Albert Einstein on Socialism

And government enforced slavery around the world...until the idea of Capitalism came around and some people realized that theft as a system to run an economy was stupid.....but then others jumped on the socialism band wagon and realized that "government" stealing was nicer.......

The government allowing slavery is not the government 'enforcing' slavery.

Well....they certainly didn't use soldiers or police to free those poor souls did they....oh yeah....that took Republicans shooting enough democrats till they got the point that owning slaves was wrong....sadly, the democrats just turned to government to own people for them.......through social welfare programs.....meant to enslave and entrap people to the will of the democrats.
Slavery is an extreme example of capitalism gone wrong but there are other more recent examples where the government has been forced to step in and stop excessive exploitation of citizens by corporations. The history of the labor movement is a good place to start. Before government started defining the rock bottom limit of exploitation of labor, people who were not slaves were nevertheless treated as such in a thousand lousy company towns around America. You lived in company housing, shopped at the company store and ended up owing the people you worked for 60+ hours a week. Striking for better treatment often got you killed. Capitalists thought this system was just fine until the government finally started standing up for people who work for a living. After a long and bloody struggle where labor finally got some protection the greatest middle class in the history of the world formed. Capitalists apparently hated that and have been dismantling the middle class ever since.
Slavery has nothing to do with Capitalism....again.....if some exploit workers they are not doesn't make a company successful.....they are the progressive types who believe they should be in charge......
On Capitalism and Slavery....

Capitalism slavery TribLIVE

Collecting my thoughts, I pointed out that slavery had been an ever-present institution throughout human history until just about 200 years ago. Why didn't slaveholders of 2,000 years ago in Europe or 500 years ago in Asia accumulate wealth that triggered economic growth comparable to ours• Why is Latin America so much poorer today than the United States, given that the Spaniards and Portuguese who settled that part of the world were enthusiastic slavers• Indeed, the last country in the Americas to abolish slavery was Brazil -- in 1888, a quarter-century after U.S. abolition. By American and western European standards, Brazil remains impoverished.

And why, having abolished slavery decades before their Southern neighbors, were Northern U.S. states wealthier than Southern states before the Civil War?

I don't recall my young challenger's response. I recall only that I was as little convinced by it as she was by my answers.

The fact is that slavery disappeared only as industrial capitalism emerged. And it disappeared first where industrial capitalism appeared first: Great Britain. This was no coincidence. Slavery was destroyed by capitalism.

To begin with, the ethical and political principles that support capitalism are inconsistent with slavery.

As we Americans discovered, a belief in the universal dignity of human beings, their equality before the law, and their right to govern their own lives cannot long coexist with an institution that condemns some people to bondage merely because of their identity.

But even on purely economic grounds, capitalism rejects slavery because slaves are productive only when doing very simple tasks that can easily be monitored. It's easy to tell if a slave is moving too slowly when picking cotton. And it's easy to speed him up. Also, there's very little damage he can do if he chooses to sabotage the cotton-picking operation.

Compare a cotton field with a modern factory -- say, the shipyard that my father worked in as a welder until he retired. My dad spent much of his time welding alone inside of narrow pipes. If you owned the shipyard, would you trust a slave to do such welding• While not physically impossible to monitor and check his work, the cost to the shipyard owner of hiring trustworthy slave-masters to shadow each slave each moment of the day would be prohibitively costly. Much better to have contented employees who want their jobs -- who are paid to work and who want to work -- than to operate your expensive, complicated, easily sabotaged factory with slaves.

Finally, the enormous investment unleashed by capitalism dramatically increases the demand for workers. (All those factories and supermarkets must be manned.) Even if each individual factory owner wants to enslave his workers, he doesn't want workers elsewhere to be enslaved, for that makes it more difficult for him to expand his operations. As a group, then, capitalists have little use for slavery.

History supports this truth: Capitalism exterminated slavery.

Read more: Capitalism slavery TribLIVE
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It's proven that both pure capitalism and pure socialism don't work. The US needs less pandering to the rich at the moment, and more investment in the people and the country. See sig.
wrong. that hasn't been proven.
Pure capitalism was so unfair it led to pure socialism...Read "The Good Old Days- They Were Terrible!"...
Define pure capitalism.
Not regulated, no protections for workers or consumers.
Holy shit. The fucking morons on the left are being taught that capitalism is what caused slavery.

