Alabama may have finally offered a shot to a dem. senator

Check the guy out, we just keep putting people in office that have been dragged up from the very bottom of the barrel .watch C-span some time, half of them cant walk & chew gum at the same time.
'll run a six minute mile again and Satan will dance in a full moon before Alabama elects a dem. LOL

they make us look sane here in Mississippi. LOL

Well, I believe that Alabama had a democrat in the Senate a mere 20 years ago...Hope springs eternal.........LOL
There is no way the knuckle draggers in Alabama would turn against the GOP. Conservatives have a sworn duty to the billionaires to elect their Republican lapdogs.
George Wallace. Bull Connor. Blowing up little girls at church. Need we say more about Alabama?
Gulf Shores and Pointe Clear are real nice though. (-:

As are lieutenant Dan and Bayou La Batre.
Everybody you don't like is a racist. What a joke

Hey, moron.......Moore will openly "boast" that he is a racist...THAT was his entire platform and equally racist Alabamans "love" it.......

"During a campaign speech, Moore made comments about racial division that have widely been regarded as controversial. Moore decried racial divisions plaguing the United States, and paraphrased children's Sunday School Song "Jesus Loves the Little Children", stating: “Now we have blacks and whites fighting, reds and yellows fighting, Democrats and Republicans fighting, men and women fighting. What’s going to unite us? What’s going to bring us back together? A president? A Congress? No. It’s going to be God.” Moore’s campaign responded to a request for comment about his remarks stating that the candidate was referencing a children's song appealing for racial healing."

Ohhh... the horror.
So....Moore is willing to accept everyone's different version of god......and/or goddess?
Everybody you don't like is a racist. What a joke

Hey, moron.......Moore will openly "boast" that he is a racist...THAT was his entire platform and equally racist Alabamans "love" it.......

"During a campaign speech, Moore made comments about racial division that have widely been regarded as controversial. Moore decried racial divisions plaguing the United States, and paraphrased children's Sunday School Song "Jesus Loves the Little Children", stating: “Now we have blacks and whites fighting, reds and yellows fighting, Democrats and Republicans fighting, men and women fighting. What’s going to unite us? What’s going to bring us back together? A president? A Congress? No. It’s going to be God.” Moore’s campaign responded to a request for comment about his remarks stating that the candidate was referencing a children's song appealing for racial healing."

Ohhh... the horror.
So....Moore is willing to accept everyone's different version of god......and/or goddess?

No clue, don't care.
It just gets worse:

Meet Roy Moore, Alabama's 'Truly Unhinged' Senate Candidate | HuffPost

He is clearly unfit for office , which then leaves the question....Why didn't Trump back him?
Anyone who supports this shit stain has no understanding or appreciation of the Constitution and therefore no place in government. Hell, they have no place in this country

Huffpost and RightWing Watch? Really.
Yea Really?? RRW is a publication of People for the American Way. The Huff Post is an award winning news organization. This shit is not made up. If you think that it is try to refute it. Surly you can do better than this.

Why don't you just be honest and admit that you agree with him, instead of trying to claim that he is something other than what he is?

Yeah, really. I don't have to refute it. Like you lefties do when you don't like something, all one has to do is question the source. Funny how that no longer applies when it's used against you.

Funny how a n-lover expects more out of me than he's shown he's willing to do.

He's an honorable American that pisses off a piece of shit like you. If that's all he ever did, that would be good enough for me. If you're pissed, I know he's right.
Thank you for admitting that it's all true with all of that bovine excrement about the source. Now all that you have to do is grow a pair and admit it outright that you agree with it all.

I agree with Roy Moore. That he pisses off a piece of shit like you is a bonus. That you can't do a damn thing about it is an added bonus.
Actually, I'm happy that he won the primary. It gives the Dem contender a fighting chance to win the seat. Failing that, he will be one more divisive trouble maker for the Senate Republicans further tearing the party apart and making it even harder for them to accomplish anything.
He's an honorable American that pisses off a piece of shit like you. If that's all he ever did, that would be good enough for me. If you're pissed, I know he's right

Actually, I'm far from pissed......Electing a piece of racist scum like Moore, ensures that the right wing senate will NEVER get anything done until after the 2018 elections.

