Alaska's permafrost is thawing

As bad as a threat to the infrastructure is, the threat of melting clathrates, or frozen methane deposits, is far worse. Methane converts to O2 and CO2 in the atmosphere, and melting permafrost all over the world is going to trigger Runaway Global Warming, where it won't matter if we stop ALL burning of fossil fuels over night, Global Warming will increase on a feedback loop and the oceans will rise 300 feet or more.

Its likely already too late as we passed the 400 ppm of CO2 a year ago and 350 ppm was thought to be the max at which catastrophe could be avoided.

Ignore the bugwits that deny Global Warming, every human being on Earth is going to get a detailed horrific education on it in the next few years.

The Holocene Optimum was a good deal warmer than it is today....did your runaway global warming happen then? Of course not....prior to the beginning of the present ice age....atmospheric CO2 was over 1000ppm and there was no ice at all in the arctic....did your runaway global warming happen then?... The idea of runaway global warming is one of the stupidest ideas ever out of the climate science community...the normal temperature over the course of earth;s history has been so warm that no ice existed at at least one of the at both poles is abnormal on this planet...
and one I need to see evidence of and to date, no one has showed how run away global warming happens. NO ONE.
They've found MWP signatures in proxies from EVERY continent on the planet.

Again, no. A short temp spike at some single location in that period is not a "MWP proxy". The temperature going up for that whole period would be a MWP proxy. That's not there.
I believe you dude. you just eating popcorn. That's what people do when they don't know things watch others. I see you've offered nothing to the discussion. funny f00l. Perma frost, do you know how long it takes to thaw? Go look it up, you'd be amazed.
The study is published in the journal Nature.
"Nature" lost all of it's credibility several years ago.

They published the most fraudulent and non peer review-able bullshit in the known history of the fucking world.


ignorant fool.
The study is published in the journal Nature.
"Nature" lost all of it's credibility several years ago.

They published the most fraudulent and non peer review-able bullshit in the known history of the fucking world.


ignorant fool.

Nope.. Not a fool nor ignorant. You know the reputation of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute? the Authors?
A journal may have a biased and slanted selection process -- but you cannot impeach organizations as reputable as Woods Hole for deciding to publish there.

I've been to conferences there. They are NOT just a Global Warming organization..
Tell ya What Mammoth --- Wanna go use the USMB BullRing and resolve this MWP signature thingy for certain?

It's one on one and no help from the peanut gallery.... :muahaha:

You don't expect that to EVER happen do you? A place where it is evidence against evidence all alone with no one to scream denier from the sidelines....not ever going to happen. There is a reason that warmers don't debate the actual evidence in public.

The hairball will slink off and pretend that the challenge was never issued....I must have given her a couple of dozen published studies over the time I have been here and she conveniently forgets....hell, I just gave her 8 from the antarctic continent stating that it was at least as warm there during the MWP as it is at amount of evidence will ever sway her faith...the farce is strong within the hairball.
Tell ya What Mammoth --- Wanna go use the USMB BullRing and resolve this MWP signature thingy for certain?

It's one on one and no help from the peanut gallery.... :muahaha:

You don't expect that to EVER happen do you? A place where it is evidence against evidence all alone with no one to scream denier from the sidelines....not ever going to happen. There is a reason that warmers don't debate the actual evidence in public.

The hairball will slink off and pretend that the challenge was never issued....I must have given her a couple of dozen published studies over the time I have been here and she conveniently forgets....hell, I just gave her 8 from the antarctic continent stating that it was at least as warm there during the MWP as it is at amount of evidence will ever sway her faith...the farce is strong within the hairball.

Damn. You're right. Just thought it would be easier than to do this GroundHog Day dance with these morons who live on this forum and never seem to get any brighter about the facts..

I would however accept a nomination for anyone else who CONTINUOUSLY asserts that there's no global evidence for the MWP.. Such as is -- it might be flawed. But it's the best we got.. Can't stomach doing this over and over and over again with the same cast of dummies..

Hey SSDD -- you wouldn't want to ....... no -- never mind.. :biggrin:
Tell ya What Mammoth --- Wanna go use the USMB BullRing and resolve this MWP signature thingy for certain?

It's one on one and no help from the peanut gallery.... :muahaha:

You don't expect that to EVER happen do you? A place where it is evidence against evidence all alone with no one to scream denier from the sidelines....not ever going to happen. There is a reason that warmers don't debate the actual evidence in public.

