Alan Grayson: ‘Spokesman’ of Nazi-Backed Occupy Wall Street


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
The Democrat party is nothing but hate and dirty scumbags like this all must be a proud members of this...
links in article at site

October 24, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert 5 Comments

Getty_102213_AlanGraysonDemocratic Party hack Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) has stooped to a new low in the demonization of Republicans in general, and the Tea Party in particular. On Monday, he sent out a fundraising email using the racist imagery of a burning cross and equating the Tea Party with the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). However, Alan Grayson would do well to acquaint himself with which party is in fact the home of the KKK — and while he’s at it, he could perhaps explain why he is a self-described “spokesman” for the Nazi- and David Duke-backed Occupy Wall Street movement.

Though it is a regular occurrence among Democrats to reflexively label as “racist” anyone who disagrees with their agendas regarding virtually any policy supported by Barack Obama, most of them have enough awareness to steer clear of referring to the Ku Klux Klan in particular. There’s a good reason for that: it was a group of southern Democrats who founded the Ku Klux Klan. It was Democrats who fought against the passage of every civil rights law beginning in 1860s, and continuing through 1950s and 1960s.

Furthermore, the late Democratic senator from West Virginia, Robert Byrd, was an actual member of the KKK, who led many of his fellow Democrats in an unsuccessful 14-hour filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. That would be the same Civil Rights Act supported by far higher percentages of Republicans than Democrats in both chambers of Congress. That same ratio held true the following year, when a greater percentage of Republicans than Democrats endorsed the Voting rights Act of 1965 that ended many of the pernicious restrictions used by states to deny black Americans the right to vote.

And those would be the same Republicans whose party was founded in 1854 as the anti-slavery party, and who passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866, and the Reconstruction Act of 1867. Republicans established the NAACP and affirmative action as well, when President Richard Nixon’s 1969 Philadelphia Plan put together a series of timetables and goals for its implementation. Republicans also founded many of the nation’s black Colleges and Universities.

If Grayson wishes to compare party track records on racism, he might be inclined to remember it was Democratic segregationists like Bull Conner who turned water hoses and dogs on black Americans, and Georgia Gov. Lester Maddox who employed axe handles to keep blacks from entering a restaurant, while Republicans like President Dwight Eisenhower were sending troops to Arkansas to desegregate schools. It was Eisenhower who also appointed Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren. The Warren court’s favorable ruling in Brown vs. Board of Education ended school segregation.

ALL of it here
Alan Grayson: ?Spokesman? of Nazi-Backed Occupy Wall Street | FrontPage Magazine

On HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher on Oct. 7, 2011 writer P.J. O’Rourke made fun of Grayson for defending the Occupy Wall Street movement by calling him their spokesman. Grayson responded with a long-winded populist rant concluding with his declaration: “okay, I’ll be that spokesman.” Based on his latest rant against Republicans and the Tea Party, replete with exact same kind of mindless hate espoused by the OWS movement, Grayson is still that spokesman.

Alan Grayson: ?Spokesman? of Nazi-Backed Occupy Wall Street | FrontPage Magazine
How exactly is are "Nazis" backing Occupy Wall Street?

I sure hope I don't get another Infraction but here goes, Hey DoctorisOut have you tried this thing called Google?

Nazi Party Endorses Occupy Wall Street does the Communist Party

By Evann Gastaldo, Newser Staff
Posted Oct 17, 2011

Nazi Party Endorses Occupy Wall Street - does the Communist Party

There Ya go...:D

Showing 3 of 250 comments

JonmarkP Oct 23, 2011 2:59 PM CDT

Of course, what Newser would like is for people to make the leap that this also reads "Occupy Wall Street endorses Nazi Party." And the morons (read below) will do exactly that.
I sure hope I don't get another Infraction but here goes, Hey DoctorisOut have you tried this thing called Google?

Nazi Party Endorses Occupy Wall Street does the Communist Party

By Evann Gastaldo, Newser Staff
Posted Oct 17, 2011

Nazi Party Endorses Occupy Wall Street - does the Communist Party

There Ya go...:D
The video, your link claims to show Nazi Party members at an OWS rally, doesn't exist.