Yet you elected a black racist piece of shit twice for President, n-lover.
It just gets worse:

Meet Roy Moore, Alabama's 'Truly Unhinged' Senate Candidate | HuffPost

He is clearly unfit for office , which then leaves the question....Why didn't Trump back him?
He’s shown time and again that he holds the word of God above that of the Constitution, a view that has gotten him into trouble more than once.

“I want to see virtue and morality returned to our country and God is the only source of our law, liberty and government,” Moore said just last week in a debate with Luther Strange, who lost the GOP nomination despite millions of dollars in Republican backing and an endorsement from President Donald Trump.

In 2003, Moore was removed as chief justice of Alabama’s Supreme Court after he erected a 5,200-pound monument of the 10 Commandments inside the state’s judicial building. Lawsuits were filed contending that it represented a government-endorsed display of religion.

Moore was re-elected to the bench in 2012, but was suspended again last year after he was found guilty on six charges of violating the canons of judicial ethics. In 2014, he wrote letters to governors of every state asking for their support in a constitutional amendment that would define marriage as between a man and a woman. In 2015, he ordered Alabama judges to defy a 2015 U.S. Supreme Court ruling and instead enforce their “ministerial duty” by refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses.

Moore argued to prohibit Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) from entering Congress after he put his hand atop a Quran instead of a Bible during his swearing-in.

Moore suggested in a speech this year that the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks on the U.S. were because America had distanced itself from “the one that has it within his hands to heal this land.” God isn’t happy, he implied, because the U.S. legitimizes sodomy and abortion.

Anyone who supports this shit stain has no understanding or appreciation of the Constitution and therefore no place in government. Hell, they have no place in this country

Huffpost and RightWing Watch? Really.
Yea Really?? RRW is a publication of People for the American Way. The Huff Post is an award winning news organization. This shit is not made up. If you think that it is try to refute it. Surly you can do better than this.

Why don't you just be honest and admit that you agree with him, instead of trying to claim that he is something other than what he is?

Yeah, really. I don't have to refute it. Like you lefties do when you don't like something, all one has to do is question the source. Funny how that no longer applies when it's used against you.

Funny how a n-lover expects more out of me than he's shown he's willing to do.

He's an honorable American that pisses off a piece of shit like you. If that's all he ever did, that would be good enough for me. If you're pissed, I know he's right.
I don't get why you think calling someone an "n-lover" is some kind of insult.

I don't do it as an insult. If people take it that way, and they do, it's because they realize being one only lowers their level of character.
Huffpost and RightWing Watch? Really.
Yea Really?? RRW is a publication of People for the American Way. The Huff Post is an award winning news organization. This shit is not made up. If you think that it is try to refute it. Surly you can do better than this.

Why don't you just be honest and admit that you agree with him, instead of trying to claim that he is something other than what he is?

Yeah, really. I don't have to refute it. Like you lefties do when you don't like something, all one has to do is question the source. Funny how that no longer applies when it's used against you.

Funny how a n-lover expects more out of me than he's shown he's willing to do.

He's an honorable American that pisses off a piece of shit like you. If that's all he ever did, that would be good enough for me. If you're pissed, I know he's right.
Thank you for admitting that it's all true with all of that bovine excrement about the source. Now all that you have to do is grow a pair and admit it outright that you agree with it all.

I agree with Roy Moore. That he pisses off a piece of shit like you is a bonus. That you can't do a damn thing about it is an added bonus.
Actually, I'm happy that he won the primary. It gives the Dem contender a fighting chance to win the seat. Failing that, he will be one more divisive trouble maker for the Senate Republicans further tearing the party apart and making it even harder for them to accomplish anything.

That they piss you off means they're doing things you don't like.
Of course, its unlikely that a vivid red state like Alabama may actually elected a democrat to the Senate....but for the first time in decades, having chosen a nut case like Roy Moore last night, may actually help the DNC's efforts.

Moore is clearly a product of the 1950s, and he is NOT a maverick, but a throwback to racist, xenophobic,and anti-Constitution (defying even a conservative SCOTUS) rhetoric.

The very low turnout of Alabamans yesterday, may show that even conservatives in that state had a choice between two biased and ignorant candidates.

From the "Trump has no path to the White House" side of the aisle
Yea Really?? RRW is a publication of People for the American Way. The Huff Post is an award winning news organization. This shit is not made up. If you think that it is try to refute it. Surly you can do better than this.

Why don't you just be honest and admit that you agree with him, instead of trying to claim that he is something other than what he is?