The hairball will slink off and pretend that the challenge was never issued....I must have given her a couple of dozen published studies over the time I have been here and she conveniently forgets....hell, I just gave her 8 from the antarctic continent stating that it was at least as warm there during the MWP as it is at amount of evidence will ever sway her faith...the farce is strong within the hairball.

Damn. You're right. Just thought it would be easier than to do this GroundHog Day dance with these morons who live on this forum and never seem to get any brighter about the facts..

I would however accept a nomination for anyone else who CONTINUOUSLY asserts that there's no global evidence for the MWP.. Such as is -- it might be flawed. But it's the best we got.. Can't stomach doing this over and over and over again with the same cast of dummies..

Hey SSDD -- you wouldn't want to ....... no -- never mind.. :biggrin:

No...I wouldn't want to....all the actual evidence says that the MWP was both global and mostly warmer than it is in the to other topics...all observations say that energy doesn't move from cool to warm....only an unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable mathematical model says otherwise.....till that model actually supersedes the 2nd law and they change it to say that energy does in fact move spontaneously from cool to warm...I will stick with reality.
What did I tell you flacaltenn...since you issued the challenge to the hairball...she slinked off and probably won't return unless enough posts are made to this thread that she feels like the challenge to put up or shut up will be forgotten....

chalk up another public humiliation for the hairball...good job.
Tell ya What Mammoth --- Wanna go use the USMB BullRing and resolve this MWP signature thingy for certain?
It's one on one and no help from the peanut gallery.... :muahaha:

Bring it on. I mean, I've seen what you just attempted. It's exactly the sorts of deception and bad science I predicted you'd attempt, given that it's all deniers ever try. There's a reason the world says it's shit.

As I'm nice, I'll suggest you think twice about it. After all, you'd be throwing away your primary weapons. As this thread illustrates, you depend almost exclusively on two things, throwing insults and using denier attack mob suckups to run cover for you. What hope would you have without those tactics?

Remember, every time I see a denier squeak "hairball" at me, I know I've made him cry. If I carved any more notches, my stick would fall apart.

And SSDD? I've told you a dozen times I'm a guy, Stop hitting on me, you raging queer.
Last edited:
Expect an invite on this subject you refuse to discuss.. Suggest you actually learn something in the interim..

I posted top notch scientific papers. That's what you will have to do actually debate the historical evidence for a world-wide Medieval Warm Period..
Evident in the central US, although no definate dates given in the abstract.

Large Wind Shift on the Great Plains During the Medieval Warm Period
  1. Venkataramana Sridhar1,2,
  2. David B. Loope1,*,
  3. James B. Swinehart1,2,
  4. Joseph A. Mason3,
  5. Robert J. Oglesby1,2,
  6. Clinton M. Rowe1
+Author Affiliations

  1. * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]
Spring-summer winds from the south move moist air from the Gulf of Mexico to the Great Plains. Rainfall in the growing season sustains prairie grasses that keep large dunes in the Nebraska Sand Hills immobile. Longitudinal dunes built during the Medieval Warm Period (800 to 1000 years before the present) record the last major period of sand mobility. These dunes are oriented NW-SE and are composed of cross-strata with bipolar dip directions. The trend and structure of the dunes record a drought that was initiated and sustained by a historically unprecedented shift of spring-summer atmospheric circulation over the Plains: Moist southerly flow was replaced by dry southwesterly flow.
Summer temperature variations in Lapland during the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age relative to natural instability of thermohaline circulation on multi-decadal and multi-centennial scales - Helama - 2009 - Journal of Quaternary Science - Wiley Online Library

Summer temperature variations in Lapland during the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age relative to natural instability of thermohaline circulation on multi-decadal and multi-centennial scales

  1. Samuli Helama1,*,
  2. Mauri Timonen2,
  3. Jari Holopainen1,
  4. Maxim G. Ogurtsov3,
  5. Kari Mielikäinen4,
  6. Matti Eronen1,
  7. Markus Lindholm2 and
  8. Jouko Meriläinen5
Article first published online: 16 JUN 2009

DOI: 10.1002/jqs.1291

Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.



