Alabama Counties Stop Issuing Marriage Licenses

JGalt, most Americans are not literalist evangelicals, because their theology is bad.
"Pike County officials haven’t issued marriage licenses in months, and today Probate Judge Wes Allen announced that his office is now permanently out of the marriage business.

“My office discontinued issuing marriage licenses in February and I have no plans to put Pike County back into the marriage business,” Allen wrote in a statement. “The policy of my office regarding marriage is no different today than it was yesterday.”

Apparently the law says they MAY issue marriage licenses, not that they must.

Two counties out of marriage business for good after Supreme Court ruling

I wonder if he held his breath and stomped his feet while throwing this childish tantrum.
Great idea...

Simply stop issuing Marriage Licenses all together... Let the Church which marries people issue the document which designates them as married and only recognize those people as married.


Perhaps I should move to Alabama. If you get your way, there will be a huge market of gay couples seeking authorized wedding officiants who are willing to perform wedding services for gay couples. Man, I would make a killing.
"Pike County officials haven’t issued marriage licenses in months, and today Probate Judge Wes Allen announced that his office is now permanently out of the marriage business.

“My office discontinued issuing marriage licenses in February and I have no plans to put Pike County back into the marriage business,” Allen wrote in a statement. “The policy of my office regarding marriage is no different today than it was yesterday.”

Apparently the law says they MAY issue marriage licenses, not that they must.

Two counties out of marriage business for good after Supreme Court ruling

Great idea...

Simply stop issuing Marriage Licenses all together... Let the Church which marries people issue the document which designates them as married and only recognize those people as married.


Well marriage is after all, defined as a holy bond between one man and one woman. There is no Biblical church that I know of, that could honestly say it's adhering to God's word by attempting to marry a same-sex couple.

Any so-called "church" that sanctioned that, would be defying God.

There ARE religions that have no problem with same-sex marriage. So I guess you have no problem with them sanctioning marriages?
Great idea...

Simply stop issuing Marriage Licenses all together... Let the Church which marries people issue the document which designates them as married and only recognize those people as married.


Perhaps I should move to Alabama. If you get your way, there will be a huge market of gay couples seeking authorized wedding officiants who are willing to perform wedding services for gay couples. Man, I would make a killing.

They tried this back in Feb when the courts ruled against Alabama's ban on gay weddings.

There is no shortage of people willing to perform the weddings. But the local probate judges are refusing to issue any marriage licenses.
Mississippi is actually talking about it too..............Get out of the marriage business and allow clergy to sign the paperwork............yet they can't be forced to do so via religious beliefs..........

Depends. If those states continue to authorize government officials like judges to perform non religious wedding ceremonies, then all would be fine. However, if the states were to change their laws such that going through a religious institution became the only way to become legally married in the state, then that would be unconstitutional.
Who knew there were still enclaves of inbred mouth breathers in Alabama?
Anyone who has been there recently?
The entire state? You are asshole of epic proportions. A common theme with your ilk.

You obviously don't understand what an enclave is. No, the entire state is not made up of mouth breathers...there are just more of them than most places. They are way over their allotment.
Nothing compared to California though. Which state is bankrupt?

California is doing FAR better than Alabama...{SPOILER ALERT} California is 4th while Alabama...46th. (Wah wah...)

State Economy Rankings
California=worst run state in the Union.
Best- and worst-run states Survey of all 50

Typical you cannot get metrics right. You can't figure out Tab A belongs in Slot B.
Good ole Alabama, paradise for the camo-wearing, gun-hoarding, sister-fucking, Walmart-shopping, racist redneck loons. :cuckoo:
Great idea...

Simply stop issuing Marriage Licenses all together... Let the Church which marries people issue the document which designates them as married and only recognize those people as married.


Perhaps I should move to Alabama. If you get your way, there will be a huge market of gay couples seeking authorized wedding officiants who are willing to perform wedding services for gay couples. Man, I would make a killing.

Once again, gay marriage is all about the money. The benefits. And what they can get from the government. Homosexuals are just another entitlement class.
"Pike County officials haven’t issued marriage licenses in months, and today Probate Judge Wes Allen announced that his office is now permanently out of the marriage business.

“My office discontinued issuing marriage licenses in February and I have no plans to put Pike County back into the marriage business,” Allen wrote in a statement. “The policy of my office regarding marriage is no different today than it was yesterday.”

Apparently the law says they MAY issue marriage licenses, not that they must.

Two counties out of marriage business for good after Supreme Court ruling
We will see how long it is before the idiots miss the lost revenue and it forces them to start back up. In the meantime they will recognize couples that get married elsewhere and live in those counties.

Ahh. So. That's what gay marriage all boils down to, isn't it? Money? Benefits?

Gawd, it's good to be straight. Anyone up for a "Straight Pride" parade?

