Alabama woman sentenced to jail for killing her accused rapist

"Stand your ground" or self-defense only applies if she shot the attacker at the time of the attack with the motive of stopping the attack.

A later, "revenge killing" would not have been self-defense.

The article doesn't say when (or where) she shot her attacker.
will Trump pardon her?

Trump cannot pardon state convictions, only Federal.
If you consider the charges, she got a great deal. If you are going to plea bargain murder, that is the way to do it. She got: 18 months in county jail, 18 months of house arrest, and 18.5 years of probation, the outlet reported. She’ll also receive credit for time served while awaiting trial.

Why she and her lawyer were not confident to win with a jury. It could have had something to do with:
Jackson County Circuit Judge Jenifer Holt rejected the "stand your ground" self-defense claim of Brittany Smith on Monday, citing records that allege Smith tried to destroy evidence and also gave testimony that didn't line up with medical evaluations and other evidence from the scene, reported.
Holt said physical evidence of Brittany Smith's injuries showed bruising to her neck, bite marks and a broken fingernail, reports CBS Huntsville, Alabama affiliate WHNT-TV. But Holt said the injuries didn't reflect sexual assault by Todd Smith.
The court faulted Brittany Smith for what it called her inconsistent statements to police, including originally saying her brother shot Todd Smith, WHNT noted. The court also questioned the extent of her brother's injuries based on photos from the scene.

In something that could have gone either way, lacking confidence of full acquittal this deal, cut by her lawyer gives 18 months in county jail with credit for time served and the rest is probation. If you think you might lose, that is a great deal.
I think she got off too easy. The rape was over and done with. The victim was wrestling with her brother, but there was no imminent threat to her life.
will Trump pardon her?

One day in prison is too many. This is another example of our sinking Second Amendment right to keep and bear. She felt threatened and feared not only for her life, but her brother's as well. That alone should slake a judge or jury's bloodlust. This is also another example of government's hatred for Americans who actually defend themselves.

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