Holy shit are they fucking lost.

Holy shit!
From a 1949 essay by Albert Einstein:

Production is carried on for profit, not for use. There is no provision that all those able and willing to work will always be in a position to find employment; an “army of unemployed” almost always exists. The worker is constantly in fear of losing his job. Since unemployed and poorly paid workers do not provide a profitable market, the production of consumers’ goods is restricted, and great hardship is the consequence. Technological progress frequently results in more unemployment rather than in an easing of the burden of work for all. The profit motive, in conjunction with competition among capitalists, is responsible for an instability in the accumulation and utilization of capital which leads to increasingly severe depressions. Unlimited competition leads to a huge waste of labor, and to that crippling of the social consciousness of individuals which I mentioned before.

Why Socialism

In the wake of technological advances which increasingly benefit only the rich, I think everyone should open their minds to the possibility of what the world could be instead.

Been tried before...Weren't you paying attention?
There's a broad spectrum from pure capitalism to pure socialism. Most economies are a mix and we need a mix that's further from capitalism. Capitalism dies without growth and we've reached the limit of growth.
Thats the stupides thing I've read here for a while.
Socialism fails every single time. You only have to look at Europe to see what their socialist economies have done.
On Capitalism and Slavery....

Capitalism slavery TribLIVE

Collecting my thoughts, I pointed out that slavery had been an ever-present institution throughout human history until just about 200 years ago. Why didn't slaveholders of 2,000 years ago in Europe or 500 years ago in Asia accumulate wealth that triggered economic growth comparable to ours• Why is Latin America so much poorer today than the United States, given that the Spaniards and Portuguese who settled that part of the world were enthusiastic slavers• Indeed, the last country in the Americas to abolish slavery was Brazil -- in 1888, a quarter-century after U.S. abolition. By American and western European standards, Brazil remains impoverished.

And why, having abolished slavery decades before their Southern neighbors, were Northern U.S. states wealthier than Southern states before the Civil War?

I don't recall my young challenger's response. I recall only that I was as little convinced by it as she was by my answers.

The fact is that slavery disappeared only as industrial capitalism emerged. And it disappeared first where industrial capitalism appeared first: Great Britain. This was no coincidence. Slavery was destroyed by capitalism.

To begin with, the ethical and political principles that support capitalism are inconsistent with slavery.

As we Americans discovered, a belief in the universal dignity of human beings, their equality before the law, and their right to govern their own lives cannot long coexist with an institution that condemns some people to bondage merely because of their identity.

But even on purely economic grounds, capitalism rejects slavery because slaves are productive only when doing very simple tasks that can easily be monitored. It's easy to tell if a slave is moving too slowly when picking cotton. And it's easy to speed him up. Also, there's very little damage he can do if he chooses to sabotage the cotton-picking operation.

Compare a cotton field with a modern factory -- say, the shipyard that my father worked in as a welder until he retired. My dad spent much of his time welding alone inside of narrow pipes. If you owned the shipyard, would you trust a slave to do such welding• While not physically impossible to monitor and check his work, the cost to the shipyard owner of hiring trustworthy slave-masters to shadow each slave each moment of the day would be prohibitively costly. Much better to have contented employees who want their jobs -- who are paid to work and who want to work -- than to operate your expensive, complicated, easily sabotaged factory with slaves.

Finally, the enormous investment unleashed by capitalism dramatically increases the demand for workers. (All those factories and supermarkets must be manned.) Even if each individual factory owner wants to enslave his workers, he doesn't want workers elsewhere to be enslaved, for that makes it more difficult for him to expand his operations. As a group, then, capitalists have little use for slavery.

History supports this truth: Capitalism exterminated slavery.

Read more: Capitalism slavery TribLIVE
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What nonsense. Do you really think the big plantations in the western hemisphere in the 17th 18th 19th centuries weren't businesses?

From a 1949 essay by Albert Einstein:

Production is carried on for profit, not for use. There is no provision that all those able and willing to work will always be in a position to find employment; an “army of unemployed” almost always exists. The worker is constantly in fear of losing his job. Since unemployed and poorly paid workers do not provide a profitable market, the production of consumers’ goods is restricted, and great hardship is the consequence. Technological progress frequently results in more unemployment rather than in an easing of the burden of work for all. The profit motive, in conjunction with competition among capitalists, is responsible for an instability in the accumulation and utilization of capital which leads to increasingly severe depressions. Unlimited competition leads to a huge waste of labor, and to that crippling of the social consciousness of individuals which I mentioned before.