Mr.Bill, I posted for the article not video...:eusa_whistle:

(Newser) – Well, this is one endorsement the Occupy Wall Street movement probably wasn't gunning for: The American Nazi Party has officially backed the Occupiers in a statement on its website. The ANP, which also calls itself a National Socialist party, writes that the Occupy Wall Street movement is “TAYLOR [sic] MADE for National Socialists,” and urges its members to join in. “Produce some flyers EXPLAINING the 'JEW BANKER' influence—DON’T wear anything marking you as an ‘evil racist’—and GET OUT THERE and SPREAD the WORD!”

Nazi Party Endorses Occupy Wall Street - does the Communist Party

The Democrat party is nothing but hate and dirty scumbags like this all must be a proud members of this...
links in article at site

October 24, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert 5 Comments

Getty_102213_AlanGraysonDemocratic Party hack Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) has stooped to a new low in the demonization of Republicans in general, and the Tea Party in particular. On Monday, he sent out a fundraising email using the racist imagery of a burning cross and equating the Tea Party with the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). However, Alan Grayson would do well to acquaint himself with which party is in fact the home of the KKK — and while he’s at it, he could perhaps explain why he is a self-described “spokesman” for the Nazi- and David Duke-backed Occupy Wall Street movement.

Though it is a regular occurrence among Democrats to reflexively label as “racist” anyone who disagrees with their agendas regarding virtually any policy supported by Barack Obama, most of them have enough awareness to steer clear of referring to the Ku Klux Klan in particular. There’s a good reason for that: it was a group of southern Democrats who founded the Ku Klux Klan. It was Democrats who fought against the passage of every civil rights law beginning in 1860s, and continuing through 1950s and 1960s.

Furthermore, the late Democratic senator from West Virginia, Robert Byrd, was an actual member of the KKK, who led many of his fellow Democrats in an unsuccessful 14-hour filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. That would be the same Civil Rights Act supported by far higher percentages of Republicans than Democrats in both chambers of Congress. That same ratio held true the following year, when a greater percentage of Republicans than Democrats endorsed the Voting rights Act of 1965 that ended many of the pernicious restrictions used by states to deny black Americans the right to vote.

And those would be the same Republicans whose party was founded in 1854 as the anti-slavery party, and who passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866, and the Reconstruction Act of 1867. Republicans established the NAACP and affirmative action as well, when President Richard Nixon’s 1969 Philadelphia Plan put together a series of timetables and goals for its implementation. Republicans also founded many of the nation’s black Colleges and Universities.

If Grayson wishes to compare party track records on racism, he might be inclined to remember it was Democratic segregationists like Bull Conner who turned water hoses and dogs on black Americans, and Georgia Gov. Lester Maddox who employed axe handles to keep blacks from entering a restaurant, while Republicans like President Dwight Eisenhower were sending troops to Arkansas to desegregate schools. It was Eisenhower who also appointed Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren. The Warren court’s favorable ruling in Brown vs. Board of Education ended school segregation.

ALL of it here
Alan Grayson: ?Spokesman? of Nazi-Backed Occupy Wall Street | FrontPage Magazine

Steph, you are as insane as your article. The KKK has never been founded by, supported by, or affiliated with, any political party. Not the TP, not Democrats, not the Republicans, none. It was founded on Xmas Day 1865 by a small circle of ex-Confederate soldiers -- not by politicians. It didn't even claim to be political; it called itself a "social" organization.

You might want to elevate your reading material above the source of dumpster. When the brightest mind you can bring to your thread is American_Jizzhat, it's time to take stock of what you're standing in.
Last edited:
How exactly is are "Nazis" backing Occupy Wall Street?

I sure hope I don't get another Infraction but here goes, Hey DoctorisOut have you tried this thing called Google?

Nazi Party Endorses Occupy Wall Street does the Communist Party

By Evann Gastaldo, Newser Staff
Posted Oct 17, 2011

Nazi Party Endorses Occupy Wall Street - does the Communist Party

There Ya go...:D

Showing 3 of 250 comments

JonmarkP Oct 23, 2011 2:59 PM CDT

Of course, what Newser would like is for people to make the leap that this also reads "Occupy Wall Street endorses Nazi Party." And the morons (read below) will do exactly that.