Yeah, really. I don't have to refute it. Like you lefties do when you don't like something, all one has to do is question the source. Funny how that no longer applies when it's used against you.

Funny how a n-lover expects more out of me than he's shown he's willing to do.

He's an honorable American that pisses off a piece of shit like you. If that's all he ever did, that would be good enough for me. If you're pissed, I know he's right.
Thank you for admitting that it's all true with all of that bovine excrement about the source. Now all that you have to do is grow a pair and admit it outright that you agree with it all.

I agree with Roy Moore. That he pisses off a piece of shit like you is a bonus. That you can't do a damn thing about it is an added bonus.
Actually, I'm happy that he won the primary. It gives the Dem contender a fighting chance to win the seat. Failing that, he will be one more divisive trouble maker for the Senate Republicans further tearing the party apart and making it even harder for them to accomplish anything.

That they piss you off means they're doing things you don't like.
Keep on a jabbering brudda
Of course, its unlikely that a vivid red state like Alabama may actually elected a democrat to the Senate....but for the first time in decades, having chosen a nut case like Roy Moore last night, may actually help the DNC's efforts.

Moore is clearly a product of the 1950s, and he is NOT a maverick, but a throwback to racist, xenophobic,and anti-Constitution (defying even a conservative SCOTUS) rhetoric.

The very low turnout of Alabamans yesterday, may show that even conservatives in that state had a choice between two biased and ignorant candidates.

It would be a long shot and would take a heavy turnout of the black vote in Alabama

Don't think that will happen but it is an opportunity for Dems to pump money into the Alabama election

Save the money for more winnable states, Alabama is a lost cause for the foreseeable future.

I agree, Unless Moore seriously self destructs, Alabama will turn out for him
They actually like the retard

It's easy to see why the conservatives were attracted to him. Between Strange and Moore, Moore was by far the most unethical. Which makes it surprising that the Big Orange Idiot backed Strange.

Strange is cautious and calculated
Moore is batshit crazy

Is there any question Republicans will choose batshit crazy
It just gets worse:

Meet Roy Moore, Alabama's 'Truly Unhinged' Senate Candidate | HuffPost

He is clearly unfit for office , which then leaves the question....Why didn't Trump back him?
He’s shown time and again that he holds the word of God above that of the Constitution, a view that has gotten him into trouble more than once.

“I want to see virtue and morality returned to our country and God is the only source of our law, liberty and government,” Moore said just last week in a debate with Luther Strange, who lost the GOP nomination despite millions of dollars in Republican backing and an endorsement from President Donald Trump.

In 2003, Moore was removed as chief justice of Alabama’s Supreme Court after he erected a 5,200-pound monument of the 10 Commandments inside the state’s judicial building. Lawsuits were filed contending that it represented a government-endorsed display of religion.

Moore was re-elected to the bench in 2012, but was suspended again last year after he was found guilty on six charges of violating the canons of judicial ethics. In 2014, he wrote letters to governors of every state asking for their support in a constitutional amendment that would define marriage as between a man and a woman. In 2015, he ordered Alabama judges to defy a 2015 U.S. Supreme Court ruling and instead enforce their “ministerial duty” by refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses.

Moore argued to prohibit Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) from entering Congress after he put his hand atop a Quran instead of a Bible during his swearing-in.

Moore suggested in a speech this year that the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks on the U.S. were because America had distanced itself from “the one that has it within his hands to heal this land.” God isn’t happy, he implied, because the U.S. legitimizes sodomy and abortion.

Anyone who supports this shit stain has no understanding or appreciation of the Constitution and therefore no place in government. Hell, they have no place in this country

Huffpost and RightWing Watch? Really.
Yea Really?? RRW is a publication of People for the American Way. The Huff Post is an award winning news organization. This shit is not made up. If you think that it is try to refute it. Surly you can do better than this.

Why don't you just be honest and admit that you agree with him, instead of trying to claim that he is something other than what he is?

Yeah, really. I don't have to refute it. Like you lefties do when you don't like something, all one has to do is question the source. Funny how that no longer applies when it's used against you.

Funny how a n-lover expects more out of me than he's shown he's willing to do.

