Albert Einstein on Socialism

Einstein had his wish. There was no profit motivation in his greatest creation. Einstein and his fellow eggheads evaded criticism when they must have known that their ultimate physics experiment was destined to be used on innocent humans.
How innocent where the Japanese in WWII again?
There has to be a hard line where the good of the nation overrules the right to profit. It is government's job to set just how much a person or company can exploit misery to their own advantage. No one objects to making murder for hire illegal but what about all the shades or grey between being a hitman and making an honest buck that does not hurt anyone? It is clear that you would set the threshold for exploitation quite low.
It's clear that you are reading out of a Marxist handbook. Where in the Constitution does it state anything close to what you're saying? How does government determine fair market values? The market has traditionally made those decisions. What is missing from your equation is we do not live in a serfdom, people are free to leave the plantation. We don't have overlords to answer to.

Rather than theory, I live in the real world and have worked many jobs for many years. I have witnessed first hand improving and diminishing economies. I've served businesses for 28 years, seen them come and go. In an improving economy, more opportunity exists. People leave if they want to make more money or they demand raises. The company pays more to keep and hire help. Some quit and start their own business, they in turn hire people looking for work or looking to do better.

Government is not capable to creating an economy by legislation. There are too many factors, government is too slow and top heavy to react and it's run by people with no invested interest. They don't have to answer to a dynamic marketplace and get paid the same no matter what. Those are not the kind of people that are going to help businesses blossom and it's business that fuels the economy. Government rides in the wagon and creates a drag, the bigger the drag the slower the economic train will go.
The market is amoral. No society should be amoral. Therefore, no society should be ruled by the market.
I just looked at a dollar. It had no emotions or anything to say except "I'm a buck". Turn on Dr. Phil if you feel the need for emotional validation. If I bust my ass I want to get paid, I don't want some stupid bastard telling me about their feelings.

So you have no moral objection to slavery, if someone can make it profitable.
The market is amoral. No society should be amoral. Therefore, no society should be ruled by the market.
I just looked at a dollar. It had no emotions or anything to say except "I'm a buck". Turn on Dr. Phil if you feel the need for emotional validation. If I bust my ass I want to get paid, I don't want some stupid bastard telling me about their feelings.
So you have no moral objection to slavery, if someone can make it profitable.
I didn't say anything close to that. You lefties constantly lie in order to make your big government argument look better.
The market is amoral. No society should be amoral. Therefore, no society should be ruled by the market.
I just looked at a dollar. It had no emotions or anything to say except "I'm a buck". Turn on Dr. Phil if you feel the need for emotional validation. If I bust my ass I want to get paid, I don't want some stupid bastard telling me about their feelings.
So you have no moral objection to slavery, if someone can make it profitable.
I didn't say anything close to that. You lefties constantly lie in order to make your big government argument look better.

He does that all the time, constantly, pathologically.

The market is amoral. No society should be amoral. Therefore, no society should be ruled by the market.
I just looked at a dollar. It had no emotions or anything to say except "I'm a buck". Turn on Dr. Phil if you feel the need for emotional validation. If I bust my ass I want to get paid, I don't want some stupid bastard telling me about their feelings.
So you have no moral objection to slavery, if someone can make it profitable.
I didn't say anything close to that. You lefties constantly lie in order to make your big government argument look better.

Okay so now you concede you DO have a moral objection to slavery, which was a business practice because there was a MARKET for slave labor, and PROFIT associated with slavery.

So now you concede you do NOT want an amoral society dominated by the MARKET, which itself is amoral.

So now you concede you agree with me.
The market is amoral. No society should be amoral. Therefore, no society should be ruled by the market.
I just looked at a dollar. It had no emotions or anything to say except "I'm a buck". Turn on Dr. Phil if you feel the need for emotional validation. If I bust my ass I want to get paid, I don't want some stupid bastard telling me about their feelings.
So you have no moral objection to slavery, if someone can make it profitable.
I didn't say anything close to that. You lefties constantly lie in order to make your big government argument look better.

He does that all the time, constantly, pathologically.


