Alamo Gun Rally a Success :) :

Texass, the only place a bird will fly upside down cause they ain't nothin' worth shittin' on.~Says this Okie.
One of the saddest days in American history is April 21, 1836. That is the day General Santa Ana was defeated at the Battle of San Jacinto. Think how much better off the US would be without a texas in the union.

I would hate to lose Texas.
Perhaps a trade ? We send Texas to Mexico, if you leftists send the entire northeast to Canada.
Texass, the only place a bird will fly upside down cause they ain't nothin' worth shittin' on.~Says this Okie.

That was funny. Wasn't that funny 2nd amendment? That was funny. Birds flying upside down. That's good. But when they fly over George Bush's ranch, will they turn right side up? And UNLOAD a whole bunch of shit on George? Good deal.
All these libs bitching about Texas, either they are jealous or scared to death of us.
One of the saddest days in American history is April 21, 1836. That is the day General Santa Ana was defeated at the Battle of San Jacinto. Think how much better off the US would be without a texas in the union.
Damn, you really hate fellow US citizens.
Texans are American citizens!!! Who knew??? The majority of Texans see themselves as Texas citizens first and US citizens second or third or not at all.
You are grossly misinformed.
Texass, the only place a bird will fly upside down cause they ain't nothin' worth shittin' on.~Says this Okie.
You silly man!

My dear avian friends, from the endangered great egrets and herons who visit the small lake on my farm to the summer tanagers and western bluebirds who sing from spring to fall keep our lawn the greenest in the world.


Texas is a Great State with some small minds in it.

The Alex Jones mindless followers are unimportant in the larger sphere of affairs.

Let em have fun and ignore em. 80% of Texans do just that, ignore em.
Texas is more than welcome to leave the Union.

and take the rest of the Tea Baggers with you.

If that would only happen peacefully. Just calmly and intelligently decide to divide the nation instead of a violent breakup.

Unfortunately, liberals believe that states, including Texas and all those tea bagger states, have NO RIGHT to leave the union. That was decided by the Civil War. The same Civil War that the Confederate Flag represents.

Now we have this conundrum. Liberals want conservative states to leave the union, yet are willing to forcibly prevent them from leaving the union.

Draw up the divorce papers. It's time we decided not to live together any more.
I am not surprised Alex Jones exaggerated the turnout, claiming there were "over 1,000" Texans there.

San Antonio Police Chief William McManus mingled in the crowd that police estimated at about 300 to 400, but the larger police presence remained around the perimeter of the Alamo plaza.

Armed gun rights activists rally at the Alamo - Houston Chronicle

They also broke a century old tradition of no public demonstrations at the Alamo.

Classless fucks.
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Texas is more than welcome to leave the Union.

and take the rest of the Tea Baggers with you.

South of Chicago, the majority of us would be happy to secede. The Chicago Political Mob screws the rest of the state! Barry and cohorts can have Chicago including the queer bathhouse that Barry used to frequent. :badgrin:
I am not surprised Alex Jones exaggerated the turnout, claiming there were "over 1,000" Texans there.

San Antonio Police Chief William McManus mingled in the crowd that police estimated at about 300 to 400, but the larger police presence remained around the perimeter of the Alamo plaza.

Armed gun rights activists rally at the Alamo - Houston Chronicle

They also broke a century old tradition of no public demonstrations at the Alamo.

Classless fucks.

Of course you are willing to take the word of people who have an interest in minimizing the numbers. If you were not there then you really don't know do you? I was there and would estimate the crowd to have been between 500-800.

What really impressed me about the rally was the majority of the crowd was younger people, which gives me more hope for our nation. I won a rifle sling in a raffle they held and gave it to a young 20 something gal toting an AR 15 style rifle without a sling.
I am not surprised Alex Jones exaggerated the turnout, claiming there were "over 1,000" Texans there.

San Antonio Police Chief William McManus mingled in the crowd that police estimated at about 300 to 400, but the larger police presence remained around the perimeter of the Alamo plaza.

Armed gun rights activists rally at the Alamo - Houston Chronicle

They also broke a century old tradition of no public demonstrations at the Alamo.

