Alabama Counties Stop Issuing Marriage Licenses

Morons. Law requires the issuance of such licenses. The only thing the state government can do legally is to replace marriage with civil union legislation, which is what many LGBT asked for in the first place. LGBT will win again. Inevitable.
Who knew there were still enclaves of inbred mouth breathers in Alabama?
Anyone who has been there recently?
The entire state? You are asshole of epic proportions. A common theme with your ilk.

You obviously don't understand what an enclave is. No, the entire state is not made up of mouth breathers...there are just more of them than most places. They are way over their allotment.
Who knew there were still enclaves of inbred mouth breathers in Alabama?
Anyone who has been there recently?
The entire state? You are asshole of epic proportions. A common theme with your ilk.

You obviously don't understand what an enclave is. No, the entire state is not made up of mouth breathers...there are just more of them than most places. They are way over their allotment.
Nothing compared to California though. Which state is bankrupt?
Who knew there were still enclaves of inbred mouth breathers in Alabama?
Anyone who has been there recently?
The entire state? You are asshole of epic proportions. A common theme with your ilk.

You obviously don't understand what an enclave is. No, the entire state is not made up of mouth breathers...there are just more of them than most places. They are way over their allotment.
Then move out.
Who knew there were still enclaves of inbred mouth breathers in Alabama?
Anyone who has been there recently?
The entire state? You are asshole of epic proportions. A common theme with your ilk.

You obviously don't understand what an enclave is. No, the entire state is not made up of mouth breathers...there are just more of them than most places. They are way over their allotment.
Nothing compared to California though. Which state is bankrupt?

California is doing FAR better than Alabama...{SPOILER ALERT} California is 4th while Alabama...46th. (Wah wah...)

State Economy Rankings
Who knew there were still enclaves of inbred mouth breathers in Alabama?
Anyone who has been there recently?
The entire state? You are asshole of epic proportions. A common theme with your ilk.

You obviously don't understand what an enclave is. No, the entire state is not made up of mouth breathers...there are just more of them than most places. They are way over their allotment.
Then move out.

Move out where? To Alabama? I can now. They have to legally recognize my civil marriage just like yours. Awesome isn't it?

Might be a good place to buy a huge piece of land when I up a big old gay B&B maybe. :lol:
"Pike County officials haven’t issued marriage licenses in months, and today Probate Judge Wes Allen announced that his office is now permanently out of the marriage business.

“My office discontinued issuing marriage licenses in February and I have no plans to put Pike County back into the marriage business,” Allen wrote in a statement. “The policy of my office regarding marriage is no different today than it was yesterday.”

Apparently the law says they MAY issue marriage licenses, not that they must.

Two counties out of marriage business for good after Supreme Court ruling

Great idea...

Simply stop issuing Marriage Licenses all together... Let the Church which marries people issue the document which designates them as married and only recognize those people as married.


Well marriage is after all, defined as a holy bond between one man and one woman. There is no Biblical church that I know of, that could honestly say it's adhering to God's word by attempting to marry a same-sex couple.

Any so-called "church" that sanctioned that, would be defying God.
Actually any so-called "church" that does not sanction gay marriages is defying God.

And my opinion on what God wants or doesn't want is just as valid as yours.

OFFGWFTBBQ! God wants us to sodomize each other???? Are you serious? Have you even read the BIble?

Maybe you should start with the book of Romans and work your way back. :wtf:
Who knew there were still enclaves of inbred mouth breathers in Alabama?
Anyone who has been there recently?
The entire state? You are asshole of epic proportions. A common theme with your ilk.

You obviously don't understand what an enclave is. No, the entire state is not made up of mouth breathers...there are just more of them than most places. They are way over their allotment.
Nothing compared to California though. Which state is bankrupt?
You're obviously not paying attention to current events. CA isn't bankrupt. We have a drought, yes...but not bankrupt.
It seems that individual freedoms and liberties are only extended to a few select Liberal groups.

Absolute horseshit. Gay gained the ability to marry the one they love. No one, repeat NO ONE, lost any individual freedoms or liberties.
Alabama and 18 other states can stop issuing Marriage licenses altogether if they want. The supreme court will have to extend their ruling to common law marriage since their ruling only guarantees the right to a marriage license.

"The Court, in this decision, holds same-sex couples may exercise the fundamental right to marry in all States. It follows that the Court also must hold—and it now does hold—that there is no lawful basis for a State to refuse to recognize a lawful same-sex marriage performed in another State on the ground of its same-sex character."​


It covers any means by which a State recognizes Civil Marriage as a legal status.


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