Alabama schools forced to destroy tornado shelters

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Gotta love FEMA and central bureaucracy.

FEMA rules will leave DeKalb County schools little choice except to demolish a new, $500,000 tornado shelter once a storm-damaged campus is repaired and students leave mobile classrooms, the county's top educator said.
That shelter, plus other school shelters that the Federal Emergency Management Agency is paying to install in other counties, is intended only for temporary use while students attend class in portable classrooms due to tornado damage. But once that purpose is served, a school system can keep the shelter or transfer it to the local community only by paying FEMA a fair-market price for it. But FEMA will pay the expense of tearing down the temporary shelter.
"This policy stinks," DeKalb County Superintendent Charles Warren said.
The financially stretched school system's only other option -- selling the Plainview School shelter at fair-market rates and sending the money to FEMA -- isn't any better, he said. "Who in the world is in the market for a used safe room?" Warren asked, "and how in the (world) do you move it?"

Alabama schools complain they will lose new tornado shelters |

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