Alberta says U.S. oil request ‘smacks of hypocrisy’ after it cancelled Keystone XL

Why would I prove you wrong on that? You just made a compelling reason for US to be less dependent on foreign oil and to produce more here at home. No President should be begging for foreign countries to produce more oil.
But the more we export the more expensive our gas becomes here in the USA.
But the more we export the more expensive our gas becomes here in the USA.


Unless you plan to nationalize the US oil business the producers have the right to sell oil anywhere they choose.

What domestic producers need is a ppb that allows them to invest in reserve management, exploration and drilling.

We have no economies of scale in the US.. our oil business is not integrated laterally or vertically. Our production costs will always be higher than those of OPEC.

Most US wells produce less than 50 bpd.
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i just don’t want to be dependent on foreign oil.

Oil independence is a fantasy. We have arrived at being the world's largest producer.. ahead of KSA and Russia. But, we still import 8 million bpd... and we still have the highest production costs in the world. Biden has NO control over any of that.
Oil independence is a fantasy. We have arrived at being the world's largest producer.. ahead of KSA and Russia. But, we still import 8 million bpd... and we still have the highest production costs in the world. Biden has NO control over any of that.
No President has direct control over oil markets but does have control over policies that influence them. For example, if you have to import, pursue policies that result in IS importing more from friendly stable countries and less from unstable countries.
No President has direct control over oil markets but does have control over policies that influence them. For example, if you have to import, pursue policies that result in IS importing more from friendly stable countries and less from unstable countries.

Remember the oil business hates a war zone. Maybe we should stop our nation building BS. That destabilizes a lot of countries.... Like our adventure in Iraq.
Uh oh, Alberta isn't happy.


“The Biden administration pleading with OPEC to increase oil production to rescue the United States from high fuel prices months after cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline smacks of hypocrisy,” Alberta Energy Minister Sonya Savage said in a statement.

“Keystone XL would have provided Americans with a stable source of energy from a trusted ally and friend that adheres to the highest (environmental, social, and governance) standards in the world with industry commitments to net-zero production.”
How about a review of potentially connecting Keystone with Colonial and upgrading that infrastructure?
Not if imported oil is threatened by geopolitical instability. The US should not be asking OPEC to produce more oil.

Well, do you want to Nationalize US oil production? US producers really suffer when the price per barrel goes low. They can't invest in rigs or reserve management or drilling and exploration.
Pedo Joe cancels the pipeline our price for gas increases 60%.

My God, you are stupid. You should have learned something about the Keystone XL in the past 12 years.. Its a boondoggle.. a tax scam for Canada and the Chinese owners of their tar sands production.
My God, you are stupid. You should have learned something about the Keystone XL in the past 12 years.. Its a boondoggle.. a tax scam for Canada and the Chinese owners of their tar sands production.
All I know is gas is up 60%, and pedo joe is to blame. Can't wait till Trump is back in charge.
Please stop this. You were told what was going to happen if Progs took over. The inflation is ramping up, the prices of gas has gone up. Everything we do to live is getting higher in prices. And the great Progs answer is to pass bills so we can print of trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars more while the economy suffers from not reaching its potential. So we replace foundation with fiat currency and other making a buck on it.

Trump added $7 Trillion to the debt in one term. STFU
Well, do you want to Nationalize US oil production? US producers really suffer when the price per barrel goes low. They can't invest in rigs or reserve management or drilling and exploration.
Why must imports be from geopolitically unstable regions?
Oil Sands in Alberta Canada produced a high sulphur Light Sweet Crude that has to be initially refined in stainless steel instead of traditional steel...too acidic otherwise.
Then the oil is good for plastics/rubber and other similar petroleum materials.

We buy and sell crude because of the type of crude oil it is. Some makes gasoline while others make plastics and some makes motor oil....all depending on its chemical makeup. Essentially we are "independent" because we produce as much as we use. But that doesn't mean that we can survive on what we physically produce.

The USA is actually a net exporter of natural gas. We produce more than we use domestically. (And it can be turned into things like stretch film for shipping pallets etc)

Cutting off the keystone pipeline is a way to support the railroads. (Huge merger/buyout this past spring) And other goods are customarily shipped using that railway. We use it for processed foods (sugar, wheat, beef, corn, and etc)

Shipping the oil by train vx pipeline would assist in keeping the line functional for our more seasonal usage needs.

Also it's likely a precursor to allowing for Canadian Lumber to once again come into American markets.

Nothing is exactly cut and dry as it seems.
If I had it my way we would stop buying oil from the ME entirely. Then we can stop all the "blood for oil" ... why is it then that Democrats just hate to see us continue to explore for our own sources or build pipelines? You know we are still going to need to buy it from the Saudis anyway.

Canadian imports dwarfs Saudi Arabia's.

The Saudis have enough cheap oil to effect the world market, Canada Tar sands can't. Neither can the deep wells in the Permian Basin.

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