Rub some dirt on it, crybaby. Goddam you RWnuts are the biggest bunch of pussies ever assembled.
From a 1949 essay by Albert Einstein:

Production is carried on for profit, not for use. There is no provision that all those able and willing to work will always be in a position to find employment; an “army of unemployed” almost always exists. The worker is constantly in fear of losing his job. Since unemployed and poorly paid workers do not provide a profitable market, the production of consumers’ goods is restricted, and great hardship is the consequence. Technological progress frequently results in more unemployment rather than in an easing of the burden of work for all. The profit motive, in conjunction with competition among capitalists, is responsible for an instability in the accumulation and utilization of capital which leads to increasingly severe depressions. Unlimited competition leads to a huge waste of labor, and to that crippling of the social consciousness of individuals which I mentioned before.

Why Socialism

In the wake of technological advances which increasingly benefit only the rich, I think everyone should open their minds to the possibility of what the world could be instead.

And did he cover the part where we should murder 100 million people in order to get the society to work better....of course, since murdering 100 million people didn't achieve it....perhaps Einstein would feel more murders were necessary to get the equation right.......
The market is amoral. No society should be amoral. Therefore, no society should be ruled by the market.
I just looked at a dollar. It had no emotions or anything to say except "I'm a buck". Turn on Dr. Phil if you feel the need for emotional validation. If I bust my ass I want to get paid, I don't want some stupid bastard telling me about their feelings.
So you have no moral objection to slavery, if someone can make it profitable.
I didn't say anything close to that. You lefties constantly lie in order to make your big government argument look better.

Okay so now you concede you DO have a moral objection to slavery, which was a business practice because there was a MARKET for slave labor, and PROFIT associated with slavery.

So now you concede you do NOT want an amoral society dominated by the MARKET, which itself is amoral.

So now you concede you agree with me.

Slavery was anti capitalist....capitalism is the free exchange of goods and services.....slavery is not.....
The market is amoral. No society should be amoral. Therefore, no society should be ruled by the market.
I just looked at a dollar. It had no emotions or anything to say except "I'm a buck". Turn on Dr. Phil if you feel the need for emotional validation. If I bust my ass I want to get paid, I don't want some stupid bastard telling me about their feelings.
So you have no moral objection to slavery, if someone can make it profitable.
I didn't say anything close to that. You lefties constantly lie in order to make your big government argument look better.

He does that all the time, constantly, pathologically.


Rub some dirt on it, crybaby. Goddam you RWnuts are the biggest bunch of pussies ever assembled.

Well, at least you don't deny it.

As if you could.

That's a start, I guess.

The market is amoral. No society should be amoral. Therefore, no society should be ruled by the market.
I just looked at a dollar. It had no emotions or anything to say except "I'm a buck". Turn on Dr. Phil if you feel the need for emotional validation. If I bust my ass I want to get paid, I don't want some stupid bastard telling me about their feelings.
So you have no moral objection to slavery, if someone can make it profitable.
I didn't say anything close to that. You lefties constantly lie in order to make your big government argument look better.

Okay so now you concede you DO have a moral objection to slavery, which was a business practice because there was a MARKET for slave labor, and PROFIT associated with slavery.

So now you concede you do NOT want an amoral society dominated by the MARKET, which itself is amoral.

So now you concede you agree with me.

Slavery was anti capitalist....capitalism is the free exchange of goods and services.....slavery is not.....

That's a moral judgment. Government imposed that morality on the free market. 'Free' market means to do whatever one pleases to make money.
I just looked at a dollar. It had no emotions or anything to say except "I'm a buck". Turn on Dr. Phil if you feel the need for emotional validation. If I bust my ass I want to get paid, I don't want some stupid bastard telling me about their feelings.
So you have no moral objection to slavery, if someone can make it profitable.
I didn't say anything close to that. You lefties constantly lie in order to make your big government argument look better.

Okay so now you concede you DO have a moral objection to slavery, which was a business practice because there was a MARKET for slave labor, and PROFIT associated with slavery.

So now you concede you do NOT want an amoral society dominated by the MARKET, which itself is amoral.

So now you concede you agree with me.

Slavery was anti capitalist....capitalism is the free exchange of goods and services.....slavery is not.....

That's a moral judgment. Government imposed that morality on the free market. 'Free' market means to do whatever one pleases to make money.