He's an honorable American that pisses off a piece of shit like you. If that's all he ever did, that would be good enough for me. If you're pissed, I know he's right.
I don't get why you think calling someone an "n-lover" is some kind of insult.
It was in the 1950s
Of course, its unlikely that a vivid red state like Alabama may actually elected a democrat to the Senate....but for the first time in decades, having chosen a nut case like Roy Moore last night, may actually help the DNC's efforts.

Moore is clearly a product of the 1950s, and he is NOT a maverick, but a throwback to racist, xenophobic,and anti-Constitution (defying even a conservative SCOTUS) rhetoric.

The very low turnout of Alabamans yesterday, may show that even conservatives in that state had a choice between two biased and ignorant candidates.

From the "Trump has no path to the White House" side of the aisle
Very true

Never underestimate how batshit crazy Republicans can be
Last edited:
Of course, its unlikely that a vivid red state like Alabama may actually elected a democrat to the Senate....but for the first time in decades, having chosen a nut case like Roy Moore last night, may actually help the DNC's efforts.

Moore is clearly a product of the 1950s, and he is NOT a maverick, but a throwback to racist, xenophobic,and anti-Constitution (defying even a conservative SCOTUS) rhetoric.

The very low turnout of Alabamans yesterday, may show that even conservatives in that state had a choice between two biased and ignorant candidates.
Alabama. Think George Wallace. Think Bull Connor.

Both Democrats.

When I think of Alabama I think of my two favorite authors. Harper Lee and her equally famous neighbor Truman Capote.
Of course, its unlikely that a vivid red state like Alabama may actually elected a democrat to the Senate....but for the first time in decades, having chosen a nut case like Roy Moore last night, may actually help the DNC's efforts.

Moore is clearly a product of the 1950s, and he is NOT a maverick, but a throwback to racist, xenophobic,and anti-Constitution (defying even a conservative SCOTUS) rhetoric.

The very low turnout of Alabamans yesterday, may show that even conservatives in that state had a choice between two biased and ignorant candidates.

From the "Trump has no path to the White House" side of the aisle
Very true

Never underestimate how batshit crazy Republicans can be

If he shakes up that dead beat McConnell I am all for it. As for the rest of your hyperbole today's liberals view almost all conservatives in that lying light.

If you don't eat yer meat.......You can't have any pudding

All in all just another brick in the wall.
Of course, its unlikely that a vivid red state like Alabama may actually elected a democrat to the Senate....but for the first time in decades, having chosen a nut case like Roy Moore last night, may actually help the DNC's efforts.

Moore is clearly a product of the 1950s, and he is NOT a maverick, but a throwback to racist, xenophobic,and anti-Constitution (defying even a conservative SCOTUS) rhetoric.

The very low turnout of Alabamans yesterday, may show that even conservatives in that state had a choice between two biased and ignorant candidates.

From the "Trump has no path to the White House" side of the aisle
Very true

Never underestimate how batshit crazy Republicans can be

If he shakes up that dead beat McConnell I am all for it. As for the rest of your hyperbole today's liberals view almost all conservatives in that lying light.

If you don't eat yer meat.......You can't have any pudding

All in all just another brick in the wall.

How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?"
Of course, its unlikely that a vivid red state like Alabama may actually elected a democrat to the Senate....but for the first time in decades, having chosen a nut case like Roy Moore last night, may actually help the DNC's efforts.

Moore is clearly a product of the 1950s, and he is NOT a maverick, but a throwback to racist, xenophobic,and anti-Constitution (defying even a conservative SCOTUS) rhetoric.

The very low turnout of Alabamans yesterday, may show that even conservatives in that state had a choice between two biased and ignorant candidates.
That's why Trump backed Strange.
Of course, the more forward thinking people in Alabama may stay home in November, too.
Of course, its unlikely that a vivid red state like Alabama may actually elected a democrat to the Senate....but for the first time in decades, having chosen a nut case like Roy Moore last night, may actually help the DNC's efforts.

Moore is clearly a product of the 1950s, and he is NOT a maverick, but a throwback to racist, xenophobic,and anti-Constitution (defying even a conservative SCOTUS) rhetoric.

The very low turnout of Alabamans yesterday, may show that even conservatives in that state had a choice between two biased and ignorant candidates.
Alabama. Think George Wallace. Think Bull Connor.

Both Democrats.

When I think of Alabama I think of my two favorite authors. Harper Lee and her equally famous neighbor Truman Capote.
Yes...that's they way they were back then. We call them Republicans now.

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