Why Socialism

In the wake of technological advances which increasingly benefit only the rich, I think everyone should open their minds to the possibility of what the world could be instead.

Been tried before...Weren't you paying attention?
There's a broad spectrum from pure capitalism to pure socialism. Most economies are a mix and we need a mix that's further from capitalism. Capitalism dies without growth and we've reached the limit of growth.
Thats the stupides thing I've read here for a while.
Socialism fails every single time. You only have to look at Europe to see what their socialist economies have done.
Happiest countries on earth, higher social mobility than here? But thanks for the world depression, Pubs and dupes.
From a 1949 essay by Albert Einstein:

Production is carried on for profit, not for use. There is no provision that all those able and willing to work will always be in a position to find employment; an “army of unemployed” almost always exists. The worker is constantly in fear of losing his job. Since unemployed and poorly paid workers do not provide a profitable market, the production of consumers’ goods is restricted, and great hardship is the consequence. Technological progress frequently results in more unemployment rather than in an easing of the burden of work for all. The profit motive, in conjunction with competition among capitalists, is responsible for an instability in the accumulation and utilization of capital which leads to increasingly severe depressions. Unlimited competition leads to a huge waste of labor, and to that crippling of the social consciousness of individuals which I mentioned before.

Why Socialism

In the wake of technological advances which increasingly benefit only the rich, I think everyone should open their minds to the possibility of what the world could be instead.

Production is carried on for profit, not for use.

People buy the things they use. I guess we could make things that people don't want to buy?
We could create a huge organization to direct this unwanted production.
We could give this organization the power to confiscate money from Americans to fund this unwanted production.
We could call it government.
I'm sure it will be much better at deciding what people should use, better than the people can decide for themselves.

simply pass a law

that mandates that you must purchase the unwanted product

or face serious consequences for not doing so
Slavery is an extreme example of capitalism gone wrong but there are other more recent examples where the government has been forced to step in and stop excessive exploitation of citizens by corporations. The history of the labor movement is a good place to start. Before government started defining the rock bottom limit of exploitation of labor, people who were not slaves were nevertheless treated as such in a thousand lousy company towns around America. You lived in company housing, shopped at the company store and ended up owing the people you worked for 60+ hours a week. Striking for better treatment often got you killed. Capitalists thought this system was just fine until the government finally started standing up for people who work for a living. After a long and bloody struggle where labor finally got some protection the greatest middle class in the history of the world formed. Capitalists apparently hated that and have been dismantling the middle class ever since.

forcing someone to perform a task against their wishes is not capitalism
And government enforced slavery around the world...until the idea of Capitalism came around and some people realized that theft as a system to run an economy was stupid.....but then others jumped on the socialism band wagon and realized that "government" stealing was nicer.......

The government allowing slavery is not the government 'enforcing' slavery.

Well....they certainly didn't use soldiers or police to free those poor souls did they....oh yeah....that took Republicans shooting enough democrats till they got the point that owning slaves was wrong....sadly, the democrats just turned to government to own people for them.......through social welfare programs.....meant to enslave and entrap people to the will of the democrats.