Hey KooKoo, look someone left a comment for you...:lol:

Riffran >pg13
• 2 years ago• 0 △0 ▽− +
⚑Sound like you're just a silly troll and a democrat liberal alumnus I doubt you are really a sick piece of shit and I greatly Doubt that you vote anywhere ... Except maybe at a code pink or Barbra Streisand fan club board meeting

The Democrat party is nothing but hate and dirty scumbags like this all must be a proud members of this...
links in article at site

October 24, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert 5 Comments

Getty_102213_AlanGraysonDemocratic Party hack Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) has stooped to a new low in the demonization of Republicans in general, and the Tea Party in particular. On Monday, he sent out a fundraising email using the racist imagery of a burning cross and equating the Tea Party with the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). However, Alan Grayson would do well to acquaint himself with which party is in fact the home of the KKK — and while he’s at it, he could perhaps explain why he is a self-described “spokesman” for the Nazi- and David Duke-backed Occupy Wall Street movement.

Though it is a regular occurrence among Democrats to reflexively label as “racist” anyone who disagrees with their agendas regarding virtually any policy supported by Barack Obama, most of them have enough awareness to steer clear of referring to the Ku Klux Klan in particular. There’s a good reason for that: it was a group of southern Democrats who founded the Ku Klux Klan. It was Democrats who fought against the passage of every civil rights law beginning in 1860s, and continuing through 1950s and 1960s.

Furthermore, the late Democratic senator from West Virginia, Robert Byrd, was an actual member of the KKK, who led many of his fellow Democrats in an unsuccessful 14-hour filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. That would be the same Civil Rights Act supported by far higher percentages of Republicans than Democrats in both chambers of Congress. That same ratio held true the following year, when a greater percentage of Republicans than Democrats endorsed the Voting rights Act of 1965 that ended many of the pernicious restrictions used by states to deny black Americans the right to vote.

And those would be the same Republicans whose party was founded in 1854 as the anti-slavery party, and who passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866, and the Reconstruction Act of 1867. Republicans established the NAACP and affirmative action as well, when President Richard Nixon’s 1969 Philadelphia Plan put together a series of timetables and goals for its implementation. Republicans also founded many of the nation’s black Colleges and Universities.

If Grayson wishes to compare party track records on racism, he might be inclined to remember it was Democratic segregationists like Bull Conner who turned water hoses and dogs on black Americans, and Georgia Gov. Lester Maddox who employed axe handles to keep blacks from entering a restaurant, while Republicans like President Dwight Eisenhower were sending troops to Arkansas to desegregate schools. It was Eisenhower who also appointed Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren. The Warren court’s favorable ruling in Brown vs. Board of Education ended school segregation.

ALL of it here
Alan Grayson: ?Spokesman? of Nazi-Backed Occupy Wall Street | FrontPage Magazine

Steph, you are as insane as your article. The KKK has never been founded by, supported by, or affiliated with, any political party. Not the TP, not Democrats, not the Republicans, none. It was founded on Xmas Day 1865 by a small circle of ex-Confederate soldiers -- not by politicians. It didn't even claim to be political; it called itself a "social" organization.

You might want to elevate your reading material above the source of dumpster. When the brightest mind you can bring to your thread is American_Jizzhat, it's time to take stock of what you're standing in.

Jackass, you might want to elevate yo-self...:eusa_angel:

First KKKThe first Klan was founded in 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee, by six veterans of the Confederate Army.[16] The name is probably derived from the Greek word kuklos (κύκλος) which means circle, suggesting a circle or band of brothers.[17]

Although there was little organizational structure above the local level, similar groups rose across the South and adopted the same name and methods.[18] Klan groups spread throughout the South as an insurgent movement during the Reconstruction era in the United States. As a secret vigilante group, the Klan targeted freedmen and their allies; it sought to restore white supremacy by threats and violence, including murder, against black and white Republicans. In 1870 and 1871, the federal government passed the Force Acts, which were used to prosecute Klan crimes.[19] Prosecution of Klan crimes and enforcement of the Force Acts suppressed Klan activity. In 1874 and later, however, newly organized and openly active paramilitary organizations, such as the White League and the Red Shirts, started a fresh round of violence aimed at suppressing blacks' voting and running Republicans out of office. These contributed to segregationist white Democrats regaining political power in all the Southern states by 1877.