Classless fucks.
Sorry, over 180 Texans and guests went down at the Alamo, and others were executed without trials for surviving. They killed frontiersman Davy Crockett in that conflict, and went on to kill twice as many in Goliad, TX 3 weeks later on their way to kill General Sam Houston's army at San Jacinto, which didn't happen thanks to his winning strategy and men determined not to let the Alamo and Goliad happen to them for the families and friends they lost at both locations. The Alamo was defended by guns to the death. You don't mess with the United States citizens of Texas or you're courting disaster. :evil:
Texass, the only place a bird will fly upside down cause they ain't nothin' worth shittin' on.~Says this Okie.

Why do all the far left posters here have absolutely obnoxious avatars?

Be it Moonglow with his portrait mooning you

or TeaPartyPLeez saying that everyone who is a socialist is a "scared white person."

Ya just can't fix stupid.
Texans are American citizens!!! Who knew??? The majority of Texans see themselves as Texas citizens first and US citizens second or third or not at all.

That's because they were Texans first and US citizens later.
I understand what you are saying. However, a number of Texans never got around to accepting the US as their country. They are Texans first, last, and always and they want nothing from the US except the handouts from the federal government that they receive.. It is one of the reasons they were screaming about secession about a year ago.

I see you've never been to Texas.

Probably a good thing.
I am not surprised Alex Jones exaggerated the turnout, claiming there were "over 1,000" Texans there.

San Antonio Police Chief William McManus mingled in the crowd that police estimated at about 300 to 400, but the larger police presence remained around the perimeter of the Alamo plaza.

Armed gun rights activists rally at the Alamo - Houston Chronicle

They also broke a century old tradition of no public demonstrations at the Alamo.

Classless fucks.
Sorry, over 180 Texans and guests went down at the Alamo, and others were executed without trials for surviving. They killed frontiersman Davy Crockett in that conflict, and went on to kill twice as many in Goliad, TX 3 weeks later on their way to kill General Sam Houston's army at San Jacinto, which didn't happen thanks to his winning strategy and men determined not to let the Alamo and Goliad happen to them for the families and friends they lost at both locations. The Alamo was defended by guns to the death. You don't mess with the United States citizens of Texas or you're courting disaster. :evil:

And oddly...almost nobody remembers Goliad.
When my friend's article appears in his hometown newspaper, I will post the link.

Honor the Dead – Buy Alamo Chewing Gum

Al, Harold, and Jim on KLVI Radio built an interesting conversation one morning last week on the selling of history. The immediate topic was a legal dispute over some notes Martin Luther King made for a speech, and which were saved by his late secretary. The question before a court is this – who owns those notes?

Who owns history?

And who owns the Alamo?

San Antonio de Valero was one of five Catholic missions along the San Antonio River, and what is left of it is best known for the 1836 battle which was a disaster for all concerned. General-President Santa Anna betrayed the honor and bravery of the Mexican Army by ordering the murder of prisoners his soldiers risked their lives to save.

The State of Texas, the General Land Office, and the Daughters of the Republic of Texas honor the dead of that terrible night by featuring a gift shop (The Alamo | Gift Shop) at the Alamo, which is as tasteless as a gift shop at Bergen-Belsen or among the graves at Normandy.

Pictures of the Alamo are used to sell motorcars and hamburgers so that a real Texan can drive his as-advertised-in-front-of-the-Alamo pickup truck to the as-advertised-in-front-of-the-Alamo cinder-block fast-foodery for an as-advertised-in-front-of-the-Alamo hamburger and french fries (which aren’t really from France or the Alamo).

Would ya like a refillable Anne Frank coffee mug with your order?

Many of us have known a beautiful image, in a hospital named for her, of kind and gentle Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, also known as Saint Elizabeth of Thuringen, to be blocked by display tables and exhibits. Who has the authority to say yes or no to that?

Who owns history?

Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson, a Marine and by repute a good man and a stand-tall Texan, spoke quite reasonably at a gun-rights rally within the Alamo last Saturday.