lol, another retard who thinks Republican/Democrat in the modern context is somehow related to 1860.
It's proven that both pure capitalism and pure socialism don't work. The US needs less pandering to the rich at the moment, and more investment in the people and the country. See sig.
wrong. that hasn't been proven.
Pure capitalism was so unfair it led to pure socialism...Read "The Good Old Days- They Were Terrible!"...
Define pure capitalism.
Not regulated, no protections for workers or consumers.
That's anarchy, not capitalism. Now I know why you've been saying the shit you do.
It's proven that both pure capitalism and pure socialism don't work. The US needs less pandering to the rich at the moment, and more investment in the people and the country. See sig.
wrong. that hasn't been proven.
Pure capitalism was so unfair it led to pure socialism...Read "The Good Old Days- They Were Terrible!"...
Define pure capitalism.
Not regulated, no protections for workers or consumers.
That's anarchy, not capitalism. Now I know why you've been saying the shit you do.
BS- That's the capitalism we had before reforms under TR etc. Pubs are still fighting for that savage capitalism. Somehow you're duped into believing that capitalism per se is perfect lol...
Slavery has nothing to do with Capitalism....again.....if some exploit workers they are not doesn't make a company successful.....they are the progressive types who believe they should be in charge......
On the world market, slavery has not ended. If you don't believe it, try trading places with some of the poor saps in China or any of the other third world shit holes where our goods are produced. They have to put up nets to keep their slaves from jumping to their deaths. Capitalism in action.
Slavery has nothing to do with Capitalism....again.....if some exploit workers they are not doesn't make a company successful.....they are the progressive types who believe they should be in charge......
On the world market, slavery has not ended. If you don't believe it, try trading places with some of the poor saps in China or any of the other third world shit holes where our goods are produced. They have to put up nets to keep their slaves from jumping to their deaths. Capitalism in action.
Yes, capitalists will chase cheaper, more easily exploited labor to the ends of the earth but they are running out of places to go. Bangladesh may be the end of the road on that quest for people who will make 12 packs of socks that can be sold for a couple of dollars.
And government enforced slavery around the world...until the idea of Capitalism came around and some people realized that theft as a system to run an economy was stupid.....but then others jumped on the socialism band wagon and realized that "government" stealing was nicer.......

The government allowing slavery is not the government 'enforcing' slavery.

Well....they certainly didn't use soldiers or police to free those poor souls did they....oh yeah....that took Republicans shooting enough democrats till they got the point that owning slaves was wrong....sadly, the democrats just turned to government to own people for them.......through social welfare programs.....meant to enslave and entrap people to the will of the democrats.

lol, another retard who thinks Republican/Democrat in the modern context is somehow related to 1860.

lol, another retard who thinks Republican/Democrat in the modern context is somehow related to 1860.

No, actually, you fucking moron, the democrats have changed since the civil war.....they learned from the socialists that you don't just enslave people based on enslave them all, regardless of color and you can best do that by getting them hooked on government encourage teenagers to have children who have children, destroy any and all normal male and female role models, and once you have destroyed the nuclear have uneducated, poor, angry easily led people who will vote you power at a 98% rate.....this strategy can best be seen in democrat inner cities.....
And government enforced slavery around the world...until the idea of Capitalism came around and some people realized that theft as a system to run an economy was stupid.....but then others jumped on the socialism band wagon and realized that "government" stealing was nicer.......

The government allowing slavery is not the government 'enforcing' slavery.

Well....they certainly didn't use soldiers or police to free those poor souls did they....oh yeah....that took Republicans shooting enough democrats till they got the point that owning slaves was wrong....sadly, the democrats just turned to government to own people for them.......through social welfare programs.....meant to enslave and entrap people to the will of the democrats.

lol, another retard who thinks Republican/Democrat in the modern context is somehow related to 1860.

lol, another retard who thinks Republican/Democrat in the modern context is somehow related to 1860.

No, actually, you fucking moron, the democrats have changed since the civil war.....they learned from the socialists that you don't just enslave people based on enslave them all, regardless of color and you can best do that by getting them hooked on government encourage teenagers to have children who have children, destroy any and all normal male and female role models, and once you have destroyed the nuclear have uneducated, poor, angry easily led people who will vote you power at a 98% rate.....this strategy can best be seen in democrat inner cities.....
Blaming democrats for the breakdown of the socially acceptable family of a man and a woman and 2.3 kids is stupid. Parties change to suit the voters, not the other way around. Conservatives while trying to champion the traditional family have rejected and scapegoated anyone that does not fit the profile and done nothing to nurture the kind of economic stability that allows people to have a stable family. Nothing hurts family unity like money troubles and facilitating the dismantling of our industrial base has cost us dearly. You people cheered as good jobs left for China knowing that the middle class was being eviscerated all in the name of "free market capitalism" and now you cast your hatred on the wreckage of our once great middle-class, fuck all you "free market" cheerleaders.
It was a plan....led by President johnson, based on the success of social security....where n*****s would be voting for democrats for the next 200 years....that is what he said......for real.....and that was the, the new democrats, the clintons, the gores, the obama's, realized that they didn't have to stop their control of other human beings simply based on color....they could have power over all of us.....and that is what they are trying to do......destroy people by giving them money from government, and you will have a slave takes a little longer....but the chains are tighter...and willingly accepted after generations of dependence.....

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