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh please Jizzhat. I wrote part of that entry. I have the entire HUAC history here too. I know it must be straining your tiny little mind to imagine this concept but the fact that they persecuted Republicans doesn't make them part of the Democratic party (or vice versa) any more than persecuting dogs makes you a cat.

They've persecuted anybody who stands in the way of racism, whether they had a party or not. As well as Catholics, Jews and communists. Try reading the whole article including the "Political Role" section where you'll see when they did try to get into politics they courted whichever party could get them into power, although they only ever got one of their members elected to office (and he was a Republican).

The Klan are opportunist assholes. If that meant sucking up to the Democratic Party when the South was a one-party region in the old days, that's what they'd do, and if it means sucking up to the Republican Party now for the same reason, ditto. Their sycophants changed with them for the same political expediency. You could look it up: Strom Thurmond... Jesse Helms... Trent Lott...

Btw your photo is photoshopped. Dumbass.
Last edited:

Alan Grayson Accuses MSNBC Host Of 'Collaborating' With Tea Party After Being Grilled On KKK Analogy

The Huffington Post | By Nick Wing Posted: 10/25/2013


Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) continued to stand by his recent comparison of the tea party to the Ku Klux Klan on Friday, during an MSNBC interview that ended with him accusing host Martin Bashir of "collaborating" with the conservative movement and its alleged racism.

Grayson began by defending a fundraising email that included an image of a burning cross that formed the "t" in "tea party." When Bashir pushed back, suggesting that Grayson may have taken his analogy too far, especially considering that the tea party hasn't actually lynched anybody, the outspoken Florida Democrat turned on the host.


Alan Grayson Accuses MSNBC Host Of 'Collaborating' With Tea Party After Being Grilled On KKK Analogy
Oh please Jizzhat. I wrote part of that entry. I have the entire HUAC history here too. I know it must be straining your tiny little mind to imagine this concept but the fact that they persecuted Republicans doesn't make them part of the Democratic party (or vice versa) any more than persecuting dogs makes you a cat.

They've persecuted anybody who stands in the way of racism, whether they had a party or not. As well as Catholics, Jews and communists. Try reading the whole article including the "Political Role" section where you'll see when they did try to get into politics they courted whichever party could get them into power, although they only ever got one of their members elected to office (and he was a Republican).

The Klan are opportunist assholes. If that meant sucking up to the Democratic Party when the South was a one-party region in the old days, that's what they'd do, and if it means sucking up to the Republican Party now for the same reason, ditto. Their sycophants changed with them for the same political expediency. You could look it up: Strom Thurmond... Jesse Helms... Trent Lott...

Btw your photo is photoshopped. Dumbass.

Obama and Jarrett are part of the KKK ?

Alan Grayson Accuses MSNBC Host Of 'Collaborating' With Tea Party After Being Grilled On KKK Analogy

The Huffington Post | By Nick Wing Posted: 10/25/2013


Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) continued to stand by his recent comparison of the tea party to the Ku Klux Klan on Friday, during an MSNBC interview that ended with him accusing host Martin Bashir of "collaborating" with the conservative movement and its alleged racism.

Grayson began by defending a fundraising email that included an image of a burning cross that formed the "t" in "tea party." When Bashir pushed back, suggesting that Grayson may have taken his analogy too far, especially considering that the tea party hasn't actually lynched anybody, the outspoken Florida Democrat turned on the host.


Alan Grayson Accuses MSNBC Host Of 'Collaborating' With Tea Party After Being Grilled On KKK Analogy

Grayson attacks Bahir (the "someone should crap in Sarah Palin's mouth" guy) ?


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