Alabama will require students to learn about evolution, climate change

Personally I find this a little ridiculous. They should be teaching skills, like how to think for yourself, using such things like evolution as a tool to do this, but also using other stuff.
You teach literature/language, mathematics, science, philosophy, and history. People learn SKILLS by working. But they learn to THINK by applying their minds to lofty concepts and being held to high academic standards.
If they're taught anything about geological processes, which I highly doubt, then they'll know that climate change, glowarm is a big fraud and hoax.
Actually they will learn that those like you are the ones engaged in fraud and hoax.

Actually not, I studied hydrological processes involved with cyclical climate change along with water isotope hydrology for 15 years after college before I went into petroleum geology.

So you studied climate change, but still think it's a hoax? I'd say you needed to study harder.

Geological climate change is not a hoax and has been happening for billions of years. Man made climate change is the part thats a hoax. It always amazes me that man can be that arrogant to think he can actually control the climate based on his actions. It's beyond absurd and ludicrous.

Because you don't believe or understand something doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it means you are ignorant.

Excess carbon being forced into the atmosphere is what is causing global warming. How do we know it is the carbon from fossil fuels man has been burning for the last 250 years?

Because the carbon isotope is different in manmade CO2 vs natural CO2.

Global Warming science has been settled among the PH.D's of the planet for the last 15 years. Global Warming is real and accelerating.

Those who deny it are either lying or are rubes for the fossil energy industry.
If they're taught anything about geological processes, which I highly doubt, then they'll know that climate change, glowarm is a big fraud and hoax.
Actually they will learn that those like you are the ones engaged in fraud and hoax.

Actually not, I studied hydrological processes involved with cyclical climate change along with water isotope hydrology for 15 years after college before I went into petroleum geology.

So you studied climate change, but still think it's a hoax? I'd say you needed to study harder.

Geological climate change is not a hoax and has been happening for billions of years. Man made climate change is the part thats a hoax. It always amazes me that man can be that arrogant to think he can actually control the climate based on his actions. It's beyond absurd and ludicrous.

Because you don't believe or understand something doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it means you are ignorant.

Excess carbon being forced into the atmosphere is what is causing global warming. How do we know it is the carbon from fossil fuels man has been burning for the last 250 years?

Because the carbon isotope is different in manmade CO2 vs natural CO2.

Global Warming science has been settled among the PH.D's of the planet for the last 15 years. Global Warming is real and accelerating.

Those who deny it are either lying or are rubes for the fossil energy industry.

We're but a pinprick.
Evolution isn't against believing in a creator God, how silly of the liberal left to think so. But I do understand how the left believes they are decedents from apes.

I also hope that whoever teaches evolution will be truthful about how homosexuality goes against the theory. Doubtful that they will.

Climate change? Hopefully they teach the truth and tell how the US has not warmed in the past 15 or so years. How the predictions from the models just didn't cut it. But again, doubtful.
Evolution isn't against believing in a creator God, how silly of the liberal left to think so. But I do understand how the left believes they are decedents from apes.

I also hope that whoever teaches evolution will be truthful about how homosexuality goes against the theory. Doubtful that they will.

Climate change? Hopefully they teach the truth and tell how the US has not warmed in the past 15 or so years. How the predictions from the models just didn't cut it. But again, doubtful.
No one teaches that we're descended from apes. We have a common ancestor.
Evolution isn't against believing in a creator God, how silly of the liberal left to think so. But I do understand how the left believes they are decedents from apes.

I also hope that whoever teaches evolution will be truthful about how homosexuality goes against the theory. Doubtful that they will.

Climate change? Hopefully they teach the truth and tell how the US has not warmed in the past 15 or so years. How the predictions from the models just didn't cut it. But again, doubtful.
If you believe your God requires you to believe the creation story in Genesis, shouldn't you have the right to force the government to teach that as the truth?
If you believe your God requires you to believe the creation story in Genesis, shouldn't you have the right to force the government to teach that as the truth?

Actually, you can kind of explain the beginning of Genesis by using the Big Bang Theory. When God said "let there be Light", that could have been the Big Bang.
Evolution isn't against believing in a creator God, how silly of the liberal left to think so. But I do understand how the left believes they are decedents from apes.

I also hope that whoever teaches evolution will be truthful about how homosexuality goes against the theory. Doubtful that they will.