Gay marriage boils down to the same thing it boils down to for straights. To be able to join together in a union (yes, there are benefits) with the one you love and want to spend your life with.
Great idea...

Simply stop issuing Marriage Licenses all together... Let the Church which marries people issue the document which designates them as married and only recognize those people as married.


Perhaps I should move to Alabama. If you get your way, there will be a huge market of gay couples seeking authorized wedding officiants who are willing to perform wedding services for gay couples. Man, I would make a killing.

They tried this back in Feb when the courts ruled against Alabama's ban on gay weddings.

There is no shortage of people willing to perform the weddings. But the local probate judges are refusing to issue any marriage licenses.
There is no law that forces anyone to issue a marriage license.
"Pike County officials haven’t issued marriage licenses in months, and today Probate Judge Wes Allen announced that his office is now permanently out of the marriage business.

“My office discontinued issuing marriage licenses in February and I have no plans to put Pike County back into the marriage business,” Allen wrote in a statement. “The policy of my office regarding marriage is no different today than it was yesterday.”

Apparently the law says they MAY issue marriage licenses, not that they must.

Two counties out of marriage business for good after Supreme Court ruling
We will see how long it is before the idiots miss the lost revenue and it forces them to start back up. In the meantime they will recognize couples that get married elsewhere and live in those counties.

Ahh. So. That's what gay marriage all boils down to, isn't it? Money? Benefits?

Gawd, it's good to be straight. Anyone up for a "Straight Pride" parade?

Gay marriage boils down to the same thing it boils down to for straights. To be able to join together in a union (yes, there are benefits) with the one you love and want to spend your life with.
No one is denying gays the ability to join in a union with the one they love and spend the rest of their lives with them.
What's the rate of gay divorce, btw?
Mississippi is actually talking about it too..............Get out of the marriage business and allow clergy to sign the paperwork............yet they can't be forced to do so via religious beliefs..........

Depends. If those states continue to authorize government officials like judges to perform non religious wedding ceremonies, then all would be fine. However, if the states were to change their laws such that going through a religious institution became the only way to become legally married in the state, then that would be unconstitutional.
Indeed. The feds would be running the court houses within a week.
" Homosexuals are just another entitlement class", no different than the heterosexuals. :lol:
Mississippi is actually talking about it too..............Get out of the marriage business and allow clergy to sign the paperwork............yet they can't be forced to do so via religious beliefs..........

Depends. If those states continue to authorize government officials like judges to perform non religious wedding ceremonies, then all would be fine. However, if the states were to change their laws such that going through a religious institution became the only way to become legally married in the state, then that would be unconstitutional.
Indeed. The feds would be running the court houses within a week.
Wrong and wrong.
There is nothing in the Constitution that obligates states to issue marriage licenses.
Equally the Federal government has no power to take over state courts.
Another JakeStarkey fail post.
If the state courts will not enforce the equal treatment of individuals and guarantee their right to marriage, the feds will run the courts. Watch.
Mississippi is actually talking about it too..............Get out of the marriage business and allow clergy to sign the paperwork............yet they can't be forced to do so via religious beliefs..........

Depends. If those states continue to authorize government officials like judges to perform non religious wedding ceremonies, then all would be fine. However, if the states were to change their laws such that going through a religious institution became the only way to become legally married in the state, then that would be unconstitutional.
Indeed. The feds would be running the court houses within a week.
Wrong and wrong.
There is nothing in the Constitution that obligates states to issue marriage licenses.
Equally the Federal government has no power to take over state courts.
Another JakeStarkey fail post.

So, since gays are allowed to get married, and these probate judges don't like it, then nobody is able to get married? lmao

It didn't work back in Feb in Alabama, and it won't work this time.
Mississippi is actually talking about it too..............Get out of the marriage business and allow clergy to sign the paperwork............yet they can't be forced to do so via religious beliefs..........

Depends. If those states continue to authorize government officials like judges to perform non religious wedding ceremonies, then all would be fine. However, if the states were to change their laws such that going through a religious institution became the only way to become legally married in the state, then that would be unconstitutional.
Indeed. The feds would be running the court houses within a week.
Wrong and wrong.
There is nothing in the Constitution that obligates states to issue marriage licenses.
Equally the Federal government has no power to take over state courts.
Another JakeStarkey fail post.

So, since gays are allowed to get married, and these probate judges don't like it, then nobody is able to get married? lmao

It didn't work back in Feb in Alabama, and it won't work this time.
There is no obligation to issue a marriage license. IF the state issues them, it must issue them to same sex couples as well, is all the USSC ruled.
Oh, if only things could go back to the good ole days for Alabama. Ya know, when it was perfectly legal for redneck psychos to brutally torture and murder black slaves and gays. :cuckoo:

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