Journal of Quaternary Science
Special Issue: Climates of the Past: Evidence from Natural and Documentary Archives

Volume 24, Issue 5, pages 450–456, July 2009

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  1. Helama, S., Timonen, M., Holopainen, J., Ogurtsov, M. G., Mielikäinen, K., Eronen, M., Lindholm, M. and Meriläinen, J. 2009. Summer temperature variations in Lapland during the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age relative to natural instability of thermohaline circulation on multi-decadal and multi-centennial scales. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 24 pp. 450–456. ISSN 0267-8179.
New tree ring-based analysis for climate variability at a regional scale is presented for high latitudes of Europe. Our absolutely dated temperature reconstruction seeks to characterise the summer temperatures since AD 750. The warmest and coolest reconstructed 250-year periods occurred at AD 931–1180 and AD 1601–1850, respectively. These periods share significant temporal overlap with the general hemispheric climate variability due to the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and the Little Ice Age (LIA). Further, we detect a multi-decadal (ca. 50- to 60-year) rhythm, attributable to instability of the North Atlantic Deep Water, in the regional climate during the MWP but not during the LIA. Intensified formation of the North Atlantic Deep Water further appeared coincident to the initiation and continuation of MWP, the mid-LIA transient warmth occurring during the period AD 1391–1440, and to recent warming. Our results support the view that the internal climate variability (i.e. thermohaline circulation) could have played a role in the earlier start of the MWP in several proxy reconstructions compared to the externally forced model simulations. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Evident in Northern Europe.
Reconstruction of temperature in the Central Alps during the past 2000 yr from a δ18O stalagmite record

Reconstruction of temperature in the Central Alps during the past 2000 yr from a δ18O stalagmite record


The precisely dated isotopic composition of a stalagmite from Spannagel Cave in the Central Alps is translated into a highly resolved record of temperature at high elevation during the past 2000 yr. Temperature maxima during the Medieval Warm Period between 800 and 1300 AD are in average about 1.7 °C higher than the minima in the Little Ice Age and similar to present-day values. The high correlation of this record to Δ14C suggests that solar variability was a major driver of climate in Central Europe during the past 2 millennia.

  • Medieval Warm Period;
  • temperature;
  • Central Alps;
  • stalagmite record;
  • Holocene;
  • stable isotopes
Similiar to present day temperatures. First comparison I have seen in this search.
A 2000-Year Global Temperature Reconstruction Based on Non-Treering Proxies

Craig Loehle

Published Online: July 30, 2009

Historical data provide a baseline for judging how anomalous recent temperature changes are and for assessing the degree to which organisms are likely to be adversely affected by current or future warming. Climate histories are commonly reconstructed from a variety of sources, including ice cores, tree rings, and sediment. Tree-ring data, being the most abundant for recent centuries, tend to dominate reconstructions. There are reasons to believe that tree ring data may not properly capture long-term climate changes. In this study, eighteen 2000-year-long series were obtained that were not based on tree ring data. Data in each series were smoothed with a 30-year running mean. All data were then converted to anomalies by subtracting the mean of each series from that series. The overall mean series was then computed by simple averaging. The mean time series shows quite coherent structure. The mean series shows the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and Little Ice Age (LIA) quite clearly, with the MWP being approximately 0.3°C warmer than 20th century values at these eighteen sites.


0.3 C warmer than the 20th century values. However, thus far the 21st century has been much warmer than the 20th.
Proxy-based reconstructions of hemispheric and global surface temperature variations over the past two millennia

Proxy-based reconstructions of hemispheric and global surface temperature variations over the past two millennia

  1. Michael E. Mann*,,
  2. Zhihua Zhang*,
  3. Malcolm K. Hughes,
  4. Raymond S. Bradley§,
  5. Sonya K. Miller*,
  6. Scott Rutherford, and
  7. Fenbiao Ni
Author Affiliations

  1. Communicated by Lonnie G. Thompson, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, June 26, 2008 (received for review November 20, 2007)


Following the suggestions of a recent National Research Council report [NRC (National Research Council) (2006) Surface Temperature Reconstructions for the Last 2,000 Years (Natl Acad Press, Washington, DC).], we reconstruct surface temperature at hemispheric and global scale for much of the last 2,000 years using a greatly expanded set of proxy data for decadal-to-centennial climate changes, recently updated instrumental data, and complementary methods that have been thoroughly tested and validated with model simulation experiments. Our results extend previous conclusions that recent Northern Hemisphere surface temperature increases are likely anomalous in a long-term context. Recent warmth appears anomalous for at least the past 1,300 years whether or not tree-ring data are used. If tree-ring data are used, the conclusion can be extended to at least the past 1,700 years, but with additional strong caveats. The reconstructed amplitude of change over past centuries is greater than hitherto reported, with somewhat greater Medieval warmth in the Northern Hemisphere, albeit still not reaching recent levels.