Commissioner Patterson, a sturdy advocate of freedom, also has a problem – should he have been there at all? As Texas’ current defender of the Alamo, what will he do to maintain the integrity of a historical site whose ground is blessed with the blood of heroes? The Alamo itself, although sometimes used for tellyvision commercials, has always been free from political demonstrations

A worse problem for Commissioner Patterson is that Alex Jones, haunted by Masonic-Jewish-Illuminati-NWO-Bildergerg-Weather Weapons conspiracies, also spoke – or, rather, emitted words at the same event. If the Commissioner was ambushed (metaphorically, of course) in the matter, no blame can attach to him. If, however, he knew he would be sharing the occasion with a man who embarrasses even Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, then he needs to withdraw his tinfoil hat from the political ring and himself to his Bunker of Solitude.

Lee Spencer White, president of the Alamo Defenders’ Descendants’ Association didn’t want this parody there. She is against politics on site, maintaining, quite properly, that her group regards the Alamo as a family cemetery.

And, you know, there’s nothing that says family cemetery like a gift shop.

Victoria Montgomery, spokeswoman for Open Carry Texas, argues that the history of the Alamo is predicated on politics, and that makes it a perfect place for a rally advocating personal freedom.

Both Ms. White and Ms. Montgomery make excellent points, but perhaps now the people of Texas should draw that line in the sand just like the one Colonel Travis may or may not have drawn:

The Alamo is sacred to the First Nations, to Spain, to Mexico, and to Texas. The Alamo should be swept clean of made-in-China coonskin caps and of demonstrators; let the commerce and the look-at-me moments and filming for hamburger advertisements take place across the street, next to the Ghosts of the Alamo movin’ picture shows and fruit juice bars.

The Alamo began as a Christian church under the spiritual patronage of St. Anthony of Padua. Unlike the other four San Antonio missions it will probably never be consecrated again as a church, but the theme remains – sacrifice and redemption. As St. Thomas More might or might not have said, we have no windows to look into men’s souls, and so we must not presume to judge anyone who died on the walls of the Alamo; instead, we must remember our Christian obligation to respect them, “the dead with charity enclosed in clay,” as King Henry V might or might not have said.

San Antonio is now a very large city, and for miles and miles in every direction people may buy, sell, and argue; what remains of the Alamo is such a tiny space that setting it aside as sacred ground where people will remove their made-in-China ball caps and be silent for a few minutes in the presence of a shared memory will do no harm to the State of Texas, the First Amendment to the American Constitution, or to cash registers.

Who owns history? You do. And so do the dead.
That's because they were Texans first and US citizens later.
I understand what you are saying. However, a number of Texans never got around to accepting the US as their country. They are Texans first, last, and always and they want nothing from the US except the handouts from the federal government that they receive.. It is one of the reasons they were screaming about secession about a year ago.

I see you've never been to Texas.

Probably a good thing.
Actually I have been to Texas several times. We spent time in Galveston, Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio. We toured NASA and the USS Texas. We also spent time in some of the smaller towns. My wife and I had a motor home and got plenty of use out of it. Some of the Texans I met were good people. Some of the Texans I met were dumber than a stick.
If Texans are as smart as you say, why can't they see cruz for the fraud and fool that he is? Why is perry, a person who is only slightly smarter than a rock, governor? I don't understand.
I understand what you are saying. However, a number of Texans never got around to accepting the US as their country. They are Texans first, last, and always and they want nothing from the US except the handouts from the federal government that they receive.. It is one of the reasons they were screaming about secession about a year ago.

I see you've never been to Texas.

Probably a good thing.
Actually I have been to Texas several times. We spent time in Galveston, Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio. We toured NASA and the USS Texas. We also spent time in some of the smaller towns. My wife and I had a motor home and got plenty of use out of it. Some of the Texans I met were good people. Some of the Texans I met were dumber than a stick.
If Texans are as smart as you say, why can't they see cruz for the fraud and fool that he is? Why is perry, a person who is only slightly smarter than a rock, governor? I don't understand.

What's funny is the same can be said for whoever your governor and senators are.

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