But that isn't it.....the "Free" exchange of goods and services........again....slavery is not a free exchange of any goods or is theft.......not Capitalism.....
And government enforced slavery around the world...until the idea of Capitalism came around and some people realized that theft as a system to run an economy was stupid.....but then others jumped on the socialism band wagon and realized that "government" stealing was nicer.......
So you have no moral objection to slavery, if someone can make it profitable.
I didn't say anything close to that. You lefties constantly lie in order to make your big government argument look better.

Okay so now you concede you DO have a moral objection to slavery, which was a business practice because there was a MARKET for slave labor, and PROFIT associated with slavery.

So now you concede you do NOT want an amoral society dominated by the MARKET, which itself is amoral.

So now you concede you agree with me.

Slavery was anti capitalist....capitalism is the free exchange of goods and services.....slavery is not.....

That's a moral judgment. Government imposed that morality on the free market. 'Free' market means to do whatever one pleases to make money.

But that isn't it.....the "Free" exchange of goods and services........again....slavery is not a free exchange of any goods or is theft.......not Capitalism.....

Unregulated capitalism allows theft. The free market decided that enslaving certain people was an acceptable business practice.
And government enforced slavery around the world...until the idea of Capitalism came around and some people realized that theft as a system to run an economy was stupid.....but then others jumped on the socialism band wagon and realized that "government" stealing was nicer.......

The government allowing slavery is not the government 'enforcing' slavery.
The market is amoral. No society should be amoral. Therefore, no society should be ruled by the market.
I just looked at a dollar. It had no emotions or anything to say except "I'm a buck". Turn on Dr. Phil if you feel the need for emotional validation. If I bust my ass I want to get paid, I don't want some stupid bastard telling me about their feelings.
So you have no moral objection to slavery, if someone can make it profitable.
I didn't say anything close to that. You lefties constantly lie in order to make your big government argument look better.

Okay so now you concede you DO have a moral objection to slavery, which was a business practice because there was a MARKET for slave labor, and PROFIT associated with slavery.

So now you concede you do NOT want an amoral society dominated by the MARKET, which itself is amoral.

So now you concede you agree with me.

He didn't concede any such thing, dumbass.
I didn't say anything close to that. You lefties constantly lie in order to make your big government argument look better.

Okay so now you concede you DO have a moral objection to slavery, which was a business practice because there was a MARKET for slave labor, and PROFIT associated with slavery.

So now you concede you do NOT want an amoral society dominated by the MARKET, which itself is amoral.

So now you concede you agree with me.

Slavery was anti capitalist....capitalism is the free exchange of goods and services.....slavery is not.....

That's a moral judgment. Government imposed that morality on the free market. 'Free' market means to do whatever one pleases to make money.

But that isn't it.....the "Free" exchange of goods and services........again....slavery is not a free exchange of any goods or is theft.......not Capitalism.....

Unregulated capitalism allows theft. The free market decided that enslaving certain people was an acceptable business practice.

No, some American aristocrats decided that. You're attempt to equate capitalism with slavery is idiotic and dishonest.
I didn't say anything close to that. You lefties constantly lie in order to make your big government argument look better.

Okay so now you concede you DO have a moral objection to slavery, which was a business practice because there was a MARKET for slave labor, and PROFIT associated with slavery.

So now you concede you do NOT want an amoral society dominated by the MARKET, which itself is amoral.

So now you concede you agree with me.

Slavery was anti capitalist....capitalism is the free exchange of goods and services.....slavery is not.....

That's a moral judgment. Government imposed that morality on the free market. 'Free' market means to do whatever one pleases to make money.

But that isn't it.....the "Free" exchange of goods and services........again....slavery is not a free exchange of any goods or is theft.......not Capitalism.....

Unregulated capitalism allows theft. The free market decided that enslaving certain people was an acceptable business practice.

No, government sanctions it did in protecting slavery....capitalism works with the free exchange of goods and falls apart when people use government to attack business competitors or to hold people as slaves....
And government enforced slavery around the world...until the idea of Capitalism came around and some people realized that theft as a system to run an economy was stupid.....but then others jumped on the socialism band wagon and realized that "government" stealing was nicer.......

The government allowing slavery is not the government 'enforcing' slavery.

Yes it is, because government would have to prevent slaves from escaping. Prior to the Civil war the federal government enforced the Fugitive Slave Act which required private citizens to turn in escaped slaves to their masters.

You're obviously an idiot who doesn't know the slightest thing about history or economics.

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