Climate change? Hopefully they teach the truth and tell how the US has not warmed in the past 15 or so years. How the predictions from the models just didn't cut it. But again, doubtful.
No one teaches that we're descended from apes. We have a common ancestor.

Was the common ancestor an ape or man?
Evolution isn't against believing in a creator God, how silly of the liberal left to think so. But I do understand how the left believes they are decedents from apes.

I also hope that whoever teaches evolution will be truthful about how homosexuality goes against the theory. Doubtful that they will.

Climate change? Hopefully they teach the truth and tell how the US has not warmed in the past 15 or so years. How the predictions from the models just didn't cut it. But again, doubtful.

For what would you like a link to?

If you understand the theory of evolution you do not need a link.

1. Evolutionary theory can not, thus does not, explain the rise of life from non-life. It has absolutely nothing to do with the creation of life.

2. What is the driver in evolution? Selection of the Specie? Survival of the fittest? Either one requires what? Reproduction.

It is really that simple.
Evolution isn't against believing in a creator God, how silly of the liberal left to think so. But I do understand how the left believes they are decedents from apes.

I also hope that whoever teaches evolution will be truthful about how homosexuality goes against the theory. Doubtful that they will.

Climate change? Hopefully they teach the truth and tell how the US has not warmed in the past 15 or so years. How the predictions from the models just didn't cut it. But again, doubtful.
No one teaches that we're descended from apes. We have a common ancestor.

Was the common ancestor an ape or man?
Actually, it has already been proven that if you add electricity to a soup of a whole bunch of chemicals, it can produce DNA and RNA. doesn't take much to produce electricity, just a couple of clouds that happen to rub against each other.

Kinda like the static electricity you generate with your socks on a rug, or the balloon you rub against your head.
Actually, it has already been proven that if you add electricity to a soup of a whole bunch of chemicals, it can produce DNA and RNA. doesn't take much to produce electricity, just a couple of clouds that happen to rub against each other.

Kinda like the static electricity you generate with your socks on a rug, or the balloon you rub against your head.

Meteorites have been found that contain the same amino acids produced in the experiment you are talking about. It appears the building blocks of life are rather common in the universe.
Actually, it has already been proven that if you add electricity to a soup of a whole bunch of chemicals, it can produce DNA and RNA. doesn't take much to produce electricity, just a couple of clouds that happen to rub against each other.

Kinda like the static electricity you generate with your socks on a rug, or the balloon you rub against your head.

Would you please link us to the experiments, especially one where DNA was produced by random act.

Better yet, can you link us to where that process is occurring today?
Alabama is growing up..
Alabama will require students to learn about evolution, climate change
Alabama is updating its decade-old science standards to require that students understand evolution and learn about climate change, topics that can still be controversial in the Bible Belt state.

Educators say the new rules — part of a major change that includes more experimentation and hands-on instruction and less lecturing — don't require that students believe in evolution or accept the idea that climate is changing globally.

But public school students will be required for the first time to understand the theory of evolution. And teachers will be required to address climate change, which wasn't a focus the last time the state set science standards in 2005.

The new standards take effect in 2016 after being unanimously approved by the Republican-controlled Alabama State Board of Education on Thursday.

No one spoke against the new standards when they were discussed at a board meeting in August, but supporters praised them as a step forward for the state.

A 40-member committee that developed the new course of study included people with "very strong religious beliefs" who considered the state's faith traditions and worked together to develop the new guidelines, said Michal Robinson, science specialist for the state education agency.

"We still have to teach what the science is," Robinson said in an interview Friday. "If students want to go into a science field in college or beyond, they have to have a foundation."

The current state standard says students "should understand the nature of evolutionary theories," but such knowledge isn't required.
Alabama will force feed leftist propaganda.

and you filth cheer
Evolution isn't against believing in a creator God, how silly of the liberal left to think so. But I do understand how the left believes they are decedents from apes.

I also hope that whoever teaches evolution will be truthful about how homosexuality goes against the theory. Doubtful that they will.

Climate change? Hopefully they teach the truth and tell how the US has not warmed in the past 15 or so years. How the predictions from the models just didn't cut it. But again, doubtful.
No one teaches that we're descended from apes. We have a common ancestor.

Was the common ancestor an ape or man?


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