Alabama may have finally offered a shot to a dem. senator

Of course, its unlikely that a vivid red state like Alabama may actually elected a democrat to the Senate....but for the first time in decades, having chosen a nut case like Roy Moore last night, may actually help the DNC's efforts.

Moore is clearly a product of the 1950s, and he is NOT a maverick, but a throwback to racist, xenophobic,and anti-Constitution (defying even a conservative SCOTUS) rhetoric.

The very low turnout of Alabamans yesterday, may show that even conservatives in that state had a choice between two biased and ignorant candidates.
Alabama. Think George Wallace. Think Bull Connor.

Both Democrats.

When I think of Alabama I think of my two favorite authors. Harper Lee and her equally famous neighbor Truman Capote.
Yes...that's they way they were back then. We call them Republicans now.


Old and lame Bod.
Yeah, really. I don't have to refute it. Like you lefties do when you don't like something, all one has to do is question the source. Funny how that no longer applies when it's used against you.

Funny how a n-lover expects more out of me than he's shown he's willing to do.

He's an honorable American that pisses off a piece of shit like you. If that's all he ever did, that would be good enough for me. If you're pissed, I know he's right.
Thank you for admitting that it's all true with all of that bovine excrement about the source. Now all that you have to do is grow a pair and admit it outright that you agree with it all.

I agree with Roy Moore. That he pisses off a piece of shit like you is a bonus. That you can't do a damn thing about it is an added bonus.
Actually, I'm happy that he won the primary. It gives the Dem contender a fighting chance to win the seat. Failing that, he will be one more divisive trouble maker for the Senate Republicans further tearing the party apart and making it even harder for them to accomplish anything.

That they piss you off means they're doing things you don't like.
Keep on a jabbering brudda

Keep on crying, pussy.
It just gets worse:

Meet Roy Moore, Alabama's 'Truly Unhinged' Senate Candidate | HuffPost

He is clearly unfit for office , which then leaves the question....Why didn't Trump back him?
Anyone who supports this shit stain has no understanding or appreciation of the Constitution and therefore no place in government. Hell, they have no place in this country

Huffpost and RightWing Watch? Really.
Yea Really?? RRW is a publication of People for the American Way. The Huff Post is an award winning news organization. This shit is not made up. If you think that it is try to refute it. Surly you can do better than this.

Why don't you just be honest and admit that you agree with him, instead of trying to claim that he is something other than what he is?

Yeah, really. I don't have to refute it. Like you lefties do when you don't like something, all one has to do is question the source. Funny how that no longer applies when it's used against you.

Funny how a n-lover expects more out of me than he's shown he's willing to do.

He's an honorable American that pisses off a piece of shit like you. If that's all he ever did, that would be good enough for me. If you're pissed, I know he's right.
I don't get why you think calling someone an "n-lover" is some kind of insult.
It was in the 1950s

Being one today is someone insulting him/herself.
Of course, its unlikely that a vivid red state like Alabama may actually elected a democrat to the Senate....but for the first time in decades, having chosen a nut case like Roy Moore last night, may actually help the DNC's efforts.

Moore is clearly a product of the 1950s, and he is NOT a maverick, but a throwback to racist, xenophobic,and anti-Constitution (defying even a conservative SCOTUS) rhetoric.

The very low turnout of Alabamans yesterday, may show that even conservatives in that state had a choice between two biased and ignorant candidates.

Are there any Republicans who are not racist, sexist, xenophobic, and whatever? I only wonder, because your daily rants are inevitably along those lines.
He's an honorable American that pisses off a piece of shit like you. If that's all he ever did, that would be good enough for me. If you're pissed, I know he's right

Actually, I'm far from pissed......Electing a piece of racist scum like Moore, ensures that the right wing senate will NEVER get anything done until after the 2018 elections.

Yet you elected a black racist piece of shit twice for President, n-lover.
You seem to think that there is something wrong with being a "n-lover".....why?
He's an honorable American that pisses off a piece of shit like you. If that's all he ever did, that would be good enough for me. If you're pissed, I know he's right

Actually, I'm far from pissed......Electing a piece of racist scum like Moore, ensures that the right wing senate will NEVER get anything done until after the 2018 elections.

Yet you elected a black racist piece of shit twice for President, n-lover.
You seem to think that there is something wrong with being a "n-lover".....why?

It's obvious. Even hard working, honorable blacks have figured it out.
Are there any Republicans who are not racist, sexist, xenophobic, and whatever? I only wonder, because your daily rants are inevitably along those lines.

That is YOUR fucked up interpretation....since most of my family members are republicans, I do NOT think they're all racists.......However, MOST racists are indeed republicans or vote for the GOP......Are you one of those???
Alabama is a lost cause for the foreseeable future.
Are you sure about that?

I'm guessing the Dems will be able to roll out all kinds of shit on this guy. I haven't seen any polls.

Never sure about anything, really won't matter, Trump could shoot someone on 1st Ave and wouldn't loose any votes. A conservative in Bama could do that or worse and not loose there.

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