Alabama Supreme Court has rules " unborn children" are human beings entitled to protection of law


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Alabama Supreme Court Rules ‘Unborn Children … Are Human Beings’ Entitled to Protections of Law
The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled that a woman’s wrongful death lawsuit against an OB/GYN accused of contributing to the death of her unborn child may proceed. It declared that unborn children are human beings whether or not at the point of viability and therefore are entitled to legal protection. “In light of the legislative recognition that a ‘person’

There will always be those who don't support this but oh well what can you do. I happen to agree with it. There are many women who have had abortions and in the long run, or even later on in life end up regretting it.
95% say they end up regretting it. Claiming it often haunts them.
Sometimes it takes a few years to hit. That doesn't mean they sink into the depths of depression, but little passing regrets surface to their thoughts wishing they would have done things differently. Society has made such a stigma about giving a baby up for adoption , some parents have kept their babies if raped.

Some are strong willed and won't abort it they give it up for adoption instead.
Planned parenthood won't tell you ---------- you up your chances of breast cancer by having an abortion.
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Alabama Supreme Court Rules ‘Unborn Children … Are Human Beings’ Entitled to Protections of Law
The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled that a woman’s wrongful death lawsuit against an OB/GYN accused of contributing to the death of her unborn child may proceed. It declared that unborn children are human beings whether or not at the point of viability and therefore are entitled to legal protection. “In light of the legislative recognition that a ‘person’

There will always be those who don't support this but oh well what can you do. I happen to agree with it. There are many women who have had abortions and in the long run, or even later on in life end up regretting it.
95% say they end up regretting it. Claiming it often haunts them.
Sometimes it takes a few years to hit. That doesn't mean the sink into the depths of depression, but little passing regrets surface to their thoughts wishing they would have done things differently. Society has made such a stigma about giving a baby up for adoption , some parents have kept their babies if raped.

Some are strong willed and won't abort it they give it up for adoption instead.
Planned parenthood won't tell you that your up your chances of breast cancer by having an abortion.

Woo Hoo! Alabama!


It's like someone has finally been reading my posts!
Are children outside the womb worthy of eating and having a warm home?

Whether they are worthy or not, we already have laws against the abuse and neglect of children 'outside the womb.' And those laws are supported unanimously.

The hypocrisy is in those who try to deny the same level of protection to those SAME children. . . during the time they are (were) actually IN the womb.
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Liberals deny God. Otherwise they would know: abortion is a deadly sin because a mother kills her own live baby inside herself. Somebody should explain that to liberals to educate them.
Alabama Supreme Court Rules ‘Unborn Children … Are Human Beings’ Entitled to Protections of Law
The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled that a woman’s wrongful death lawsuit against an OB/GYN accused of contributing to the death of her unborn child may proceed. It declared that unborn children are human beings whether or not at the point of viability and therefore are entitled to legal protection. “In light of the legislative recognition that a ‘person’

There will always be those who don't support this but oh well what can you do. I happen to agree with it. There are many women who have had abortions and in the long run, or even later on in life end up regretting it.
95% say they end up regretting it. Claiming it often haunts them.
Sometimes it takes a few years to hit. That doesn't mean they sink into the depths of depression, but little passing regrets surface to their thoughts wishing they would have done things differently. Society has made such a stigma about giving a baby up for adoption , some parents have kept their babies if raped.

Some are strong willed and won't abort it they give it up for adoption instead.
Planned parenthood won't tell you ---------- you up your chances of breast cancer by having an abortion.
I am not a Christain and I approve of this thread. Liberals are condoning genocide and feeling good about it.
Are children outside the womb worthy of eating and having a warm home?
Yes. And they're worth being born.

But you want their care to be my responsibility. WTF about a part time burger flipper and a high school junior getting laid is my responsibility? Look Matt! If you Democrats can't afford to raise a child, keep you dicks in your pants. If and when you can't, don't make it my problem. GET A FUCKING JOB!
Liberals deny God. Otherwise they would know: abortion is a deadly sin because a mother kills her own live baby inside herself. Somebody should explain that to liberals to educate them.
Not to offend but I never see the need or benefit to bringing God or religion into a discussion like this.

Why does anyone need "God" or religion in their life. . . To know that an abortion kills a child?

I understand that many people have strong religious views on the subject but what if you were NOT religious? Would you suddenly conclude that a child in the womb is something less than what it is?

I just don't get it.

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