Well, that is one that says the MWP was not as warm as present.

And that is all for me tonight. Did 12 hours today, and my hands are cramping up, 12 hours again tomorrow. After a couple of hours of homework in the morning.
A 2000-Year Global Temperature Reconstruction Based on Non-Treering Proxies

Craig Loehle

Published Online: July 30, 2009

Historical data provide a baseline for judging how anomalous recent temperature changes are and for assessing the degree to which organisms are likely to be adversely affected by current or future warming. Climate histories are commonly reconstructed from a variety of sources, including ice cores, tree rings, and sediment. Tree-ring data, being the most abundant for recent centuries, tend to dominate reconstructions. There are reasons to believe that tree ring data may not properly capture long-term climate changes. In this study, eighteen 2000-year-long series were obtained that were not based on tree ring data. Data in each series were smoothed with a 30-year running mean. All data were then converted to anomalies by subtracting the mean of each series from that series. The overall mean series was then computed by simple averaging. The mean time series shows quite coherent structure. The mean series shows the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and Little Ice Age (LIA) quite clearly, with the MWP being approximately 0.3°C warmer than 20th century values at these eighteen sites.


0.3 C warmer than the 20th century values. However, thus far the 21st century has been much warmer than the 20th.

It has? Let's see here, this is 2015 and what does the IPCC have to say about this? Well lookey here, they say there hasn't been as much warming, and they admit that the observations are different from the models. No surprise there eh what! So, for 18 years there has been no measurable warming (save in those computer models of course, but they have been created to show warming no matter what) and yet you continue to claim otherwise. Sad olfraud, just pathetically sad....

"Surface Warming “Pause”
After a period of rapid warming during the 1990s, global mean surface temperatures have not warmed as rapidly over the past decade. The AR5 notes there are “differences between simulated and observed trends over periods as short as 10-15 years (e.g., 1998-2012)”. It concludes that the recent reduction in surface warming is probably due to a redistribution of heat in the ocean, volcanic eruptions, and the recent minimum in the 11-year solar cycle. Most importantly, the report specifically points out that these trends should not undermine our confidence in the “big picture” of our understanding of climate change: “trends based on short records are very sensitive to the beginning and end dates and do not in general reflect long-term climate trends.”
In addition, there is new research proposing explanations for the recent trends that did not make the deadline to be included in the AR5. One paper suggests that some of this “lost” heat is actually in the deep ocean, while another notes that the warming “pause” is actually explained by the unusual number of La Niña (sea surface cooling events) in the Pacific Ocean. The second paper by Yu Kosaka and Shang-Ping Xie states that the “current hiatus is part of natural climate variability, tied specifically to a La-Niña-like decadal cooling. Although similar decadal hiatus events may occur in the future, the multi-decadal warming trend is very likely to continue.”

IPCC AR5 Working Group I Highlights | Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
And SSDD? I've told you a dozen times I'm a guy, Stop hitting on me, you raging queer.

As should be apparent by now...I am one of those people who go with what I can see. Your posts reflect a personality that is simply to effeminate to be male...even if you were a raging drag queen I doubt that you could pull of such authentic femininity.
Expect an invite on this subject you refuse to discuss..

Expect me to ream you if you insist on lying like that.

Suggest you actually learn something in the interim

I suggest you learn basic logic. But I think it's too late for that. After all, if you understood logic, you wouldn't have been scammed by the denier cult in the first place.

I posted top notch scientific papers. That's what you will have to do actually debate the historical evidence for a world-wide Medieval Warm Period..

I'll just have to point out your papers don't show what you claim. As you've never been able to respond to that before, I'm not anticipating any trouble.
Expect an invite on this subject you refuse to discuss..

Expect me to ream you if you insist on lying like that.

Suggest you actually learn something in the interim

I suggest you learn basic logic. But I think it's too late for that. After all, if you understood logic, you wouldn't have been scammed by the denier cult in the first place.

I posted top notch scientific papers. That's what you will have to do actually debate the historical evidence for a world-wide Medieval Warm Period..

I'll just have to point out your papers don't show what you claim. As you've never been able to respond to that before, I'm not anticipating any trouble.

As you have no idea about modeling and math the only one getting reamed is you.. and your doing it to yourself.. Gawd that is disgusting...

Please show us the MATH equation your trying to defend, which model it is from, and how you came to your conclusion?

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