ALAN DERSHOWITZ: The Supreme Court Moves Us One Step Closer To A Colorblind Society

He has NO integrity. He argued people should turn a blind eye to the evil things people do.
I doubt that. Cite it. Link?

And even if he did say something like that, odds are you take it out of context.

In any event, such an alleged statement has fuck all to do with the accurate and intelligent comments he made as linked in the OP.
You go ahead and promote him. The company you keep..........

Oh give your virtue signaling horseshit a rest.
The American dream used to be dreaming for the day, when everyone was judged by their character, and not by the color of their skin.

That was the dream, that is what democrats used to run on. Now they are ANGRY if you outlaw racism and make people more equal!

I wonder if anyone in the democrat party today realizes that everything they are FOR now and represent is what democrats were AGAINST in the 60s when I was growing up???!
He should be arguing it from prison.
Nice opinion.
You keep on promoting the scum bag that helped Epstein continue to abuse and pimp out young girls.
I'm not promoting anyone, virtue signaler.
I do recognize truth when I hear it, though.
Again: Does any honest adult actually think ending race-based discrimination in the form of AA isn't a step closer to a colorblind society?
Nice opinion.

I'm not promoting anyone, virtue signaler.
I do recognize truth when I hear it, though.
Again: Does any honest adult actually think ending race-based discrimination in the form of AA isn't a step closer to a colorblind society?

By promoting his words you are indeed doing just that.

If you wish me to answer your question ask it in a thread where Dershowitz isn't being used to push an idea.
You make no sense; and you certainly aren’t successfully cobbling together any kind of a coherent “argument.”
He's armored himself up with virtue so he can avoid the truth of Dershowitz' statement. Pretty shallow attempt at diversion, imho.
By promoting his words you are indeed doing just that.
He doesn't own those words. If Hitler said the sky is blue, would you disagree because you dislike his politics?

If you wish me to answer your question ask it in a thread where Dershowitz isn't being used to push an idea.
Weak dodge.
Right up there with the Colt:
The American dream used to be dreaming for the day, when everyone was judged by their character, and not by the color of their skin. That's simply not the case today, where every aspect of our lives is judged by race.
A "colorblind society" is simply never going to happen, although the SCOTUS ruling may aim us better in that direction.

You forgot sexual preference, and whether we like to wear dresses.
As apparently all it takes to be a woman is a bit of color on our cheeks and wear a dress.
I would never use him to promote anything.
You seem to be having great difficulty discerning the man from his words.
If his words are true, agreeing with them is not promoting the man, it's agreeing with the truth.
The American dream used to be dreaming for the day, when everyone was judged by their character, and not by the color of their skin. That's simply not the case today, where every aspect of our lives is judged by race.
A "colorblind society" is simply never going to happen, although the SCOTUS ruling may aim us better in that direction.

Is he forgetting his replacement theory racist tinge?

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