY A THOUGHT.

Who claimed otherwise?
You did... and ya did so through implication. It's right in the record above.

Let's review:

Not baking a cake, is by definition: INACTION; OKA: THE REFUSAL TO ACT.

You claimed that the principled stand, wherein an individual REFUSES TO TAKE ACTION, CONSTITUTES ACTION.

A law which requires one to ACT outside of what they know to be truthful, viable and sustainable actions, is INVALID LAW and does NOT OBLIGATE A VIABLE INDIVIDUAL and by extension is not relevant to, thus is counter productive to a viable culture.

Thus you are claiming that THOSE THOUGHTS ARE CRIMINAL... in that they provide for one to NOT TAKE ACTION, where the would-be law, requires they must.

There's nothing complex about any of this, yet there you are... completely incapable of discussing it without wholly humiliating yourself.

There are people who because of their religion believe that they should not have to pay taxes that go to finance wars, or the weapons of wars.

Should they?
My take is that he believes bigotry, in the form of discrimination is a protected Constitutional right and the American ideal.

Gays are merely people doing some deviant sex. Which is an act, not a state of being. Can someone point me to the place in the Constitution where it says "some but not all behaviors are protected here" and a list of which behaviors those are?

My take is that he believes bigotry, in the form of discrimination is a protected Constitutional right and the American ideal.

Gays are merely people doing some deviant sex. Which is an act, not a state of being. Can someone point me to the place in the Constitution where it says "some but not all behaviors are protected here" and a list of which behaviors those are?

Well, your behavior is certainly questionable
My take is that he believes bigotry, in the form of discrimination is a protected Constitutional right and the American ideal.

Gays are merely people doing some deviant sex. Which is an act, not a state of being. Can someone point me to the place in the Constitution where it says "some but not all behaviors are protected here" and a list of which behaviors those are?


Gay people perform the same sex acts as straight couples.
My take is that he believes bigotry, in the form of discrimination is a protected Constitutional right and the American ideal.

Gays are merely people doing some deviant sex. Which is an act, not a state of being. Can someone point me to the place in the Constitution where it says "some but not all behaviors are protected here" and a list of which behaviors those are?


Gay people perform the same sex acts as straight couples.
I do not hold out hope for the willingly brainwashed.
There is nothing we can say, or do that will open their minds, or soften their hearts.
My take is that he believes bigotry, in the form of discrimination is a protected Constitutional right and the American ideal.

Gays are merely people doing some deviant sex. Which is an act, not a state of being. Can someone point me to the place in the Constitution where it says "some but not all behaviors are protected here" and a list of which behaviors those are?


Gay people perform the same sex acts as straight couples.
They perform vaginal sex? Might want to check that.
You'd need to show that interracial marriage is a demonstrable tenet of Christian faith.

Even though that's like never been a requirement in the United States. Are you saying all Hindu, Buddhist and atheist weddings are invalid? Or are you only cherry picking the couple's sexual orientation?
My take is that he believes bigotry, in the form of discrimination is a protected Constitutional right and the American ideal.

Gays are merely people doing some deviant sex. Which is an act, not a state of being. Can someone point me to the place in the Constitution where it says "some but not all behaviors are protected here" and a list of which behaviors those are?


Gay people perform the same sex acts as straight couples.
I do not hold out hope for the willingly brainwashed.
There is nothing we can say, or do that will open their minds, or soften their hearts.

True. And nice to meet you, btw.
Did Alabama stop marriage when they had to allow blacks and whites to marry?
My take is that he believes bigotry, in the form of discrimination is a protected Constitutional right and the American ideal.

Gays are merely people doing some deviant sex. Which is an act, not a state of being. Can someone point me to the place in the Constitution where it says "some but not all behaviors are protected here" and a list of which behaviors those are?


Gay people perform the same sex acts as straight couples.
I do not hold out hope for the willingly brainwashed.
There is nothing we can say, or do that will open their minds, or soften their hearts.

True. And nice to meet you, btw.
And you as well!
My take is that he believes bigotry, in the form of discrimination is a protected Constitutional right and the American ideal.

Gays are merely people doing some deviant sex. Which is an act, not a state of being. Can someone point me to the place in the Constitution where it says "some but not all behaviors are protected here" and a list of which behaviors those are?


Gay people perform the same sex acts as straight couples.
I do not hold out hope for the willingly brainwashed.
There is nothing we can say, or do that will open their minds, or soften their hearts.

True. And nice to meet you, btw.
Thank you!
And you as well!

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